-- Module IN-CS2-datatypes (Q.1228:09/1997)
-- See also ITU-T Q.1228 (09/1997)
-- See also the index of all ASN.1 assignments needed in this document

-- The Definition of Common Data Types Follows
IN-CS2-datatypes {itu-t recommendation q 1228 modules(0) in-cs2-datatypes(0)

  tc-Messages, classes
    FROM IN-CS2-object-identifiers {itu-t recommendation q 1228 modules(0)
      in-cs2-object-identifiers(17) version1(0)}
  --	InvokeIdType
  --FROM TCAPMessages { itu-t recommendation q 773 modules (2) messages (1) version2 (2) }
  EXTENSION, PARAMETERS-BOUND, SupportedExtensions{}
    FROM IN-CS2-classes {itu-t recommendation q 1228 modules(0)
      in-cs2-classes(4) version1(0)};

InvokeIdType ::= INTEGER(-128..127)

AccessCode{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= LocationNumber{bound}

-- An access code from a business group dialling plan attendant access codes, access codes to escape
-- to the public network, access code to access a private facility/network, and feature access codes.
-- Uses the LocationNumber format which is based on the Q.763 Location Number format.
-- The Nature of Address indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 00000000).
-- The Numbering Plan Indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 000).
-- Of local significance.
AccountNumber ::= NumericString(SIZE (1..151))

AChBillingChargingCharacteristics{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minAChBillingChargingLength..

-- The AChBillingChargingCharacteristics parameter specifies the charging related information
-- to be provided by the SSF and the conditions on which this information has to be reported
-- back to the SCF with the ApplyChargingReport operation.
-- Examples of charging related information to be provided by the SSF may be: bulk counter
-- values, costs, tariff change and time of charge, time stamps, durations, etc.
-- Examples of conditions on which the charging related information are to be reported may be:
-- threshold value reached, timer expiration, tariff change, end of connection configuration, etc.
ActionIndicator ::= ENUMERATED {activate(1), deactivate(2), retrieve(3)

-- indicates the action to be performed by the ManageTriggerData operation (activate, deactivate
-- or retrieve the status of a TDP.
ActionPerformed ::= ENUMERATED {
  activated(1), deactivated(2), alreadyActive(3), alreadyInactive(4),
  isActive(5), isInactive(6)}

-- indicates the result of the operation ManageTriggerData 
-- activated: response of activate TDP
-- deactivated: response of deactivate TDP
-- alreadyActive: response of activate TDP
-- alreadyInactive: response of deactivate TDP
-- isActive: response of retrieve status of TDP
-- isInactive: response of retrieve status of TDP
ActivableServices ::= BIT STRING {
  connectedLineIdentificationRestriction(4), callForwardingOnNoReply(5),
  callForwardingUnconditional(6), callForwardingOnBusy(7),
  callForwardingOnNotReachable(8), reverseCharging(9),
  adviceOfChargeOnStart(10), adviceOfChargeAtEnd(11),
  adviceOfChargeDuringCall(12), timeDependentRouting(13),
  callingPartingDependentRouting(14), outgoingCallBarring(15),

AdditionalCallingPartyNumber{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= Digits{bound}

-- Indicates the Additional Calling Party Number. Refer to Rec. Q.763 for encoding.
AlertingPattern ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (3))

-- Indicates a specific pattern that is used to alert a subscriber (e.g. distinctive ringing, tones, etc.). 
-- Only applies if SSF is the terminating local exchange for the subscriber. Refer to the Q.931 
-- Signal parameter for encoding.
ApplicationTimer ::= INTEGER(0..2047)

-- Used by the SCF to set a timer in the SSF. The timer is in seconds.
AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=

-- Indicates the destination address of the SRF for the assist procedure.
BackwardGVNS{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minBackwardGVNSLength..bound.&maxBackwardGVNSLength))

-- Indicates the GVNS Backward information. Refer to clause 6/Q.735 for encoding.
BackwardServiceInteractionInd ::= SEQUENCE {
  conferenceTreatmentIndicator      [1]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL,
  -- acceptConferenceRequest	'xxxx xx01'B
  -- rejectConferenceRequest		'xxxx xx10'B
  -- network default is accept conference request,
  callCompletionTreatmentIndicator  [2]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL
  -- acceptCallCompletionServiceRequest		'xxxx xx01'B,
  -- rejectCallCompletionServiceRequest		'xxxx xx10'B
  -- network default is accept call completion service request 

  eventTypeBCSM       [0]  EventTypeBCSM,
  monitorMode         [1]  MonitorMode,
  legID               [2]  LegID OPTIONAL,
  dpSpecificCriteria  [30]  DpSpecificCriteria{bound} OPTIONAL

-- Indicates the BCSM Event information for monitoring.
  eventType    [0]  EventTypeBCUSM,
  monitorMode  [1]  MonitorMode

BearerCapabilities ::= BIT STRING {
  speech(0), bc64kbits(1), bc2x64kbits(2), bc384kbits(3), bc1536kbits(4),
  bc1920kbits(5), multirate(6), restrictedDigitalInfo(7), bc3-1khzAudio(8),
  bc7khzAudio(9), video(10)}

BearerCapability{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= CHOICE {
  bearerCap  [0]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (2..bound.&maxBearerCapabilityLength)),
  tmr        [1]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1))

-- Indicates the type of bearer capability connection to the user. For bearerCapability, either 
-- DSS 1 (Rec. Q.931) or the ISUP User Service Information (Rec. Q.763) encoding can be used. Refer 
-- to the Q.763 Transmission Medium Requirement parameter for tmr encoding.
BothwayThroughConnectionInd ::= ENUMERATED {
  bothwayPathRequired(0), bothwayPathNotRequired(1)}

CallConditions{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= CHOICE {
  userAbandon         [0]  NULL,
  callFailure         [1]  CauseValue,
  noReply             [2]  INTEGER, -- time expressed in seconds
  callRelease         [3]  NULL,
  ss-invocation       [4]  InvokableService,
  creditLimitReached  [5]  INTEGER,
  callDuration        [6]  INTEGER,
  calledNumber        [7]  NumberMatch{bound},
  answeredCall        [8]  NULL

CalledPartyBusinessGroupID ::= OCTET STRING

-- Indicates the business group of the called party. The value of this octet string is network-
-- operator specific.
CalledPartyNumber{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minCalledPartyNumberLength..

-- Indicates the Called Party Number. Refer to Rec. Q.763 for encoding.
CalledPartySubaddress ::= OCTET STRING

-- Indicates the Called Party Subaddress. Refer to Rec. Q.931 for encoding.
CallIdentifier ::= INTEGER(1..2147483647)

CallingPartyBusinessGroupID ::= OCTET STRING

-- Indicates the business group of the calling party. The value of this octet string is network-
-- operator specific.
CallingPartyNumber{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minCallingPartyNumberLength..

