Annex 1  Methodology for assessing the maximum aggregate epfd at an ARNS station from all RNSS systems operating in the 1 164-1 215 MHz band
 1     Method for calculating the maximum epfd from satellites of one RNSS system
        1.1     Definition of epfd
        1.2     General consideration
        1.3     Method for calculating the maximum epfd for a non-GSO RNSS system
        1.4     Method for calculating the maximum epfd for a GSO RNSS system
 2     Method for calculating the maximum aggregate epfd from all RNSS systems
        2.1     Data required for each system
        2.2     Combination of epfds of systems with similar signal characteristics
        2.3     Combination of epfd’s of systems with different signal characteristics
        2.4     Check of results
Appendix 1 to Annex 1  A simulation methodology for determining the maximum epfd for a non-GSO RNSS system
 1     Method and simulation approach description
 2     Simulation assumptions
        2.1     Orbit model
                  2.1.1     Earth-related constants
                  2.1.2     Non-GSO satellite system space station related constants
                  2.1.3     ARNS station related constants
        2.2     Antenna parameters
                  2.2.1     ARNS station antenna parameters
                  2.2.2     Non-GSO space station antenna parameters
        2.3     Calculation of the simulation time
                  2.3.1     Simulation time increment
                  2.3.2     Total simulation time
Appendix 2  to Annex 1  Analytical methodology for assessing the maximum epfd of a single RNSS system operating in the band 1 164-1 215 MHz
 1     Introduction
 2     Description of the methodology
 3     Non-GSO examples
Annex 2  ARNS reference station characteristics to be used in epfd calculation
 1     ARNS antenna characteristics
 2     ARNS station location