United Nations  International Telecommunication Union  




Access to the Media Centre & Media Centre overpasses

Access to the Media Centre

To allow delegations' Media Relations Officers access to the WSIS Media Centre during the Summit, the WSIS Media Office will issue them with two overpasses per delegation. These overpasses will be valid only for access to the Media Centre but will not specify the bearer's name and may therefore be used by different delegation Media Relations Officers as they require. Entry to the Media Centre will be strictly limited to accredited media representatives and to the bearers of the aforementioned overpasses. The overpasses will also give the speaker at a press conference or briefing and the persons accompanying him/her access to the press conference room.

It is to be noted that the overpass for the Media Centre will give access to most of the WSIS Media Centre's facilities (press conference rooms, Media Centre staff offices, documentation service), but not to the work area that is strictly reserved for journalists. Media Relations Officers wishing to use computer facilities for work or Internet access should use the cybercafé facilities that are available within the Kram PalExpo.

Media Centre overpasses

Overpasses for the Media Centre may be collected from the Media Centre by delegations’ Focal Points or Media Relations Officers from 5 to 11 November inclusive. After that date, access to the Media Centre will be controlled and it will be necessary to contact the Media Office in order to visit the Media Centre and collect the overpasses. It is therefore strongly recommended that overpasses be collected by 12 November.

Focal Points and Media Relations Officers will be asked to sign a form attesting that the two overpasses have been handed to them. For security reasons, an overpass that is lost will not be replaced.



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