1     Introduction
2     Scope
3     References
        3.1     Related ITU-R Recommendations and Reports
        3.2     IETF
4     Definition
5     Abbreviations
6     Basic capabilities
        6.1     Key characteristics
                  6.1.1     Technical characteristics
                  6.1.2     Operational characteristics
        6.2     Encapsulation
        6.3     Address management
        6.4     Maximum transmission units (MTUs) and IP fragmentation
        6.5     Multicasting/Broadcasting
        6.6     Bandwidth on demand (BoD) subnets
        6.7     Bandwidth asymmetries
7     QoS considerations
8     End to end requirements for AIPN with access system
        8.1     Introduction
        8.2     Delay characteristics
        8.3     Round-trip delay requirement
        8.4     Packet loss requirement
        8.5     Delay jitter requirement
9     Supporting mobility
        9.1     Introduction
        9.2     Mobile IP
        9.3     Mobility and handover
10     Security requirements
       10.1     Introduction
      10.2      Authentication
       10.3     Privacy
       10.4     Technical aspects concerning security
                  10.4.1      Tunnelling mechanism
                  10.4.2      Employing IPSec
                  10.4.3      Configuration of firewalls
                  10.4.4      Balance between security and complexity
11     Service architecture
12     Interoperability and interworking
       12.1     Introduction
       12.2     Legacy systems
13     Transmission efficiency
14     Example of multi-media applications
       14.1     Voice-over-IP (VoIP) over mobile systems
       14.2     Web surfing
       14.3     Streaming audio and video
       14.4     Digital video telephony
15     Summary
16     Appendices
Appendix 1  Description of some specific IP applications over mobile systems
1     Introduction
2     Features currently available
        2.1     IP multimedia subsystem (IMS)
        2.2     End to end QoS procedures and service based local policy control
        2.3     Supporting mobility
        2.4     Support for IPv6
        2.5     IP Transport in UTRAN
        2.6     RObust Header Compression functionality (ROHC)
        2.7     IMS signalling flag
        2.8     High speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) and enhanced uplink
        2.9     Multimedia broadcast and multicast services (MBMS)
       2.10     Flow based charging
       2.11     WLAN-UMTS interworking
      2.12      Voice call continuity (VCC)
3     Release 7 (current) developments
4     Future developments
Appendix 2  Location based information services for mobile Internet systems
1     Introduction
2     The location based information service technology for mobile Internet system
        2.1     Triggering location based information service
        2.2     The repetitive information service and data filtering
        2.3     Data indexing
3     Examples of applications
Appendix 3  A protocol for improving UDP performance over wireless networks  and its application to mobile robot control
1     Abstract
2     A control protocol for the mobile robot over wireless Internet
3     Simulation method
4     Simulation results and analysis
5     Technical and operational requirements for the Internet robot control service protocol
        5.1     Technical requirements for real-time robot control Internet services in mobile systems
                  5.1.1     Mapping
                  5.1.2     Real-time mobile system control channel assignment
                  5.1.3     Robot control protocol procedure
                  5.1.4     QoS
                  5.1.5     Mobility management
        5.2     Operational requirements for real-time robot control Internet services in mobile systems
                  5.2.1     Functions of network nodes in mobile system
                  5.2.2     Applications
Appendix 4  IP application support in IMT-2000 CDMA multi-carrier
 1     Introduction
2     Basic capabilities
        2.1     Introduction
        2.2     Encapsulation
        2.3     Address management
3     QoS considerations
        3.1     Introduction
        3.2     The IMT-2000 CDMA multi-carrier E2E QoS bearer services
4     Supporting mobility
5     Security considerations
        5.1     Introduction
        5.2     3GPP2 security features
6     Service architecture
        6.1     Introduction
        6.2     MMD overview and references
        6.3     MMD and regulatory features
7     Inter-working
        7.1     Introduction
        7.2     Wireless local area networks
        7.3     GPRS
8     Spectral efficiency
9     Example multi-media applications
        9.1     Web-surfing
        9.2     Voice-over-IP
        9.3     Streaming audio and video
        9.4     Digital video telephony
10     Conclusion
11     References
       11.1     IETF
       11.2     3GPP2
Appendix 5  The path of IP applications over mobile systems
Appendix 6  Support of IP protocol with DECT
1     Introduction
2     DECT access to IP based networks
        2.1     Reference configuration
        2.2     IP-Roaming
        2.3     SIP Interworking
3     DECT packet radio service (DPRS)
        3.1     Reference configuration (transparent IP transport)
        3.2     Application specific access profiles
                  3.2.1     Ethernet interworking
                  3.2.2     V.24 Interworking
4     Summary
Appendix 7  General considerations for mobile system configuration  to support IP applications
1     IP architecture requirements for mobile system
2     The architecture of mobile wireless system
3     Conclusion
Appendix 8  Use of IEEE 802.16 access networks to support  IP applications over mobile systems
1     Introduction
2     Scope and structure of IEEE 802.16 standard
3     Convergence sublayers
5     MAC common part sublayer and support for IP
6     Addressing and connections in point-to-multipoint mode in the Data/Control plane
7     IP Header compression
8     Security sublayer
9     Handover support
Appendix 9  WiMax Forum Mobility Profiles for support of IP  applications over mobile systems
1     Introduction
2     MAC and PHY functional requirements
        2.1     Service class and applications support
        2.2     Multicast and broadcast services support
        2.3     QoS control
3     Power saving, idle mode, and paging requirements
4     Security requirements
        4.1     Threat classes
        4.2     Device authorization
        4.3     WiMAX Forum mobility profiles
        4.4     Network entry of a provisioned MS
        4.5     Encryption of the air link bearer traffic and messages
5     Requirement for MAC convergence sublayer
6     Air interface functional requirement for L2 handover
 7     Diversity and multiple antenna support