Speech from Dr Hamadoun I. Touré, ITU Secretary-General

ITU TELECOM Asia 2008 - Farewell Ceremony
Bangkok, Thailand
5 September 2008

HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn,
Dr Mun Patanotai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Information and Communication Technology,
Prime Minister, Mr Samak Sundaravej,
Mr Worapat Tiewthanom, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology: MICT, Thailand,
Mr. Disnadda Diskul, Chairman of the Board, Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau,
Mr Tweesak Dheerakiatkumchorn Advisor to the Chairman, MPACT Exhibition Management Co., Ltd,
Forum Committee Members,
Forum Speakers,
And all our partners that made this event a great succe,

It is with great pleasure and satisfaction that we are together for this farewell from ITU Telecom Asia 2008 as it allows one final opportunity for me to express my most sincere gratitude for the efforts that each of you have contributed to this event.

Thailand has been the most gracious of hosts, which is acknowledged by all. This is indeed a “land of smiles!”

I have been sincerely impressed with the extra efforts that each of you have made, and the little details that have added so much to the overall event. Together, we have all worked hard and can look back and be proud of this successful gathering.

The networking and partnerships formed at our Asia regional events generate further momentum, which contribute to the flourishing ICT industry that we witness today.

As we learned with new numbers from the Asia-Pacific Indicators report released this past Monday, the region offers fantastic opportunities. The ICT sector is young and dynamic and the drivers that are moving the industry forward are equally vibrant. We are certain to see great strides in Asia in the coming years, even coming months.

And as it is normally true that all good things have their end, this is only partially true today. As we wave goodbye to ITU Telecom Asia 2008, we are also greeting ITU Telecom World 2009. World events are ITU Telecom’s flagship events, which attract industry leaders and authorities from around the World.


We are very pleased that ITU Telecom World 2009 is back in Geneva next year, from 5 to 9 October. Geneva is making a tremendous effort in welcoming and accommodating all participants with a true Swiss style.

In 2008, ITU will celebrate 60 years in Geneva. This common history is built on the favorable conditions ITU has found here. Switzerland, a hub for the UN and other intergovernmental organizations, avails itself of its central position in Europe, an above-average security, skilled workforce, economic openness, multi-lingualism and the presence of numerous IT and Telco research centres as well as the incorporation of ICTs in its development aid.

In the spirit of continued celebration, I would like to ask Mr. Moutinot and Mr. Zhao to join me for a few minutes, and I believe Mr. Moutinot would like to say a few words…