WTDC98logo.gif (23490 bytes) ITU Newsroom
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The World Telecommunication Development Conference is held from 23 March to 1 April  1998 at the Mediterranean Conference Centre. In the WTDC 98 newsroom, you will find background information to assist media in a better understanding of the issues and work to be achieved by the conference. All material found on this site can be used for reporting purposes.

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  Media representatives can use the text of statements with no copyright or other restrictions. The video and audio tracks are however subject to copyright and cannot be used without the written permission of the ITU

bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Valletta Declaration bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Valletta Action Plan
bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Backgrounder bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Press Conference
bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Agenda bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Opening addresses and Statements
bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Programme (general timetable and daily schedule) bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Taking telemedicine to the people: Focus on Mozambique
bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Structure of the Conference bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Partnerships: the way forward
bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Feature 1: issues in telecommunications development bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Useful information
(Executive summary of the1998 World Telecommunication Development Report, brochure of the WTDC 98)
bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Feature 2: phones for all the world? bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Gender in Telecommunications
bullet1.gif (122 bytes) From Buenos Aires to Valletta bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Media Accreditation
bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Who to contact bullet1.gif (122 bytes) List of participants

English | Français | Español
Last Modified: 2002-10-29