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The digital landscape has been transformed over the past decade. New communication technologies, modern media, the Internet and a whole host of devices with new functionalities are expected to meet consumers’ demand for seamless, converged and user-friendly digital tools providing access to a broad range of services and content. In order to respond to the challenges of convergence, media players and standardization bodies need to have a clear understanding of trends in the creation and delivery of content. Soon, there will be a wide range of alternatives for delivering content, which are rapidly converging, and it is not yet clear which of these systems and services will succeed.

Thursday, 21 June 2007



Meeting Registration

Opening Session and Executive Round Table




Session 1

Opening of the Meeting

Executive Round Table – Content Without Frontiers: What Needs to be Done to Make it Happen?

To build a better world, and achieve the ‘information society’, content needs to be able to flow freely and fairly across the world.  A distinguished panel of leaders will analyse the major barriers today to achieving the dream.

Moderator: Dr. Peter Knight, President of Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda, Brazil and Coordinator of the e-Brasil Project

  • Mr. Sami Al-Basheer Al Morshid, Director, ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT)

  • "A perspective on trends and policy challenges in the digital content delivery environment", Mr. Don Whiteside, Vice President, Technical Policy & Standards, Intel Corporation

  • "Digital TV over NGN by IPTV Technology", Mr. Masao Matsumoto, Director-General for Technology Policy Coordination, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication, Japan

  • Mr. Stephen Collins, Director, Government and Regulatory Affairs, Skype

  • Mr. Laszlo Toth, Strategic Director, National Communications Authority, Hungary

  • Mr. Mark de Jong , Vice-Chairman, OPTA, Netherlands

  • Mr. Andreas Weiss, Chair of EBU Digital Strategy Group


Coffee Break

Keynote Speech - Can Digital Platforms All Coexist?




Session 2

The number of options for delivering digital media continues to multiply – broadcast, cable, broadband IPTV, Open Internet, Wi-fi, Mobile, Satellite and more. How do they work together in an open marketplace? How can we simplify the consumer’s life and enable easy access to a broad array of content that is easy to acquire, easy to consume and easy to manage?

Moderator: Dr. Peter Knight, President of Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda, Brazil and Coordinator of the e-Brasil Project

What Can Technology Offer in a Converged World?



Session 3

A major determinant of convergence will be the features offered by different technologies.  In this Session speakers will be invited to provide insights into:

  • The future of mobile systems and services

  • The future of broadband systems and services

  • The future of broadcast systems and services

  • The future of converged systems (cooperative networks)

This will be followed by an interactive discussion

Moderator: Mr. Andreas Weiss, Head of International Relations, ARD



What Will be the ‘Message’ and How Viewers Access Content?




Session 4

Different delivery media will serve different needs, and have different capabilities for doing so.  In this Session, speakers will be invited to provide insights into:

  • The direction of content for mobile systems

  • The direction of content for broadband systems

  • The direction of content for broadcast services.

This will be followed by an Interactive discussion.

Moderator: Mr. Jonathan Marks, Director, Critical Distance BV, "No Single Future for Radio, TV or Mobile"


Coffee Break

User Generated Content: A Journey into Social Networking




Session 5

The rise in public interest and use of ‘User Produced Content’ has been phenomenal, and many see this as part of a new world of ‘Web 2.0’ – a new age of ‘Internet with Attitude’. The Web 2.0 which has been described as a set of technologies and innovations have transformed the internet, triggering an array of new business models, shifting internal communication, and providing powerful new marketing opportunities.  The Session will ask what size is the oncoming train.

This will be followed by an interactive discussion.

Moderator: Mr. Greg Lowe, Professor, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication in the University of Tampere, Finland, "User Generated Content: from Information Society to Interaction Society"

Panel Discussion

Panel discussion among the above-mentioned speakers moderated by Session Chair as well as questions from the floor.
Friday, 22 June 2007



Meeting Registration

Opening Session and High Level Panel



Session 6

  • Welcoming Address: Mr. Sami Al-Basheer Al Morshid, Director ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT)

  • Welcome and Summary: Dr. Peter Knight, President of Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda, Brazil and Coordinator of the e-Brasil Project

Building the Information Society Together: What is the role of International Organizations in a convergent media world?

All organisations need goals, objectives, structures, and procedures.  These are necessarily defined by the times when they are established.   High-level representatives from international organizations will be invited to discuss how they are contributing to foster the convergence.  

Moderator: Mr. Thomas Crampton, Technology and Media Correspondent for the International Herald Tribune (IHT)

  • Mr. Jéan Reveillon, Secretary General, European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

  • Mr. Haoulin Zhao, Deputy Secretary General, ITU  

  • Ms. Ruth Hieronymi, Member of the European Parliament, Committee on Culture and Education of the European Parliament

  • Mr. Alan Bryden, Secretary General, International Standardization Organization (ISO)

  • Dr. Akossi Akossi, Secretary General, African Telecommunications Union (ATU)

  • Mr. Philippe Petit, Deputy Director General, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

  • Mr. Mogens Schmidt, Deputy Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Keynote Speech- Can Digital Platforms All Coexist?  - A Regional Perspective



Session 7

Moderator: Dr. Peter Knight, President of Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda, Brazil and Coordinator of the e-Brasil Project


Coffee Break

Regulation and Economics: What are the Emerging Business Cases in the Convergent World? What are the New Challenges for Media Regulation?



Session 8

The equation of the user experience being enough to justify the use of revenue, or to bring enough new revenue, to make the content and delivery it will always have to be solved.  This Session will examine:

  • Options for ‘business case’ for mobile services

  • Options for ‘business cases’ for broadband services and broadcast

  • When does advertising become spam? The borderline between media and telecommunication regulation

  • Regulatory frameworks for linear and non linear services.

This will be followed by an interactive discussion.

Moderator: Mr. David Wood, Head of New Media, EBU, "The Regulation Layer Cake"






Continuation of Session 8


Coffee Break

Analysis, Case Studies and Conclusions




Session 9

What has been found in practice from real life convergence experiments, and from circumstances where platforms compete head to head for viewer’s loyalty? What factors influence success and failure?  What lessons can be learned for the emerging converging world?

The Session will include case studies from ITU and EBU member states with a special focus on developing economies.

Moderator: Dr. Peter Knight, President of Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda, Brazil and Coordinator of the e-Brasil Project


Open discussion

This session will provide an opportunity for questions and comments from the meeting participants.




Closing Plenary and Wrap-up

This session will give an overview of the meeting. It will draw the main conclusions and messages from the previous sessions and in particular identify key issues to be followed-up.

  • Mr. Marco Obiso, Programme Manager, General Secretariat, ITU

  • Mr. David Wood,  Head of New Media, EBU

  • Chairman's Closing Remarks: Dr. Peter Knight, President of Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda, Brazil and Coordinator of the e-Brasil Project

* To be confirmed


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