Data items of the database table: notice

Data Item    Format     WIC Item   APS4/II  APS4/III  Description                                                                        Comment              

ntc_id       9(9)       4          x        x         unique identifier of the notice                                                    PK ; see note 1      
ntc_type     X                     x        x         code indicating if the notice is of a geostationary satellit                                            
adm_ref_id   X(20)                 x        x         reference identifier of the notice given by the notifying ad                       not mandatory not used by BR 
d_adm        9(8)                  x        x         the date of the notice given by the notifying administration                       not mandatory not used by BR 
prov         X(12)      5          x        x         provision of the RR according to which the notice is submitt                                            
adm          XXX        2          x        x         country symbol of the notifying administration                                                          
ntwk_org     XXX        2          x                  symbol of the organization operating regional or internation                                            
ntf_occurs   X                     x        x         code indicating if the notice was intended for first [F] not                                            
tgt_ntc_id   9(9)       4          x        x         identifier of the notice to be modified or suppressed                              see note 1           
d_rcv        9(8)       3                             date of receipt of the notice                                                      BR data (date in yyyymmdd form 
wic_no_1a    9(4)                                     the number of the WIC in which the notice was published in P                       BR data              
d_wic_1a     9(8)                                     the date of publication of the notice in Part IA of the WIC                        BR data (date in yyyymmdd form 
wic_part     X                                        the part of the WIC in which the notice was most recently pu                       BR data              
wic_no       9(4)                                     the number of the WIC in which the notice was most recently                        BR data              
d_wic        9(8)                                     the date of most recent publication of the notice in the WIC                       BR data (date in yyyymmdd form 
d_upd        9(8)                                     the date of update of a notice in the SNS (Master Register a                       BR internal use (date in yyyym 
f_basic      X                                        code indicating non-basic modifications                                            BR internal use      
notepad      X(60)                                                                                                                       BR internal use      
f_int_ext    X                                        code indicating if the notice is internal [I] or external [E                       BR internal use      
ntf_rsn      X          5                             code indicating that the notice has been submitted under RR1                       derived data         
st_curr      XX                                       processing status of the notice                                                    BR internal use      
d_status     9(8)                                     date of entry of the notice into the current processing stat                       BR internal use (date in yyyym 
st_prv       XX                                       previous processing status of the notice                                           BR internal use      
f_spl        X                                        code indicating if the notice was split                                            BR internal use      
spl_ntc_id   9(9)                                     identifier of the notice created as a result of the split                          BR internal use