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Biography of Mr. Stephen Banable
European Commission, DG Information Society

Stephen Banable has more than ten years experience of telecommunications regulation and policy formulation in the Irish Ministry for Communications and the national regulatory authority (ComReg). For the past three years he has worked as a national expert with the European Commission in DG Information Society and Media with responsibility for mobile regulatory issues and implementation of the telecoms regulatory framework. Currently he is responsible for the Commission's proposal for a regulation on international roaming charges. 

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Biography of Dr. Sergio Antocicco, Chairman
International Telecommunication Users Group

Dr. Sergion Antocicco, Italian, born in Naples in 1943, obtained (1968) a Master in Nuclear Electronic Engineering. He is Chairman of INTUG, International Telecommunications Users Group. He is also President of ANUIT, the Italian telecommunications professional users association, since 1989, President of ENSA - European New Society Association, based in Paris, President  of Istedil SpA, a Company providing testing and control services for materials and tools used in the building industry based in Rome. For 21 years he was Professor of Information Systems Organisation - Faculty of Economics at LUISS University in Rome. From 1989 to 1999 he was Vice President of the Commission on Information and Telecommunication Policies at ICC, Paris. He was also (1978-2000) CIO of Confindustria, the Organisation representing some 130.000 private industrial companies in Italy. He was appointed by the Italian Government as Director of the Italian Control Room for the Y2K roll-over. He is the Expert for telecommunication issues of IlSole24ore, the main Italian economic newspaper and a regular speaker in radio and TV emissions.

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Biography of Dr. Tim Kelly, Head
Strategy and Policy Unit, ITU

Dr. Tim Kelly is Head of the Strategy and Policy Unit of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), where he has worked since 1993.  Before joining ITU he spent five years as a Communications Policy Analyst with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and three years with Logica Consultancy Ltd.  He has an MA (Hons) degree in Geography and a Ph.D in industrial economics from Cambridge University.

Over the last twenty years, Tim Kelly has specialised in the economics of the telecommunications industry. He has written or co-authored more than 30 books on the subject including the ITU's “Internet Reports” and "World Telecommunication Development Report"and “World Information Society Reports”. He was in charge of the “content team” for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which concluded in November 2005 and was visiting scholar at the business school of HK University of Science and Technology, Dec 2005/Jan 2006.

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Biography of Mr. Ewan Sutherland, Director
Balancing Act - Africa

Ewan Sutherland spent fifteen years as an academic, latterly a dean in the University of Wales. He has taught at the Universities of Wolverhampton, Westminster, Stirling and Wales, plus a semester as a visiting professorial lecturer at Georgetown University (Washington, DC). His teaching has concentrated on the strategic and policy aspects of business use of telecommunications and information technology. Ewan is a graduate of the Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde, both in his native city of Glasgow, Scotland.

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Biography of Ms. Monika Podplonska, V-ce Director of Retail Market of Electronic Communications, Office of Electronic Communications, Poland

Monika Podpłońska, V-ce Director of Retail Market of Electronic Communications, Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) in Poland. Has been working for URTiP for 6 years, since the establishment of NRA in 2001. She was responsible for assignment of Significant Market Power of operators on mobile market telephony under the Old Framework Package (`98). On behalf of URTiP, she took part in the process of preparing new Telecommunications Act which came into force in September, 2004. She was involved in 2-year Twinning Project with the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (ETSI) and she obtained 5-weeks internship in that Ministry. Presently, she is responsible for analysis of relevant markets and revision of the ERG Remedies document. She received a Master Degree in Law in 2000 after having studied at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Speaks English and Spanish.

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Biography of Mr. Davide Gallino, Secretary General
European Regulators Group

Current position: ERG Secretary (European Regulators' Group, http:\\ The ERG was set up as a forum for advising and assisting the Commission in the electronic communications field. It allows cooperation between the NRAs and the Commission in a transparent manner and serves as a body for reflection, debate and advice on the implementation of the electronic communications framework as required by Article 7(2) of the Framework Directive (2002/21/EC).

Previous assigments include the below:

        April 2005 – December 2005 ERG Deputy Secretary

         June 2004 – March 2005 – Regulatory policy officer in DG Information Society and Media, European Commission

         2000 – 2004 Regulatory policy officer at the Italian NRA for electronic communications and media (AGCOM). Responsible for non-discrimination, regulatory accounting, price cap and mobile termination costs.