-- Indicates the Calling Party Number. Refer to Rec. Q.763 for encoding.
CallingPartySubaddress ::= OCTET STRING

-- Indicates the Calling Party Subaddress. Refer to Rec. Q.931 for encoding.
CallingPartysCategory ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (1))

-- Indicates the type of calling party (e.g. operator, payphone, ordinary subscriber). Refer to Rec. Q.763
-- for encoding.
CallProcessingOperationCorrelationID ::= ENUMERATED {
  aLERTing(1), sETUP(5), cONNect(7), dISConnect(69), rELease(77),
  rELeaseCOMPlete(90), fACility(98)}

  callDuration        [0]  Duration,
  callingPartyNumber  [1]  CallingPartyNumber{bound},
  calledPartyNumber   [2]  CalledPartyNumber{bound}

CallResult{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minCallResultLength..bound.&maxCallResultLength))

-- This parameter provides the SCF with the charging related information previously requested
-- using the ApplyCharging operation. This shall include the partyToCharge parameter as
-- received in the related ApplyCharging operation to correlate the result to the request
-- The remaining content is network-operator specific.
-- Examples of charging related information to be provided by the SSF may be: bulk counter values,
-- costs, tariff change and time of change, time stamps, durations, etc.
-- Examples of conditions on which the charging related information are to be reported may be:
-- threshold value reached, timer expiration, tariff change, end of connection configuration, etc.
CallSegmentID{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= INTEGER(1..bound.&numOfCSs)

initialCallSegment INTEGER ::= 1

-- the initial call segment represents the call segment that was there when the CSA was created, ie. the CS where
-- the trigger took place or the CS that was created by an InitateCallAttempt within a TC-BEGIN message.
CallUnrelatedDpSpecificCommonParameters{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= SEQUENCE {
  serviceAddressInformation  [0]  ServiceAddressInformation,
  callingPartyNumber         [1]  CallingPartyNumber{bound} OPTIONAL,
  locationNumber             [2]  LocationNumber{bound} OPTIONAL,
  terminalType               [3]  TerminalType DEFAULT isdn,
    [4]  SEQUENCE SIZE (1..bound.&numOfExtensions) OF
           ExtensionField{{SupportedExtensions  {bound}}} OPTIONAL
  --	...

Carrier ::= OCTET STRING

-- Contains the carrier selection and carrier ID fields.
-- Carrier selection is one octet and is encoded as:
-- 00000000		No indication
-- 00000001		Selected carrier code pre-subscribed and not input by calling party
-- 00000010		Selected carrier identification code pre-subscribed and input by calling party 
-- 00000011		Selected carrier identification code pre-subscribed, no indication of whether input by calling party
-- 00000100 		Selected carrier identification code not pre-subscribed and input by calling party 
-- 00000101
-- 	to		Spare
-- 11111110
-- 11111111		Reserved
-- Carrier ID has a one-octet field indicating the number of digits followed by the digits encoded using BCD
-- Detailed coding is for further study. It is of local significance and carrying it through the ISUP is for further study
Cause{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
  OCTET STRING(SIZE (minCauseLength..bound.&maxCauseLength))

-- Indicates the cause for interface related information. Refer to the Q.763 Cause parameter for encoding.
-- For the use of cause and location values, refer to Rec. Q.850
CauseValue ::=
  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1)) --type extracted from Cause parameter in Rec. Q.763.

CGEncountered ::= ENUMERATED {
  noCGencountered(0), manualCGencountered(1), scpOverload(2)}

-- Indicates the type of automatic call gapping encountered, if any.
ChargeNumber{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=

-- Information sent in either direction indicating the chargeable number for the call and consisting
-- of the odd/even indicator, nature of address indicator, numbering plan indicator, and address signals.
-- Uses the LocationNumber format which is based on the Q.763 Location Number format
-- For example, the ChargeNumber may be a third party number to which a call is billed for the 3rd party billing 
-- service. In this case, the calling party may request operator assistance to charge the call to,
-- for example, their home number.
ChargingEvent{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= SEQUENCE {
  eventTypeCharging  [0]  EventTypeCharging{bound},
  monitorMode        [1]  MonitorMode,
  legID              [2]  LegID OPTIONAL

-- This parameter indicates the charging event  type and corresponding
-- monitor mode and LedID
ChargingParameters{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= SEQUENCE {
  unitsPerInterval         [0]  INTEGER(0..bound.&maxUnitsPerInterval),
  timePerInterval          [1]  INTEGER(0..bound.&maxTimePerInterval),
  scalingFactor            [2]  INTEGER(0..bound.&maxScalingFactor),
    [3]  INTEGER(0..bound.&maxInitialUnitIncrement) OPTIONAL,
    [4]  INTEGER(0..bound.&maxUnitsPerDataInterval) OPTIONAL,
    [5]  INTEGER(0..bound.&maxSegmentsPerDataInterval) OPTIONAL,
    [6]  INTEGER(0..bound.&maxInitialTimeInterval) OPTIONAL

CollectedDigits ::= SEQUENCE {
  minimumNbOfDigits    [0]  INTEGER(1..127) DEFAULT 1,
  maximumNbOfDigits    [1]  INTEGER(1..127),
  endOfReplyDigit      [2]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL,
  cancelDigit          [3]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL,
  startDigit           [4]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL,
  firstDigitTimeOut    [5]  INTEGER(1..127) OPTIONAL,
  interDigitTimeOut    [6]  INTEGER(1..127) OPTIONAL,
  errorTreatment       [7]  ErrorTreatment DEFAULT reportErrorToScf,
  interruptableAnnInd  [8]  BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
  voiceInformation     [9]  BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
  voiceBack            [10]  BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE

-- The use of voiceBack is network-operator specific.
-- The endOfReplyDigit, cancelDigit, and startDigit parameters have been designated as OCTET STRING, 
-- and are to be encoded as  BCD, one digit per octet only, contained
-- in the four least significant bits of each OCTET. The usage is service dependent.
CollectedInfo ::= CHOICE {
  collectedDigits  [0]  CollectedDigits,
  iA5Information   [1]  BOOLEAN

Component ::= CHOICE {
  componentInfo     [0]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..118)),
  -- Contains the operation value (object identifier), error value, etc. within the UNI APDU, in addition also contains
  -- the parameter set/sequence for the operation invocation/return result of return error/reject on UNI. See Rec. Q.932
  -- for encoding
  relayedComponent  [1]  EMBEDDED PDV

-- If componentInfo is chosen, then it is necessary to use this parameter in sequence with ComponentType and
-- ComponentCorrelationID
-- If relayedComponent is chosen, then ComponentType and ComponentCorrelationID may not be used in the 
-- sequence
ComponentCorrelationID ::= INTEGER

ComponentType ::= ENUMERATED {
  any(0), invoke(1), rResult(2), rError(3), rReject(4)}

ConnectedNumberTreatmentInd ::= ENUMERATED {
  noINImpact(0), presentationRestricted(1), presentCalledINNumber(2)}

