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 Joint ITU-T/IEEE workshop on Carrier-class Ethernet
Joint ITU-T/IEEE workshop on Carrier-class Ethernet
Geneva, 31 May (afternoon) - 1 June 2007

Hugh Barrass (Cisco)

Hugh Barrass is working with IEEE P802.1au Task Force on the subject of Congestion Management. Hugh is responsible for standards and technology at Cisco, where he designed five generations of LAN switch fabrics. Hugh has more than 25 years of electronics industry experience ranging from handheld products to supercomputers.
Malcolm Betts (Nortel, Canada)

Malcolm Betts is the Rapporteur of Q.12/15. The work in this question covers the architecture of the transport network (G.805, G.809, G.ufatn) and the application of specific technologies such as, Ethernet (G.8010), MLPS (G.8110), SDH (G.803) OTN (G.872) and ASON (G.8080). Malcolm works as an architect in the Metro Optical Networks business unit at Nortel Networks. He is also active in several international standards organizations including ITU-T SG 13, SG 15 and the Tele Management Forum. During his career 30+ year he has been involved in the design and standardization of transmission systems.
Marcus Duelk (Alcatel-Lucent)

Marcus Duelk graduated with a diploma in physics from TU Berlin, Germany, and with a PhD in physics from ETH Zurich, Switzerland. He joined Bell Labs in 2000 and was working on various projects related to high-speed packet switching and transport on the physical layer. For the last three years he has been working on packet switching and routing architectures on L2/L3. He has been involved in the standardization of 100 Gigabit Ethernet from the early days of the Ethernet Alliance through the HSSG in the IEEE. He is an IEEE Senior Member, an IEEE 802.3 voting member and contributing to the ITU-T SG 15 as well.

Dave Faulkner (BT, UK)

David Faulkner is responsible for research leadership in access networks in BT’s research and venturing programme. He received his first degree in Electrical Engineering at Bristol University in 1975 and his MSc in Telecommunications Systems and PhD in Electrical Engineering in collaboration with the University of Essex in 1983. He worked on the design of long-haul systems at BT Labs until his move to optical fibre local networks 1983. From 1986 to 1993 he carried out pioneering work on both narrow and broadband passive optical networks. Since 1994 he has managed a number of R&D projects in both core and access and promoted broadband access standards for BT. He is Rapporteur for ITU-T SG15 Question 2 on Optical Systems for Fibre Access. He chairs the conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC).

Norman Finn (Cisco)

Norman Finn is a Cisco Fellow at Cisco Systems, Inc., San Jose, California. Since receiving his B.S. in Astronomy from the California Institute of Technology, networking and operating systems have been the focus of his career. He currently has 22 U.S. patents in process or awarded. He contributed much of the normative text for ATM LAN Emulation, and has been an active and productive member of IEEE 802.1 since 1996, including the editorship of IEEE 802.1ag, Connectivity Fault Management.
Howard Frazier (IEEE 802.3ah chair)

Howard M. Frazier is a Technical Director at Broadcom Corporation, responsible for technical strategy development within the Enterprise Networking Group. Previously,
Mr. Frazier was a Distinguished Engineer at Cisco Systems. He is one of the co-inventors of 10 Gigabit Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet and Fast Ethernet. He also served as the chairman of the IEEE 802.3 task forces that wrote the standards for
Ethernet in the First Mile (IEEE Std 802.3ah), Gigabit Ethernet (IEEE Std 802.3z) and Fast Ethernet (IEEE Std 802.3u). Mr. Frazier has served as the chairman of the IEEE Standards Association Review Committee (RevCom) and as the vice chairman of the IEEE-SA Standards Board.