         1998 – 2000 Assistant to the President, AGCOM. Responsible for developing the international section of the authority

         Has been a national delegate to the European Council in the negotiates on the Framework Directive, the Access Directive and the Authorisation Directive; national delegate to the Communications Committee

         Had chaired the Regulatory Accounting Working Group of the Indipendent Regulators Group (IRG)

         Has published two books on telecom regulation and digital technologies, and more than 70 press articles on regulation of electronic communications

         Has worked for the Aspen Institute Italia and the LUISS University of Rome, plus several telecom operators.

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Biography of Dr. Tracy Cohen, Councillor
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa 

Dr. Tracy Cohen was appointed Councillor of ICASA in July 2004. Prior to this appointment, Dr. Cohen read for a doctoral degree in law (SJD) at the University of Toronto.

She has previously held various academic posts, including senior lecturer at the LINK Centre, Graduate School of Public and Development Management, Wits University; visiting graduate research fellow at the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information (CITI) at Columbia University in New York, and Graduate Fellow, Centre for Innovation Law and Policy at the University of Toronto.

Dr Cohen’s post-doctoral research took place at the Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
She has also worked as a regulatory consultant and has undertaken various projects for domestic and international organizations, including the International Telecommunications Union and the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization.

Dr. Cohen is currently an Honorary Research Fellow in the Graduate School of Public and Development Management and sits on the editorial board for the South African Journal of Information and Communication. She is also an advisory panel member for Privacy International.

Dr Cohen has a Masters in Law (LLM) from Wits University focusing on the regulation of content on the Internet. Her doctoral dissertation focussed on telecommunications regulation and international trade in services, concentrating on South Africa as a case study.

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 Biography of Prof. Dr. Glenn Woroch, Professor of Economics and Executive Director of Center for Research in Telecommunication Policy, University of California, Berkley, USA

As Executive Director of the Center for Research on Telecommunications Policy, Dr.Woroch organizes workshops and conferences on various topics in telecommunications policy and strategy and oversees the funding of on-campus research projects in these fields. Dr.Woroch’s own research focuses on theoretical and empirical investigations of competition in and regulation of network industries, with particular application to the telecommunications and computer sectors. His research also examines antitrust policy toward intellectual property protection and various business practices.

Dr.Woroch has been an economic advisor to government agencies including the U.S. Departments of Energy and Justice and the Office of Technology Assessment. He is a Principal of The Brattle Group (, an economic consulting company, on behalf of which he advises private-sector clients and provides expert testimony on matters involving monopolization claims, mergers, intellectual property infringement, and economic damages.

Dr.Woroch has published numerous articles in the fields of industrial organization, antitrust and regulation in scholarly journals including the Rand Journal of Economics, the International Journal of Industrial Organization, the Review of Industrial Organization, Telecommunications Policy, and the Antitrust Bulletin. He recently published a chapter on local network competition in the Handbook of Telecommunications Economics. He has served on the editorial boards of Information Economics & Policy and the Journal of Regulatory Economics.

Dr.Woroch received his B.A. in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and his M.A. in statistics and Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Berkeley. Before assuming his current position at Berkeley, he taught at the University of Rochester and Stanford University and was a senior member of the technical staff of GTE Laboratories.

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Biography of Prof. Dr. Andrew Odlyzko, Director of Digital Technology Center at the University of Minnesota, USA 

Andrew Odlyzko is Director of the interdisciplinary Digital Technology Center, holds an ADC Professorship, and is a Professor in the School of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota. Prior to assuming that position in 2001, he devoted 26 years to research and research management at Bell Telephone Laboratories, AT&T Bell Labs, and AT&T Labs, as that organization evolved and changed its name.

He has written over 150 technical papers in computational complexity, cryptography, number theory, combinatorics, coding theory, analysis, probability theory, and related fields, and has three patents. He has an honorary doctorate from Univ. Marne la Vallee and serves on editorial boards of over 20 technical journals, as well as on several advisory and supervisory bodies.

He has managed projects in diverse areas, such as security, formal verification methods, parallel and distributed computation, and auction technology. In recent years he has also been working on electronic publishing, electronic commerce, and economics of data networks, and is the author of such widely cited papers as "Tragic loss or good riddance: The impending demise of traditional scholarly journals," "The bumpy road of electronic commerce," "Paris Metro Pricing for the Internet," "Content is not king," and "The history of communications and its implications for the Internet." He may be known best for an early debunking of the myth of Internet traffic doubling every three or four months.

Andrew Odlyzko's email address is, and all his recent papers as well as further information can be found on his home page.

