INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION RADIOCOMMUNICATION BUREAU (Direct Fax No. +41 22 730 57 85) Administrative Circular CAR/15 10 May 1994 TO THE ADMINISTRATIONS OF MEMBERS OF THE ITU Proposed approval of 6 draft new and revised Questions adopted by Radiocommunication Study Group 11 (Broadcasting service - television) at its meeting from 28 February to 4 March 1994 Radiocommunication Study Group 11 at its meeting held in Geneva from 28 February to 4 March 1994 adopted the texts of 6 draft new and revised Questions listed in Annex 1 to be considered for approval by correspondence in accordance with the provisions of Resolution ITU-R 1, § 3.3. The Questions will be approved if: - "a simple majority of all the Member respondents are in agreement; - and at least 10 replies are received within four months after circulation". The texts of these Questions are annexed for your approval (see Annex 2). It would be appreciated if you could advise the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau by 10 September 1994, whether you approve the adoption of these Questions for study by the Radiocommunication Study Groups. If the Questions are approved they will have the same status as Questions approved at the Radiocommunication Assembly and will become official texts attributed to Study Group 11. The Questions will then be published as an Addendum to Book 4 which contains the ITU-R Questions approved by the 1993 Radiocommunication Assembly. Richard C. Kirby Director Annexes: 2 Distribution: - Administrations of Members of the ITU ******* ANNEX 1 LIST OF DRAFT NEW AND REVISED QUESTIONS Draft new Question ITU-R [Doc. 11/1] Draft new Question ITU-R [Doc.11/216] Draft new Question ITU-R [Doc. 11/235] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 49-1/11 Draft revision of Question ITU-R 118/11 Draft revision of Question ITU-R 210/11 ******* ANNEX 2 QUESTIONS Source: Doc. 11/1 DRAFT NEW QUESTION ITU-R [DOC. 11/1] DIGITAL HDTV STUDIO INTERFACES The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) that Recommendation ITU-R BT.601** Previously CCIR Questions 601, 656, 709 and 799. has established the basis for digital coding standards for television studios both in countries using the 525- line system and in those using the 625-line system and that studies are proceeding on the additional standards for high-definition and enhanced quality television; b) that the practical implementation of Recommendation ITU-R BT.709* requires definition of the details of various studio interfaces and the data streams traversing them; c) that such interfaces should, as far as possible, take advantage of the features already included in Recommendation ITU-R BT.656*; d) that it is desirable that interfaces be defined both in parallel and serial forms, for electrical as well as optical bearers; e) that it is desirable to investigate whether the specification should cover the possibility of conveying sound or any other ancillary signals through the interface, and should also address the need for synchronizing reference signals; f) that digital television signals produced by these interfaces may be a potential source of interference to other services and due notice must be taken of No. 964 of the Radio Regulations, decides that the following question should be studied 1 what parameters are necessary to define standard digital interfaces for the signal sets covered by Recommendation ITU-R BT.709*, in both parallel and serial forms; 2 what parameters are necessary to define compatible optical fibre digital interfaces; 3 what are the parameters necessary to specify transport synchronizing signals; 4 what ancillary signals are required to be carried across the interfaces with the video signals, and what are the parameters necessary to define standards for these signals; 5 what provisions are required for the associated digital sound channels; 6 should the parallel and serial digital interfaces have features in common with the corresponding aspects covered by Recommendation ITU-R BT.656*? Note - See Recommendations ITU-R BT.709, ITU-R BT.601, ITU-R BT.656, ITU-R BT.799, new Recommendation [Doc. 11/160] and Report ITU-R BT. [Doc. 11/120(Rev.1)]. further decides that 1 the results of the above studies should be included in (a) Recommendation(s); 2 the above studies should be completed by 1995. Source: Doc. 11/216(Rev.2) DRAFT NEW QUESTION ITU-R [DOC. 11/216] INTERACTIVE TELEVISION BROADCASTING SYSTEMS** This Question should be brough to the attention of the IEC, the ISO the Telecommunication Standardization Sector of the ITU and to ITU-R Study Groups 8 and 9. The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) the progress in information processing and transmission technologies; b) the rapid progress towards enhanced and digital television delivery systems using terrestrial, cable, satellite and network channels; c) the need within such systems for interactivity for a variety of purposes; d) the development of transmission methods suitable for use in receiving from viewers return information related to the programme material (vision, sound and data); e) the large number of domestic receivers likely to be impacted by the adoption of interactive services, decides that the following Question should be studied 1 What are the possible channels to return data from the receiver to the broadcaster and other users of such data for different reception media (e.g. cable, common antenna, terrestrial or satellite reception? 