INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION Place des Nations CH-1211 Genève 20 (Switzerland) Telephone National (022) 730 51 110 Telephone International +41 22 730 51 110 Tg: ITU Telex: 421 000 UIT CH TELEFAX + 41 22 733 72 56 x.400 : S = itumail; P = itu; A = Arcom; C = ch RADIOCOMMUNICATION BUREAU (Direct Fax No. +41 22 730 57 85) Circular-letter CR/25 5 July 1994 TO ADMINISTRATIONS OF MEMBERS OF THE ITU Subject : The Radiocommunication Seminar on Spectrum Management (Geneva, 14-18 November 1994) ___ Dear Sir, 1. You may recall that approximately every two years, the IFRB has organized at the ITU Headquarters in Geneva, a Seminar on Frequency Management and the Use of the Radio Frequency Spectrum and the Geostationary-Satellite Orbit. 2. The new Radiocommunication Bureau intends to carry on this important event and is pleased to announce that the next Radiocommunication Seminar on Spectrum Management will be held in Geneva from 14 to 18 November 1994. 3. As may be noted from the enclosed programme (Annex 1), the 1994 Seminar will cover frequency management aspects of the Terrestrial and Space services, including related work of the ITU-R Study Groups. Demonstrations and workshops will enable the participants to get hands-on experience with the notification procedures as well as with some of the BR software and electronic publications made available to ITU M(m)embers. 4. The lectures and discussions during the seminar will be held in the three working languages of the ITU (French, English and Spanish) with simultaneous interpretation facilities. The documentation in the three languages will be distributed at the opening of the seminar. Upon request, the documentation will also be made available after the seminar for training purposes within administrations. 5. Each Administration is invited to nominate one or more persons to attend the Seminar. The Bureau will be grateful to you for communicating the names of the participants your Administration intends to send by completing the questionnaire attached as Annex 2 to this Circular-letter and returning it to the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau before 30 August 1994. 6. The cost of travel and stay in Geneva for participants is the responsibility of the administrations concerned. Subject to availability of funds, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) may be able to award fellowships to participants. You are therefore advised to approach the UNDP Resident Representative in your country to ascertain whether the participation of a representative from your Administration can be financed from UNDP funds. Yours faithfully Richard C. Kirby, Director Radiocommunication Bureau Annexes: 2 ******* ANNEX 1 The Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 14 - 18 November 1994) PROGRAMME Monday, 14 November Tuesday, 15 November Chairman: R.C. Kirby Chairman : M.R. Giroux 08h30 Registration Terrestrial Services 09h30 Inauguration 09h00 Broadcasting Plans (J. Fonteyne, V. Miltcheva) 10h00 Coffee Break 10h15 Coffee Break 10h15 The new structure of the 10h30 Fixed and Mobile ITU and the services (aeronautical, Radiocommunication maritime) Sector (R.C. Kirby, (T. Gavrilov, W. Frank) Director, BR) 11h30 The Radio Regulations 12h00 Discussion (M. Harbi, Chairman, RRB) 12h00 Lunch Break 12h15 Lunch Break 14h00 Publications of the 14h00 Notification procedures Radiocommunication (J. Balfroid) Bureau (M.R. Giroux) 15h00 Coffee Break 15h00 Coffee Break 15h15 BR Frequency Management 15h15 Monitoring Systems (FMS - SNS) (K. (A. Mendez) Olms) 16h30 International management 16h00 Harmful interference of frequency (P. Natarajan) spectrum/orbit resources (G. Kovacs) 17h15 Discussion 17h00 Discussion _____________________________________________________________ Organized by the Radiocommunication Bureau Wednesday, 16 November Thursday, 17 November Chairman: G. Kovacs Chairman : K. Olms Space Services Demonstrations 09h00 Coordination of 09h00 Electronic publications satellite networks (S. Boswell, N. Venkatesh, (P. Korobenkov, J.A. B. Abouchanab) Lewis) 10h00 Software Demonstration (J.Boursy, P. Lundborg, G. Norell, A. Vassiliev) 10h30 Coffee Break 11h00 Coffee Break 10h45 Mobile-satellite issues (Res. 46) (F. Leite) 11h15 Compatibility analysis 11h15 TIES (IS Department) between satellite networks (/, C/I) (H. Meyerhoff, G. Mesias) 12h00 Discussion 12h15 Lunch Break 12h15 Lunch Break 14h00 FSS Allotment Plan Workshops (AP30B) (G. Korolev) 14h40 BSS Plans (AP30/30A) 09h00 - Filling terrestrial (G. Mesias) notice forms, including electronic notifications (A. Mendez, P. Natarajan) - Filling space notice forms (J. Lewis, P. Korobenkov, J. Jaffrey) 15h15 Coffee Break - Software (J. Boursy, P. Lebert, P. Lundborg, G. Norell, A. Vassiliev) 15h30 Coordination between earth and terrestrial - Workshop on APP29, C/I, APP28 stations (H. Koker, K.S. Lee, (K.S. Lee) F. Leite, G. Mesias, H. Meyerhoff) 16h15 Examination and Note : The demonstrations and recording of assignments the workshops will be (K. Arasteh) held in parallel 17h00 Discussion _____________________________________________________________ Friday, 18 November Chairman: R.C. Kirby Simplification of the Radio Regulations (VGE) 09h00 Introduction (A. Zoudov) 10h00 Coffee Break 10h15 Terrestrial Services (T. Gavrilov) 11h00 Space Services (K. Arasteh) 12h00 Discussion 12h15 Lunch Break Spectrum Management 14h00 Spectrum management aspects for the Study Group work (R. Nickelson, D. Wu) 15h15 Coffee Break 15h30 National Spectrum Management (M.R. Giroux) 16h15 General Discussion Closure of the Seminar _____________________________________________________________ ANNEX 2 The Radiocommunication Seminar (Geneva, 14 - 18 November 1994) REGISTRATION OF PARTICIPANTS The Administration of _______________________________________________________ nominates the following participant(s): Language required for : Name, title and postal address interpretation documents ____________________________________________________________ French French English English Spanish Spanish French French English English Spanish Spanish French French English English Spanish Spanish French French English English Spanish Spanish Signature _____________________ Title _________________________ This form has to be completed and sent to: Mr. Richard C. Kirby Director Radiocommunication Bureau Union Internationale des Télécommunications Place des Nations 1211 Genève 20 Suisse before 30 August 1994 . ------------