Among his accomplishments in high-speed networking, he led the development of the world's first 10/100BASE-T network interface controller in 1993 while working at Sun Microsystems. Mr. Frazier has also co-authored a book titled “Ethernet in the First Mile: Access for Everyone,” published by the IEEE Standards Information Network/IEEE Press. He is a graduate of Carnegie-Mellon University.
Geoffrey Garner (Samsung Electronics)

Geoffrey Garner is currently with Samsung Electronics, specializing in network timing, jitter, and synchronization; network performance and quality of service; systems engineering; and standards development. He is working on the development of new standards in IEEE 802 and IEEE 1588 for carrying time-sensitive traffic over Ethernet and 802.11 wireless networks. Since 2003 he previously worked on a variety of projects as a consultant that include development of a simulator for Optical Burst Switching Network performance and simulation of network level jitter and wander performance.

Prior to his work as a consultant, he was a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in the Transport Network Architecture Department of Lucent Technologies. Beginning in 1992, his work at AT&T and then Lucent included the development of international and national standards for jitter and synchronization performance and transmission error performance of OTN and SONET/SDH networks, and for Quality of Service of ATM networks. He was the Rapporteur of the Transmission Error Performance Question in ITU-T SG 13 from 2001-2004, and the Editor for the ITU-T Recommendation specifying jitter and wander in the Optical Transport Network (G.8251) in SG 15. He joined AT&T in 1985, went with Lucent Technologies upon its divestiture from AT&T in 1996, and became a consultant in 2003.

Geoffrey Garner received an S.B. degree in Physics from M.I.T. in 1976, S.M. degrees in Nuclear Engineering and Mechanical Engineering from M.I.T. in 1978, and a Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering from M.I.T. in 1985
Mike Gilson (BT, UK)

He has played a major role in developing and implementing BT's Time and timing strategy from 1988 to present day. He has represented BT on various national and international working groups and standards committees including Eurescom, ETSI, ITU, IETF and Public Network Operators Interest Group (PNOIG). He is currently actively contributing to ITU-T SG15 (Transport Networks, Systems & Equipment) on the synchronization question (Q13). He is also on the steering committee for the International Telecommunications Synchronisation Forum (ITSF) and the National Institute Standards and Technology (NIST) Workshop on Synchronization in Telecommunication Systems.

He joined BT in 1983 as an apprentice at BT Laboratories. In 1986 he joined a team working on advanced transmission projects, before moving into the area of synchronisation and timing. He received a BA (Hons) degree in Business Studies from the University of East Anglia in 1996 and is a Member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET - Formally MIEE).
Robert Grow (IEEE 802.3 Chair)

Bob Grow is the Chair of the IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet) working group, and Vice Chair of the IEEE-SA Standards Board. Bob is a recipient of the IEEE Standards Medallion for technical and leadership contributions to multiple LAN standards, including a number of 802 standards. His career work has been in systems architecture and product development -- primarily in the areas of local networks, switching and converged communications. Bob was a co-founder of XLNT, and since its acquisition has worked for Intel Corporation, where he is a Principal Engineer in the Intel Corporate Technology Group.
Steve Haddock (Extreme Networks, USA)

A co-founder of Extreme Networks, Haddock has 25 years of experience in networking equipment design, project leadership and engineering management. He has developed products based on technologies including Ethernet, FDDI and ATM, as well as switching/routing architectures and client and server adapters. Within the IEEE 802 Haddock has held positions of chair, co-chair, editor, and co-editor on projects including 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet, 802.3ae 10 Gigabit Ethernet, 802.3ad Link Aggregation, 802.1ad Provider Bridging, and 802.1ah Provider Backbone Bridging. Haddock holds several patents relating to switch architectures and quality of service. Prior to Extreme Networks, Haddock was chief engineer at Network Peripherals and held various engineering and project management positions at Sun Microsystems and Hewlett-Packard. He holds an MSEE and a BSME from Stanford University.