2 What interactive services are likely to be needed and what are the requirements for the return data channel? 3 What are the appropriate management methods and modulation/transmission techniques for such channels? 4 For the systems using radio-reception, what allocated frequencies may be best suited and what are the planning objectives for such return channels? 5 What possibilities exist for the harmonious use of other available data communications channels (e.g. switched network, PCS, LEOS etc.) to provide the return channel for interactive broadcasting?*** See also Recommendation ITU-R M.687 and Recommendations ITU-T S 750, 751, 770 and 771.* further decides that 1 the results of the above studies should be addressed to the preparation of new Recommendation(s); 2 the studies should be completed by 1998. Source: Doc. 11/235 DRAFT NEW QUESTION ITU-R [DOC. 11/235] UNIFIED IDENTIFICATION LABEL FOR INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE OF TELEVISION RECORDINGS AND FILMS FOR TELEVISION The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) that Recommendation ITU-R BR.408** Previously CCIR Recommendations 265, 408, 469 and 779. specifies minimum programme information to be provided with recorded audio tapes; Recommendation ITU-R BR.469* specifies minimum information to be provided with analogue television tapes and gives an example of suitable labels; Recommendation ITU-R BR.779* specifies minimum information to be provided with digital television tapes; Recommendation ITU-R BR.265* specifies minimum information to be provided on the identification leader of films; b) that the minimum information specified for those different recordings is not always homogeneous, either in its content or in its presentation; c) that modern methods used in the production, broadcasting and storage of television recordings (and of film) increasingly rely on automatic equipment and machine-readable identification of recording content (e.g. bar-coded information); d) that at present most broadcasters operate with their own identification method for recording content, and most manufacturers of automatic broadcast equipment implement their own machine-readable identification method; e) that the specification of a unified identification method for recording content would ease international programme exchange, and, if the unified information were machine-readable, it could potentially be ported to existing in-house identification methods by means of simple computer software, decides that the following Question should be studied 1 What is the essential information on programme content to be provided with recorded television tapes, and films intended for international programme exchange? 2 How should that information be provided (e.g. by means of: - a programme sheet placed in the recording box; - a label fixed to the recording box; - a label fixed to the tape reel or cassette; - a combination of the above)? 3 How could that information be formatted to be provided in machine-readable form? 4 Which machine-readable method should be recommended for this application? 5 How could the essential programme information provided in machine-readable form on internationally exchanged tapes and films, be correlated to similar information currently used by broadcasters for in-house automated operation and archives? further decides 1 that the results of the above studies should be included in (a) Recommendation(s); 2 that Recommendations adopted in response to this Question should preferably be aligned with those adopted in response to Question [Doc. 10/111]; 3 that the above studies should be completed by 1998. Source: Doc. 11/215 DRAFT REVISION OF QUESTION ITU-R 49-1/11** Previously CCIR Questions 43-1/11, 49-1/11, 64-/11 and 79/11. CHARACTERISTICS OF TELEVISION SIGNALS RADIATED IN BANDS ABOVE 2 GHz FROM TERRESTRIAL BROADCASTING TRANSMITTERS*** See also Report 940.