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Peru - National Institute of Defense of the Consumer and Intellectual Property - INDECOPI

Peru has approved on May 2004 a specific law "LEY N° 28493" dealing with spam e-mails. The law will be applicable as soon its regulation will be approved by the Ministry of Transport and Communication (probably by August 2005). The enforcement authority is the " Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual". In the text of the LEY N° 28493 it is written that " sending unsolicited messages for commercial purposes without the authorization of the recipient will be illegal, and any violation criminally sanctioned". The fraudulent aspects of unsolicited messages are currently covered by specific provisions of the Criminal Code dealing with Delitos informáticos (cyber crimes), which include manipulation of personal banking data, utilization of false identity for sending e-mails, and others. In 2002, to better face the new challenges posed by cyber crimes a Multisectorial Commission was created to implement the UNGA Resolution 55/63 on "Combating the Criminal Misuse of Information Technologies".

Competent Authority Ministry of Transport and Communications- Viceministerio de Comunicaciones 
Enforcement Authority: National Institute of Defense of the Consumer and Intellectual Property
Contact points Peruvian Multisectorial Commission to Implement the UNGA Resolution 55/63 on "Combating the Criminal Misuse of Information Technologies
Fax +511-433-1807 
Enforcement: National Institute of Defense of the Consumer and Intellectual Property
Postal address 
Calle de la Prosa 138 San Borja
Telephone number (511) 224-7800 (511) 224-7777 
Fax. (511) - 224-0348
Relevant legislation in place
  • LEY N. 28493 (spanish only)
  • The Criminal Code sanctions misleading and fraudulent behaviors linked to spam and its content.
    - for manipulation of personal banking data, misuse of credit cards ant Automatic Teller Machines: Criminal Code Article 186
    - for E-mail false identity: Criminal Code Article 161 
    - data manipulation and/or falsification: Criminal Code Article 427
    - unauthorized access to telematic and computer systems and services. Criminal Code Article 207 – A
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