Constraints ::= SEQUENCE {
  maximumNumberOfDigits   [1]  INTEGER(1..127),
  minimumNumberOfDigits   [2]  INTEGER(1..127),
  typeOfRequestedInfo     [3]  InfoType DEFAULT numericString,
  numberOfAllowedRetries  [4]  INTEGER(0..127) DEFAULT 0

ControlConditionByCallParty ::= SEQUENCE {
  endOfMessageSendingDigit  [0]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL,
  replayDigit               [1]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL

ControlType ::= ENUMERATED {
  sCPOverloaded(0), manuallyInitiated(1), destinationOverload(2)
-- other values for further study (FFS)

CorrelationID{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= Digits{bound}

-- used by SCF for correlation with a previous operation. Refer to clause 17 for a description of the procedures 
-- associated with this parameter.
CounterAndValue ::= SEQUENCE {
  counterID     [0]  CounterID,
  counterValue  [1]  Integer4

CounterID ::= INTEGER(0..99)

-- Indicates the counters to be incremented.
-- The counterIDs can be addressed by using the last digits of the dialled number.
CountersValue ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (0..numOfCounters) OF CounterAndValue

  currency  CurrencyValue{bound},
  units     CreditUnit

CreditUnit ::= INTEGER(0..maxCreditUnit)

CriticalityType ::= ENUMERATED {ignore(0), abort(1)}

CSAID{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= INTEGER(1..bound.&numOfCSAs)

-- Indicates the SSF CSA identifier
CurrencyID ::= PrintableString(SIZE (3)) -- ISO 639 code

CurrencyValue{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= SEQUENCE {
  currency  CurrencyID,
  amount    INTEGER(0..bound.&maxAmount)

CutAndPaste ::= INTEGER(0..22)

-- Indicates the number of digits to be deleted. Refer to Rec. Q.1224 for additional information.
DateAndTime ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (6))

-- Indicates, amongst others, the start time for activate service filtering. Coded as YYMMDDHHMMSS
-- with each digit coded BCD. 
-- The first octet contains YY and the remaining items are sequenced following.
-- For example, 1993 September 30th, 12:15:01 would be encoded as:
-- Bits 						   HGFE	   DCBA
-- leading octet				        3		        9
-- 						        9		        0
-- 						        0		        3
-- 						        2		        1
-- 						        5		        1
-- 						        1		        0
DestinationRoutingAddress{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
  SEQUENCE SIZE (1..3) OF CalledPartyNumber{bound}

-- Indicates the list of Called Party Numbers (primary and alternates).
Digits{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
  OCTET STRING(SIZE (bound.&minDigitsLength..bound.&maxDigitsLength))

-- Indicates the address signalling digits. Refer to the Q.763 Generic Number and Generic Digits parameters 
-- for encoding. The coding of the subfields 'NumberQualifier' in Generic Number and 'TypeOfDigits' in
-- Generic Digits is irrelevant to the INAP, the ASN.1 tags are sufficient to identify the parameter.
-- The ISUP format does not allow to exclude these subfields, therefore the value is network-operator specific.
-- The following parameters should use Generic Number: 
-- CorrelationID for AssistRequestInstructions, AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress for EstablishTemporaryConnection,
-- calledAddressValue for all occurrences,callingAddressValue for all occurrences.
-- The following parameters should use Generic Digits: prefix, all
-- other CorrelationID occurrences, dialledNumber filtering criteria, callingLineID filtering criteria, lineID for 
-- ResourceIDType, digitResponse for ReceivedInformationArg, iNServiceControlLow / iNServiceControlHigh for
-- MidCallInfoType, iNServiceControlCode for MidCallInfo.
DisplayInformation{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minDisplayInformationLength..

-- Indicates the display information.
-- Delivery of DisplayInformation parameter to Private Networks cannot be guaranteed due to signalling 
-- interworking problems, solutions are currently under study
DpSpecificCommonParameters{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= SEQUENCE {
  serviceAddressInformation         [0]  ServiceAddressInformation,
  bearerCapability                  [1]  BearerCapability{bound} OPTIONAL,
  calledPartyNumber                 [2]  CalledPartyNumber{bound} OPTIONAL,
  callingPartyNumber                [3]  CallingPartyNumber{bound} OPTIONAL,
  callingPartysCategory             [4]  CallingPartysCategory OPTIONAL,
  iPSSPCapabilities                 [5]  IPSSPCapabilities{bound} OPTIONAL,
  iPAvailable                       [6]  IPAvailable{bound} OPTIONAL,
  iSDNAccessRelatedInformation      [7]  ISDNAccessRelatedInformation OPTIONAL,
  cGEncountered                     [8]  CGEncountered OPTIONAL,
  locationNumber                    [9]  LocationNumber{bound} OPTIONAL,
  serviceProfileIdentifier          [10]  ServiceProfileIdentifier OPTIONAL,
  terminalType                      [11]  TerminalType OPTIONAL,
    [12]  SEQUENCE SIZE (1..bound.&numOfExtensions) OF
            ExtensionField{{SupportedExtensions  {bound}}} OPTIONAL,
  chargeNumber                      [13]  ChargeNumber{bound} OPTIONAL,
  servingAreaID                     [14]  ServingAreaID{bound} OPTIONAL,
    [15]  ServiceInteractionIndicators{bound} OPTIONAL,
    [16]  INServiceCompatibilityIndication{bound} OPTIONAL,
    [17]  ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo OPTIONAL,
  uSIServiceIndicator               [18]  USIServiceIndicator{bound} OPTIONAL,
  uSIInformation                    [19]  USIInformation{bound} OPTIONAL,
  forwardGVNS                       [20]  ForwardGVNS{bound} OPTIONAL,
  createdCallSegmentAssociation     [21]  CSAID{bound} OPTIONAL,

-- OPTIONAL for iPSSPCapabilities, iPAvailable, and cGEncountered denotes network-operator specific use.
-- OPTIONAL for callingPartyNumber, and callingPartysCategory refer to clause 17 for 
-- the trigger detection point processing rules to specify when these parameters are included in the 
-- message. bearerCapability should be appropriately coded as speech.
DpSpecificCriteria{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= CHOICE {
  numberOfDigits      [0]  NumberOfDigits,
  applicationTimer    [1]  ApplicationTimer,
  midCallControlInfo  [2]  MidCallControlInfo{bound}

-- The SCF may specify the number of digits to be collected by the SSF for the CollectedInfo event.
-- When all digits are collected, the SSF reports the event to the SCF.
-- The SCF may set a timer in the SSF for the No Answer event. If the user does not answer the call 
-- within the allotted time, the SSF reports the event to the SCF
Duration ::= INTEGER(-2..86400)

-- Values are seconds
ElementaryMessageID ::= Integer4

Entry ::= CHOICE {
  agreements       [0]  OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
  networkSpecific  [1]  Integer4

