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 Articles: June 2006
F-Paris: data entry services (TED France)
Common procurement vocabulary (CPV): 72312000. Data entry services.

F-Paris: Dateneingabe (TED France)
Gemeinsames Vokabular für öffentliche Aufträge (CPV): 72312000. Dateneingabe.

La bolsa recupera los 11.800 en una nueva jornada de "opas" - (Finanzas)
(12:26h.) Sigue la bolsa, minuto a minuto... en "A pie de parqué Después de las pérdidas registradas ayer, el selectivo español Ibex (.IBEX) se mueve hoy al alza y, a las 12:00 horas, ganaba 59,50 puntos, el 0,51%, y se situaba en 11.

 Articles: June 2006
China Splits from the Internet? Probably Not (Comment Wire)
China may have today divorced itself from the internet's American-run authoritative domain name system, if a report from that nation is accurate. But there is substantial doubt that the country, long known as one of the key opponents to the US's lock on the internet's naming and addressing systems, has in...

China Splits from the Internet? Probably Not (Computer Business Review Online)
By Kevin Murphy China may have today divorced itself from the internet's American-run authoritative domain name system, if a report from that nation is accurate.

China Splits from the Internet? Probably Not (Computer Business Review)
China may have today divorced itself from the internet's American-run authoritative domain name system, if a report from that nation is accurate.But there is substantial doubt that the country, long known as one of the key opponents to the US's lock on the internet's naming and addressing systems, has in...

 Articles: June 2006
China Splits from the Internet? Probably Not (CommentWire)
China Splits from the Internet? Probably Not 1st March 2006 By Kevin Murphy China may have today divorced itself from the internet's American-run authoritative domain name system, if a report from that nation is accurate.

 Articles: December 2005
Armand Claude Abanda : Tunis m'a changé l'esprit (Le Quotidien Mutations / All Africa)
Le représentant résident de IAI Cameroun estime avoir gagné en participant au Smsi. Qu'est ce que Iai Cameroun est allé chercher au Smsi à Tunis?

Bello Bouba Maïgari : "Il faut penser à la fracture numérique interne" (Cameroon Tribune / All Africa)
Bello Bouba Maïgari, ministre d'Etat, ministre des P. et T. revient sur la participation du Cameroun au sommet de Tunis. Quelles leçons tirez-vous de la 2e phase du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information ?

Participation : absences et acquis du Cameroun (Le Quotidien Mutations / All Africa)
Delphine Nana Mekounté est probablement la Camerounaise ayant le plus tiré profit de sa participation à cette 2e phase du Smsi tenu à Tunis.

Read the letter that won the internet governance battle (The Register)
The World Summit in Tunis last month was overshadowed by the global argument over internet governance. Its biggest controversy came with the proposition put forward by the EU a month earlier that there be a new inter-governmental body that oversee ICANN. The US government - which currently enjoys unilateral control over the internet infrastructure - was furious and launched an enormous lobbying campaign, both public and private, across the board to retain its position.

Smsi-Tunis 2005 : des solutions et de nombreuses incertitudes (Le Quotidien Mutations / All Africa)
Le rendez-vous de la capitale tunisienne a laissé beaucoup d'espoirs et quelques interrogations. Le soleil s'est couché un peu tôt cette soirée à Tunis. Comme d'ailleurs tous les soirs de cette mi-novembre, où le pays tout entier connaît un hiver plutôt doux : 8 degrés sur la plage.

The space invaders on the Internet (The San Diego Union-Tribune)
The latest challenge to that fairy tale took place on Nov. 16- 18, at the World Summit on Information Society, or WSIS, sponsored by the United Nations. Some 10,000 people from around the world attended, including dozens of heads of state, mainly from African countries.

Tunis summit helps information society (Roanoke Times)
The historic United Nations' World Summit on the Information Society held in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia, Nov. 16 to 19 marked a new stage in global cooperation in the age of the digital revolution. As a summit participant, my own interest involved three days of nonstop, nuts-and-bolts discussions with energized representatives of government organizations, the private sector and civil society.

Victory claims abound for global Web accord (International Herald Tribune)
In the best diplomatic tradition, virtually all sides in the Internet governance debate claimed victory on Wednesday after more than 100 nations agreed to leave control of core network resources under the direction of the United States.

Wireless: Creating Internet of 'Things': A scary, but exciting (International Herald Tribune)
Miniaturization, the ubiquity of consumer electronics and the global Internet are speeding up the creation of a worldwide "network of things," where cars, phones, turnstiles - even books and clothing - know about us: who we are, where we are, what we are doing.

 Articles: December 2005
$100 laptop for poor children unveiled (Computing)
Nicholas Negroponte, founder and chairman of MIT's Media Lab, has shown off his prototype $100 laptop at the Tunis World Summit on the Information Society. The ruggedised laptop, which includes a crank for generating its own power, is being developed under the One Laptop Per Child initiative, which aims to allow children in the Third World to own their own PC.

Analysis: will net governance ever change? (PC advisor)
Let's call it a clash of cultures: engineers who know the internet inside-out on one side and government policy makers grappling to understand it on the other.

Computadoras y conexión a internet con precios bajos (El Pais)
¿Se achica la brecha digital? Por poco dinero se podrá acceder a un PC y a conexión discada gratis por 6 meses. Hoy es casi imposible imaginar la vida sin las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación, en especial Internet.

Cumbre en Cartago (El Universal)
TRES veces milenaria, Túnez, heredera histórica y territorialmente de Cartago cuna civilizatoria de la que el historiador Apuleyo (s. II d. C.) dijo que por su poderío se igualaba a los griegos y por sus riquezas a los persas, fue la sede la semana antepasada de la segunda fase de la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información, a que convocó la organización de las Naciones Unidas desde diciembre de 2001.

Des journalistes se plaignent d'avoir été manipulés par les organisateurs (Cyberpress / AP)
Plusieurs journalistes dont la signature accompagne une pétition dénonçant une campagne hostile à la Tunisie lancée par "certaines parties étrangères" à l'occasion du récent Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) disent avoir été victimes d'une manipulation des autorités tunisiennes, organisatrices de cet événement chapeauté par les Nations unies.

Die Macht im Internet (c't Magazin / Heise)
Die Frage nach der Gestaltung der Zukunft der Informationsgesellschaft hat den Vereinten Nationen den größten Gipfel in ihrer Geschichte beschert. Der Zugang zu Informationstechnik und weltweitem Netzwerk ist ein Gut, das ökonomische Entwicklung und Meinungsfreiheit garantieren soll.

Digital divisions grow (Bangkok Post)
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) wrapped up in Tunis recently after debating arcane issues such as who gets to allocate Internet addresses or create top level domains such as ".com" and ".org."

Dossier: Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (Les Echos)
Du 16 au 18 novembre, Tunis accueille la deuxième partie du sommet mondial sur la société de l'information, après une première phase à Genève décembre en 2003. Quelque cinquante chefs d'État et 15.000 professionnels se réunissent autour du secrétaire général des Nations Unies, Kofi Annan.

Dutch group pushes new domains (Australian IT)
A DUTCH technology company has breathed life into a project to rid the internet of suffixes such as .com. Such a system, which enables countries, individuals and firms to have a web address which consists of a single name, offers flexibility and is language and character independent.

