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598569 octetos 2013-09-10 Conception, Definition and Realization of Time Scale in GNSS - Dr. Han Chunhao

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2435036 octetos 2013-09-11 The Leap Second's Effect on Society - Koichi Shibata

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7410014 octetos 2013-09-13 Coordinated universal time and GLONASS - Dr. D. Aronov, Dr. I. Zheltonogov, Dr. S. Sorokin

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1442100 octetos 2013-09-13 UTC Leap Seconds and Galileo - Dr.-Ing. Jörg Hahn

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920028 octetos 2013-09-16 UTC Leap Seconds: The GPS Directorate Perspective - Lt Col Devin O'Dowd

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1365891 octetos 2013-09-16 Realization and maintenance of UTC - Dr. Felicitas Arias

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2981939 octetos 2013-09-16 The Impact of Leap Seconds on Digital Time Services - Dr. Judah Levine

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688992 octetos 2013-09-16 ITU-T Q13/15 activity and its relation with the leap second - Jean-Loup Ferrant

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4709352 octetos 2013-09-16 GNSS and UTC - Dr. Wladimir Lewandowsky

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57917 octetos 2013-09-16 The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) and International Time Scales - Dr. Claude Boucher

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391416 octetos 2013-09-16 Naming of scientific concepts Requirements from international terminology standards - Dr. Kara Warburton

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540299 octetos 2013-09-17 Role of the ITU-R in Time Scale Definition and Dissemination - Ron Beard

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117195 octetos 2013-09-17 Discussions on the future UTC in the International Astronomical Union - Dr. Mizuhiko Hosokawa

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1208169 octetos 2013-09-19 The Future of UTC - A British Perspective - Dr. Peter Whibberley

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732817 octetos 2013-09-19 Time scale in GLONASS satellite system and UTC modification problems - Dr. A. Druzhin, Dr. A. Tiuliakov

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745990 octetos 2013-09-19 Role of the IERS in the leap second - Dr. Brian Luzum


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Updated : 2013-09-19