ErrorTreatment ::= ENUMERATED {reportErrorToScf(0), help(1), repeatPrompt(2)}

-- reportErrorToScf means returning the "ImproperCallerResponse" error in the event of an error
-- condition during collection of user info.
EventSpecificInformationBCSM{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= CHOICE {
    [0]  SEQUENCE {calledPartynumber  [0]  CalledPartyNumber{bound},
    [1]  SEQUENCE {calledPartynumber  [0]  CalledPartyNumber{bound},
    [2]  SEQUENCE {failureCause  [0]  Cause{bound} OPTIONAL,
    [3]  SEQUENCE {busyCause  [0]  Cause{bound} OPTIONAL,
    [4]  SEQUENCE {-- no specific info defined 
    [5]  SEQUENCE {backwardGVNS  [0]  BackwardGVNS{bound} OPTIONAL,
    [6]  SEQUENCE {connectTime   [0]  Integer4 OPTIONAL,
                   oMidCallInfo  [1]  MidCallInfo{bound} OPTIONAL,
    [7]  SEQUENCE {releaseCause  [0]  Cause{bound} OPTIONAL,
                   connectTime   [1]  Integer4 OPTIONAL,
    [8]  SEQUENCE {busyCause  [0]  Cause{bound} OPTIONAL,
    [9]  SEQUENCE {-- no specific info defined 
    [10]  SEQUENCE {-- no specific info defined 
    [11]  SEQUENCE {connectTime   [0]  Integer4 OPTIONAL,
                    tMidCallInfo  [1]  MidCallInfo{bound} OPTIONAL,
    [12]  SEQUENCE {releaseCause  [0]  Cause{bound} OPTIONAL,
                    connectTime   [1]  Integer4 OPTIONAL,
    [13]  SEQUENCE {-- no specific info defined 
    [14]  SEQUENCE {-- no specific info defined 
    [15]  SEQUENCE {-- no specific info defined 
    [16]  SEQUENCE {-- no specific info defined 
    [17]  SEQUENCE {-- no specific info defined 
    [18]  SEQUENCE {-- no specific info defined 
    [19]  SEQUENCE {-- no specific info defined 
    [20]  SEQUENCE {-- no specific info defined 
    [21]  SEQUENCE {abandonCause  [0]  Cause{bound} OPTIONAL,
    [22]  SEQUENCE {abandonCause  [0]  Cause{bound} OPTIONAL,

-- Indicates the call related information specific to the event.
-- The connectTime indicates the duration between the received answer indication from the called party side
-- and the release of the connection for ODisconnect, OException, TDisconnect, or TException or between
-- the received answer indication from the called party side and the time of detection of the required
-- mid call event.
-- The unit for the connectTime is 100 milliseconds
EventSpecificInformationCharging{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minEventSpecificInformationChargingLength..

-- defined by network operator.
-- Indicates the charging related information specific to the event.
-- An example data type definition for this parameter is given below:
--		chargePulses			[0] Integer4,
--		chargeMessages		[1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (min..max))
  origAttemptAuthorized(1), collectedInfo(2), analysedInformation(3),
  routeSelectFailure(4), oCalledPartyBusy(5), oNoAnswer(6), oAnswer(7),
  oMidCall(8), oDisconnect(9), oAbandon(10), termAttemptAuthorized(12),
  tBusy(13), tNoAnswer(14), tAnswer(15), tMidCall(16), tDisconnect(17),
  tAbandon(18), oTermSeized(19), oSuspended(20), tSuspended(21),
  origAttempt(22), termAttempt(23), oReAnswer(24), tReAnswer(25),
  facilitySelectedAndAvailable(26), callAccepted(27)}

-- Indicates the BCSM detection point event. Refer to Rec. Q.1224 for additional information on the events.
-- Values origAttemptAuthorized and termAttemptAuthorized can only be used for TDPs
  componentReceived(127), associationReleaseRequested(126)}

EventTypeCharging{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minEventTypeChargingLength..

-- This parameter indicates the charging event type. Its content is network-operator specific.
-- An example data type definition for this parameter is given below:
-- EventTypeCharging ::= ENUMERATED {
-- 					chargePulses (0),
-- 					chargeMessages (1)
-- 					}
ExtensionField{EXTENSION:SupportedExtensions} ::= SEQUENCE {
  type         EXTENSION.&id({SupportedExtensions}),
  -- shall identify the value of an EXTENSION type
  criticality  CriticalityType DEFAULT ignore,
  value        [1]  EXTENSION.&ExtensionType({SupportedExtensions}{@type})

--This parameter indicates an extension of an argument data type. Its content is network-operator specific
FacilityGroup ::= CHOICE {
  trunkGroupID       [0]  INTEGER,
  privateFacilityID  [1]  INTEGER,
  huntGroup          [2]  OCTET STRING,
  routeIndex         [3]  OCTET STRING

-- Indicates the particular group of facilities to route the call. huntGroup and routeIndex are encoded as 
-- network-operator specific.
FacilityGroupMember ::= INTEGER

-- Indicates the specific member of a trunk group or multi-line hunt group.
FailureCause ::= OCTET STRING

-- FailureCause is FFS. The coding should be specified to be able to handle unsuccessful situation
-- for TDP activation/deactivation. 
FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minFCIBillingChargingLength..

-- This parameter indicates the billing and/or charging characteristics. Its content is network-operator specific.
-- An example datatype definition for this parameter is given below:
-- FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= CHOICE {
-- 	completeChargingrecord		[0] OCTET STRING (SIZE (min..max)),
--	correlationID				[1] CorrelationID,
--	scenario2Dot3				[2] SEQUENCE {
--						chargeParty		[0] LegID	 	OPTIONAL,
--						chargeLevel		[1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (min..max))
--														OPTIONAL,
--						chargeItems		[2] SET OF Attribute		OPTIONAL
--						}
--	}
-- Depending on the applied charging scenario the following information elements can be included
-- (refer to Appendix II/Q.1214):
-- complete charging record (scenario 2.2)
-- charge party (scenario 2.3)
-- charge level (scenario 2.3)
-- charge items (scenario 2.3)
-- correlationID (scenario 2.4)
FeatureCode{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=

-- The two-digit feature code preceded by "*" or "11".
-- Uses the LocationNumber format which is based on the Q.763 Location Number format.
-- The Nature of Address indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 00000000).
-- The Numbering Plan Indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 000)
-- Used for stimulus signalling (Rec. Q.932).
FeatureRequestIndicator ::= ENUMERATED {
  hold(0), retrieve(1), featureActivation(2), spare1(3), sparen(127)}

-- Indicates the feature activated (e.g. a switch-hook flash, feature activation). Spare values reserved 
-- for future use.
FilteredCallTreatment{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= SEQUENCE {
    [0]  SFBillingChargingCharacteristics{bound},
  informationToSend                 [1]  InformationToSend{bound} OPTIONAL,
  maximumNumberOfCounters           [2]  MaximumNumberOfCounters OPTIONAL,
  releaseCause                      [3]  Cause{bound} OPTIONAL