* (1982-1990) The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) that the WARC BS-77 has established for Regions 1 and 3 a frequency and orbital position Assignment Plan for the broadcasting- satellite service in the 12 GHz band shared with terrestrial broadcasting; b) that the RARC BS-83 established a Plan for the broadcasting- satellite service in Region 2; c) that the 40.5 - 42.5 GHz band has been allocated by the ITU on a permitted basis to the broadcasting service in Region 1; d) that the Multipoint Video Distribution System (MVDS) offers an efficient means for provision of a television service to relatively small communities (see Question ITU-R 43-1/11*); e) that MVDS provides an effective alternative to or extension of a cable distribution system; f) that initially MVDS services would generally be required to distribute analogue composite PAL, SECAM or NTSC signals; g) that MVDS services should be capable of distributing future enhanced television (see Question ITU-R 79/11*) and high-definition television signals, including signals in a digital form; h) that the cost of adapting television receivers used by the public for band 10 and band 11 reception must be reasonable; j) that the characteristics of MVDS transmissions should provide for compatibility with those of the broadcasting-satellite television service and the future digital terrestrial television service; k) that it may be desirable to provide for sound and data broadcasting signals to be distributed by MVDS in addition to television video and the accompanying sound; l) that propagation factors in band 10 and band 11 will be important when considering standards for the radiation of television signals in those bands from terrestrial transmitters; m) that it is necessary to establish the various picture and sound quality standards, and the associated test methods, appropriate to MVDS (see Question ITU-R 64-1/11*); n) that MVDS systems are operating in several countries, decides that the following Question should be studied 1 What type of modulation should be recommended for terrestrial television broadcasting in band 10 and band 11? 2 What are the radio parameters, including the system characteristics, propagation factors and protection ratios, that are necessary for planning and sharing purposes? 3 What channel plans are desirable, taking account of the required area coverage, and employing techniques such as frequency reuse and polarization discrimination? Note - See [proposed Draft revision] Report ITU-R BT.961-1 (Doc. 11/178). further decides 1 that the result of the above studies should be addressed to: - update existing Recommendation(s); - prepare new Recommendation(s); 2 the above studies should be completed by 1998. Source: Doc. 11/218 DRAFT REVISION OF QUESTION ITU-R 118/11** Previously CCIR Question 118/11. TRANSMISSION OF STILL PICTURES IN A BROADCASTING CHANNEL (1990) The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) that still-picture television signals can be broadcast more efficiently if a suitable storage device is provided at the receiver; b) that this technique and other multiplexing makes it possible to broadcast still-picture television programmes consisting of still colour pictures and accompanying sound, by using a television channel exclusively, or by multiplexing with existing television signals; c) that such broadcasting systems may be useful for the purpose of information and education services, decides that the following Question should be studied 1 What are the types of services which should be introduced? 2 What methods should be used to transmit still-picture signals and accompanying sound signals? 3 What characteristics including compatibility for the broadcasting of still-picture signals and accompanying sound signals should be recommended? 4 What precautions should be taken to ensure compatibility with existing systems? Note - See Report ITU-R BT.802. further decides 1 that the results of the above studies should be included in (a) Recommendation(s); 2 that the above studies should be completed by 1998. Source: Doc. 11/217 DRAFT REVISION OF QUESTION ITU-R 210/11 PLANNING PARAMETERS FOR TELEVISION BROADCASTING USING DIGITAL TERRESTRIAL NARROW-BAND CHANNELS** See Annex 1 of Recommendation ITU-R BT.798 (previously CCIR Recommendation 798). (1993) The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) the progress being made in bit rate reduction techniques; b) that the quality achievable with narrow-band digital emission systems is improving, decides that the following Question should be studied 1 What are the frequency planning parameters for such services, e.g.: - minimum field strengths; - impact on planning of location correction values; - protection ratios; - planning constraints; - single frequency networks; - the minimum receiver characteristics essential for frequency planning? 2 What are the required protection ratios between this and other TV systems? 3 What are the interference evaluation criteria to ensure compatibility with existing terrestrial television systems? 4 What are the characteristic multipath conditions that need to be taken into account in the planning of such services? Note 1 - See also Questions ITU-R 121/11*** Previously CCIR Question 121/11.*, ITU-R 203/11, ITU-R 207/11 and ITU-R 209/11. further decides 1 that the results of the above studies should be included in (a) Recommendation(s); 2 that the initial studies should be completed by 1994; 3 that the above studies should be completed by 1998. ____________