Informal Group


Geneva, 14 February 1997

Comments of the Department of Tourism, Posts and Telecommunications (Jakarta)
on the Memorandum of Understanding

Referring to your letter on the subject of the draft Memorandum of Understanding of Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite user terminals which is sent by you with the reference letter No. SPU/EA/KB/ml dated 13 November 1996, I have pleasure to inform you that I have no comment on the draft itself.

However, it is very necessary to include essential definitions, maybe in annexes or attachments for instance:

a) The meaning and expression "GMPCS" should be clearly defined. The definition of GMPCS should encompass mobile personal communications systems using satellite with a regional coverage.

b) The meaning of "Terminal" or "User terminal" should be defined clearly. User terminals should be restricted to the kind handheld equipment.

c) The meaning of party or parties should be also clearly defined.

It is possible to include entities as parties such as:

- GMPCS operator;

- GMPCS national service providers;

- GMPCS user terminal manufactures;

- International Telecommunication Union.

d) The meaning of "Mutual recognition". Maybe mutual recognition certain parties namely between telecommunication administrations.

I hope that serious consideration will be given to the above comments.