Gouvernance du Net et souveraineté (Le Monde)
Qui doit contrôler l'Internet ? Comment ? Les gouvernements ont-ils, au niveau mondial, toute légitimité à superviser les aspects techniques du fonctionnement du Réseau ? Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), qui s'est achevé à Tunis le 18 novembre, a échoué à répondre à ces questions.

Hi tech wind-up (The Huddersfield Daily Examiner)
IT sounds like a marriage of incompatibles - the modern age of computers with the distinctly old-style idea of getting your power by winding something up, like a child's clockwork train, for example. But in fact one or two people have been toying with the brainwave of combining the two and coming up with the wind-up computer.

India calls for mechanism to promote IT adoption (The Hindu)
INDIA has called for an institutional mechanism to help local development and manufacturing of information and communication technologies. The Union Minister for Communication and Information Technology, Mr Dayanidhi Maran, told the World Summit of Information Society 2005, taking place here, that it was imperative to design an improved organisational structure where the legal and regulatory framework to promote ICTs would be in place.

Internet anytime, anywhere, by anyone -- except Tunisia (Mail&Guardian)
Something quite quaint happened in Tunis last week. It was triggered by an alliance of freedom of expression groups withdrawing from the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), a major United Nations conference in Tunisia.

Internet Summit Ends with Delegates Looking to Future (Newsfactor Magazin online)
The United Nation's World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) has come to a close amid declarations of success from attendees. The conference, which was held in Tunis, Tunisia, ended with what the U.N. said was a "breakthrough agreement on Internet governance" that calls for the need to enhance cooperation among world governments.

Internet wrangles (Al Ahram)
In his keynote speech at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunisia United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan told the international gathering that the "summit must be a summit of solutions".

IT Supreme Council makes an impact at Tunis summit (Gulf News)
QATAR’S Supreme Council of Information and Communication Technology (ictQatar) has made an impact at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) held in Tunis from November 16 to 19, it was announced yesterday.

La presse et l'opposition muselées - Tunis : intimidation au sommet (Nouvel Observateur)
Venu enquêter sur les violations des droits de l'homme avant la réunion de l'ONU sur l'Information, l'envoyé spécial de « Libé » s'est fait agresser en plein centre de la capitale tunisienne. C'est une rue où rien ne peut vous arriver. Une rue sûre dans un quartier truffé d'ambassades à Tunis, capitale tranquille et touristique d'un des pays les plus policiers du monde.

Los estados pactan un plan contra la brecha digital, pero sin compromiso económico (El Pais)
La Cumbre de Túnez sobre la sociedad de la información terminó la semana pasada con una declaración de principios, pero sin que los gobiernos lograran acordar mecanismos claros para financiar el plan de acción contra la brecha digital que se había diseñado en la cumbre preliminar de Ginebra de 2003.

Microsoft says "technological freedom" is political manifesto (Ars Technica)
At the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) last week, Microsoft representatives demanded the removal of references to free software from a critical document about creativity in IT.

Miss Navajo turns heads in Africa (Gallup Independent)
Among hundreds of elegantly dressed and bejeweled crownprinces, heads of states and governmental ministers from around the globe here to attend the 2005 World Summit on the Information Society, one nation's ambassador turned more heads and drew the most attention as she strolled the exhibition hall.

Mission 2007: every village a knowledge centre (The Hindu)
Convergence and synergy among the numerous on-going as well as emerging programmes is needed to provide knowledge connectivity to every village of India by August 15, 2007. While the green revolution helped improve the productivity and production of rice, wheat, and other crops, the knowledge revolution will help to enhance human productivity and entrepreneurship.

Nations want U.S. to give up control of Web (The Statesman)
Who in the world should control the World Wide Web? Since 1998, the basic plumbing of the Internet — administration of domain names and management of the main servers that control traffic — has been controlled by an obscure California agency that reports to the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Nigeria Fails to Impress at WSIS (Tha Vanguard)
"I am not impressed with Nigeria's participation when it comes to our stand in WSIS. I think it leaves much to be desired. Perhaps we will do better with more co-ordination for the future and make sure that when next we come for an event like this, our stand would be something compared with what we had in Egypt during the ITU Africa Conference".

Nouvelles technologies de l'information : la RDC plaide pour une gestion multilatérale de l'Internet (Le Potentiel / All Africa)
Le sommet de Tunis a été l'occasion pour la République démocratique du Congo de faire entendre sa voix pour une gestion multilatérale de l'Internet. Représentant le gouvernement de transition, Mme Gertrude Kitembo, ministre des Ptt, a appelé les dirigeants du monde entier à prendre conscience de l'importance des technologies de l'information.

Peace reigns between net authorities (Sydney Morning Herald)
It's business as usual for the international and local organisations that manage the internet domain name system as ICANN meets in Vancouver, Canada, to thrash out a range of technical issues.

Point of View/Hans van Ginkel: Making the information society open to all (Asahi Shimbun)
The real challenge for the Tunis round of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), held Nov. 16-18, was to find ways to create an information society truly open to all, with the benefits shared by all of humanity. This is a task of Promethean proportions. To be successful, we must concentrate our efforts.

Pourquoi le deal a échoué (Le Messager / All Africa)
Au moment où le Sommet mondial de la société de l'information se tenait à Tunis, le Cameroun était secoué par la nouvelle du rachat de Globalnet par Mtn. Malheureusement, personne n'en a fait cas là-bas. Or ç'aurait été un bon cas d'école à étudier. N'empêche. Les Etats-Unis sans se référer au cas du Cameroun ont tranché.

Shalom's 'night in Tunisia' a joyful homecoming. ; Foreign Minister is accorded VIP status by authorities (Jerusalem Post)
He read Hebrew books with five-year-old yeshiva boys, clapped his hands to folkloric music, and ate lamb and couscous with the head rabbi. For the Jews of Djerba, the visit Tuesday of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom was the event of a lifetime.

Share control of internet, U.S. told (The Advertiser)
UNCLE Sam will stay in charge - and much of the world is happy about it. The issue is the control of the internet - a subject that has been the bone of contention at the UN World Summit on the Information Society, which has just ended in Tunisia. As the net has swept the globe, ignoring borders and regimes, various countries have become timid about the fact they do not have control of the medium.

Shirley speaks for indigenous peoples at summit (Gallup Independent)
In an historic address before the 191 member countries of the United Nations, Navajo Nation President Joe Shirley, Jr., spoke on behalf of the 370 million indigenous people of the world to announce the creation of a native peoples' internet portal and to re-affirm indigenous sovereignty.

Spinning the Web Forward (Newsweek)
Vinton Cerf has been dubbed the father of the Internet, a label the 62-year-old Connecticut native rejects. "There are lots of fathers of the Internet," says the legendary computer scientist who worked on the original Department of Defense project in 1973. He now holds the title of Google's chief Internet evangelist and chairs ICANN—the main organization responsible for assigning Internet domain names.

Switch on internet power globally (Gulfinthemedia / Gulf News)
The digital world is enfranchising the world’s population in ever greater numbers. Technology has the power to be the greatest leveller of them all between developed and emerging economies. The old joke that "no one knows I am a dog on the internet" remains true.