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Biography of Mr. Loso Judijanto, Special Advisor to the
Minister for Communication and Information Technology - Republic of Indonesia

 Loso Judijanto is Special Adviser to the Minister for Communication and Information Technology - Republic of Indonesia, particulary in the telecommunication market, policy, and regulatory issues. He has hands-on experiences in managing 3G and BWA spectrum auction and governance issues in this sector. He actively involves on the telecommunication and broadcasting-related issues in various international and regional fora such as ITU, APEC-TEL, ASEM, IBEX, and others. He is also active member in the APEC-TEL Working Group on Asia Pacific Information Society, Interconnection, Consumer, and on Broadband for Universal Services issues.

He graduated from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (Master of Statistics in 1998), the University of Indonesia (Master of Management in 1995), the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (Bachelor of Statistics in 1994).

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Biography of Prof. Dr. James Alleman, College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Colorado, USA

James Alleman is a Professor in the College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Colorado – Boulder.  He was a Visiting Senior Scholar at IDATE in Montpellier, France in the fall of 2005 and continues his involvement in IDATE’s scholarly activities.  During calendar years 2001 and 2002, he was a Visiting Professor in the Media, Communications, and Entertainment Program in the Economics and Finance Division at Columbia Business School, Columbia University, and Director of Research at Columbia Institute of Tele-Information (CITI).  Professor Alleman continues his involvement at CITI in research projects as a Senior Fellow.  

Dr. Alleman was previously the Director of the International Center for Telecommunications Management at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Director of Policy Research for GTE, and an economist for the International Telecommunication Union.  He has conducted research in the area of telecommunications policy, with emphasis on pricing, costing, and regulation as well as on international telephony settlements, telecommunications in the infrastructure and related areas.  More recently, he has been researching the application of real options valuation techniques to network industries and the causes, consequences and remedies of the financial infirmities of the communications and information technologies sectors.

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Biography of Prof. Dr. Paul Rappoport, Professor of Economics
Temple University, USA

Dr. Paul Rappoport is Associate Professor of Economics at Temple University. He has over 25 years of experience in data analysis, modeling and statistical assessment, with a specialization in telecommunications demand analysis. Dr. Rappoport has written extensively on telecom demand models. His current research interests include: modeling consumer’s willingness to pay; the construction of internet metrics; assessing the Digital Divide; specifying and modeling business broadband; forecasting internet demand and measuring the nature of network externalities. He is a Senior Fellow at Columbia University’s Center for Tele-Information. He received his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University in 1974.

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Biography of Mr. Tomas Lamanauskas, Deputy Director,
Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT)

Mr. Tomas Lamanauskas was awarded the Master in Law degree by the University of Vilnius (Lithuania). Since 2002 he has continued his studies as a post-graduate (doctoral) student at the same University. Between 1999 and 2001 Lamanauskas worked as legal adviser for Lietuvos Telekomo Verslo Sprendimai UAB (Lithuanian Telecom’s Business Solutions) – a subsidiary of the Lithuanian incumbent public fixed telephony operator. In 2001 he joined the newly created Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT), a national authority responsible for regulation of electronic communications as well as postal sectors, as a head of the Legal Section.
Since 2004 Mr. Lamanauskas is deputy director of the RRT. Since 2002 Tomas Lamanauskas has lectured courses related to information technology and telecommunications law in various subsidiaries of Vilnius University (Law Faculty, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, International Business School). Mr. Lamanauskas has been involved in drafting all major pieces of Lithuanian primary legislation related to information techn
ology and telecommunications law, including the amendments to the Law on Electronic Signature, the 2002 Law on Telecommunications, the 2004 Law on Electronic Communications, the Law on Information Society Services as well as the Concept Law on Consumer Rights’ Protection. Tomas Lamanauskas made over 20 presentations in various conferences (over 10 of them directly related to drafting and implementation of electronic communications (telecommunications) regulatory framework in Lithuania) as well as published a number of articles on legal issues related to information technology and telecommunications law in various national and regional journals, including Baltic IT&T Review. He is also the co-author of the books “Information technology law” and “Electronic communications law” that are the first publications on the relevant topics in Lithuania.

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Biography of Prof. Dr. Knud Erik Skouby, Director of Center for Information and Communication Technologies, Denmark

Dr. Knud Erik Skouby is director of Center for Information and Communication Technologies (CICT) and professor in Telecommunications Network’s economy and regulation at CTI/ COM, Technical University of Denmark (DTU). He has a career within consultancy and as a university teacher since 1972. The working areas have been planning, technological development and technology assessment – for the last 15 years within the telecom area. The consultancy part has included work for e.g. CCITT, OECD, UN, UNDP, The World Bank, the Danish Ministries of Culture, Industry Labour and Research, Danish trade unions and international consulting firms in the area of telecom markets and regulation (e.g., COWIconsult, EUTELIS, McKinsey, OVUM, PriceWaterhouse).

