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WRC 2000 Invitation to all journalists

WRC 2000 Newsroom
Geneva, 11 February 2000

As you may know, from 8 May to 2 June 2000, Turkey will host ITU’s World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC 2000), an event which will play a key role in determining what kinds of wireless systems will be available in coming years. The Conference will be held at the Istanbul Convention and Exhibition Centre (ICEC).

The four-week long conference, which is held every two to three years, is the forum where countries decide on the shared use of the frequency spectrum to allow the deployment or growth of all types of radiocommunication services, from television and radio broadcasting to mobile telephony, maritime and aeronautical navigation and safety systems, and science services. (see

I would like to invite you to accredit to cover the event on-site or by correspondence. To apply for accreditation, you may register via Please read the instructions carefully. An acknowledgement will be sent when your accreditation has been accepted.

Accredited journalists will receive the WRC-2000 press kit and the press reports published during the Conference as well as press reports covering the Radiocommunication Assembly also held in Istanbul from 1 to 5 May.

Journalists covering on-site might wish to know that, this time, photo badges will be issued and, consequently, they cannot be mailed in advance. When issuing badges, priority will be given to pre-accredited journalists. I therefore strongly recommend you to register as early as possible and in any case before the start of the Conference.

Meanwhile, if you require any further information on the event, do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours faithfully,

Francine LAMBERT
Head, Corporate Communication

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