Bilel Jamoussi (Nortel)

Dr. Bilel Jamoussi is responsible for Nortel’s Strategic Standards organization within the Office of the CTO. In this capacity, Bilel provides strategic technology direction and leadership for Nortel’s involvement in more than 90 standards development organizations, forums, and consortia. In support of the emerging Broadband Access & Infrastructure standards, Bilel and his team are focusing on IEEE 802.11/WiFi Alliance, 802.16/WiMAX Forum, and 802.1ah/802.1Qay Carrier Ethernet.

An experienced standards professional, Bilel is an elected member of the IEEE-SA Board of Governors and the Corporate Advisory Group (CAG). He also serves on the steering committee of several international technical conferences (e.g., the MPLS World Congress, Paris) and is an invited speaker to several industry events.

Bilel contributes to the innovation and advancement of technology in the ICT field. He has more than 20 patents and patent applications. Bilel has actively contributed to the work of numerous IETF working groups (e.g., MPLS, PPVPN, PWE3, CCAMP), both as author and editor of Internet Drafts, RFCs, and technical papers.

Bilel has been with Nortel Networks for 12 years, during which time he has held several leadership roles including software development on routing/switching platforms and data network engineering of major international customer networks.

Bilel received his BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Engineering from Pennsylvania State University. Bilel’s Ph.D. dissertation was on TCP/IP traffic analysis and its application to ATM network design. His MS thesis was on the design and implementation of an IP remote Ethernet bridge.
Tony Jeffree (Consultant)
Tony has been involved in the IT industry since 1975, in areas including process control and commercial software development, embedded systems development, IT and management consultancy, and leadership training. Over his 22 year involvement with the work of IEEE 802, Tony has been Editor for several standards in the IEEE 802.1 Working Group, which is responsible for the LAN Bridging, management, and security standardization efforts in IEEE 802, and since March 2000 Tony has Chaired the IEEE 802.1 Working Group. Since 1996 Tony has worked as an independent consultant; currently, his standards development activities are supported by Cisco, Broadcom, Hewlett Packard, and Adva.
Glen Kramer (Teknovus, USA)

Glen Kramer is Chief Scientist for Teknovus, Inc. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science in University of California at Davis. Glen chairs the 10Gb/s EPON Task Force in IEEE 802.3. The author of “Ethernet Passive Optical Networks” (McGraw Hill 2005), he has done extensive research in areas of traffic management, Quality of Service and fairness in access networks. Glen is the founder of the EPON Forum and teaches EPON tutorials and workshops at conferences around the world.
Hing Kam Lam (Alcatel-Lucent)

H. Kam LAM is the Rapporteur of Question 14 of ITU-T SG15 for the study of transport network management and control. Kam leads Q14/15 in the specification of the ASON Recommendations (G.7713 series, G.7714 series, G.7715 series, G.7716, G.7718 series), the OTN management Recommendations (G.874, G.874.1, G.875, & G.876), the SDH management Recommendations (G.784 & G.774 series), the T-MPLS management Recommendations (G.tmpls-mgmt series), the EoT management Recommendations (G.eot-mgmt series), and the generic transport management (G.7710) and DCN Recommendations (G.7712).
Kam is active in many international and regional standards organizations, including ITU-T SG15 & SG4, TeleManagement Forum, and ATIS TMOC (formerly T1M1) in the areas of management architecture, FCAPS functions, and information models. He is the author, editor, and co-editor of many ITU-T recommendations, ANSI standards, and RFCs.
Kam is currently a CMTS of Alcatel-Lucent. He has a Ph.D. degree in Statistics. He was a research scientist and Associate Professor from 1978 – 1986 and a MTS & Principal Engineer at Bellcore from 1986 – 1997.
John Lemon (Adtran)

John Lemon ( is a senior staff scientist in the Chief Technology Office of Adtran. Over the past 24 years, he has held development, senior management, and architecture roles in several areas of the data communications industry. John has been active in several standards organizations over this time, with the MEF and IEEE 802 having his current focus. He has been active since the 2000 inception of IEEE 802.17 Resilient Packet Ring (RPR) working group as contributor and editor on 802.17-2004, as Vice Chair starting in 2003, and presently as the Chair of the RPR working group.
Yoichi Maeda (ITU-T SG 15 Chair)