Tajik president finds it necessary to control internet resources (Regnum News Agency)
Tajik President Emomali Rakhmonov speaking on the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis on November 16 noted, that Tajikistan today takes all possible measures to improve and enlarge material, technical and legal base of the informational and communications systems.

The $100 laptop (Baltimore Sun)
It's bright green and yellow. It's foldable in different ways. You have to crank it by hand to power it up. And it just might help bring millions of impoverished, isolated children around the globe into the 21st Century.

The longer you and I run the sprawling chaos of internet, the better it serves (Business Report)
Last week government delegates gathered at a summit in Tunisia to ponder internet regulation. Right now, a lot of people think the Web is controlled by the US, but the EU would like a slice of that action. So, too, would the UN. Here's a simple solution to the debate. The internet should be supervised by the people who have pioneered it: you and I, ordinary people who come together spontaneously to make the Net what it is. The last thing it needs is any form of bureaucratic control.

The Net challenge (Gulfinthemedia / Khaleej Times)
The United Nations’ World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) that brought together about 20,000 delegates from 174 countries to Tunis last week was a brainstorming conference of government leaders, computer industry’s key honchos and all those who are connected, directly or indirectly, to the Internet.

The Net lives another day (Bangkok Post)
The United Nations members held a so-called World Summit on the Information Society but backed off its efforts to take control of Internet domain services away from the US; the chief American delegate, Assistant Secretary of Commerce Michael Gallagher, explained, "The Internet lives to innovate another day as a result of our combined efforts here"; in the meantime, a new UN committee based in Greece and including national governments, technology companies and representatives of civil society will solve the spam and cybercrime problems and earn our huge admiration and congratulations for their brilliance once they have done it.

The United Nations and the World Wide Web; 'To defend the internet is to defend freedom itself' (Daily Star)
The main object of the World Summit on the Information Society, to be held in Tunis, is to ensure that poor countries get the full benefit that new information and communication technologies including the Internet can bring to economic and social development. But as the meeting draws nearer there is a growing chorus of misinformation about it.

Tunisia is committed to Internet expression (USA today)
The commentary by Tony Mauro, "Be wary of Internet 'governance'," includes some statements that left readers with an unfair impression of Tunisia's policies and accomplishments regarding the freedom of expression.

 Articles: November 2005
La gestion de l'Internet ne doit pas rester aux mains des USA, selon Ebadi (
TUNIS (AP) - Le prix Nobel de la paix, l'Iranienne Shirin Ebadi, a estimé vendredi que la gouvernance de l'Internet ne doit pas rester uniquement aux mains des Etats-Unis.

 Articles: November 2005
Digital Solidarity (All Africa)
Emmanuel Tataw Located at the crossroads of the Mediterranean, Malta in two straight days provided the setting for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (GHOGM).

 Articles: November 2005
Der UN-Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft (taz)
17.000 Teilnehmer aus 175 Ländern beraten bis Freitag in Tunis Grundfragen der globalen Informationsgesellschaft. Mit dabei sind auch 50 Regierungschefs und Vertreter aus der Wirtschaft und von Nichtregierungsorganisationen. In jahrelangen Vorbereitungen des Cyber-Weltgipfels wurde nach Wegen gesucht, wie Entwicklungsländer an der IT-Revolution teilhaben können.

Documento final pide sociedad informacion orientada al desarrollo (terra / EFE)
El 'Compromiso de Túnez', adoptado hoy por la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMDI), aboga por una sociedad 'centrada en la persona, abierta a todos y orientada al desarrollo'.

Eleventh hour Internet deal paves way for summit focus on digital divide (Middle East Time)
A potentially damaging rift over US control of the Internet has been averted hours before a key summit beginning on Wednesday in Tunis tries to spread the IT revolution to poor countries. The three-day World Summit on the Internet Society was due to take place amid a simmering row over freedom of expression in Tunisia, following alleged assaults or harassment of journalists and campaigners on the sidelines of the event.

Internet : les causes profondes de la fronde anti-américaine (Les Echos)
Qui doit superviser le Net ? Pour le gouvernement américain, il n'y a pas matière à débat, ce sont les Etats-Unis. Une manière de voir contestée par le reste de la planète.

Internet battle ends in stalemate (The Guardian)
An expected fight over the governance of the internet looked to have been averted last night as a tentative deal was struck which would allow the US government to retain overall control of the medium for the foreseeable future.

La comunidad internacional debate quién debe controlar la red (ABC)
La ONU apuesta por un cambio hacia un modelo multilateral que reparta las responsabilidades del gobierno de internet, frente al control que ahora ejerce EE.UU. La comunidad internacional discute a partir de hoy en Túnez quién debe gobernar internet, una herramienta de información y conocimiento que se ha convertido en motor de crecimiento y que ahora está bajo el estricto control de los Estados Unidos.

Le monopole américain en question (Radio France Info)
La gouvernance de l’Internet sera l’un des sujets au cœur des discussions du prochain Sommet mondial sur la société de l’information (SMSI) à Tunis. Des points d’achoppement entre Washington et Bruxelles sont apparus lors de la dernière réunion préparatoire qui s’est tenue fin septembre à Genève.

Negotiators water down UN text on Internet governance; U.S. to stay in charge (
Negotiators from more than 100 countries agreed late Tuesday to leave the United States in charge of the Internet's addressing system, averting a U.S.-EU showdown at this week's UN technology summit.

Paul Twomey : Washington n'a pas la mainmise sur Internet (Les Echos)
Depuis 2003, Paul Twomey préside l'Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann), qui s'assure du fonctionnement technique de la Toile. En soi, le rôle de l'Icann n'est pas menacé. A Tunis, le risque est que les gouvernements, en suivant un agenda politique, imposent sur Internet un modèle datant de l'âge pré-Internet.

States ready for equal footing in Internet governance: official (Yahoo News / AFP)
States taking part in talks on US control of the Internet ahead of a keynote United Nations communications summit are ready to recognize the need for government cooperation on "an equal footing," a senior telecoms official said.

Tug of war for Internet goes global (Oxford Press)
Who in the world should control the World Wide Web? Since 1998, the basic plumbing of the Internet — administration of domain names, management of root servers and other duties — has been managed by an obscure California agency that reports to the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Utsumi cree todavía posible un acuerdo sobre gobierno Internet (EFE)
El secretario general de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT), Yoshu Utsumi, declaró hoy en rueda de prensa que todavía existe la posibilidad de llegar a un acuerdo sobre el control internacional de internet. "Personalmente soy optimista sobre la posibilidad de ese acuerdo, porque los países presentes en la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) entienden que deben participar en pie de igualdad en el control de la red", manifestó.

Wer darf der Herr des Netzes sein? (taz)
Bisher kontrollieren die USA das Internet. Schwellen- und EU-Länder streben jetzt auf dem Informationsgipfel in Tunis eine neue Regelung an. Eigentlich könnte es so schön sein: das Internet revolutioniert unseren Alltag, ist weltweit verfügbar und lässt den Traum vom "globalen Dorf" Wirklichkeit werden.

