Digital policy action areas fora connected ASEAN - ASEAN best practice benchmarking andan action plan for regional harmonization
Table of Contents
1 Introduction and background
     ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025
     ITU unified framework and linkages with ADM 2025
     Emerging best practice strategies and trends across all indicators
     A first global unified framework assessment
     Mapping ADM 2025 desired outcomes to the unified framework targets
2 Regulatory harmonization opportunities and priority tracks
     2.1 High-level snapshot of ASEAN digital regulatory practices
          Overview and global digital readiness
          ASEAN readiness
               Areas of strength
               Areas for improvement
          ASEAN benchmark analysis
               B1: National digital policy agenda
                    Areas of strength
                    Areas for improvement
               B2: Regulatory capacity
                    Areas of strength
                    Areas for improvement
               B3: Good governance
                    Areas of strength
                    Areas for improvement
               B4: Collaborative governance
                    Areas of strength
                    Areas of improvement
               B5: Stakeholder engagement
                    Areas of strength
                    Areas of improvement
               B6: Legal instruments for ICT/telecommunication markets
                    Areas of strength
                    Areas of improvement
               B7: Legal instruments for digital markets
                    Areas of strength
                    Areas of improvement
               B8: Market rules
                    Areas of strength
                    Areas of improvement
               B9: Regional and international cooperation
                    Areas of strength
                    Areas of improvement
          Summary: Areas for improvement at the regional level
     2.2 ASEAN action plan for regulatory harmonization
          Towards a harmonized agenda
          Priority areas, challenges and proposed target areas for ASEAN member states
               General challenges
               Proposed target areas for action
               Ongoing initiatives in the ASEAN region
          Action plan for regulatory harmonization 2023-2025
     2.3 Way forward
     Appendix A:    Country status summary on regulatory and policy readiness
          A.1 Unified framework summary overview of country progress
          A.2 Brunei Darussalam Country Factsheet
          A.3 Cambodia Country Factsheet
          A.4 Indonesia Country Factsheet
          A.5 Lao P.D.R. Country Factsheet
          A.6 Malaysia Country Factsheet
          A.7 Myanmar Country Factsheet
          A.8 Philippines Country Factsheet
          A.9 Singapore Country Factsheet
          A.10 Thailand Country Factsheet
          A.11 Viet Nam Country Factsheet
     Appendix B: Brunei Darussalam
          B.1 Policy and regulatory landscape and priorities
          B.2 Overview of regulatory and policy gaps
          B.3 Benchmark 1: National Digital Policy Agenda
               State of play and priorities
          B.4 Benchmark 2: Regulatory Capacity
               State of play and priorities
               Ongoing initiatives to address gaps
          B.5 Benchmark 3: Good Governance
          B.6 Benchmark 4: Collaborative Governance
               State of play and priorities
          B.7 Benchmark 5: Stakeholder Engagement
          B.8 Benchmark 6: Legal Instruments for ICT/Telecom Markets
               State of play and priorities
               Ongoing initiatives to address gaps
          B.9 Benchmark 7: Legal Instruments for Digital Markets
          B.10 Benchmark 8: Market Rules
               State of play and priorities
          B.11 Benchmark 9: Regional and International Cooperation
               State of play and priorities
          B.12 Proposed target areas to addressing regulatory and policy gaps
          B.13 Key priorities for achieving the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025
     Appendix C: Cambodia
          C.1 Policy and regulatory landscape, priorities, and challenges
          C.2 Overview of regulatory and policy gaps
          C.3 Benchmark 1: National Digital Policy Agenda
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          C.4 Benchmark 2: Regulatory Capacity
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
               Ongoing initiatives to address gaps
          C.5 Benchmark 3: Good Governance
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          C.6 Benchmark 4: Collaborative Governance
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
               Ongoing initiatives to address gaps
          C.7 Benchmark 5: Stakeholder Engagement
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
               Ongoing initiatives to address gaps
          C.8 Benchmark 6: Legal Instruments for ICT/Telecom Markets
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
               Ongoing initiatives to address gaps
          C.9 Benchmark 7: Legal Instruments for Digital Markets