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Biography of Ms. Anna Riedel, ITU Consultant (Germany)

Ms Riedel obtained her graduate degree in Business Studies from the Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft (University of Applied Economic Sciences) in Berlin and Master’s degree in European Culture and Economy with an emphasis on Economics and Political Sciences from University of Dortmund. Her research interests include ICT sector dynamics, policy and regulation, as well as European integration. In her professional career, Ms Anna Riedel has gained working experience within the framework of diverse training programmes at Columbia TriStar in Berlin, Clemenger BBDO in Melbourne, the German Embassy in Bucharest as well as at International Telecommunication Union.  

Ms Riedel’s working languages include German, English and Italian.

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Biography of Prof. Dr. Gary Madden, Director
Communication Economics & Electronic Markets Research Center, Australia

Dr. Gary Madden is Professor of Economics at Curtin University of Technology, Perth Western Australia, and Director of the Communication Economics and Electronic Markets Research Centre (CEEM). Gary's research is primarily focussed on examining empirical aspects of communication economics, electronic markets, productivity measurement, cost of living indexes, real options, network economics and digital divide issues. As Director of the CEEM, Gary organizes workshops and conferences on various topics in telecommunications policy.

For a complete listing of publications and CV please see the home page of The Communications Economics and Electronic Markets Research Centre.

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Biography of Ms. Ilsa Godlovich, Regulatory Affairs Manager
European Competitive Telecommunications Association


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Biography of Mr. Joseph Ziskin, Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Business Development, IBM Global Services, USA

Joseph Ziskin is a Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Business Development, IBM. Prior to his present role, Mr. Ziskin was the Vice President of Solutions and Business Development for the Global Telecommunications Industry, responsible for Solutions Development, IBM strategy for the Telecom Industry and development of IBM growth initiatives for Telecommunication service providers and business partners. He continues to lead IBM's efforts in telecom standards, business development, & growth initiatives. These efforts include strategic alliance development and driving industry investment and corporate development strategies.

Prior to joining IBM, Mr. Ziskin spent over 13 years as a strategy consultant. During this time he spent three years at a global consultancy's research center, concentrating his consulting and research in the areas of information technology leadership and technology-enabled business capabilities.

Mr. Ziskin is a Board member of the Telemanagement Forum and is a Certified Public Accountant in the commonwealth of Massachusetts.

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Biography of Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder, Policy Analyst
Strategy and Policy Unit, ITU

Jaroslaw Ponder works for Strategy and Policy Unit at the International Telecommunication Union (SPU/ITU). Within the last years Mr. Ponder has been taking an active role in numerous international conferences and summits dealing with development of information society and advancements of new economy in both Western and Eastern European countries as well as USA. The spectrum of his direct research interest includes business development, process optimization, telecommunication economics, information and communication technology dynamics, next generation networks, the Internet of things, digital divide, information society development, EU enlargement processes and human capital problematic.

Along the professional career Mr. Ponder held official positions in the public sector and was a contributor to the legislative projects having impact on the public policy. Since 2004 Mr. Ponder has been working for the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, Switzerland). In 2004 he was consultant at the Market, Economics and Finance Unit (MEF/ITU). In 2005 he moved to ITU Strategy and Policy Unit (SPU/ITU).

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Biography of Mr. Jean-Pierre Bienaimé, President

Jean-Pierre Bienaimé graduated in business and economics at ESSEC Business School (Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales - Paris) and at Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, and received a diploma of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Postes et Télécommunications, in Paris. He completed later this initial education by a business degree at INSEAD (The European Institute of Business Administration – Fontainebleau) and a senior executive program at Kelley School of Business, Indiana University at Bloomington, USA.

He has worked at France Telecom Group since 1979, holding various positions. He began his career in the domain of financial management, with central and regional responsibilities for France Telecom (FT) during 9 years, including the position of Head of Planning Group, which led him to elaborate the “1983-1986 Telecommunications Charter”, and to represent France Telecom for the French 9th National Plan (1984-1988). He worked from 1988 until end 1999 in marketing and business development functions in the field of international business services and data networks, holding several positions, such as deputy director of marketing and product development at France Telecom Worldwide Networks and Services, director of business development and subsidiaries at FCR (FT group) and Chief Executive Officer of Nexus International, a subsidiary of FT dedicated to business communications abroad. During this period, he was also the chairman of Cyrus, mobile operator in Congo. In 2000 he took the position of Director of International Development at France Telecom Mobiles , mainly organizing the operational support for business development and launch of mobile activities of FT group worldwide, in the period of attribution of the 3G licences in most of Europe. After the purchase of Orange by FT and the reorganisation that followed, he was appointed as Group Technical Support Director at Orange until his secondment to chairman of the UMTS Forum where he has been in the role since February 2003.