Wer regiert das Internet? (Salzburger Nachrichten)
Widerstand regt sich gegen die beherrschende Rolle der USA bei der Aufsicht über das weltweite Netz. Bei einem Gipfel in Tunesien wird über neue Lösungen diskutiert. Dass es so etwas wie eine "Welt-Regierung" des Internet gibt, ist den meisten Nutzern unbekannt.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisie: les préparatifs du SMSI battent leur plein (
Plus de 50 chefs d'Etat ou de gouvernement sont attendus à Tunis pour le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) dont la deuxième phase est prévue dans la capitale tunisienne du 16 au 18 novembre prochain, a annoncé le président du comité d'organisation du sommet, Habib Ammar.

 Articles: November 2005
No Agreement on Internet Governance (Inter Press Service)
The script for the final act of the World Summit for the Information Society (WSIS) will begin to be written on Sep.

 Articles: November 2005
UN summit should provide a good opportunity for Africa to lobby for support to fund ICT efforts (The Standard)
This week's UN General Assembly (UNGA), exactly two months before the Tunis World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), gives Africa a perfect opportunity to lobby rich-world leaders to support a long-term mechanism to fund information and communication technology for development (ICT4D).

 Articles: November 2005
Universeller Datenschutz, Biometrie und Schutz von Wählerdaten (C't - magazin für computertechnik)
Datenschutz ist Menschenrecht und er soll auch als solches kodifiziert werden, am besten von den Vereinten Nationen. Mit dieser Montreux-Erklärung endete heute die 27.

 Articles: November 2005
Who rules cyberspace? (BBC News Technology Edition)
Who is really in charge of cyberspace? It is tempting to suggest that the answer, in what is often seen as an unruly democracy, is nobody and everybody.

 Articles: November 2005
Ethiopia Preparing Position Paper On World Summit for Information Society (All Africa)
Ethiopia has been striving to transfer the agriculture-based economy into information and knowledge-based economy through development and promotion of information and communication technology (ICT) in the country, the Ministry of Revenue said.

 Articles: November 2005
Datenschutz als universelles Recht (ORF ON Futurezone)
Datenschützer aus aller Welt wollen die Vereinten Nationen dazu bringen, den universellen Charakter von Datenschutzprinzipien anzuerkennen. Vor allem Biometrie-Pässe bereiten den Datenschützern derzeit Sorgen.

 Articles: November 2005
Datenschutz als Menschenrecht (Tagblatt St.Gallen)
Datenschutzbeauftragte aus 40 Staaten fordern Engagement der UNO Jeder Mensch soll das Recht auf eine geschützte Privatsphäre haben: Diese Erklärung verabschiedeten gestern 150 Datenschutz-beauftragte aus der ganzen Welt zum Abschluss eines Kongresses in Montreux.

 Articles: November 2005
Ultimi preparativi del Summit dell'informazione (swissinfo)
L'insegnamento dell'informatica nell'ambito di un progetto in Sudafrica (swissinfo) Il terzo ed ultimo incontro preparatorio del Summit mondiale sulla società dell'informazione si apre lunedì a Ginevra.

 Articles: November 2005
Netting the next five billion (BBC News Science & Nature Edition)
Getting the whole world online must be more of a priority for our leaders, argues technology analyst Bill Thompson.

 Articles: November 2005
Netting the next five billion (Tehran Times)
Getting the whole world online must be more of a priority for our leaders, argues technology analyst Bill Thompson. The United Nations (UN) is 60 years old, and 150 world leaders have been in New York to mark the anniversary with a world summit intended to revitalize the organization after years in which its credibility and status have greatly declined.

 Articles: November 2005
Switzerland hosts Info Summit preparations (swissinfo)
The Orange Farm IT project in South Africa (swissinfo) PrepCom-3, the third and final preparatory meeting for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in November, starts on Monday in Geneva.

 Articles: November 2005
Switzerland hosts Info Summit preparations (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
PrepCom-3, the third and final preparatory meeting for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in November, starts on Monday in Geneva. The 11-day gathering is open to government and United Nations representatives, non-governmental organisations and the private sector.

 Articles: November 2005
UN telecommunications agency says technology must be equitably shared (Un News Center)
World leaders must pay more attention to the role that information and communication technologies (ICTs) can play in addressing many of the challenges of the 21st century and in achieving the Millennium Development Goals, the head of the United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU) says.

 Articles: November 2005
UN telecommunications agency says technology must be equitably shared (Dubai Photo Media)
"Although ICTs are not a panacea for the world's long-standing problems of development and international tension, they can nevertheless help address many of the needs and global challenges of the 21st century," ITU Secretary-General Yoshio Utsumi said yesterday.

 Articles: November 2005
Masood wants use of Internet to end poverty (Pak Tribune)
ISLAMABAD: A Preparatory Committee is meeting shortly to finalise documents for the World Summit on Information Society Tunis in mid November 2005.

 Articles: November 2005
Future of Civil Society Participation in Doubt (Inter Press Service)
By the end of the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society this November in Tunis, the role to be played by civil society in bridging the digital gap and democratising communications will be clearly defined.

 Articles: November 2005
Worlds apart: Global summits highlight digital policy divide (
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which focus on global policy and standard setting for telecommunications, patents, copyrights, and trademarks, are situated directly across from each other on a Geneva street in the heart of the Swiss city's United Nations district.

 Articles: November 2005
Laptop mit Handkurbel (Die Zeit)
Genial simple Computer sollen sich in der Dritten Welt bewähren Von Niels Boeing Still ist es geworden um den »digitalen Graben« zwischen denen, die online sind, und denen, die noch immer keinen Zugang zum Internet, ja nicht einmal einen Computer haben.

 Articles: November 2005
WSIS: Scharfe Kritik an Gipfelgastgeber Tunesien (C't - magazin für computertechnik)
Unter dem Titel "Ist Tunesien noch ein Rechtsstaat?" haben gestern mehrere Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGO) in Genf eine Konferenz über die Einschränkung der Versammlungs- und Meinungsfreiheit in Tunesien, Gastgeberland des bevorstehenden Weltgipfels der Informationsgesellschaft (WSIS) veranstaltet.

 Articles: November 2005
Human Rights at the Information Society Summit (Inter Press Service)
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) managed to avoid a scandal over the exclusion of a group of Chinese activists, but controversy will be difficult to defuse when discussion turns to human rights violations in Tunisia, the host country of the Summit's second phase.

 Articles: November 2005
Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information : signature d'un accord de siège entre la Tunisie et l'Union internationale des télécommunications (All Africa)
Un accord de siège a été signé, vendredi, à Genèveentre la Tunisie et l'Union internationale destélécommunications (Uit) concernant l'organisation de la deuxième phase du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (Smsi).

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisian Journalist Wages Second Hunger Strike in Five Months (All Africa)
The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply concerned about the health of imprisoned Tunisian journalist Hamadi Jebali, who has been on a hunger strike for eight days to protest 14 years of unjust imprisonment.

 Articles: November 2005
Freedom of Expression Experts Question Credibility of UN World Summit On the Information Society in Tunisia (All Africa)
"Tunisia is not a suitable place to hold a United Nations World Summit" according to the latest report of the Tunisia Monitoring Group (TMG) released two months before the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), scheduled to take place in Tunis, 16-18 November 2005.

 Articles: November 2005
Effect of WSIS On Nigeria (All Africa)
Remmy Nweke Lagos Second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) comes up in 54 days away in Tunis. Remmy Nweke reports that the processes have been a stimulae to development in the Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) in the country.