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          C.10 Benchmark 8: Market Rules
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          C.11 Benchmark 9: Regional and International Collaboration
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          C.12 Proposed country target areas to addressing unified framework regulatory and policy gaps
          C.13 Key priorities for achieving the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025
     Appendix D: Indonesia
          D.1 Policy and regulatory landscape, priorities, and challenges
          D.2 Overview of regulatory and policy gaps in the ITU unified framework
          D.3 Benchmark 1: National Digital Policy Agenda
          D.4 Benchmark 2: Regulatory Capacity
          D.5 Benchmark 3: Good Governance
          D.6 Benchmark 4: Collaborative Governance
          D.7 Benchmark 5: Stakeholder Engagement
               State of play and priorities
          D.8 Benchmark 6: Legal Instruments for ICT/Telecom Markets
          D.9 Benchmark 7: Legal Instruments for Digital Markets
          D.10 Benchmark 8: Market Rules
          D.11 Benchmark 9: Regional and International Cooperation
          D.12 Proposed country target areas to addressing unified framework regulatory and policy gaps
          D.13 Key priorities for achieving the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025
     Appendix E: Lao P.D.R.
          E.1 Policy and regulatory landscape, priorities, and challenges
          E.2 Overview of regulatory and policy gaps
          E.3 Benchmark 1: National Digital Policy Agenda
          E.4 Benchmark 2: Regulatory Capacity
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          E.5 Benchmark 3: Good Governance
          E.6 Benchmark 4: Collaborative Governance
          E.7 Benchmark 5: Stakeholder Engagement
          E.8 Benchmark 6: Legal Instruments for ICT/Telecom Markets
          E.9 Benchmark 7: Legal Instruments for Digital Markets
          E.10 Benchmark 8: Market Rules
          E.11 Benchmark 9: Regional and International Cooperation
          E.12 Proposed target areas to addressing regulatory and policy gaps
          E.13 Key priorities for achieving the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025
     Appendix F: Malaysia
          F.1 Policy and regulatory landscape, priorities, and challenges
          F.2 Overview of regulatory and policy gaps in the ITU unified framework
          F.3 Benchmark 1: National Digital Policy Agenda
               State of play and priorities
               Ongoing initiatives to address gaps
          F.4 Benchmark 2: Regulatory capacity
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
               Ongoing initiatives to address gaps
          F.5 Benchmark 3: Good Governance
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges in addressing gaps
               Ongoing initiatives to address gaps
          F.6 Benchmark 4: Collaborative Governance
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges in addressing gaps
               Ongoing initiatives to address gaps
          F.7 Benchmark 5: Stakeholder Engagement
               State of play and priorities
               Ongoing initiatives to address gaps
               Challenges in addressing gaps
          F.8 Benchmark 6: Legal Instruments for ICT/Telecom Markets
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges in addressing gaps
               Ongoing initiatives to address gaps
          F.9 Benchmark 7: Legal Instruments for Digital Markets
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges in addressing gaps
               Ongoing initiatives to address gaps
          F.10 Benchmark 8: Market Rules
               State of play and priorities
               Ongoing initiatives to address gaps
          F.11 Benchmark 9: Regional and International Cooperation
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges in addressing gaps and ongoing initiatives
          F.12 Proposed country target areas to addressing unified framework regulatory and policy gaps
          F.13 Key priorities for achieving the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025
     Appendix G: Myanmar
          G.1 Policy and regulatory landscape, priorities, and challenges
          G.2 Overview of regulatory and policy gaps
          G.3 Benchmark 1: National Digital Policy Agenda
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          G.4 Benchmark 2: Regulatory capacity
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          G.5 Benchmark 3: Good Governance
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          G.6 Benchmark 4: Collaborative Governance
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          G.7 Benchmark 5: Stakeholder Engagement
               State of play and priorities
          G.8 Benchmark 6: Legal Instruments for ICT/Telecom Markets
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          G.9 Benchmark 7: Legal Instruments for Digital Markets
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          G.10 Benchmark 8: Market Rules
