Annex 1  Audio Definition Model
Overview of changes in this edition
 1     Introduction
 2     Background
        2.1     Cooking analogy
        2.2     Brief overview
 3     Description of the model
        3.1     Format
        3.2     Content
 4     Common definitions
 5     ADM elements
        5.1     audioTrackFormat
                  5.1.1     Attributes
                  5.1.2     Sub-elements
                  5.1.3     Sample code
        5.2     audioStreamFormat
                  5.2.1     Attributes
                  5.2.2     Sub-elements
                  5.2.3     Sample code
        5.3     audioChannelFormat
                  5.3.1     Attributes
                  5.3.2     Sub-elements
                  5.3.3     Sample code
        5.4     audioBlockFormat
                  5.4.1     Attributes
                  5.4.2     Sample code
                  5.4.3     Sub-elements
        5.5     audioPackFormat
                  5.5.1     Attributes
                  5.5.2     Sub-elements
                  5.5.3     Sample code
                  5.5.4     If audioPackFormat.typeDefinition == “Matrix”
                  5.5.5     If audioPackFormat.typeDefinition == “HOA”
        5.6     audioObject
                  5.6.1     Attributes
                  5.6.2     Sub-elements
                  5.6.3     audioComplementaryObjectIDRef
                  5.6.4     audioObjectInteraction sub-element
                  5.6.5     alternativeValueSet sub-element
                  5.6.6     Sample code
                  5.6.7     Nested audioObjects and timing parameters
        5.7     audioContent
                  5.7.1     Attributes
                  5.7.2     Sub-elements
                  5.7.3     dialogue
                  5.7.4     Loudness attributes and sub-elements
                  5.7.5     Sample code
        5.8     audioProgramme
                  5.8.1     Attributes
                  5.8.2     Sub-elements
                  5.8.3     audioProgrammeReferenceScreen
                  5.8.4     loudnessMetadata attributes and sub-elements
                  5.8.5     Sample code
                  5.8.6     authoringInformation
                  5.8.7     Sample code
        5.9     audioTrackUID
                  5.9.1     Attributes
                  5.9.2     Sub-elements
                  5.9.3     MXF sub-elements
                  5.9.4     Sample code
       5.10     audioFormatExtended
                  5.10.1     Sub-elements
                  5.10.2     Attributes
                  5.10.3     Sample code
       5.11     Time parameters format
 6     Use of IDs
 7     <chna> Chunk
 8     Coordinate system
 9     Common parameter descriptions for all typeDefinitions
        9.1     gain
        9.2     importance
        9.3     headLocked
        9.4     headphoneVirtualise
10     Parameter descriptions for typeDefinition of ‘Objects’
       10.1     diffuse
       10.2     channelLock
       10.3     jumpPosition and interpolationLength
       10.4     zoneExclusion
       10.5     objectDivergence
       10.6     screenRef and audioProgrammeReferenceScreen
11     Parameter descriptions for typeDefinition of ‘HOA’
       11.1     order and degree
       11.2     normalization
       11.3     nfcRefDist
       11.4     screenRef
       11.5     Ambisonics Channel Numbering
12     Relationship and application of gain parameters in the ADM
13     Application of position-related parameters in the ADM
14     References
Annex 2 (informative)  Examples of ADM usage
 1     Channel-based example
        1.1     Summary of elements
        1.2     Element Relationships
        1.3     Sample code
 2     Object-based example
        2.1     Summary of elements
        2.2     Element Relationships
        2.3     Sample code
 3     Scene-based example
        3.1     Summary of elements
        3.2     Element Relationships
        3.3     Sample code
 4     Material exchange format mapping example
        4.1     Summary of elements
        4.2     Element Relationships
        4.3     Sample code
 5     Personalized audio example
        5.1     Summary of elements
        5.2     Element Relationships
        5.3     Sample code
 6     22.2 multichannel programme with an alternative dialogue example
        6.1     Summary of elements
        6.2     Element relationships
        6.3     Sample code
 7     Example of the use of the Matrix type
        7.1     Summary of elements
        7.2     Element Relationships
        7.3     Sample code