-- If releaseCause is not present, the default value is the same as the ISUP cause value decimal 31.
-- If informationToSend is present, the call will be released after the end of the announcement 
-- with the indicated or default releaseCause.
-- If maximumNumberOfCounters is not present, ServiceFilteringResponse will be sent with 
-- CountersValue::= SEQUENCE SIZE (0) OF CountersAndValue
FilteringCharacteristics ::= CHOICE {
  interval       [0]  INTEGER(1..32000),
  numberOfCalls  [1]  Integer4

-- Indicates the severity of the filtering and the point in time when the ServiceFilteringResponse is to be sent. 
-- If = interval, every interval of time the next call leads to an InitialDP and a ServiceFilteringResponse is sent to 
-- the SCF. The interval is specified in seconds.
-- If = NumberOfCalls, every N calls the Nth call leads to an InitialDP and a ServiceFilteringResponse 
-- is sent to the SCF.
-- If ActivateServiceFiltering implies several counters - filtering on several dialled number - 
-- the numberOfCalls would include calls to all the dialled numbers.
FilteringCriteria{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= CHOICE {
  dialledNumber      [0]  Digits{bound},
  callingLineID      [1]  Digits{bound},
  serviceKey         [2]  ServiceKey,
    [30]  SEQUENCE {calledAddressValue   [0]  Digits{bound},
                    serviceKey           [1]  ServiceKey,
                    callingAddressValue  [2]  Digits{bound} OPTIONAL,
                    locationNumber       [3]  LocationNumber{bound} OPTIONAL

-- In case calledAddressValue is specified, the numbers to be filtered are from calledAddressValue
-- up to and including calledAddressValue + maximumNumberOfCounters?1.
-- The last two digits of calledAddressvalue cannot exceed 100?maximumNumberOfCounters.
FilteringTimeOut ::= CHOICE {
  duration  [0]  Duration,
  stopTime  [1]  DateAndTime

-- Indicates the maximum duration of the filtering. When the timer expires, a ServiceFilteringResponse 
-- is sent to the SCF.
ForwardCallIndicators ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (2))

-- Indicates the Forward Call Indicators. Refer to Rec. Q.763 for encoding
    (SIZE (bound.&minForwardGVNSLength..bound.&maxForwardGVNSLength))

-- Indicates the GVNS Forward information. Refer to clause 6/Q.735, for encoding.
ForwardingCondition ::= ENUMERATED {busy(0), noanswer(1), any(2)}

-- Indicates the condition that must be met to complete the connect.
ForwardServiceInteractionInd ::= SEQUENCE {
  conferenceTreatmentIndicator     [1]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL,
  -- acceptConferenceRequest	'xxxx xx01',B
  -- rejectConferenceRequest		'xxxx xx10'B
  -- network default is accept conference request
  callDiversionTreatmentIndicator  [2]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL,
  -- callDiversionAllowed		'xxxx xx01'B
  -- callDiversionNotAllowed		'xxxx xx10'B
  -- network default is Call Diversion allowed
  callOfferingTreatmentIndicator   [3]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL
  -- callOfferingNotAllowed		'xxxx xx01'B,
  -- callOfferingAllowed		'xxxx xx10'B
  -- network default is Call Offering not allowed

GapCriteria{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= CHOICE {
  calledAddressValue        [0]  Digits{bound},
  gapOnService              [2]  GapOnService,
  gapAllInTraffic           [3]  NULL,
    [29]  SEQUENCE {calledAddressValue  [0]  Digits{bound},
                    serviceKey          [1]  ServiceKey},
    [30]  SEQUENCE {callingAddressValue  [0]  Digits{bound},
                    serviceKey           [1]  ServiceKey,
                    locationNumber       [2]  LocationNumber{bound} OPTIONAL

-- Both calledAddressValue and callingAddressValue can be
-- incomplete numbers, in the sense that a limited amount of digits can be given.
-- For the handling of numbers starting with the same digit string refer to the detailed procedure
-- of the CallGap operation in 17.12.
GapOnService ::= SEQUENCE {
  serviceKey  [0]  ServiceKey,
  dpCriteria  [1]  EventTypeBCSM OPTIONAL

GapIndicators ::= SEQUENCE {
  duration     [0]  Duration,
  gapInterval  [1]  Interval

-- Indicates the gapping characteristics. No gapping when gapInterval equals 0, and gap all calls when 
-- gapInterval equals ?1.
GapTreatment{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= CHOICE {
  informationToSend  [0]  InformationToSend{bound},
  releaseCause       [1]  Cause{bound},
    [2]  SEQUENCE {informationToSend  [0]  InformationToSend{bound},
                   releaseCause       [1]  Cause{bound}}

-- The default value for Cause is the same as in ISUP.
GenericName{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minGenericNameLength..bound.&maxGenericNameLength))

GenericNumber{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minGenericNumberLength..bound.&maxGenericNumberLength))

-- Refer to Q.763 Generic Number for encoding.
GenericNumbers{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
  SET SIZE (1..bound.&numOfGenericNumbers) OF GenericNumber{bound}

HighLayerCompatibilities ::= BIT STRING {
  telephony(0), facsimileGroup2-3(1), facsimileGroup4classeI(2),
  teletexMixedMode(3), teletexProcessableMode(4), teletexBasicMode(5),
  syntaxBasedVideotex(6), internationalVideotex(7), telexService(8),
  messageHandlingSystem(9), osiApplication(10), audioVisual(11)}

HighLayerCompatibility ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (highLayerCompatibilityLength))

-- Indicates the teleservice. For encoding, DSS 1 (Rec.Q.931) is used.
HoldCause ::= OCTET STRING -- defined by network operator.

-- Indicates the cause for holding the call.
  messageID            [0]  MessageID{bound},
  numberOfRepetitions  [1]  INTEGER(1..127) OPTIONAL,
  duration             [2]  INTEGER(0..32767) OPTIONAL,
  interval             [3]  INTEGER(0..32767) OPTIONAL

-- Interval is the time in seconds between each repeated announcement. Duration is the total
-- amount of time in seconds, including repetitions and intervals.
-- The end of announcement is either the end of duration or numberOfRepetitions, whatever comes first.
-- duration with value 0 indicates infinite duration
InformationToRecord{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= SEQUENCE {
  messageID               [0]  ElementaryMessageID OPTIONAL,
  messageDeletionTimeOut  [1]  INTEGER(1..3600) OPTIONAL,
  timeToRecord            [3]  INTEGER(0..bound.&maxRecordingTime) OPTIONAL,
    [4]  SEQUENCE {endOfRecordingDigit
                     [0]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL,
                     [1]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL,
                     [2]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL,
                     [3]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL,
                   restartAllowed         [4]  BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
                   replayAllowed          [5]  BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE}

InformationToSend{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= CHOICE {
  inbandInfo          [0]  InbandInfo{bound},
  tone                [1]  Tone,
  displayInformation  [2]  DisplayInformation{bound}

  messageID           [0]  MessageID{bound},
  toneId              [1]  ToneId,
  displayInformation  [2]  DisplayInformation{bound}

