Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
Annex 1  Annex description of digital BSS (sound) systems
 1     Summary of Digital System A
 2     Summary of Digital System B
 3     Summary of Digital System DS
 4     Summary of Digital System DH
 5     Summary of Digital System E
Annex 2  Digital System A
 1     Introduction
 2     Use of a layered model
 3     Application layer
        3.1     Facilities offered by the System
        3.2     Audio quality
        3.3     Transmission modes
 4     Presentation layer
        4.1     Audio source encoding
        4.2     Audio decoding
        4.3     Audio presentation
        4.4     Presentation of Service Information
 5     Session layer
        5.1     Programme selection
        5.2     Conditional access
 6     Transport layer
        6.1     Programme services
        6.2     Main service multiplex
        6.3     Ancillary data
        6.4     Association of data
 7     Network layer
        7.1     ISO audio frames
 8     Data link layer
        8.1     The transmission frame
 9     The physical layer
        9.1     Energy dispersal
        9.2     Convolutional encoding
        9.3     Time interleaving
        9.4     Frequency interleaving
        9.5     Modulation by 4-DPSK OFDM
        9.6     Spectrum of the RF signal
10     RF performance characteristics of Digital System A
       10.1     BER vs. C/N (in 1.5 MHz) in a Gaussian channel at 226 MHz
       10.2     BER vs. C/N (in 1.5 MHz) in a Rayleigh channel at 226 MHz
       10.3     BER vs. C/N (in 1.5 MHz) in a Rayleigh channel at 1 500 MHz
       10.4     Audio service availability
Annex 3  Digital System B
 1     Introduction
 2     System overview
 3     System description
        3.1     Transmitter
                  3.1.1     Input interfaces
                  3.1.2     Audio encoding
                  3.1.3     Programme multiplexing
                  3.1.4     Error correction encoding
                  3.1.5     Interleaving
                  3.1.6     Frame synchronization
                  3.1.7     Training sequence insertion
                  3.1.8     Modulation
        3.2     Receiver
                  3.2.1     Demodulation
                  3.2.2     Frame synchronization
                  3.2.3     Equalization
                  3.2.4     Training sequence deletion
                  3.2.5     De-Interleaving
                  3.2.6     Error correction decoding
                  3.2.7     Programme demultiplexing
                  3.2.8     Audio decoding
                  3.2.9     Output interfaces
 4     Performance
        4.1     AWGN channel
        4.2     Satellite channel
                  4.2.1     Time diversity
                  4.2.2     Satellite diversity
        4.3     Single frequency network
                  4.3.1     Channel models
                  4.3.2     Equalizer performance
Annex 4  Digital System DS
 1     Introduction
 2     System overview
 3     MPEG Layer III audio coding algorithm
        3.1     General
        3.2     MPEG-1 Layer III
        3.3     MPEG-2 Layer III (half sampling rate extension)
        3.4     MPEG-2.5 Layer III (extension toward very low sampling rates)
        3.5     Layer III audio quality – status and future improvements
 4     Radio receiver operation and interfaces
        4.1     Receiver operation
                  4.1.1     Antenna options
                  4.1.2     Front end filtering
                  4.1.3     Limitations due to receiver linearity (IP3)
                  4.1.4     Tuning to a TDM carrier
                  4.1.5     Demodulation
                  4.1.6     TDM frame synchronization
                  4.1.7     Demultiplexing a BC
                  4.1.8     FEC decoding a BC: Viterbi + de-interleave + RS
        4.2     SCH functions: service types, subscription services
        4.3     Decoding an audio service
        4.4     Overall RF/IF selectivity
        4.5     Receive BER objectives and margins
        4.6     Receiver protection against interference/augmentation strategies
 5     Link budgets
        5.1     Processing transponder
        5.2     Transparent transponder
Annex 5  Digital System DH
 1     Introduction
 2     System overview
        2.1     Layer structure of Digital System DH
        2.2     Satellite broadcast segment
                  2.2.1     Service layer
                  2.2.2     Transport layer
        2.3     MCM implementation
        2.4     MCM waveform parameters
        2.5     Time diversity delay between early and late broadcast channels
        2.6     Receiving scenarios of hybrid satellite/terrestrial signals
                  2.6.1     Outer region – Dominantly satellite reception region
                  2.6.2     Intermediate region – Mix of satellite and terrestrial signals region
                  2.6.3     Inner region – Dominant use of the terrestrial signal
                  2.6.4     Vehicle transiting through the regions
        2.7     Receiver architecture
Annex 6  Digital System E
 1     Introduction
 2     System overview
 3     Physical layer and modulation
        3.1     Frequency band
        3.2     Bandwidth
        3.3     Polarization
        3.4     Modulation
                  3.4.1     Modulation of carrier
                  3.4.2     Symbol mapping
        3.5     Chip rate
        3.6     Signature sequence and spreading sequence
        3.7     Data spreading
        3.8     Roll-off factor
        3.9     The number of CDM channels
 4     Channel coding
        4.1     Error correction coding
                  4.1.1     Outer code
                  4.1.2     Inner code
        4.2     Interleaving
                  4.2.1     Byte-wise interleaving
                  4.2.2     Bit-wise interleaving
        4.3     Pilot channel
                  4.3.1     Frame and super frame
                  4.3.2     Pilot symbol
 5     Service multiplexing
 6     Source coding
        6.1     Audio source coding
        6.2     Data coding
 7     Example of an application of Digital System E
        7.1     Satellite link
                  7.1.1     Spectrum
                  7.1.2     BER vs. C/N0 performances under AWGN environment
        7.2     Gap filler
                  7.2.1     Direct amplifying gap filler
                  7.2.2     Frequency conversion gap filler
        7.3     Experimental results of high-speed vehicular receptions
        7.4     Receiver model