 Articles: November 2005
Effect of WSIS On Nigeria (All Africa)
Remmy Nweke TWO years ago when the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS-03) came to a close in Geneva, Switzerland, little did any one give Africa let alone Nigeria a chance to record much development in the use of ICT that impacted so much on the people before the second phase.

 Articles: November 2005
U.N. defends having tech summit in Tunisia NICK WADHAMS Associated Press (The Miami Herald)
UNITED NATIONS - Facing heated protest, the United Nations on Wednesday defended Tunisia's hosting of a U.N. summit about Internet access in the developing world, even though the north African nation has been repeatedly accused of rights abuses that include blocking Web sites it dislikes.

 Articles: November 2005
MIT to launch $100 (£57) laptop prototype in November (PC Advisor)
Developing countries to get bargain notebooks

 Articles: November 2005
EU tries to unblock Internet impasse (International Herald Tribune)
GENEVA An effort by the European Union to break a deadlock in talks here on changing the way the Internet is governed drew an angry reply on Thursday from the U.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunis: le cri d'alarme des ONG suisses (swissinfo)
Wolf Ludwig n'exclut pas l'organisation d'un contre-sommet par les ONG. (swissinfo) Prévu en novembre à Tunis, le Sommet mondial de la société de l'information (SMSI) termine à Genève ses travaux préparatoires dans la controverse.

 Articles: November 2005
MIT targets $100 laptop at schoolchildren (Computer Weekly)
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology says it will launch a $100 (£58) Linux-based laptop prototype this November to help schools in developing countries adopt electronic learning.

 Articles: November 2005
U.S. insists on keeping control of Internet governance, official says (TMCnet)
By BRADLEY S. KLAPPER Associated Press Writer The Associated Press The United States refuses to relinquish its role as the Internet's principal traffic policeman, rejecting calls in a United Nations meeting for a U.

 Articles: November 2005
U.S. insists on keeping control of Internet governance, official says (Detroit Free Press)
Thursday, September 29, 2005 BY BRADLEY S. KLAPPER ASSOCIATED PRESS GENEVA - A senior U.S. official rejected calls on Thursday for a U.N. body to take over control of the main computers that direct traffic on the Internet, reiterating U.

 Articles: November 2005
U.S. insists on keeping control of Internet governance, official says (
GENEVA (AP) - A senior U.S. official rejected calls on Thursday for a UN body to take over control of the main computers that direct traffic on the Internet, reiterating U.S. intentions to keep its historical role as the medium's principal overseer.

 Articles: November 2005
Activists Denounce "Erosion" of NGO Participation in Summit (Inter Press Service News Agency)
Gustavo Capdevila GENEVA, Sep 29 (IPS) - The unprecedented cooperation among governments, civil society and the private sector that has characterised the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) process for the last three years was undermined this week by a decision adopted by government representatives.

 Articles: November 2005
NGOs Complain of Summit Host Tunisia's Rights Record (Inter Press Service News Agency)
Gustavo Capdevila GENEVA, Sep 28 (IPS) - One of the biggest clouds looming over the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) is the human rights record of Tunisia, which will host the second phase of the Summit, scheduled for Nov.

 Articles: November 2005
NGOs Complain of Summit Host Tunisia's Rights Record (All Africa)
Gustavo Capdevila Geneva One of the biggest clouds looming over the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) is the human rights record of Tunisia, which will host the second phase of the Summit, scheduled for Nov.

 Articles: November 2005
U.S. insists on keeping control of Web (MSN News)
State Department official rejects calls for U.N.

 Articles: November 2005
U.S. insists on keeping control of Web (The Beaufort Gazette)
Published Thu, Sep 29, 2005 ADVERTISEMENT By BRADLEY S. KLAPPER, Associated Press Writer GENEVA (AP) - The United States refuses to relinquish its role as the Internet's principal traffic policeman, rejecting calls in a United Nations meeting for a U.

 Articles: November 2005
U.S. insists on keeping control of Web (Business Week)
A senior U.S. official rejected calls on Thursday for a U.N. body to take over control of the main computers that direct traffic on the Internet, reiterating U.

 Articles: November 2005
U.S. insists on keeping control of Web (FortWayne)
BRADLEY S. KLAPPER Associated Press GENEVA - A senior U.S. official rejected calls on Thursday for a U.N. body to take over control of the main computers that direct traffic on the Internet, reiterating U.

 Articles: November 2005
U.S. insists on keeping control of Web (USA Today)
GENEVA -- A senior U.S. official rejected calls on Thursday for a U.N. body to take over control of the main computers that direct traffic on the Internet, reiterating U.S. intentions to keep its historical role as the medium's principal overseer.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisia Unfit to Host UN Information Summit, Says TMG (All Africa)
The IFEX Tunisia Monitoring Group (TMG) has issued a new report saying that Tunisia is unsuitable for hosting the U.N.-sponsored World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in November 2005.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisia Promoting Free Expression - But Not at Home (Inter Press Service News Agency)
Thalif Deen UNITED NATIONS, Sep 29 (IPS) - A coalition of 14 international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) has expressed "deep concern" over the upsurge in attacks on freedom of expression in Tunisia -- a country which next month will host the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).

 Articles: November 2005
Internet Governance Meeting Appears Deadlocked (Computer Wire)
By Kevin Murphy International governments are struggling to reach an agreement on whether to create a new body to govern the internet, as a UN meeting in Geneva draws to a close today.

 Articles: November 2005
US insists on control of world Internet (Business World)
(BizWorld) The US has rejected any other body, including the UN, taking over control of the computers that direct all traffic on the Internet. A senior US official rejected calls for a UN body to take over control of the main computers saying the US is and will always be the medium's principal overseer.

 Articles: November 2005
U.S. insists on controlling Web (CNN)
GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) -- The United States refuses to relinquish its role as the Internet's principal traffic policeman, rejecting calls in a United Nations meeting for a U.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet governance meeting appears deadlocked (Computer Business Review Online)
By Kevin Murphy International governments are struggling to reach an agreement on whether to create a new body to govern the internet, as a UN meeting in Geneva draws to a close today.

US rejects changes to net control (BBC News Technology Edition)
The US has rejected calls by European Union (EU) officials to give control of the net over to a more representative United Nations (UN) body.

 Articles: November 2005
Sub-$100 Laptop Design Unveiled (The Seoul Times)
Sub-$100 laptop Nicholas Negroponte, chairman and founder of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Labs, has been outlining designs for a sub-$100 PC.

 Articles: November 2005
Streit um Mitbestimmung im Internet hält an (Computerwoche)
um 13:12 Uhr MÜNCHEN (COMPUTERWOCHE) - Wieder einmal geht es um die Frage, wie viel Entscheidungsbefugnis die USA auf das Internet haben sollen. Auf einer heute zu Ende gehenden Vorbereitungskonferenz (Preparatory Committee 3) des nächsten Treffens des World Summit on the Information Society im November debattierten Vertreter verschiedener Länder, was "Internet-Regierung" ist und wer darin was zu sagen haben soll.