InfoType ::= ENUMERATED {numericString(0), characterString(1), iA5String(2)}

INServiceCompatibilityIndication{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
  SEQUENCE SIZE (1..bound.&numOfInServiceCompatibilityIndLength) OF Entry

INServiceCompatibilityResponse ::= Entry

Integer4 ::= INTEGER(0..2147483647)

InteractionStrategy ::= ENUMERATED {stopOnError(1), bestEffort(2)}

Interval ::= INTEGER(-1..60000)

-- Units are milliseconds. A ?1 value denotes infinite.
InvokableService ::= ENUMERATED {
  connectedLineIdentificationRestriction(2), callWaiting(3), callHold(4),
  reverseCharging(5), explicitCallTransfer(6),

InvokeID ::= InvokeIdType

-- Operation invoke identifier.
IPAvailable{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minIPAvailableLength..bound.&maxIPAvailableLength))

-- defined by network operator.
-- Indicates that the resource is available.
IPRoutingAddress{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=

-- Indicates the routing address for the IP.
IPSSPCapabilities{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minIPSSPCapabilitiesLength..

-- defined by network operator.
-- Indicates the SRF resources available at the SSP.
ISDNAccessRelatedInformation ::= OCTET STRING

-- Indicates the destination user network interface related information. Refer to the Q.763 Access 
-- Transport parameter for encoding.
Language ::= PrintableString(SIZE (3)) -- ISO 639 codes only;

LegID ::= CHOICE {sendingSideID    [0]  LegType,
                  receivingSideID  [1]  LegType

-- Indicates a reference to a specific party in a call. OPTIONAL denotes network-operator specific use 
-- with a choice of unilateral ID assignment or bilateral ID assignment.
-- OPTIONAL for LegID also denotes the following:
-- when only one party exists in the call, this parameter is not needed (as no ambiguity exists);
-- when more than one party exists in the call, one of the following alternatives applies:
--	 1. LegID is present and indicates which party is concerned.
--	 2. LegID is not present and a default value is assumed (e.g. calling party in the case of the 
--	    ApplyCharging operation).
-- Choice between these two alternatives is kept a network-operator option.
LegType ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (1))

leg1 LegType ::= '01'H

leg2 LegType ::= '02'H

LocationNumber{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minLocationNumberLength..

-- Indicates the Location Number for the calling party. Refer to Rec. Q.763 (White Book) for encoding.
    (SIZE (bound.&minMailBoxIDLength..bound.&maxMailBoxIDLength))

MaximumNumberOfCounters ::= INTEGER(1..numOfCounters)

Media ::= ENUMERATED {voiceMail(0), faxGroup3(1), faxGroup4(2)}

Message ::= ENUMERATED {rELease(77), rELeaseCOMPlete(90), fACility(98)}

-- Specifies the message to be used for sending the component.
  elementaryMessageID   [0]  Integer4,
    [1]  SEQUENCE {messageContent
                     [0]  IA5String
                            (SIZE (bound.&minMessageContentLength..
                     [1]  OCTET STRING
                            (SIZE (bound.&minAttributesLength..
                                     bound.&maxAttributesLength)) OPTIONAL
    [29]  SEQUENCE SIZE (1..bound.&numOfMessageIDs) OF Integer4,
    [30]  SEQUENCE {elementaryMessageID  [0]  Integer4,
                      [1]  SEQUENCE SIZE (1..5) OF VariablePart{bound}

-- OPTIONAL denotes network-operator specific use.
MidCallControlInfo{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    SIZE (bound.&minMidCallControlInfoNum..
            bound.&maxMidCallControlInfoNum) OF
    SEQUENCE {midCallInfoType    [0]  MidCallInfoType{bound},
                [1]  ENUMERATED {inMonitoringState(0), inAnyState(1)}
                  DEFAULT inMonitoringState}

  iNServiceControlCode  [0]  Digits{bound}

MidCallInfoType{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= SEQUENCE {
  iNServiceControlCodeLow   [0]  Digits{bound},
  iNServiceControlCodeHigh  [1]  Digits{bound} OPTIONAL

MiscCallInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
  messageType   [0]  ENUMERATED {request(0), notification(1)},
    [1]  ENUMERATED {individualLine(0), groupBased(1), officeBased(2)} OPTIONAL

-- Indicates detection point related information.
MonitorMode ::= ENUMERATED {
  interrupted(0), notifyAndContinue(1), transparent(2)}

-- Indicates the event is relayed and/or processed by the SSP.
-- If this parameter is used in the context of charging events, the following definitions apply for the
-- handling of charging events:
-- Interrupted means that the SSF notifies the SCF of the charging event using
-- EventNotificationCharging, does not process the event but discards it.
-- NotifyAndContinue means that SSF notifies the SCF of the charging event using
-- EventNotificationCharging, and continues processing the event or signal without waiting for SCF instructions.
-- Transparent means that the SSF does not notify the SCF of the event. This value is used to end the monitoring
-- of a previously requested charging event. Previously requested charging events are monitored
-- until ended by a transparent monitor mode, or until the end of the connection configuration.
-- For the use of this parameter in the context of BCSM events, refer to clause 17.
Notification ::= ENUMERATED {
  userAbandon(0), callFailure(1), noReply(2), callRelease(3), ssInvocation(4),
  creditLimitReached(5), callDuration(6), calledNumber(7), answeredCall(8)

NotificationInformation{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= CHOICE {
  userAbandonSpecificInfo         [0]  SEQUENCE {...},
    [1]  SEQUENCE {failureCause  [0]  Cause{bound} OPTIONAL,
  noReplySpecificInfo             [2]  SEQUENCE {...},
    [3]  SEQUENCE {releaseCause  [0]  Cause{bound} OPTIONAL,
                   timeStamp     [1]  DateAndTime OPTIONAL,
    [4]  SEQUENCE {invokedService  [0]  InvokableService,
    [5]  SEQUENCE {timeStamp  [0]  DateAndTime OPTIONAL,
    [6]  SEQUENCE {timeStamp  [0]  DateAndTime OPTIONAL,
    [7]  SEQUENCE {calledNumber  [0]  CalledPartyNumber{bound} OPTIONAL,
    [8]  SEQUENCE {timeStamp  [0]  DateAndTime OPTIONAL,

NumberingPlan ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (1))

-- Indicates the numbering plan for collecting the user information. Refer to the Q.763 Numbering Plan 
-- Indicator field for encoding.
NumberMatch{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= CHOICE {
  initialMatch  [0]  CalledPartyNumber{bound},
  totalMatch    [1]  CalledPartyNumber{bound}

NumberOfDigits ::= INTEGER(1..255)

-- Indicates the number of digits to be collected
OperationCode ::= CHOICE {globalCode  OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
                          local       INTEGER

-- contains the operation value, or error value (object identifier), or problem value of the FACILITY IE, 
-- and the argument, the result, or the reject part of the same FACILITY IE that are received with DSS 1
-- message from the user. (see 8.2.2/Q.932 for encoding)
OriginalCalledPartyID{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minOriginalCalledPartyIDLength..