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Biography of Mr Bernardo Herman, Regulatory Affairs Manager
European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association

Bernardo Herman is Regulatory Affairs Manager with the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO). Before joining the association he worked seven years in the telecom sector, holding different legal positions mainly within a KPN’s mobile division and with the Belgian National Regulatory Authority.

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Biography of Ms. Khelia Johnson, ITU Consultant (USA)


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Biography of Ms. Oluwaseun Oyeyipo, ITU Consultant (Nigeria)

Ms Oyeyipo earned her Bachelor of Laws and Barrister at Law degrees from Lagos State University and the Nigerian Law School respectively. She pursues her interest in Information Technology and Telecommunication Law in the University of Strathclyde Glasgow United Kingdom, with special interest in Regulatory Challenges posed by emerging Communication Technologies.

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Biography of Mr. Ernst Langmantel, Director of Technical Division
Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunication, Austria

  Ernst Langmantel is head of the technical department at the Austrian Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Broadcasting (RTR) since 1998. He inter alia is responsible for all technical aspects of network access and interconnection and the administration of numbers and addresses. Last year's and current main working areas are VoIP and NGN regulation with increasing focus on convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting . He he contributed to an official RTR booklet on VoIP regulation that has been published recently (in German: "Voice over IP, Grundlagen, Regulierung und erste Erfahrungen"), is coauthor of an article on the legal treatment of VoIP (in German: "Voice over IP" - Rechtliche Einordnung eines neuen Konzeptes") in the journal "medien und recht, Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kommunikationsrecht 8/05" and contributed to the Voice on the Net Europe Conferences in 2004 and 2005 on regulatory issues.  

He inter alia participates in EU commissions Radio Spectrum Policy Group and is member of the ECC TRIS group. Since 2002 he is member of the Austrian domain name council that deals with policy issues of the Austrian ".at" top level domain administration. Under his main responsibility the regulatoy issues for the worlds first commercial ENUM operation in Austria were sorted out.

Mr. Ernst Langmantel received his University Degree in Electrical Engineering (Communications Engineering) in 1983. Afterwards he worked at Siemens Vienna in the communications development on varous topics and in various positions till end of 1997. He startet in the development of the analogue mobile network for germany (“Netz C450”),  later swithed to the private networks area where he leaded projects for large and medium PBX solutions and dealed with system design and architectures for integration of wireless microcellular extensions (DECT) into medium and big private networks. He holds several patents in these areas.

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Biography of Mr. Rauno Granath, Director
New Growth Markets Networks, Nokia 

 Rauno Granath is a director in charge of new growth markets and networks at Nokia.

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Biography of Dr. Taylor Reynolds, Policy Analyst
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Taylor Reynolds works as a communication analyst and economist at the OECD where he monitors and analyzes trends in information and communication technology, policy and market structure, with a particular focus on broadband.  His recent research has focused on the growth of broadband worldwide, emerging wireless technologies and network neutrality.

Before joining the OECD, Taylor worked as a policy analyst for the International Telecommunication Union, as a consultant at the World Bank Group, and for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (United States).  Taylor holds B.A. degrees in Economics and Asian Studies from the University of Utah (United States).  In addition, he has a Ph.D. in Economics from American University in Washington, D.C. (United States).

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Biography of Ms. Phillippa Biggs, Economist
Strategy and Policy Unit, ITU

Phillippa Biggs is an Economist with the ITU’s Strategy and Policy Unit. She has worked for the United Nations for five years: firstly, as an Assistant Economic Affairs Officer with UNCTAD’s Science and Technology Group, and then as a consultant with UNIDO. She has worked on UNCTAD’s ICT Development Indices and UNIDO’s Competitive Industrial Performance Index. Most recently, she has worked as part of a team of economists drafting Egypt’s White Paper on Industrial Policy. She holds a degree in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge and a Master’s degree in Economics for Development from the University of Oxford, where she won the Oxford University Prize for the Best Overall Performance in her Masters degree.

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Biography of Mr. Tapani Mikkeli, Deputy Head
Technology for Innovation / ICT Industries & e-Business, Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, European Commission


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