Yoichi Maeda received B.E. and M.E. degrees in electronic engineering from Shizuoka University, Japan, in 1976 and 1978, respectively. Since joining NTT in 1980, he has been engaged in research and development on access network transport systems for broadband communications including SDH, ATM, and IP for 26 years. From 1988 to 1989 he worked for British Telecom Research Laboratories, United Kingdom, as an exchange research engineer. He currently leads the international standards and business promotion in NTT Advanced Technology Corporation and is NTT’s Senior Adviser on Standardization. Since 1989 he has been an active participant in ITU-T SGs 13 and 15. He has been serving as vice-chair of ITU-T SG13, chair of WP3 of ITU-T SG13, and chair of OAN (Optical Access Network)-WG of FSAN (Full Service Access Network) from 2001 to 2004. He has had an appointment of chair of ITU-T SG15 for the 2005-2008 study period in October 2004 at WTSA-04. He is a member of the IEICE of Japan. He has several publications on B-ISDN standards including Introduction to ATM Networks and B-ISDN (1997, John Wiley &Sons).
David Martin (Nortel)

“DAVID W. MARTIN ( received his B.A.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toronto in 1982. He began his career with AT&T Canada in the transmission group, working on vendor evaluation and the field engineering of microwave systems. He then joined Northern Telecom to work on the system design of their digital microwave product line. David transferred to BNR in 1987 where he worked on the system design of three generations of optical transport platforms. He then managed a team to explore and define new technologies to enable data transport over SDH/OTN networks, including ATM VP ring queuing architectures and protection switching, GFP, Ethernet ring access fairness algorithms and mesh restoration protocols. Currently he is with Nortel Networks where he is working on the standards effort to enhance bridged Ethernet with carrier grade functionality. He has contributed to the 802.3 Ethernet and 802.1 Bridging committees since 1999, in addition to ATIS T1S1/T1X1 and ITU-T SG13/SG15. He is a member of the IEEE and holds 14 patents.”
Masahiro Maruyoshi (NTT)

Masahiro Maruyoshi received his B.E. and M.S. degree in Information Enfineering from Nagoya University, Japan in 2000 and 2002, respectively.

He joined Information Sharing Platform Laboratories of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), Japan in 2002. Since 2002 to 2005 he was engaged in research and development of Ethernet based virtual private network system. Since 2006, he has been engaged in development of services for corporate users such as wide area Ethernet services.

Since 2006, he actively participates in standardization meetings of ITU-T SG15. Currently, he is a editor of G.8032 (Ethernet Ring Protection Switching).
John Messenger (ADVA Optical Networking Ltd)

John Messenger graduated from Loughborough University of Technology in Electronic, Computer and Systems Engineering in 1984 and initially worked at Standard Telecommunication Laboratories in Harlow, UK.  He first attended IEEE 802 in 1987 and has continued as a member of 802.5, 802.12 and 802.1 for most of the last 20 years, serving as vice-chair of 802.5 and latterly as a member of the 802.1 operations team.  He now co-ordinates standards activities for ADVA Optical Networking Ltd globally and works on product design for ADVA’s Ethernet Access division.
Steven M. Mills (Chairman, IEEE-SA Standards Board)
Senior Architect
Hewlett-Packard Company
Sunnyvale, California

Steve Mills has worked at Hewlett-Packard Company for 25 years in the research and development of products for the computer and telecommunications industries. Mr. Mills is currently Senior Architect in the Industry Standards Program Office where he leads HP’s participation in industry consortia and standards development organizations. Prior to moving into the Standards Program Office, Mr. Mills managed an R&D team responsible for the development of hardware, operating systems and middleware of continuously available platforms for use in the telecommunications industry. Mr. Mills also spent several years as manager of a research team composed of business and technology professionals performing mid-range market and technology research. Other contributions include: the development of networking products for HP's commercial servers, launching of the HP Openview network management program, and the development of the strategy to move HP servers to a standards based I/O subsystem architecture.
Gary Nicholl (Cisco)

