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Página Principal : UIT-T : Kaleidoscope 2010 : Information : Copyright Transfer Form

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41984 octetos 2010-07-23 Copyright Transfer Agreement - ITU-T "Beyond the Internet? - Innovations for future networks and services" Kaleidoscope Academic Conference (to fill in electronically and print)

PDF (acrobat)

101053 octetos 2010-07-23 Copyright Transfer Agreement - ITU-T "Beyond the Internet? - Innovations for future networks and services" Kaleidoscope Academic Conference (to print and fill in by hand)

PDF (acrobat)

103106 octetos 2010-07-23 Copyright Transfer Agreement Example Form (Handwritten)

PDF (acrobat)

179627 octetos 2010-07-23 Copyright Transfer Agreement Example Form (Typed)


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Updated : 2010/07/23