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bullet Documents from the European Regional Workshop on Dispute Resolution, ITU, 2004
bullet Dispute Resolution in the Telecommunications Sector: Current Practices and Future Directions, ITU-World Bank, 2004
bullet Mini-études de cas de l'UIT sur le règlement des différends en matière d'interconnexion, 2003
bullet Application, au niveau national, des lois, règles et réglementations relatives aux télécommunications par les autorités nationales de régulation des télécommunications, Question 18/1, documents, UIT-D Commission d'études 1
bullet Reflections on Regulation and Dispute Resolution in the Indian Telecommunication Sector, Rory Mac Millan
bullet Competition and Regulation in Telecoms - Six-month report on complaints and disputes activity, Competition Bulletin, OFCOM, United Kingdom, 8 July 2004
bullet Report on Dispute Resolution Settlement Procedures, ECC/CEPT, October 2003
bullet Dispute Resolution Services, (Arbitration services; Amicable dispute resolution services; Expertise services) International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
bullet CTO Alternate Dispute Resolution Centre
bullet International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
bullet Commission Européenne Direction Générale de la Concurrence
bullet World Trade Organization (WTO) Dispute Settlement Body
bullet World Intellectual Property Organization Arbitration and Mediation Center
bullet London Court of International Arbitration
bullet American Arbitration Association
bullet Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution


bullet Discussion Paper on the Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution Techniques in the Telecom Sector, Debevoise and Plimpton, London, Document 12, ITU Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR) 2002


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