 Articles: November 2005
Transatlantic row over control of the internet (EurActive)
In Short: The UK-led EU delegation at a high-level meeting on internet governance has angered the US with a proposal to hand administration of the internet over to the United Nations.

 Articles: November 2005
EU wants international control of Internet AOIFE WHITE Associated Press (The Miami Herald)
BRUSSELS, Belgium - The European Union insisted Friday the job of Internet traffic cop must be shared by governments and the private sector. The U.S. wants to remain the Internet's ultimate authority, rejecting calls in a United Nations meeting in Geneva for a U.

Update 1: EU Wants International Control of Internet (Forbes)
Subscribe To Newsletters Subscriber Customer Service more 'Richest' Rides The superrich and supercars go hand-in-hand -- learn what they know: * Hot List * Sports Car 101 * Recommended Models Reviews, pricing and photos on 2006 Sports Cars on ForbesAutos.

 Articles: November 2005
First pictures of £57 laptop revealed (PC Plus)
Images of the $100 laptop have been revealed at last... [Sep 30 2005] Follow up: Images of the mooted $100 laptop have been revealed at last, showing an intriguing multi-function design and suggesting the guts of the machine will be kept in the space behind the monitor.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisi: il grido d'allarme delle ONG svizzere (swissinfo)
Wolf Ludwig non esclude l'organizzazione di un contro-vertice (swissinfo) Previsto in novembre a Tunisi, il Vertice mondiale sulla società dell'informazione (VMSI) chiude fra le contestazioni i lavori preparatori a Ginevra.

 Articles: November 2005
Update 2: EU Wants International Control of Internet (Forbes)
Subscribe To Newsletters Subscriber Customer Service more 'Richest' Rides The superrich and supercars go hand-in-hand -- learn what they know: * Hot List * Sports Car 101 * Recommended Models Reviews, pricing and photos on 2006 Sports Cars on ForbesAutos.

Update 3: EU Wants Shared Control of Internet (Forbes)
Subscribe To Newsletters Subscriber Customer Service more 'Richest' Rides The superrich and supercars go hand-in-hand -- learn what they know: * Hot List * Sports Car 101 * Recommended Models Reviews, pricing and photos on 2006 Sports Cars on ForbesAutos.

 Articles: November 2005
100-Dollar-Notebook: Design vorgestellt (PC-Welt)
Die wohltätige Organisation "One Laptop per Child" hat das Design des geplanten Notebooks vorgestellt, dessen Produktion unter 100 US-Dollar kosten soll.

 Articles: November 2005
EU, U.S. set for Internet showdown (CNN)
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of policing the Internet.

 Articles: November 2005
EU Wants International Control of Internet (TMCnet)
(AP) EU Wants International Control of Internet By AOIFE WHITE AP Business Writer BRUSSELS, Belgium The European Union insisted Friday the job of Internet traffic cop must be shared by governments and the private sector.

 Articles: November 2005
EU Wants International Control of Internet (ABC News)
European Union Insists the Job of Internet Traffic Cop Must Be Shared by Governments and Private Sector

 Articles: November 2005
EU Wants International Control of Internet (IT Toolbox)
2005-09-30 16:52:40 EU Wants International Control of Internet

 Articles: November 2005
EU, US clash over internet governance reform (Digital media news for asia)
The US government has rejected as unacceptable plans to shift control of the internet from the US to the United Nations. As the internet has grown to occupy an ever more important role in the international economy, many countries, particularly from the third world, have agitated for the UN to take over control over governance of the internet.

 Articles: November 2005
ECO - Sommet de l'information: les USA isolés sur la régulation de l'internet (l'agefi)
GENEVE, 30 sept 2005 (AFP) Les Etats-Unis, qui gèrent l'internet mondial depuis leur territoire, étaient isolés vendredi face aux autres pays qui réclament un partage de la régulation de la toile lors du prochain Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information, ont indiqué des organisateurs à Genève.

U.S. insists on staying Web traffic cop (Reviewjournal)
Other nations want U.N. to take control By BRADLEY S. KLAPPER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS GENEVA -- A senior U.S. official rejected calls Thursday for a U.N. body to take over control of the main computers that direct traffic on the Internet, reiterating U.

 Articles: November 2005
EU Wants Shared Control of Internet (ABC News)
European Union Insists the Job of Internet Traffic Cop Must Be Shared by Governments and Private Sector

 Articles: November 2005
EU Wants Shared Control of Internet (TMCnet)
(AP) EU Wants Shared Control of Internet By AOIFE WHITE AP Business Writer BRUSSELS, Belgium The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance.

 Articles: November 2005
EU Wants Shared Control of Internet (Yahoo PR Newswire)
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance.

 Articles: November 2005
EU Wants Shared Control of Internet (IndiaDaily)
The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance.

EU Wants Shared Control of Internet (NY Newsday)
BRUSSELS, Belgium -- The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance.

 Articles: November 2005
Laptop für 100 Dollar bald marktreif (Berliner Zeitung)
Gerät für Schüler in Dritte-Welt-Ländern

 Articles: November 2005
EU insists control of Internet must be shared (
Associated Press BRUSSELS, Belgium -- The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance.

 Articles: November 2005
US unmoved on control of web address system (Financial Times)
Washington remained unmoved on Friday in the face of international pressure for it to relinquish its exclusive control of the internet addressing system that enables the world's computers to communicate with each other.

 Articles: November 2005
U.N. Members Look to Loosen U.S. Hold on Web (eWeek)
United Nations summit drew to a close on Friday with national governments locked in an unresolved dispute over future governance of the Internet. A number of governments are calling for the U.

 Articles: November 2005
EU wants international control of Internet (FortWayne)
AOIFE WHITE Associated Press BRUSSELS, Belgium - The European Union insisted Friday the job of Internet traffic cop must be shared by governments and the private sector.

 Articles: November 2005
EU wants international control of Internet (Business Week)
The European Union insisted Friday the job of Internet traffic cop must be shared by governments and the private sector. The U.S. wants to remain the Internet's ultimate authority, rejecting calls in a United Nations meeting in Geneva for a U.

 Articles: November 2005
EU wants international control of Internet (China Daily)
The European Union insisted Friday the job of Internet traffic cop must be shared by governments and the private sector, AP reported. The U.S. wants to remain the Internet's ultimate authority, rejecting calls in a United Nations meeting in Geneva for a U.

 Articles: November 2005
U.N. Management of Internet 'Unacceptable' (Internet News)
By Jim Wagner The U.S. is flatly opposed to any proposal that cedes control of the Internet to the United Nations (U.N.), despite a shift in support from the European Union (EU).

 Articles: November 2005
Internet users say debate over control misses point (International Herald Tribune)
GENEVA Talks on regulating the digital traffic of the 21st century ended without agreement on Friday, but the United States won some backing for its refusal to cede its sole control to an international body from groups representing ordinary Internet users.

Update 4: EU Wants Shared Control of Internet (Forbes)
Subscribe To Newsletters Subscriber Customer Service more 'Richest' Rides The superrich and supercars go hand-in-hand -- learn what they know: * Hot List * Sports Car 101 * Recommended Models Reviews, pricing and photos on 2006 Sports Cars on ForbesAutos.

