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WTSA-16, Proposals Management Web


279 documents, 368 proposals

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Proposal Provision/Reference Mapping Destination Received Properties
MOD B11 118 R2 1 RESOLUTION 2 - ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector study group respons... Res./RESOLUTION 2 PLEN 11/3/2016
MOD PLEN 120 1 RESOLUTION 29 - Alternative calling procedures on international telecommunication... Res./RESOLUTION 29 COM5 11/3/2016
MOD COM4 121 1 RESOLUTION 50 - Cybersecurity Res./RESOLUTION 50 PLEN 11/3/2016
MOD PLEN 120 2 RESOLUTION 52 - Countering and combating spam Res./RESOLUTION 52 COM5 11/3/2016
MOD COM4 122 1 RESOLUTION 78 - Information and communication technology applications and standar... Res./RESOLUTION 78 PLEN 11/3/2016
ADD PLEN 121 1 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [COUNTERF] - ITU-T studies for combating counterfeit telecommunication/ICT dev... DRAFT NEW Res. COM5 11/3/2016
ADD ADHOC 114 1 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [ARB-5] - Enable open source as a work methodology in ITU-T DRAFT NEW Res. PLEN 11/3/2016
ADD ADHOC 123 1 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [ARB-5] - Open source in ITU-T DRAFT NEW Res. PLEN 11/3/2016
MOD B9 116 1 RESOLUTION 1 - Rules of procedure of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization ... Res./RESOLUTION 1 PLEN 11/2/2016
MOD COM4 109 1 RESOLUTION 2 - ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector study group respons... Res./RESOLUTION 2 COM5 11/2/2016
MOD COM3 94 1 RESOLUTION 11 - Collaboration with the Postal Operations Council of the Universal... Res./RESOLUTION 11 COM5 11/2/2016
MOD B8 103 1 RESOLUTION 11 - Collaboration with the Postal Operations Council of the Universal... Res./RESOLUTION 11 PLEN 11/2/2016
MOD B7 101 1 RESOLUTION 20 - Procedures for allocation and management of international telecom... Res./RESOLUTION 20 PLEN 11/2/2016
MOD COM3 94 2 RESOLUTION 22 - Authorization for the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory ... Res./RESOLUTION 22 COM5 11/2/2016
MOD B8 103 2 RESOLUTION 22 - Authorization for the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory ... Res./RESOLUTION 22 PLEN 11/2/2016
MOD COM3 94 3 RESOLUTION 45 - Effective coordination of standardization work across study grou... Res./RESOLUTION 45 COM5 11/2/2016
MOD B8 103 3 RESOLUTION 45 - Effective coordination of standardization work across study grou... Res./RESOLUTION 45 PLEN 11/2/2016
MOD B7 101 2 RESOLUTION 49 - ENUM Res./RESOLUTION 49 PLEN 11/2/2016
MOD ADHOC 83 R2 1 RESOLUTION 50 - Cybersecurity Res./RESOLUTION 50 WG4A 11/2/2016
MOD COM4 104 1 RESOLUTION 50 - Cybersecurity Res./RESOLUTION 50 PLEN 11/2/2016
MOD COM4 102 1 RESOLUTION 54 - Creation of, and assistance to, regional groups Res./RESOLUTION 54 COM5 11/2/2016
MOD B10 117 1 RESOLUTION 54 - Creation of, and assistance to, regional groups Res./RESOLUTION 54 PLEN 11/2/2016
MOD COM4 105 1 RESOLUTION 60 - Responding to the challenges of the evolution of the identificati... Res./RESOLUTION 60 PLEN 11/2/2016
MOD B7 101 3 RESOLUTION 64 - IP address allocation and facilitating the transition to and depl... Res./RESOLUTION 64 PLEN 11/2/2016
MOD B7 101 4 RESOLUTION 65 - Calling party number delivery, calling line identification and or... Res./RESOLUTION 65 PLEN 11/2/2016
MOD B7 101 5 RESOLUTION 69 - Non-discriminatory access and use of Internet resources and telec... Res./RESOLUTION 69 PLEN 11/2/2016
MOD COM4 102 2 RESOLUTION 75 - The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector's contribution i... Res./RESOLUTION 75 COM5 11/2/2016
MOD B10 117 2 RESOLUTION 75 - The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector's contribution i... Res./RESOLUTION 75 PLEN 11/2/2016
