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ITU-EBU Joint Workshop on Accessibility to Broadcasting and IPTV ACCESS for ALL
Geneva, Switzerland, 23 – 24 November 2010 Contact: 


Katarzyna Balucka-Debska, EU (European Union)

Joined the European Commission in 2005, as Project and Policy Officer at the ICT for Inclusion Unit, Directorate General for Information Society and Media. Professional career both in the EC and beforehand (private sector sales and marketing as well as journalist experience in ICT related field) connected to ways new technologies can be used in support of every-day life, business processes and more efficient public services. Currently responsible for a portfolio of projects and policy topics relating to the ways new technologies can empower people and help remedy socio-economic disproportions and challenges in our society.

Krakow University of Economics graduate. Postgraduate studies in European Public Administration.
Christoph Dosch, IRT, Chairman ITU-R Study Group 6

Christoph Dosch graduated in telecommunication engineering from the Technical University Munich. He has gathered experience in the various broadcasting domains – from content generation to content delivery – as well as in multimedia networking and applications, especially in the hybrid broadcast-broadband domain.

Christoph Dosch is author of numerous publications, notably in the area of digital broadcasting, and is involved in the standardisation and spectrum management work of ITU. He is Chairman of ITU-R Study Group 6 (Broadcasting service) and an active participant in the work of the EBU. He represents the German Public Service broadcasters at NEM and is involved in the EU-Framework Programmes on ICT.

The IRT: The IRT (Institut für Rundfunktechnik GmbH) is one of the few specialised Broadcast and Multimedia Technology Institutes, world-wide. The IRT is a non-profit making company dedicated to technical research and development for the benefit of the public. Founded in 1957, it is entirely and jointly owned by the fourteen Public Service Broadcasters of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ( ).
Ulrike Haltrich, Sony, IEC/TC – 100

Ulrike Haltrich has joined Sony in 1996 and has been involved in several business development functions with Sony Europe and Sony Germany. For the last four years, she is focused on standardisation projects of Sony’s European Technology Standards Office. She chairs the Digital Europe e-Inclusion Working Group and co-chairs the Digital Europe Digital TV Accessibility Issue Group. She is Head of the German IEC TC100 Delegation on behalf of DKE and Digital Europe’s member of the IEC TC100 Advisory Group on Strategy.
Frank Kamperman, Philips/Digital Europe

Frank Kamperman graduated in electrical engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology in 1991 and in “Information and Communication Technique” at the same university in 1993. In 1993-1994, he was with the Netherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research (TNO), The Hague.

In 1994, he joined Philips Research Laboratories Eindhoven, where was cluster leader of the Content Security cluster. Frank joined Philips Consumer Lifestyle Innovation Laboratories in 2008 where he currently is Technology Manager DTV and heading the Digital TV cluster.
Beat Kleeb, World Federation of the Deaf

Beat Kleeb (Deaf) has been involved in accessibility issues for the Deaf and hard of hearing people for more than 30 years on national and international levels.

This includes pioneering work on the introduction of text telephones, telephone relay service, sign language interpreting services, as well as initiating captioning in the Swiss Teletext system.

Beat Kleeb has been an expert on technical aids for the World Federation of the Deaf for many years.
Christoph Jung, Fraunhofer IGD / EU project GUIDE

Christoph Jung is working as a project- and technology manager in the Fraunhofer-Institut für Grafische Datenverarbeitung IGD, in Darmstadt (Germany), since 2007. He has been involved in several European research projects, like for example "hArtes" (Audio signal processing on heterogeneous reconfigurable embedded platforms) or "ANSWER" (Content-based video analysis for work flow automation in movie post-production). Christoph is currently involved in the coordination of the European project "GUIDE", where Fraunhofer IGD implements accessible multi-modal interaction schemes based on speech, gestures and context awareness. He is further leading a project on adaptive multimedia advertisement and audience measurement for digital-out-of-home systems based on visual sensors. Together with Prof. Dr. Georgios Sakas he is supervising the lecture on Image Processing at the University of Technology Darmstadt.
Pilar Orero, UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

PhD (UMIST, UK). Works in the Centre for Accessibility and Ambient Intelligence CAIAC (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain). She started the two MAs in Audiovisual Translation at UAB, and now is the director of the Online European MA in Audiovisual Translation Recent publications: Topics in Audiovisual Translation (2004) John Benjamins. Co-editor with Jorge Díaz-Cintas and Aline Remael of Media for All: Subtitling for the Deaf, Audio Description and Sign Language (2007) Rodopi. Co-editor with Anna Matamala Listening to Subtitles: SDHoH (2010) in Peter Lang. Co-writer with Anna Matamala and Eliana Franco of Voice-over: An Overview (2010) in Peter Lang. Guest editor of TRANS 11 on Media Accessiblity, and co-guest editor with J.L. Kruger Perspectives on Audio Description (2010). Leader of numerous research projects funded by the Spanish and Catalan Gov. Partner of the EC project DTV4ALL Leads TransMedia Catalonia
Dan Pescod, Royal National Institute for the Blind and European Disability Forum

Dan Pescod is Campaigns Manager, Europe, International and Accessibility, at the Royal National Institute of Blind People in the UK (RNIB).

Dan campaigns internationally to gain greater access to information, rights and services for blind and partially sighted people.

Dan worked as part of the World Blind Union team on the negotiations on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, participating in the preparatory Ad Hoc Committee meetings at the UN in New York. He is now working with others in the disability sector to ensure its effective implementation.

He also works on EU legislation relevant to blind and partially sighted people and with UN bodies such as the World Intellectual Property Organisation and Universal Postal Union.
Dong-Hi Sim/Chantal Bonardi, ETSI

Dong Hi SIM, one of technical officers in ETSI, has 10 years experiences in telecommunication standardization activities such as 3GPP, OMA and IEEE. He served two years as a vice chair of OMA Location WG and actively involved in location service requirement and architectures in 3GPP as work item rapporteur and contributer. He was with LG Electronics Inc. as a senior research engineer and SK Telecom as a manager in South Korea before joining ETSI. He holds a master degree in electrical engineering. Also he was a visiting scholar in Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech.) to research the digital signal processing for smart antenna system.
Nick Tanton, BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)

Nick Tanton joined BBC Research in 1972 and has worked on digital television ever since – on teletext, video noise-reduction, standards conversion, electronic and computer graphics, HDTV, digital coding and multiplexing and access services for DTV. He has participated in various successful European collaborative projects and in various initiatives to make television accessible to all.

He is currently Head of Technology for the BBC Switchover Help Scheme and his responsibilities include the specification and development of user-friendly receiving equipment to help older and disabled people through digital TV switchover in the UK. He also chairs the DVB subgroup responsible for the technical standard for the delivery of subtitles with DTV services.
David Wood, EBU, Chairman, ITU-R Working Party 6C

David Wood was educated at Southampton University in the UK, the Popov Institute in the Ukraine, and the Harvard Business School. He has been a fanatic for 3D TV since the early 1980s, and made the first proposal to the SMPTE to study 3D TV in 2006. He chairs the activity on 3D TV in the ITU-R, and in the DVB Commercial Module, which may lead to a major step forward for 3D TV standards on 23 June 2010. He has been coordinating activities across standards activities with the SMPTE group, the ISO/IEC group, and the 3D@home consortium.


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