 Articles: November 2005
MSSRF worker honoured by Indian President (One World Civil Society)
Mrs Usharani - a knowledge worker of the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) - from Embalam, which is a village in the south Indian state of Pondicherry, has bagged yet another award for her work in providing educational services to school drop outs as well as adults through the Adult Education programme in the region.

 Articles: November 2005
MSSRF worker honoured by Indian President (One World Civil Society)
Mrs Usharani - a knowledge worker of the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) - from Embalam, which is a village in the south Indian state of Pondicherry, has bagged yet another award for her work in providing educational services to school drop outs as well as adults through the Adult Education programme in the region.

 Articles: November 2005
MSSRF worker honoured by Indian President (One World Civil Society)
Mrs Usharani - a knowledge worker of the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) - from Embalam, which is a village in the south Indian state of Pondicherry, has bagged yet another award for her work in providing educational services to school drop outs as well as adults through the Adult Education programme in the region.

MSSRF worker honoured by Indian President (One World Civil Society)
Mrs Usharani - a knowledge worker of the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) - from Embalam, which is a village in the south Indian state of Pondicherry, has bagged yet another award for her work in providing educational services to school drop outs as well as adults through the Adult Education programme in the region.

 Articles: November 2005
Negotiations for Tunis phase of UN information society summit go generally well (Dubai Photo Media)
ITU Secretary-General Yoshio Utsumi told a news conference that while the document to be presented at the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunisia might not be completed during the preparatory conference (Prep-Com 3) ending today, it would be finalized and adopted at the 16 to 18 November meeting of heads of State and Government.

 Articles: November 2005
Streit um Internet-Kontrolle (Schaffhauser Nachrichten)
Vor Weltinformationsgipfel Die USA wollen das Internet weiter kontrollieren, die meisten anderen Staaten wollen eine internationale Lösung. Genf -Nach einer zweiwöchigen Vorbereitungssitzung für den Welt- informationsgipfel (WSIS) im November in Tunis haben sich die Regierungen noch nicht über die künftige Internet-Regulierung geeinigt.

 Articles: November 2005
Broadband use, Blackberry, U.N. summit, Military biotech, BitTorrent, Canadian libel (Detroit News Online)
The Associated Press Comment on this story Send this story to a friend Get Home Delivery Broadband grows in U.S., stalls in India NEW YORK (AP) -- More than 60 percent of Americans who use the Internet at home now do so with a high-speed connection, a new study finds.

 Articles: November 2005
Broadband use, Blackberry, U.N. summit, Military biotech, BitTorrent, Canadian libel (Detroit News Online)
The Associated Press Comment on this story Send this story to a friend Get Home Delivery Broadband grows in U.S., stalls in India NEW YORK (AP) -- More than 60 percent of Americans who use the Internet at home now do so with a high-speed connection, a new study finds.

 Articles: November 2005
EU insists on international control of the Internet (Azcentral)
BRUSSELS, Belgium - The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance.

 Articles: November 2005
EU insists on international control of the Internet (TMCnet)
By AOIFE WHITE AP Business Writer The Associated Press The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance.

 Articles: November 2005
EU insists on international control of the Internet (Detroit News Online)
By Aoife White / AP Business Writer Comment on this story Send this story to a friend Get Home Delivery BRUSSELS, Belgium -- The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance.

 Articles: November 2005
Nächste Runde im Streit um Netzkontrolle (ORF ON Futurezone)
Die Diskussion um die Verwaltung des Internets erhitzt schon im Vorfeld des 2. Weltgipfels zur Informationsgesellschaft die Gemüter. Während die EU nach einer Ablöse der US-dominierten ICANN verlangt, lehnen diese eine Aufgabe ihrer Aufsichtsrolle weiter ab.

 Articles: November 2005
Nessuna intesa su internet (swissinfo)
Un cybercafé a Dakar (Senegal), una delle poche città africane ad offrie un accesso alla rete (Keystone) La prevista ultima riunione preparatoria in vista del Vertice mondiale sulla società dell'informazione di Tunisi, si è chiusa a Ginevra con un mancato accordo.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet: dialogue de sourds avant le Sommet (swissinfo)
Un cybercafé de Dakar: l'Afrique reste le parent pauvre de l'Internet. (Keystone) Ce qui devait être la dernière réunion préparatoire du Sommet mondial de Tunis sur la société de l'information s'achève sur un constat d'échec.

 Articles: November 2005
Nächste Runde im Streit über Netzkontrolle (ORF ON Futurezone)
Die Diskussion über die Verwaltung des Internets erhitzt schon im Vorfeld des 2. Weltgipfels zur Informationsgesellschaft die Gemüter. Während die EU nach einer Ablöse der US-dominierten ICANN verlangt, lehnen diese eine Aufgabe ihrer Aufsichtsrolle weiter ab.

 Articles: November 2005
Kritik mot USA:s internetmonopol (Svenska Dagbladet)
USA måste ge upp sitt internetmonopol, säger en nästan enig omvärld inför ett toppmöte om informationssamhällets framtid.

 Articles: November 2005
Kritik mot USA:s internetmonopol (Dagens Industri)
Makten över populära toppdomäner på internet är fortfarande i privata händer i USA. En nästan enig omvärld kräver nu att USA ger upp sitt internetmonopol. Men USA vägrar.

 Articles: November 2005
Kritik mot USA:s internetmonopol (Dagens Industri (Betaltjänst))
Makten över populära toppdomäner på internet är fortfarande i privata händer i USA. En nästan enig omvärld kräver nu att USA ger upp sitt internetmonopol. Men USA vägrar.

 Articles: November 2005
Touche pas à mon Internet ! (ITR Manager)
Lors de la réunion préparatoire au Somment Mondial sur la Société de l'Information (SMSI) qui se tiendra en novembre prochain, La Commission Européenne et les représentants des autres pays ont fait part de leur souhait de faire évoluer la gourvernance de l'Internet, de mettre un terme aux prérogatives de l'ICANN et de placer Internet sous un contrôle plus international.

 Articles: November 2005
Pre-summit talks fall on deaf ears (swissinfo)
An internet cafe in Dakar, Senegal, one of the few cities in Africa with broadband access (Keystone) The final preparatory meeting for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis, has drawn to an unresolved close in the Swiss city of Geneva.

 Articles: November 2005
Pre-summit talks fall on deaf ears (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
The final preparatory meeting for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis, has drawn to an unresolved close in the Swiss city of Geneva.

 Articles: November 2005
NGOs sound alarm over information summit (swissinfo)
Wolf Ludwig says NGOs may boycott the summit (swissinfo) Preparatory talks in Geneva ahead of November's World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) have ended amid controversy, NGOs tell swissinfo.

 Articles: November 2005
NGOs sound alarm over information summit (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
Preparatory talks in Geneva ahead of November's World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) have ended amid controversy, NGOs tell swissinfo. Wolf Ludwig, a spokesman for Swiss non-governmental organisations, says participants from civil society have been sidelined, and are considering a boycott of the UN-sponsored event, which is to take place in Tunisia.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisie: report au 26 novembre du procès de la Ligue des droits de l'Homme (Boursorama)
Le tribunal de première instance de Tunis a reporté samedi au 26 novembre prochain l'examen au fond de l'affaire de la Ligue tunisienne des droits de l'Homme (LTDH) dont le congrès national prévu du 9 au 11 septembre avait été suspendu par une décision de justice, a-t-on appris de sources judiciaires.

