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World Telecommunication Policy Forum 2009
on convergence and other emerging policy issues

Resolution 146 (Antalya, 2006)*

Review of the International Telecommunication Regulations

The Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Antalya, 2006),


a)      that the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs) were last amended in Melbourne in 1988;

b)      that Resolution 121 (Marrakesh, 2002) of the Plenipotentiary Conference instructed the Council to establish a working group to study the ITRs and to prepare a report to the 2005 session of the Council for transmission to the Plenipotentiary Conference (Antalya, 2006);

c)       that the studies conducted by that working group of the Council did not result in a consensus regarding how to proceed (see PP-06/20(Rev.1)(Add.6));

d)      that treaty-level provisions are required with respect to international telecommunication networks and services;

e)       that the international telecommunications environment has significantly evolved, both from the technical and policy perspectives, and that it continues to evolve rapidly;

f)       that advances in technology have resulted in an increased use of IP-enabled infrastructure and relevant applications presenting both opportunities and challenges for ITU Member States and Sector Members;

g)      that as technology evolves, Member States are evaluating their policy and regulatory approaches to ensure an enabling environment that fosters supportive, transparent, pro-competitive, and predictable policies, as well as legal and regulatory frameworks that provide appropriate incentives for investment in, and development of, the information society;

h)      that ITU can play an important role in facilitating a discussion of new and emerging issues, including those arising from the changing international telecommunication environment,


a)      that, in order for ITU to maintain its pre-eminent role in global telecommunications, it must continue to demonstrate its capacity to respond adequately to the rapidly changing telecommunication environment;

b)      that there is a need to build broad consensus on what could appropriately be covered in the ITU treaty framework, within its standardization activities, and within its development activities;

c)       that it is important to ensure that the ITRs are reviewed and, if deemed appropriate, revised and updated in a timely manner in order to facilitate cooperation and coordination among Member States and to reflect accurately the relations between Member States, Sector Members, administrations and recognized operating agencies;

d)      that the World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF) has historically provided an appropriate venue for discussing global and cross-sectoral issues of high concern to the ITU membership,


1        that the fourth WTPF convened by Decision 9 of this conference will provide an opportunity to study global and cross-sectoral issues of high concern to the ITU membership;

2        that further studies can take place in the Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), and, as may be required, in liaison with the other Sectors, with ITU-T as the focal point,


1        that a review of the ITRs should be carried out;

2        that ITU-T should undertake a review of the existing ITRs, engaging with the other sectors as may be required, with ITU-T as the focal point;

3        that the fourth WTPF should consider emerging telecommunications policy and regulatory issues, with respect to international telecommunication networks and services, for the purpose of understanding them and possibly developing opinions as appropriate;

4        that WTPF should prepare reports and, where appropriate, opinions for consideration by Member States, Sector Members, relevant ITU meetings and the Council;

5        that a World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) be convened at the seat of ITU in 2012, on the basis of the recommendations arising from this process of review,

instructs the Council

1        to consider the reports on the above-mentioned matters and take actions, as appropriate;

2        to adopt the agenda and fix the dates of WCIT by 2011,

urges the three Sectors, following the world telecommunication policy forum

each within its field of competence, to carry out any further necessary studies aimed at preparing for WCIT, and to participate in a series of regional meetings as required, in order to identify topics to be addressed by WCIT, within existing budgetary resources,

instructs the Secretary-General, following the above studies

to undertake the necessary preparatory arrangements for WCIT, in accordance with the applicable rules and procedures of ITU,

invites the membership

to contribute to the review of the ITRs and to the preparatory process of WCIT.


*Note: more information about the reform of this instrument can be found on the site of the Working Group on the ITRs.

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