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          G.11 Benchmark 9: Regional and International Cooperation
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          G.12 Proposed target areas to addressing regulatory and policy gaps
          G.13 Key priorities for achieving the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025
     Appendix H: Philippines
          H.1 Policy and regulatory landscape, priorities, and challenges
          H.2 Overview of regulatory and policy gaps
          H.3 Benchmark 1: National Digital Policy Agenda
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          H.4 Benchmark 2: Regulatory Capacity
          H.5 Benchmark 3: Good Governance
               State of play and priorities
               Ongoing initiatives to address gaps
          H.6 Benchmark 4: Collaborative Governance
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          H.7 Benchmark 5: Stakeholder Engagement
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          H.8 Benchmark 6: Legal Instruments for ICT/Telecom Markets
               State of play and priorities
          H.9 Benchmark 7: Legal Instruments for Digital Markets
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          H.10 Benchmark 8: Market Rules
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          H.11 Benchmark 9: Regional and International Cooperation
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          H.12 Proposed target areas to addressing regulatory and policy gaps
          H.13 Key priorities for achieving the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025
     Appendix I: Singapore
          I.1 Policy and regulatory landscape and priorities
          I.2 Overview of regulatory and policy gaps
          I.3 Benchmark 1: National Digital Policy Agenda
               State of play and priorities and ongoing initiatives to address gaps
          I.4 Benchmark 2: Regulatory Capacity
               State of play and ongoing initiatives
          I.5 Benchmark 3: Good Governance
               State of play and priorities
          I.6 Benchmark 4: Collaborative Governance
          I.7 Benchmark 5: Stakeholder Engagement
               State of play and priorities
          I.8 Benchmark 6: Legal Instruments for ICT/Telecom Markets
          I.9 Benchmark 7: Legal Instruments for Digital Markets
               State of play and priorities
          I.10 Benchmark 8: Market Rules
               State of play and priorities
          I.11 Benchmark 9: Regional and International Collaboration
               State of play and priorities
          I.12 Proposed country target areas to addressing regulatory and policy gaps
          I.13 Key priorities for achieving the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025
     Appendix J: Thailand
          J.1 Policy and regulatory landscape, priorities, and challenges
          J.2 Overview of regulatory and policy gaps
          J.3 Benchmark 1: National Digital Policy Agenda
          J.4 Benchmark 2: Regulatory Capacity
          J.5 Benchmark 3: Good Governance
          J.6 Benchmark 4: Collaborative Governance
          J.7 Benchmark 5: Stakeholder Engagement
          J.8 Benchmark 6: Legal Instruments for ICT/Telecom Markets
          J.9 Benchmark 7: Legal Instruments for Digital Markets
          J.10 Benchmark 8: Market Rules
          J.11 Benchmark 9: Regional and International Cooperation
          J.11 Proposed country target areas to addressing regulatory and policy gaps
          J.12 Key priorities for achieving the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025
     Appendix K: Viet Nam
          K.1 Policy and regulatory landscape, priorities, and challenges
          K.2 Overview of regulatory and policy gaps
          K.3 Benchmark 1: National Digital Policy Agenda
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          K.4 Benchmark 2: Regulatory Capacity
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          K.5 Benchmark 3: Good Governance
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
               Key challenges Viet Nam faces in improving the target score for Good Governance include the integration of the Center Governance system with the Local Provincial System and Developing a National Data Center.
          K.6 Benchmark 4: Collaborative Governance
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          K.7 Benchmark 5: Stakeholder Engagement
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          K.8 Benchmark 6: Legal Instruments for ICT/Telecom Markets
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          K.9 Benchmark 7: Legal Instruments for Digital Markets
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          K.10 Benchmark 8: Market Rules
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          K.11 Benchmark 9: Regional and International Cooperation
               State of play and priorities
               Challenges to addressing gaps
          K.12 Proposed target areas to addressing regulatory and policy gaps
          K.13 Key priorities for achieving the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025