Gary Nicholl is a Senior Technical Lead in the Core Routing business unit at Cisco Systems. He is currently responsible for the definition and development of high speed optical interfaces for the CRS-1 core router, including the recent integration of OTN and DWDM technologies (IPoDWDM). Gary is also leading Cisco’s efforts on the definition of next generation 100GE technology, and is an active participant in the IEEE High Speed Study Group (HSSG).

Gary also represents Cisco at various industry standards organizations and industry forums, and in the past has been an active contributor in the development of several 10G and 40G standards in the IEEE, OIF and ITU.

Prior to joining Cisco in 1997, Gary spent 10 years at Nortel Networks in Ottawa, Canada, working in various R&D roles on the development of SONET/SDH transport products.

Gary holds a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Manchester (UK).

Andrew Nunn (ITU-T SG 15 WP1 Chair)

Andrew Nunn is a Vice Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 15 and Chairman of Working Party 1/15 (Optical and metallic access network).
He has spent the whole of his career in the telecommunications transport network field and for the past 17 years has been involved in the development of international and regional standards in the ITU, ETSI and ATIS.
Andrew is a Senior Standards Consultant with BT specialising in transport networks.
Hiroshi Ohta (ITU-T SG 15 Q3/15 Rapporteur)

Hiroshi Ohta received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and his M.S. and Dr. Eng. degrees in Electronics Engineering from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan in 1985, 1987 and 2000 respectively. He joined Electrical Communication Laboratories of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), Kanagawa, Japan in 1987. Since 1987 to 1999 he was engaged in research and development of ATM based transport systems, in particular, optical subscriber loops, cell loss analysis/recovery, OAM functions and protection switching as well as development of an ATM cross-connect system. Since 2000, he has been engaged in development of services for corporate users such as IP-VPN and metro Ethernet services and in development of services for consumers such as content delivery services (CDS). Currently, he is involved in development of NGN. Since 1992, he actively participates in standardization meetings including ITU-T SG13, SG15, IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee and IETF. Currently, he is a rapporteur for Question 3/15 (General characteristics of optical transport networks) of ITU-T SG15 and a Working Group co-Chair of mboned WG in IETF.
Glenn Parsons (ITU-T SG 15 representative to IEEE802.3)

Glenn Parsons ( is a senior standards advisor in the Chief Technology Office at Nortel. In his ten years at Nortel he has participated in the development, product management and standards specification of voice and fax messaging protocols, VoIP, web services and Ethernet transport. Over the past number of years, Glenn has held several management and editor positions in IETF, IEEE and ITU-T standards activities. He is currently involved with Ethernet standardization in both IEEE and ITU-T, as editor for IEEE 802.1ap (VLAN Bridge MIBs) and document editor of G.8011 (Ethernet Services Framework) in ITU-T SG 15. Glenn is also a member of the IEEE-SA Standards Board..
Mick Seaman (IEEE 802.1 Interworking TF chair)

Mick Seaman is an independent consultant whose recent focus has been the development of protocols and operational methods for the deployment of Ethernet in public and mission critical networks. Mick confounded Telseon, a metropolitan area network provider using Ethernet technology, in 1999, was previously vice president and chief technology officer of 3Com's Enterprise Business Unit, and managed the development of router architectures, software, and hardware at 3Com and Digital Equipment Corporation. He has served on a number of technical advisory boards including those of Lightstorm Networks and TiMetra Networks. Mick chaired the IEEE 802.1 Interworking Task Group from its inception in 1986 until March 2007, was responsible for the development of the 802.1D (MAC Bridge) and 802.1Q (VLAN) standards, and continues to chair the IEEE 802.1 Security Task Group that standardized 802.1AE (MAC Security).He was awarded the IEEE Medallion for Outstanding Achievement through Standards in 1998, and holds more than 20 patents in the field of switching system and protocol design. Mick has a Master’s Degree in Physics and Theoretical Physics from Cambridge University.