MOD COM4 106 1 RESOLUTION 78 - Information and communication technology applications and standar... Res./RESOLUTION 78 PLEN 11/2/2016
ADD COM3 94 4 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [AFCP-1] - Evaluation of the implementation of WTSA Resolutions DRAFT NEW Res. COM5 11/2/2016
ADD B8 103 4 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [COM3/1] - Evaluation of the implementation of resolutions of the World Tele... DRAFT NEW Res. PLEN 11/2/2016
ADD B7 101 6 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [COM4/3] - Enhancing the standardization activities in the ITU Telecommunica... DRAFT NEW Res. PLEN 11/2/2016
ADD B7 101 7 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [COM4/4] - International mobile roaming DRAFT NEW Res. PLEN 11/2/2016
ADD B7 101 8 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [COM4/5] - Enhancing access to an electronic repository of information on nu... DRAFT NEW Res. PLEN 11/2/2016
ADD B7 101 9 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [COM4/6] - Interconnection of 4G, 5G/IMT-2020 networks and beyond DRAFT NEW Res. PLEN 11/2/2016
ADD COM4 102 3 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [AFCP-2] - Promoting the use of ICTs to bridge the financial inclusion gap DRAFT NEW Res. COM5 11/2/2016
ADD B12 119 1 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [COM4/7] - Promoting the use of information and communication technologies ... DRAFT NEW Res. PLEN 11/2/2016
ADD COM4 102 4 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [ARB-4] - Strengthening and diversifying the resources of the Telecommunica... DRAFT NEW Res. COM5 11/2/2016
ADD B12 119 2 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [COM4/8] - Strengthening and diversifying the resources of the ITU Telecomm... DRAFT NEW Res. PLEN 11/2/2016
ADD COM4 102 5 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [AFCP-8] - Facilitating the implementation of the Smart Africa Manifesto DRAFT NEW Res. COM5 11/2/2016
ADD B12 119 3 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [COM4/9] - Facilitating the implementation of the Smart Africa Manifesto DRAFT NEW Res. PLEN 11/2/2016
ADD COM4 102 6 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [APT-2]/[IAP-3] - Enhancing the standardization of Internet of Things and Smart Cit... DRAFT NEW Res. COM5 11/2/2016
ADD B12 119 4 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [COM4/10] - Enhancing the standardization of Internet of things and Smart Ci... DRAFT NEW Res. PLEN 11/2/2016
ADD COM4 102 7 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [IAP-1 - AFCP-6] - ITU-T initiatives to raise awareness on best practices and polic... DRAFT NEW Res. COM5 11/2/2016
ADD B12 119 5 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [COM4/11] - ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector initiatives to raise... DRAFT NEW Res. PLEN 11/2/2016
ADD COM4 102 8 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [ITR] - Participation of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector in ... DRAFT NEW Res. COM5 11/2/2016
ADD B12 119 6 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [COM4/12] - Participation of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector... DRAFT NEW Res. PLEN 11/2/2016
ADD COM4 107 1 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [COUNTERF] - ITU-T studies for combating counterfeit telecommunication/ICT dev... DRAFT NEW Res. PLEN 11/2/2016
ADD COM4 108 1 DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [MOB-THEFT] - Combating mobile telecommunication device theft DRAFT NEW Res. PLEN 11/2/2016
MOD B9 116 2 RECOMMENDATION ITU-T A.12 - Identification and layout of ITU-T Recommendations ITU-T A-series Rec./Recommendation (...) PLEN 11/2/2016

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