Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2022 Winner

MonitorFCS App and COVID-19MX App


1) MonitorFCS App. Since the start of the pandemic, in América Móvil we have been concerned about the health of our coworkers, therefore, as part of the company's actions to deal with COVID-19, in collaboration with the Carlos Slim Foundation, we developed the MonitorFCS App, in order that our coworkers and their families can carry out daily monitoring of their health status and, in case of presenting symptoms related to COVID, receive the necessary attention and information. 2) COVID-19MX App. Through our subsidiary Telcel in Mexico and in collaboration with two banking institutions, we collaborated in the development of the COVID-19MX App, to help the population to generate a personal and family self-diagnosis. There is no browsing cost for Telcel users, as well as the text messages (SMS) involved in the use of the App. The platform was made available to the authorities for their complete management.

ICT Tools used: Now more than ever, we rely on connectivity and the use of our mobile devices to communicate with others, and to make daily transactions. The COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that thousands of people are working, studying or just staying at home as a way of taking care of their health, has increased the use of these devices. With the Apps developed by América Móvil -in collaboration with other institutions- we help people to get a health diagnosis facilitating medical attention if required. By having a previous diagnosis, the Apps also allow doctors to take care of the patient in a faster and more accurate way. These Apps also provide population with truthful information and combat the spread of fake news. Furthermore, by eliminating navigation costs in the Apps, we make sure that these tools are accessible to the most vulnerable communities.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C7. E-government
  • AL C7. E-health 2022
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 3: Good health and well-being
  • Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
  • Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

  • Mexico



Start date


End date

Not set


Yes, once the health emergency is over, the MonitorFCS App can still be used to observe that there is no upturn in COVID cases and it could possibly be used to control other diseases or to improve in people's health and well-being. On the other hand, free browsing of applications of this type can be applied to other apps that promote education, health, etc., with the intention of reaching the most vulnerable populations and contributing to reducing the digital divide.


Yes, while both of them are projects that seek people's health, they contribute to the increase people’s confidence in digital tools and solutions and reducing the digital divide. The projects are compatible with the Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the United Nations.

WSIS values promotion

By developing the MonitorFCS App, people can carry out daily monitoring of their health status and, in case of presenting symptoms related to COVID, they will be able to receive the necessary attention and information in a timely manner. As such, this project promotes WSIS values in the community such as C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-government and C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-health.

Entity name

América Móvil

Entity country—type

Mexico Private Sector

Entity website