Data items of the database table: assgn

Data Item    Format     WIC Item   APS4/II  APS4/III  Description                                                                        Comment              

grp_id       9(9)       45         x        x         unique identifier of the group                                                     PK                   
seq_no       9(4)                  x        x         sequence number                                                                    PK see note 1        
freq_sym     X          53         x        x         symbol indicating kilohertz [K]                                                     megahertz [M] or gigahertz 
freq_assgn   9(5).9(5)  53                            assigned frequency                                                                                      
grp_id       9(9)       45         x        x         unique identifier of the group                                                     PK                   
freq_mhz     9(6).9(6)                                frequency in MHz                                                                   derived data