Ageing in a digital world – from vulnerable to valuable
1. Demographic global trends and healthy ageing
     1.1. Everyone is ageing
     1.2. Healthy ageing
     1.3. Accessible and age-friendly environments
2. Digital transformation brings powerful socio-economic opportunities
     2.1. The role of ICTs and business opportunities in the context of ageing trends
     2.2. Age-friendly technological environments to ensure well-being
     2.3. Key elements for the adoption of ICTs by older persons: digital inclusion and ICT accessibility
3. ICTs as livelihood enablers to transform the vulnerable into valuable: Policy and strategy recommendations
     3.1. New technologies and usability
     3.2. Financial wellness
     3.3. Education and lifelong learning
     3.4. Employment and work engagements
     3.5. Healthy lifestyles, wellness and independent living
     3.6. Health care and health service delivery
4. Conclusions
     4.1. The role of the different stakeholders
     4.2. Summary of policy recommendations
     4.3. Resources