1     Digital representation
        1.1     Coding characteristics
        1.2     Construction of digital signals
2     Digital interface
        2.1     Video data
        2.2     Video timing relationship with analogue waveform
        2.3     Video timing reference codes (SAV and EAV)
        2.4     Ancillary data
        2.5     Data words during blanking
3     Bit-parallel interface
        3.1     Clock signal and clock-to-data timing relationship
        3.2     Electrical characteristics of the interface
        3.3     Mechanical characteristics
                  3.3.1     Connector
                  3.3.2     Interconnecting cable
 4     Bit-serial interface
        4.1     Data format
                  4.1.1     Video data
                  4.1.2     Video timing reference codes
                  4.1.3     Line number data
                  4.1.4     Error detection codes
                  4.1.5     Ancillary data
                  4.1.6     Blanking data
        4.2     Transmission format
                  4.2.1     Word-multiplexing
                  4.2.2     Serializing
                  4.2.3     Channel coding
                  4.2.4     Serial clock
                  4.2.5     Bit-serial digital check field
        4.3     Coaxial cable interfaces
                  4.3.1     Line driver characteristics (source)
                  4.3.2     Line receiver characteristics (destination)
                  4.3.3     Transmission line characteristics
                  4.3.4     Connector
        4.4     Optical fibre interfaces
1     Digital representation
        1.1     Coding characteristics
        1.2     Construction of digital signals
2     Digital interface
        2.1     Video data
        2.2     Video timing relationship with analogue waveform
        2.3     Video timing reference codes SAV and EAV
        2.4     Ancillary data
        2.5     Data words during blanking
3     Bit-parallel interface
        3.1     Clock signal and clock-to-data timing relationship
        3.2     Electrical characteristics of the interface
        3.3     Mechanical characteristics (see Note 1)
                  3.3.1     Connector
                  3.3.2     Interconnecting cable
 4     Bit-serial interface
        4.1     Data format
                  4.1.1     Video data
                  4.1.2     Video timing reference codes
                  4.1.3     Line number data
                  4.1.4     Error detection codes
                  4.1.5     Ancillary data
                  4.1.6     Blanking data
        4.2     Transmission format
                  4.2.1     Word-multiplexing
                  4.2.2     Serializing
                  4.2.3     Channel coding
                  4.2.4     Serial clock
                  4.2.5     Bit-serial digital check field
        4.3     Coaxial cable interfaces
                  4.3.1     Line driver characteristics (source)
                  4.3.2     Line receiver characteristics (destination)
                  4.3.3     Transmission line characteristics
                  4.3.4     Connector
        4.4     Optical fibre interfaces
        4.5     Bit-serial interface for 60/P and 50/P dual-link operation
                  4.5.1     Source sample numbering
                  4.5.2     Interface data streams and multiplex structure
                  4.5.3     Timing reference signals and line numbers
                  4.5.4     Signal timing considerations
                  4.5.5     Link A and link B identification
                  4.5.6     Ancillary data
                  4.5.7     Audio data
                  4.5.8     Time code
                  4.5.9     Applications of the dual-link bit-serial digital interface
Appendix 1 to Part 2  Applications of the dual-link high-definition serial digital interface
 1     4:4:4 (RGB) and 4:4:4:4 (RGB + A) 10-bit signals of 30/P, 30/PsF, 60/I, 25/P, 25/PsF, 50/I, 24/P and 24/PsF systems
        1.1     Source sample numbering
        1.2     Interface data streams
        1.3     Multiplex structure
        1.4     Auxiliary signal
2     4:4:4 (RGB) 12-bit signals of 30/P, 30/PsF, 60/I, 25/P, 25/PsF, 50/I, 24/P and 24/PsF systems
        2.1     Source sample numbering
        2.2     Interface data streams
        2.3     RGB:0-1 onto first channel of link B data mapping
        2.4     Multiplex structure
 3     4:2:2 (YCBCR) 12-bit signals of 30/P, 30/PsF, 60/I, 25/P, 25/PsF, 50/I, 24/P and 24/PsF systems
        3.1     Source sample numbering
        3.2     Interface data streams
        3.3     YCBCR:0-1 and Y:0-1 onto first channel of link B data mapping
        3.4     Multiplex structure
        3.5     Auxiliary signal
4     4:4:4 (YCBCR), 4:4:4:4 (YCBCR + A) 10-bit signals of 30/P, 30/PsF, 60/I, 25/P, 25/PsF, 50/I, 24/P and 24/PsF systems
        4.1     Source sample numbering
        4.2     Interface data streams
        4.3     Multiplex structure
        4.4     Auxiliary signal
5     4:4:4 (YCBCR) 12-bit signals of 30/P, 30/PsF, 60/I, 25/P, 25/PsF, 50/I, 24/P and 24/PsF systems
        5.1     Source sample numbering
        5.2     Interface data streams
        5.3     Multiplex structure
Appendix 2 to Part 2  Alternative HDTV applications of the 2.97 Gbit/s single link
1     Dual-link to single-link conversion
        1.1     Link A, link B multiplexing
Annex 1  Bit-serial digital checkfield for use in the HDTV digital interfaces
1     Scope
2     General considerations
3     Checkfield data
4     Serial digital interface (SDI) checkfield