Economic impact of broadband in LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS – An empirical study
Executive summary
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
     1.1 Study sample
     1.2 Definition of broadband
     1.3 Report structure
2 Key issues
     2.1 Background
     2.2 Insights from earlier studies
          2.2.1 Background: The economic impact of ICT
          2.2.2 The economic impact of broadband
     2.3 Main challenges
          2.3.1 Selecting the sample
          2.3.2 Selecting an appropriate modelling approach
3 Approach
     3.1 Scope
     3.2 Overview of the methodology
     3.3 Key variables
     3.4 Model specifications
          3.4.1 Fixed-broadband model specification
          3.4.2 Mobile-broadband model specification
4 Main findings
     4.1 Fixed-broadband
     4.2 Mobile broadband
5 Conclusion
Annex A: List of LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS
Annex B: Technical details
     B.1 Fixed-broadband IV model
     B.2 Mobile-broadband IV model
Annex C: Bibliography
Glossary of terms and abbreviations