-- Indicates the original called number. Refer to the Q.763 Original Called Number for encoding.

-- This parameter is used to identify which party is relevant to the event.  For example, this parameter may be
-- used when the supporting SCF creates two parties by an "InitiateCallRequest" operation and needs to identify
-- the event from each party.
ProfileIdentifier{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= CHOICE {
  access  [0]  CalledPartyNumber{bound},
  group   [1]  FacilityGroup

-- Please note that 'CalledPartyNumber' is used to address a subscriber access line.
-- The data type was reused from the existing types to avoid the definition of a new one.
Reason{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
  OCTET STRING(SIZE (bound.&minReasonLength..bound.&maxReasonLength))

ReceivedInformation{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    SIZE (bound.&minReceivedInformationLength..
            bound.&maxReceivedInformationLength) OF IA5String

-- size limit to be added
ReceivedStatus ::= ENUMERATED {
  messageComplete(0), messageInterrupted(1), messageTimeOut(2)}

RecordedMessageID ::= Integer4

RedirectingPartyID{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minRedirectingPartyIDLength..

-- Indicates redirecting number. Refer to the Q.763 Redirecting number for encoding.
RedirectionInformation ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (2))

-- Indicates redirection information. Refer to the Q.763 Redirection Information for encoding.
RegistratorIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING

ReportCondition ::= ENUMERATED {statusReport(0), timerExpired(1), cancelled(2)}

-- ReportCondition specifies the cause of sending "StatusReport"operation to the SCF
RequestedInformationList{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
  SEQUENCE SIZE (1..numOfInfoItems) OF RequestedInformation{bound}

RequestedInformationTypeList ::=
  SEQUENCE SIZE (1..numOfInfoItems) OF RequestedInformationType

RequestedInformation{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= SEQUENCE {
  requestedInformationType   [0]  RequestedInformationType,
  requestedInformationValue  [1]  RequestedInformationValue{bound}

RequestedInformationType ::= ENUMERATED {
  callAttemptElapsedTime(0), callStopTime(1), callConnectedElapsedTime(2),
  calledAddress(3), releaseCause(30)}

RequestedInformationValue{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= CHOICE {
  callAttemptElapsedTimeValue    [0]  INTEGER(0..255),
  callStopTimeValue              [1]  DateAndTime,
  callConnectedElapsedTimeValue  [2]  Integer4,
  calledAddressValue             [3]  Digits{bound},
  releaseCauseValue              [30]  Cause{bound}

-- The callAttemptElapsedTimeValue is specified in seconds. The unit for the
-- callConnectedElapsedTimeValue is 100 milliseconds
RequestedNotifications{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= SET OF CallConditions{bound}

RequestedType ::= INTEGER(0..127)

  uSIServiceIndicator  [0]  USIServiceIndicator{bound},
  uSImonitorMode       [1]  USIMonitorMode,
  legID                [2]  LegID DEFAULT sendingSideID:leg1

RequestedUTSIList{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    SIZE (bound.&minRequestedUTSINum..bound.&maxRequestedUTSINum) OF

  lineID                 [0]  Digits{bound},
  facilityGroupID        [1]  FacilityGroup,
  facilityGroupMemberID  [2]  INTEGER,
  trunkGroupID           [3]  INTEGER

-- Indicates a logical identifier for the physical termination resource.
ResourceStatus ::= ENUMERATED {busy(0), idle(1)}

ResponseCondition ::= ENUMERATED {intermediateResponse(0), lastResponse(1)
-- additional values are for further study

-- ResponseCondition is used to identify the reason why ServiceFilteringResponse operation is sent.
-- intermediateResponse identifies that service filtering is running and the interval time is expired and
-- a call is received, or that service filtering is running and the threshold value is reached.
-- lastResponse identifies that the duration time is expired and service filtering has been finished or
-- that the stop time is met and service filtering has been finished.
RouteList{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
      (SIZE (bound.&minRouteListLength..bound.&maxRouteListLength))

-- Indicates a list of trunk groups or a route index. See Rec. Q.1224 for additional information on this item.
RoutingAddress{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= CHOICE {
  routingProhibited          [0]  NULL,
  destinationRoutingAddress  [1]  DestinationRoutingAddress{bound}

ScfAddress{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minScfAddressLength..bound.&maxScfAddressLength))

-- ISDN address 
  OCTET STRING(SIZE (bound.&minScfIDLength..bound.&maxScfIDLength))

-- defined by network operator.
-- Indicates the SCF identity.
-- Used to derive the INAP address of the SCF to establish a connection between a requesting FE
-- and the specified SCF.
-- When ScfID is used in an operation which may cross an internetwork boundary, its encoding must
-- be understood in both networks; this requires bilateral agreement on the encoding.
-- A possible encoding is the SCCP address of the SCF, as defined in 3.5/Q.713.
-- Other encoding schemes are also possible.
SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minSCIBillingChargingLength..

-- This parameter indicates the billing and/or charging characteristics. Its content is network-operator specific.
-- An example datatype definition for this parameter is given below:
-- SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= CHOICE {
-- 	chargeLevel			[0] OCTET STRING (SIZE (min..max),
-- 	chargePulses			[1] Integer4,
-- 	chargeMessages		[2] OCTET STRING (SIZE (min..max)
--	}
-- Depending on the applied charging scenario the following information elements
-- can be included (refer to Appendix II/Q.1214):
-- chargeLevel (scenario 3.2)
-- chargePulses (scenario 3.2)
-- chargeMessages (scenario 3.2)
ServiceAddressInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
  serviceKey    [0]  ServiceKey OPTIONAL,
  miscCallInfo  [1]  MiscCallInfo,
  triggerType   [2]  TriggerType OPTIONAL

-- Information that represents the result of trigger analysis and allows the SCF to choose the appropriate service logic
ServiceInteractionIndicators{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minServiceInteractionIndicatorsLength..

-- Indicators which are exchanged between SSP and SCP to resolve interactions between IN-based services
-- and network-based services, respectively between different IN-based services.
-- The contents are network specific.
-- Note this parameter is kept in CS-2 for backward compatibility to CS-1R, for CS-2 see new
-- parameter ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo ::= SEQUENCE {
  forwardServiceInteractionInd       [0]  ForwardServiceInteractionInd OPTIONAL,
  -- applicable to operations IDP, CON, ICA.
    [1]  BackwardServiceInteractionInd OPTIONAL,
  -- applicable to operations IDP, CON, CTR, ETC.
  bothwayThroughConnectionInd        [2]  BothwayThroughConnectionInd OPTIONAL,
  -- applicable to operations CTR, ETC.
  suspendTimer                       [3]  SuspendTimer OPTIONAL,
  -- applicable to operations CON, ICA.
  connectedNumberTreatmentInd        [4]  ConnectedNumberTreatmentInd OPTIONAL,
  -- applicable to operations CON, CTR, ETC.
  suppressCallDiversionNotification  [5]  BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
  -- applicable to CON, ICA
  suppressCallTransferNotification   [6]  BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
  -- applicable to CON, ICA
  allowCdINNoPresentationInd         [7]  BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
  -- applicable to CON, ICA
  -- indicates whether the Number Presentation not allowed indicator of the ISUP
  -- "called IN number" shall be set to presentation allowed (TRUE) or presentation not allowed (FALSE)
  userDialogueDurationInd            [8]  BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
  -- applicable when interaction with the user is required, if the interaction
  -- TRUE means the user interaction may last longer than 90 seconds. Otherwise the 
  -- indicator should be set to FALSE.
  -- used for delaying ISUP T9 timer.