Neal Seitz (ITU-T SG 13 WP4 Chair)

Neal Seitz ( is a senior engineer at the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS), the telecommunications research and engineering arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). He has held leadership positions in telecommunication performance standards committees for over 25 years. He currently serves as Vice Chair of ITU-T Study Group 13 (NGN) and chairs SG 13 Working Party 4, which develops ITU-T Recommendations on QoS and OAM. He has directed the development of over two dozen national and international telecommunication performance standards and has authored numerous technical publications and contributions to standards committees. He holds two U.S. patents in multi-channel speech compression technology. He has received Department of Commerce Gold Medal and Silver Medal awards for his contributions to standards development and technical management in telecommunications.
Michael Johas Teener (Broadcom, USA)

Michael Johas Teener is currently a Technical Director at Broadcom helping with the architecture of advanced networking systems. For most of 2004 and early 2005 he was an independent consulting engineer doing business as PlumbLinks, and before that he was Plumbing Architect at Apple, a title that he also held from 1988 until 1996. Between his two stints at Apple he was Chief Technology Officer of Zayante, Inc., a FireWire technology provider he co-founded in 1996 and was acquired by Apple in 2002. He was the chief architect of Apple Computer’s Firewire technology, and was a major contributor to much of the technology now consolidated under the 1394 standards. He is the chair of the IEEE 802.1 Audio/Video Bridging Task Group, the former chair and editor of the IEEE 1394-1995 standard, the originator and editor of the IEEE 1394b -2002 gigabit/long distance supplement, and the chair and editor of the new IEEE 1394c-2006 gigabit/CAT5 supplement.

Mr. Johas Teener has a BS from Caltech, an MS from UCLA, and holds over 16 patents including several that are fundamental to the implementation of 1394 and 1394b. His career began with 8 years of real-time software and computer hardware design for very leading-edge radar and sonar systems, was the primary hardware architect for two early digital PBXs (including the first use of Ethernet in a distributed telephone switching system), made major contributions to FDDI and FDDI-2, and continued on in Silicon Valley at National Semiconductor, Apple Computer, Zayante, and now Broadcom.
Pat Thaler (IEEE 802 Vice Chair)

Patricia Thaler (IEEE)

Pat has worked on product and standards development for networking since 1983, primarily in Ethernet. The span of her work covers physical to applications layers. She is a past chair of the IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T task force and IEEE 802.3 and is currently chair of the IEEE 802.1 Congestion Management task force and 2nd Vice-Chair of IEEE 802. She has been an editor on various projects, most recently the 64B/66B encoding Clause for 10 Gig Ethernet, Clause 49 and the Autenegotiation Clause for Backplane Ethernet, Clause 73. She also has been a contributor to Infininband, Incits T10 SCSI and T11 Fibre Channel. She is an author of IETF RFCs and IDs regarding iSCSI and RDMAP/ DDP – projects to move storage traffic and inter-processor communications over consolidated Ethernet fabrics. This latter involvement is the source of her interest in improving QOS capabilities over IEEE 802 networks. She joined Broadcom in 2006 after 29 years at HP and Agilent Technologies.
Geoffrey O. Thompson (IEEE 802 Member Emeritus)

Geoffrey O. Thompson is a Standardization Consultant at Nortel Networks. He serves as an Member Emeritus of the IEEE 802 Executive Committee and served as Vice Chair of IEEE 802 from 2002-04 and Chair of IEEE 802.3 from 1993 to 2002. He has also served on a variety of IEEE-SA governance positions since 1994. He has been highly active in the development of Ethernet standards since 1983 and generic cabling standards since 1990. Before joining Synoptics Communications (subsequently Bay Networks, later acquired by Nortel Networks) in 1988, Mr. Thompson spent over 20 years with Xerox Corporation in various research and development positions where he worked on pioneering implementations and products in facsimile, laser printing, computer workstations and local area networking. Mr. Thompson received his BSEE from Purdue University in 1964.

