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W3C Technologies for Motor Vehicle Telecom

W3C Technologies for Motor Vehicle Telecommunications

Philipp Hoschka
Deputy Director Europe/Interaction Domain Leader
W3C, France

What is W3C ?

  • Founded by Tim Berners-Lee, Web Inventor
  • Mission: Lead the Web to its Full Potential
  • About 400 members (ATT, Avaya, Apple, Alcatel, DaimlerChrysler, Ericsson, France Telecom, KDDI, Nokia, Nortel, NTT Docomo, Openwave, Philips, SBC, Sony, T-Mobile, ...)
  • Specifications: XML, (X)HTML, VoiceXML, SVG, ...
  • Around 73 full time team members in Europe, Japan, US

W3C Management

  • Executive Level
    • Director: Tim Berners-Lee, MIT
    • COO+Acting Chair: Steve Bratt, MIT
  • Europe
    • Deputy Director: Philipp Hoschka, ERCIM
    • Associate Chair: Daniel Dardailler, ERCIM
  • Asia
    • Deputy Director: Tatsuya Hagino, Keio University
    • Associate Chair: Nobuo Saito, Keio University

W3C and Cars: Voice

  • W3C Leader in Voice Browser standardisation
  • Voice XML, Speech Grammar Language, Speech Synthesis Language, ...
  • Very active and succesful area
  • Technologies should be usable for car speech interfaces

W3C and Cars: Multimodal

  • Ink, Gesture, Haptic, ...
  • Currently driven by Mobile industry
  • Very interested in input from automotive industry !

W3C and Cars: Interface Technologies

  • SVG: XML-based Vector Graphics
  • XForms: Form-based user interfaces
  • Use in car displays, car navigation maps, ...

W3C and Cars: Web Services

  • XML-based distributed programming
  • SOAP, WSDL, ...
  • Integration of in-car software

W3C and Cars: Semantic Web

  • Explicit representation of data semantics
  • Built for extensibility and parallel development
  • Supports data integration, mapping of schemes
  • Example: Find restaurant that has Sushi
    • Japanese restaurant
    • Asian restaurant
    • Fish restaurant
    • ...
  • Semantic Web can
    • Integrate and map different categorization schemes
    • Do logical deductions


  • Interest: Use of W3C tech's in vehicles
  • Primary motivation: Multimodal, Voice
  • Others: Interface tech's, Web Services, Semantic Web


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