Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
1 Introduction
2 Radar sounder characteristics and operation
     2.1 Mission objectives
     2.2 Design parameters
     2.3 Orbital parameters
     2.4 Operational limitations
     2.5 Pfd and spectral pfd levels at Earth’s surface
     2.6 Emission Spectrum
3 Characteristics for services operating in the 40-50 MHz frequency band
     3.1 Allocated services within and nearby (±15 MHz) the 40-50 MHz frequency band
4 Interference levels
     4.1 Radar sounder interference criteria
     4.2 Incumbent services interference criteria
     4.3 Calculation of maximum interference levels
          4.3.1 External noise calculation
          4.3.2 Resulting external noise calculation at 45 MHz
          4.3.3 Maximum interference level
5 Propagation factors for consideration in Dynamic Simulation Analyses
     5.1 Faraday rotation
     5.2 Group delay and phase advance
     5.3 Refraction
     5.4 Atmospheric absorption
     5.5 Ionospheric dispersion
     5.6 Scintillation
     5.7 Doppler
     5.8 Ducting
6 Static analysis methodology
     6.1 Radar sounder to incumbent systems
          6.1.1 Radar sounder to incumbent systems static analysis results
7 Summary
Annex 1 – Derivation of propagation factors
1 Summary
2 Grouping propagation parameters
3 Calculating propagation parameters within the first group
4 Calculating propagation parameters within the second group
     4.1 Variation in angle of arrival
     4.2 Refraction
Annex 2 – Atmospheric absorption/attenuation