-- Indicators which are exchanged between SSP and SCP to resolve interactions between IN-based services
-- and network-based services, respectively between different IN-based services.
ServiceKey ::=

-- Information that allows the SCF to choose the appropriate service logic.
ServiceProfileIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING

-- Indicates a particular ISDN terminal. Refer to Rec. Q.932 for encoding.
ServingAreaID{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=

-- Identifies the local serving area where a network provider operates. Uses the LocationNumber
-- format which is based on the Q.763 Location Number format.
-- The Nature of Address indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 00000000).
-- The Numbering Plan Indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 000).
-- Defined by the network operator.
SFBillingChargingCharacteristics{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minSFBillingChargingLength..

-- This parameter indicates the billing and/or charging characteristics for filtered calls.
-- Its content is network-operator specific
SubscriberId{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=

SupplementaryServices ::= BIT STRING {
  connectedLineIdentificationRestriction(4), callForwardingOnNoReply(5),
  callForwardingUnconditional(6), callForwardingOnBusy(7),
  callForwardingOnNotReachable(8), callWaiting(9), callHold(10),
  reverseCharging(11), explicitCallTransfer(12),
  callCompletionOnBusySubscriber(13), adviceOfChargeOnStart(14),
  adviceOfChargeAtEnd(15), adviceOfChargeDuringCall(16),
  timeDependentRouting(17), callingPartingDependentRouting(18),
  outgoingCallBarring(19), incomingCallBarring(20)}

SuspendTimer ::= INTEGER(0..120) -- value in seconds

TargetLineIdentifier{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= CHOICE {
  individual  [0]  CalledPartyNumber{bound},
  group       [1]  FacilityGroup

TerminalType ::= ENUMERATED {
  unknown(0), dialPulse(1), dtmf(2), isdn(3), isdnNoDtmf(4), spare(16)

-- Identifies the terminal type so that the SCF can specify, to the SRF, the appropriate type of capability 
-- (voice recognition, DTMF, display capability, etc.). Since present signalling systems do not convey 
-- terminal type, this parameter applies only at originating or terminating local exchanges.
TimerID ::= ENUMERATED {tssf(0)
                        -- others ffs

-- Indicates the timer to be reset.
TimerValue ::= Integer4

-- Indicates the timer value (in seconds).
Tone ::= SEQUENCE {toneID    [0]  Integer4,
                   duration  [1]  Integer4 OPTIONAL

-- The duration specifies the length of the tone in seconds, value 0 indicates infinite duration.
ToneId ::= CHOICE {local   [0]  Integer4,
                   global  [1]  OBJECT IDENTIFIER

TraceInformation{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= SEQUENCE OF TraceItem{bound}

TraceItem{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= SET {scf  [0]  ScfID{bound},

TravellingClassMark{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= LocationNumber{bound}

-- Indicates travelling class mark information. 
-- Uses the LocationNumber format which is based on the Q.763 Location Number format.
-- The Nature of Address indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 00000000).
-- The Numbering Plan Indicator field shall be set to "Spare" (value 000).
-- Maximum 2 digits.
TriggerDataIdentifier{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= SEQUENCE {
  triggerID          [0]  EventTypeBCSM,
  profileIdentifier  [1]  ProfileIdentifier{bound},
    [2]  SEQUENCE SIZE (1..bound.&numOfExtensions) OF
           ExtensionField{{SupportedExtensions  {bound}}} OPTIONAL

-- It is for further study whether all TDP types really apply
TriggerType ::= ENUMERATED {
  featureActivation(0), verticalServiceCode(1), customizedAccess(2),
  customizedIntercom(3), emergencyService(12), aFR(13), sharedIOTrunk(14),
  offHookDelay(17), channelSetupPRI(18), tNoAnswer(25), tBusy(26),
  oCalledPartyBusy(27), oNoAnswer(29), originationAttemptAuthorized(30),
  oAnswer(31), oDisconnect(32), termAttemptAuthorized(33), tAnswer(34),
  -- Private (ffs)

-- The type of trigger which caused call suspension
-- 4-11: Reserved; 15,16: Reserved; 19-24: Reserved
UnavailableNetworkResource ::= ENUMERATED {
  unavailableResources(0), componentFailure(1),
  basicCallProcessingException(2), resourceStatusFailure(3), endUserFailure(4)

-- Indicates the network resource that failed.
UserCredit{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=

UserInfo{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= SEQUENCE OF UserInformation{bound}

UserInformation{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= SEQUENCE {
  infoToSend   [0]  InfoToSend{bound},
  constraints  [1]  Constraints,
  errorInfo    [2]  InfoToSend{bound} OPTIONAL

UserInteractionModes ::= BIT STRING {voiceMessage(0), tone(1), display(2)}

USIInformation{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minUSIInformationLength..

USIMonitorMode ::= ENUMERATED {monitoringActive(0), monitoringInactive(1)}

--  Indicates if the monitoring relationship for the specified UTSI IE should be activated or deactivated.
USIServiceIndicator{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::=
    (SIZE (bound.&minUSIServiceIndicatorLength..

VariablePart{PARAMETERS-BOUND:bound} ::= CHOICE {
  integer  [0]  Integer4,
  number   [1]  Digits{bound}, -- Generic digits
  time     [2]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (2)), -- HH:MM, BCD coded
  date     [3]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (3)), -- YYMMDD, BCD coded
  price    [4]  OCTET STRING(SIZE (4))

-- Indicates the variable part of the message.
-- BCD coded variable parts are encoded as described in the examples below.
-- For example, time = 12:15 would be encoded as:
--	Bits					HGFE 	DCBA
-- 	leading octet				        2	        1
--						       5	       1
-- date = 1993 September 30th would be encoded as:
--	Bits					HGFE	DCBA
--	leading octet				        3	        9
--						       9	       0
--						      0		       3
-- The Definition of range of constants Follows
highLayerCompatibilityLength INTEGER ::=

minCauseLength INTEGER ::= 2

numOfCounters INTEGER ::= 100

numOfInfoItems INTEGER ::= 5

maxCreditUnit INTEGER ::= 65536

-- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D