He has been issued 12 U.S. patents. 
Steve Trowbridge (ITU-T SG 15 WP3 Chair)

Steve TROWBRIDGE received his B.S.(Electrical Engineering), M.S. and Ph.D.(Computer Science) from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1976, 1977, and 1979 respectively. He currently a Consulting Member of Technical Staff in the Optics Business Division Chief Technology Office of Alcatel-Lucent, having first joined Bell Laboratories in 1977 and held a variety of positions related to product development, systems engineering, technical marketing support, and standards. He is currently vice-chairman of ITU-T Study Group 15, chairman of ITU-T Working Party 3/15 (OTN Structure), chairman of ITU-T Working Party 3/TSAG (Electronic Working Methods and Publication Policy), and chairman of the ATIS OPTXS-OHI (Optical Transport and Syncronization Committee-Optical Hierarchal Interfaces) sub-committee.  
Huub van Helvoort (Huawei)

Huub van Helvoort [IEEE SM ’04] ( received his M.S. E. E. degree in 1977 at the Technical University, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. From that time he has been involved in the development of telecommunication systems: telephony systems at Philips Telecommunications Industries, subscriber-loop-carrier (SLC) and ISDN (NT1 and PRA) equipment at AT&T, SDH and SONET equipment at Lucent Technologies, telecommunication devices (ASICs) at TranSwitch, and currently he is a senior networking consultant for Huawei Technologies. He has been a hardware and firmware designer, system integrator and tester, systems engineer and system architect and coordinated cross-system requirement development and management. He represented all these companies in several SDOs: ETSI, ANSI, ITU-T and IETF. He contributed to many SDH, OTN and SONET standards, in particular to the standards that enabled the Next Generation SDH and OTN, i.e. ITU-T Rec. G.7041 (GFP), G.7042 (LCAS) and G.7043(VCAT and LCAS for PDH). He is editor of several ITU-T recommendations for SDH, Ethernet over Transport (ETH) and Transport MPLS (T-MPLS). He is rapporteur for question 5 in studygroup 13 of the ITU-T (responsible for packet transport OAM). He has published several books and papers based on his expertise in VCAT, LCAS, GFP and Functional Modeling. (
Maarten Vissers (Alcatel-Lucent, Netherlands)

Maarten Vissers is a member of the Optics CTO group in Alcatel-Lucent. He joined Alcatel in April 2003 as a Network Strategy Manager in the Optical Network Division. He is currently focussing on data over transport aspects, specifically the development of architecture, equipment, protection switching, OAM and NNI specifications for a world wide packet transport network. Since 1991 he is an active contributor to PDH, SDH, ATM, OTN, ASON, T-MPLS and Ethernet standards development in ITU-T, ETSI and recently also IEEE 802.1. He is an expert in functional modelling, fault management, performance monitoring, protection switching, overhead and OAM for connection monitoring and network node interface specifications. He is the editor of a number of OTN, T-MPLS and Ethernet recommendations in ITU-T and has been the editor of multiple SDH standards in ETSI and ITU-T. He holds a masters degree in Electrical Engineering, digital systems from the Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands obtained in 1982. Prior to joining Alcatel he was at Philips Telecommunication Industry, AT&T and Lucent Technologies where he designed integrated circuits for PDH systems, was a system engineer and system architect for SDH systems, championed the development and use of common requirements and architectures as a cross product systems engineer, lead the development of the OTN specifications as a transport network architect and started Ethernet over Transport network standardisation within ITU-T.


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