Project Details

AI Repository Project

WSIS Prizes Contest 2024 Nominee


The project is an innovative digital platform designed to empower citizens by enabling them to report local issues, such as potholes, broken streetlights, and waste management problems, directly to their local authorities. With its user-friendly interface available on both a website and a mobile app, residents can easily pinpoint the exact location of a problem, provide a description, and upload photos. This streamlined communication enhances transparency and efficiency in addressing urban challenges.

Since its inception, has had a significant impact on communities. It has facilitated the resolution of issues, directly improving local infrastructure and public services. The platform has not only made local governments more accountable and responsive but has also fostered a culture of civic responsibility among residents. By offering real-time tracking and updates, it keeps citizens engaged and informed about the progress of their reports.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development 2024
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C7. E-government
  • AL C7. E-environment
  • AL C10. Ethical dimensions of the Information Society
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
  • Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
  • Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

  • Morocco



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Older persons
  • Women
  • Indigenous and nomadic peoples
  • People with disabilities
  • The unemployed
  • The poor
  • Migrants
  • Refugees and internally displaced people
  • Remote and rural communities


The project is designed with replicability in mind, making it adaptable to various contexts and locations. Here's how and where it can be replicated:

Modular and Scalable Technology: The digital platform is built using modular and scalable technology, allowing it to be easily customized and scaled according to the specific needs and resources of different areas.

Localization Capabilities: The platform can be localized to different languages and cultural contexts, ensuring its usability and effectiveness in diverse communities.

Integration with Local Government Systems: is designed to integrate with various local government IT systems, which makes it adaptable to different administrative and technological environments.

Urban and Rural Settings: The platform can be effective in both urban and rural settings, with the potential to address a wide range of issues specific to these different environments.

Global Framework with Local Customization: The basic framework of can be implemented globally, but it allows for local customization to address the unique challenges and priorities of each area.

Collaboration and Partnerships: The project's model encourages collaboration and partnerships with local authorities, NGOs, and community groups, which can be formed anywhere to ensure the platform's successful implementation and sustainability.

Training and Support: The project can provide training and support to new users and administrators, ensuring that the platform is effectively managed and utilized in new locations.

Cost-Effective Implementation: The use of open-source technologies and cloud-based services makes the project cost-effective and accessible even for communities with limited resources.

Demonstration and Pilot Projects: Pilot projects can be initiated in new areas to demonstrate the platform's effectiveness and adapt it to local needs before a full-scale rollout.

Documentation and Knowledge Sharing


The sustainability of the project is ensured through several key strategies:

Diverse Funding Sources: Financial sustainability is achieved by diversifying funding sources. This includes government grants, partnerships with local authorities, and potential revenue streams from advertising or premium services. This mix reduces dependence on a single source of funding.

Community Engagement and Ownership: By actively engaging the community and fostering a sense of ownership among users, the project ensures continued relevance and use. Engaged communities are more likely to support and maintain the platform.

Technological Adaptability: The platform is designed to be technologically adaptable, ensuring it remains up-to-date with the latest digital trends and user needs. Regular updates and improvements keep the platform relevant and efficient.

Data-Driven Approach: Utilizing data for decision-making ensures the platform's operations are efficient and effective. Data analysis helps identify trends and areas for improvement, guiding resource allocation and strategic planning.

Scalability: The project is scalable, allowing it to expand or adjust based on community needs and available resources. This flexibility is key to long-term sustainability.

Strong Partnerships: Collaborations with local governments, civic organizations, and technology partners provide support and resources, enhancing the platform's stability and reach.

Capacity Building: Investing in training and development for both the team managing the platform and the local authorities ensures skilled handling and maximizes the platform’s impact.

Environmental Considerations: By addressing local environmental issues and promoting sustainable urban practices, the platform contributes to the broader goal of sustainable development.

Risk Management: Proactive risk management, including contingency planning for technological, financial, or operational risks, ensures the project’s resilience.

WSIS values promotion

The project promotes the values of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in several impactful ways within the community. WSIS focuses on harnessing the power of information and communication technologies (ICT) to advance sustainable development. Here's how aligns with these values: Access to Information and Knowledge: By providing an easily accessible digital platform, ensures that community members have the information they need about local issues and the status of their resolution. It democratizes access to information, allowing citizens to stay informed and engaged. Building Confidence and Security in the Use of ICTs: The project demonstrates a practical, secure application of ICTs in everyday life, enhancing public trust and confidence in these technologies. It adheres to data protection standards, ensuring user privacy and security. Enabling Environment: contributes to creating an enabling environment where ICTs are used effectively for public service delivery and civic engagement. It showcases how digital tools can enhance government responsiveness and transparency. ICT Applications: Benefits in All Aspects of Life: The platform exemplifies the application of ICTs in urban management and community development. It addresses a wide range of local issues from infrastructure to environmental concerns, illustrating the versatility of ICTs. Cultural Diversity and Identity, Linguistic Diversity: The platform can be adapted to support multiple languages and cultural contexts, respecting and promoting linguistic and cultural diversity in the digital space. Ethical Dimensions of the Information Society: operates with a strong ethical framework, focusing on community betterment and responsible use of technology. It encourages ethical engagement and reporting by citizens. International and Regional Cooperation

Entity name

national institute of innovation and advanced technology (Niiat)

Entity country—type

Morocco Civil Society

Entity website