Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2020 Nominee

Digitalising Public Services through Malaysia Government Enterprise Architecture



Society has embraced the changing way of life affected by digital transformation, thus changed the way governments response to the need of digital economy, social inclusion and environmental preservation. Hence, governments explore the importance value of redesign public services ecosystem and value of information and data with vengeance.

The strategic approach that the Malaysian government takes is to build enterprise-wide architecture through Malaysian Government Enterprise Architecture (MyGovEA) encompassing the whole-of-government, including data-driven public sector, digital services application and technology. The positive impact is on promoting evidence-led policymaking, data-backed service design that embedding good governance values of integrity, openness and fairness in the policy cycle. MyGovEA approach in managing strategic and operational uncertainty, and respond to complex scenarios in transforming digital services is replicable in all services such as healthcare, education, welfare, e-Commerce, international digital trade, digital quality assurance, security and transparency of digital government, open data and global partnership.

To encourage the digital end-to-end services in the digital ecosystem, all players such as EA Architects, government agencies, civil society, academia or researcher and related government are consulted during the service redesign process as a sectoral champion, service provider or service consumer. Best practice of MyGovEA is supported by IASA.

Project website

Action lines related to this project
  • AL C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development 2020
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

  • Malaysia



Start date

19 February 2018

End date

December 2020

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Older persons
  • Women
  • Indigenous and nomadic peoples
  • People with disabilities
  • The unemployed
  • The poor
  • Migrants
  • Refugees and internally displaced people
  • Remote and rural communities
  • Industry, Private Sector


MyGovEA approach in managing strategic and operational uncertainty and government respond to complex scenarios in transforming digital services is replicable in all services such as healthcare, education, welfare, e-commerce and international digital trade.

In designing digital services, MyGovEA framework and methodology is used which emphasise on the acculturation of business service, data, application and technology (BDAT) standards, integration of ICT solutions and information or data sharing.

A holistic architecture design shows the overall landscape of the service ecosystem arranged the relationship of BDAT layers encompassing who are the player, what is the services provided, what are the channels use to give services, what are the business process involved, what are the data used and generated in the business process, manual and digital data and information stored, the application that supported the process and services, and the technology use to run the application.
Combination of holistic architectural landscape of digital services is stored in the centralised MyGovEA Repository in a digital architecture diagram that can be analysed.

The repository promotes consistency for interoperability with standard templates for documents and architecture diagrams created based on a common language for agencies involved in the delivery of cross-agency services. At the same time, it enhances collaboration that supports the identification of duplicate, re-usable and sharable services across ministries and agencies to reduce overlapping and duplication of efforts in creating a dynamic government ecosystem.


In an enculturation effort of MyGovEA as one of the strategic management tools supported by The Global Professional Body of IT Architects (IASA), the Government of Malaysia has regarded EA as an enabler of National Digitalization Plan of Malaysia (NDPM) to accelerate the Digital Government services. NDPM is a national strategic plan initiated by MAMPU as the catalyst to drive the current government’s transformation digital agenda and the way government agencies will approach the development of business and ICT strategies in the future.
As the public sector agencies begin to embark on developing EA practices in digital transformation based on MyGovEA framework and methodology, several long term benefits are to be expected:
1. Convergence of Business and Technology Strategy.
2. Strengthening Cross-agency Collaborations.
3. Re-enforce Capability Development.
4. Realigning other digital strategies in the Public Sector with NDPM.

WSIS values promotion

Malaysia defined digital government as a government designed and operated to take advantage of digital data as an integrated part of governments’ modernisation strategies to create public value that improve citizen satisfaction in service delivery, enhance economic competitiveness, forge new levels of engagement and trust, and increase productivity of public services. This definition steers the narrative of the journey towards realising the digital government and digital public services transformation build at the core of the peoples live and empowering information society with digital talent and digital environment to achieve their full potential in spurring the digital economy and prosper the digital trust in public service delivery. In preparing the public entities and institutions for ongoing transformation driven by the rapid technological changes, these initiatives piloted through catalysing an agency to be an agent that stimulates or precipitates a transformation; facilitate the modernization of government as an enterprise; and coached the process of redesigning public services ecosystem to build enterprise-wide architecture through MyGovEA. The strategic approach that government takes is enclosed all stakeholder and players in the service ecosystem, including government entities, private sector, civil society, academia/researcher and international organizations. The digital solutions for the country rooted in the value of digital design of public services and value of information and digital data to build informed society, smart and knowledgeable citizen and intelligent government. To reach this objective, MyGovEA developed a process for defining and analysing business stakeholders’ assumptions about the future to identify decisions that would thrive in future environment. The activities cover alignment of strategic decision making in advising government on policy to establish supportive policy and regulations that suits the transformative impact of rapid technological changes.

Entity name

Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU)

Entity country—type

Malaysia Government

Entity website