GO_PRO! - Regional Programming Centres

Details of the organization
Association for Non Formal Education "Meritum"
Civil society entities

Information about the project
GO_PRO! - Regional Programming Centres
GO_PRO! started as a project lead by “Meritum”. We created network of 20 libraries where we opened Regional Programming Centers. Librarians were prepared to lead workshops and non-formal groups (Coders Clubs) dedicated to develop programming skills in youth. Libraries were equipped with interactive projectors, computers, tablets, logarithm applications and Lego Mindstorms to attract youth, also in their free time. During project we also developed training materials and Coder Club Animators toolkits. Now, in cooperation with IT companies and public bodies we try to develop GO_PRO! as a permanent program to stimulate IT development, by attracting youth, especially in underdeveloped regions.
National implementation: Poland
Ongoing from 01/08/2014 to 31/12/2020
Chip magazine, Wyborcza Newspaper, Ministry of Administration and Digitalization, Intel, Ricoh, Association of Polish Libraries, IT Leader Club Poland

WSIS information
* Capacity building
  • Goal 3: Promote gender equality & empower women
  • Project
  • Programme
  • Training initiative
  • Guidelines
  • Tool-kit
  • Website