General Secretariat

Ref: Circular Letter No.
Contact: Karim Boussaid
Tel: +41 22 730 5900
Fax: +41 22 730 6675
- Member States and Sector Members of the ITU

- Participants of the MoU Meetings of
14 February 1997 and 3-4 April 1997

- Organizations which have the right to attend ITU
Conferences and meetings as observers

Subject: GMPCS MoU Meeting,17-18 July 1997

Dear Sir/Madam,

Pursuant to Opinion No. 4 of the World Telecommunication Policy Forum (Geneva, 21­23 October 1996), I convened an informal group at the International Conference Centre of Geneva (CICG) on Friday, 14 February 1997, composed of representatives of administrations and GMPCS operators, service providers and manufacturers to improve the draft Memorandum of Understanding to Facilitate Arrangements for Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite, Including Regional Systems (GMPCS-Mou) hereinafter referred to as the "Memorandum of Understanding", in the light of comments made by the participants in the Forum.

A first meeting of signatories and intended signatories of the "Memorandum of Understanding" was held on 3 and 4 April 1997 in order to start work on arrangements for the circulation of terminals. A copy of the draft Chairman's report is attached as well as a copy of the draft consolidated document on specific arrangements which has been redrafted by the Vice-Chairmen. If you have comments on these documents, please send them to me by 7 July 1997 so that they can be incorporated into the consolidated document which will serve as the basis of discussion at the forthcoming meeting which will be held at ITU headquarters on 17 & 18 July 1997.

To enable the Secretariat to make the necessary practical arrangements for the meeting, I should be grateful if you would complete the enclosed registration form and fax it to the Strategic Planning Unit by 7 July 1997.

You are again strongly urged to participate actively so that we can complete the initial set of arrangements by 31 July 1997 and consider thereafter the need for further cooperation to facilitate the full implementation of GMPCS.

Yours faithfully,


Annexes: 3