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Home : Themes : Accessibility
Call for Action and Institutional Response

  Call for Action:

logo WTISD 2008On the occasion of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, 17 May 2008, ITU calls upon all stakeholders (policy makers, regulators, operators and industry) to raise awareness on the need to adopt policies and strategies that would meet the ICT needs of people with disabilities by ensuring that both equipment and services are accessible.  Read more about ITU's call for action...

 Institutional Response:


Telephones/products/accessories with the following features are available by way of hire under Telstra's Disability Equipment Program: upgrade to a tone dial telephone; volume control; voice aid; big buttons; hands free; cordless; extension ringer/alarm; visual signal alert; a range of TTYs; a Braille TTY and a TTY with a large visual display; computer modems; double adaptors; Holdaphone and Cochlear Implant Telephone Adaptors.
The universal service obligation includes the obligation to ensure that standard telephone services are reasonably accessible to all people in Australia on an equitable basis, wherever they reside or carry on business. This includes people with sight impairment, hearing impairment and other disabilities.


Botswana celebrated WTISD-08 in a remote village in the Eastern part of Botswana called Tshokwe:
Brunei Darussalam


Independent statutory body to regulate, license and develop the local ICT industry and manage the national radio frequency in Brunei Darussalam. AITI helps spread, at the national level, the messages conveyed by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the United Nations (UN) on the occasion of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.


Focal point within the Government of Canada for key partners working to promote the full participation of Canadians with disabilities in learning, work and community life.
ADIO was created to provide a window into the Federal Government for the Assistive Technology (AT) and Rehabilitation Engineering Research Sectors. It also works to ensure that the Industry Portfolio programs and services are accessible to Canadians with disabilities.
European Union
In 2003, European Year of People with Disabilities, in the implementation of the new Communication Framework Directive, the "Communication Committee" (COCOM) created the sub-group "Inclusive Communication" (INCOM), to investigate what relevant actions are required. This group continues its work, in particular to analyse the issue in the context of the transposition of the directives at Member States level and the update of these directives later in 2006.
Mauritania's Agency for the Promotion of Universal Access to Services celebrated the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day in 2008 with the creation of a telecenter for persons with disabilities in El Mina.
Private Sector
Interoperability & Achieving Digital Inclusion: Microsoft’s Commitment

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With the support from the Office of the Telecommunication Authority, Hong Kong (OFTA), Communications Association of Hong Kong (CAHK) celebrates WTISD-08 in Hong Kong.
United Nations
Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


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Updated : 2009-01-08