 Articles: November 2005
Keine Einigung über Root-Aufsicht (C't - magazin für computertechnik)
Internationale Regierungen wollen mehr Einfluss darauf, was im Netz passiert. Vor allem die Sonderstellung der USA ist Ländern wie China, Brasilien oder dem Iran ein Dorn im Auge.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisie: report au 26 novembre du procès de la Ligue des droits de l?Homme (
TUNIS (AP) - Le tribunal de première instance de Tunis a reporté samedi au 26 novembre prochain l'examen au fond de l'affaire de la Ligue tunisienne des droits de l'Homme (LTDH) dont le congrès national prévu du 9 au 11 septembre avait été suspendu par une décision de justice, a-t-on appris de sources judiciaires.

 Articles: November 2005
EU wants shared control of Internet (Business Week)
The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance.

 Articles: November 2005
EU wants shared control of Internet (The Beaufort Gazette)
Published Fri, Sep 30, 2005 ADVERTISEMENT By AOIFE WHITE, AP Business Writer BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance.

 Articles: November 2005
EU wants shared control of Internet (Business Week)
The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisia told to guarantee freedom of expression (Khaleej Times)
GENEVA -- Western countries have called on Tunisia to guarantee freedom of expression and independent media access during the UN World Summit on the Information Society it will host next month, it emerged here yesterday.

 Articles: November 2005
Tutela de Internet confronta a la Unión Europea y Estados Unidos (Cronica)
Recomienda esta nota Versión para imprimir Opina sobre el tema La Unión Europea (UE) se ha inclinado en las reuniones preparatorias de la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) por un nuevo modelo de gobierno de Internet, que acabe con el poder de veto que ejerce Estados Unidos, dijeron fuentes que participan en las negociaciones.

 Articles: November 2005
Les droits de l'Homme sont un élément du dialogue entre Paris et Tunis, déclare M. Douste-Blazy (Boursorama)
En visite officielle en Tunisie, le ministre français des affaires étrangères, Philippe Douste-Blazy a réaffirmé samedi que "la question des droits de l'Homme constitue un élément du dialogue politique entre nos deux pays", aussi bien au niveau bilatéral que dans le cadre de l'accord d'association avec l'Union européenne.

 Articles: November 2005
Les droits de l'Homme sont un élément du dialogue entre Paris et Tunis, déclare M. Douste-Blazy (
TUNIS (AP) - En visite officielle en Tunisie, le ministre français des affaires étrangères, Philippe Douste-Blazy a réaffirmé samedi que "la question des droits de l'Homme constitue un élément du dialogue politique entre nos deux pays", aussi bien au niveau bilatéral que dans le cadre de l'accord d'association avec l'Union européenne.

 Articles: November 2005
US asked to give up web domination (Sify)
Geneva: The United States was isolated as it sought to defend its monopoly over regulation of the Internet against the European Union and other countries that are demanding a share of the action, officials said.

 Articles: November 2005
Kenya Enrols in Fund to Boost Use of Computers (All Africa)
Geoffrey Irungu Nairobi Kenya has joined a global financing initiative aimed at promoting access to information and communications technologies (ICTs).

 Articles: November 2005
US warned to "democratise" net (Australian IT)
THE United States was isolated as it sought to defend its monopoly over regulation of the internet against the European Union and other countries that are demanding a share of the action, officials said.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisia warned as IS summit looms (Australian IT)
WESTERN countries have called on Tunisia to guarantee freedom of expression and independent media access during the UN World Summit on the Information Society it will host next month.

 Articles: November 2005
Bottom-of-the Pyramid Markets - the Sub-USD100 Laptop And the Search for the Holy Grail (All Africa)
Russell Southwood London The idea is a simple one. Lower the price of a device and you will get more people to buy. Bottom-of-the-pyramid markets - those in the lowest global income band (below USD1500 a year) - provide a tantalising market opportunity.

European Union insists on international control of the Internet (TMCnet)
By AOIFE WHITE AP Business Writer The Associated Press The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of policing the Internet.

 Articles: November 2005
European Union insists on international control of the Internet (
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance.

 Articles: November 2005
European Union insists on international control of the Internet (
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance.

 Articles: November 2005
Rally For Less U.S.-Centric Internet Gains Momentum (SpaceDaily)
The U.N. agency's head, Yoshio Utsumi, said at a news briefing to conclude the latest round of talks that the ITU could handle the responsibility and have the technological capability to take control of the Internet "if we were asked to," adding that the international organization would be the most appropriate body to have such a role.

 Articles: November 2005
Túnez, el grito de alarma de las ONG suizas (swissinfo)
Wolf Ludwig no excluye la posibilidad de organizar una contra-cumbre de las ONG. (swissinfo) Prevista para noviembre en Túnez, la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) concluye en Ginebra sus trabajos preparatorios, en medio de controversias.

Túnez, el grito de alarma de las ONG suizas (swissinfo)
Wolf Ludwig no excluye la posibilidad de organizar una contra-cumbre de las ONG. (swissinfo) Prevista para noviembre en Túnez, la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) concluye en Ginebra sus trabajos preparatorios, en medio de controversias.

 Articles: November 2005
US and EU clash over Internet control (ZDNet UK)
The EU's suggestion of an international cooperative model for Internet governance has been shot down by the US Government

 Articles: November 2005
Governments and technology (Telecom Asia)
Sep 30, 2005 Telecom Asia If Yahoo had hoped its grassing up of a Chinese Internet user had gone unnoticed, it must be sorely disappointed. Thanks to the efforts of Reporters Sans Frontiers, Yahoo's generous assistance to the Chinese police is now as well-known as if it had been posted in bold on the company's home-page.

Världen klagar på USA:s internetmonopol (Helsingborgs Dagblad)
GENEVE. USA måste ge upp sitt internetmonopol, säger en nästan enig omvärld inför ett toppmöte om informationssamhällets framtid.

 Articles: November 2005
U.S. Against U.N. Internet Control (SpaceDaily)
Let the internet run free and make our world an open society everywhere.

 Articles: November 2005
Give up Web domination, US told (Middle East Times)
The United States was isolated on September 30 as it sought to defend its monopoly over regulation of the Internet against the European Union and other countries that are demanding a share of the action, officials said.

 Articles: November 2005
Nigerians Scoop AISI Media Awards (One World Civil Society)
Eight Nigerians have scooped the 2005 Africa Information Society Initiative (AISI) Media Awards introduced in 2003 to encourage more informed coverage of the information society and Information Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) issues in Africa as part of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa's (UNECA's) Information Society Outreach and Communication Programme.

 Articles: November 2005
World IT Professionals Converge On Johannesburg (All Africa)
Frances Ovia Lagos African women who have been making serious inroads into the field of information Technology, are meeting in Johannesburg from tomorrow to discuss several ways of uplifting the standard of IT amongst Africans.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisian ihmisoikeustilanne riski it-huippukokoukselle (One World Civil Society)
Tuoreet tiedot Tunisian ihmisoikeustilanteesta varjostavat YK:n tietoyhteiskuntahuippukokousta (WSIS), jota maan on määrä isännöidä 16.-18. marraskuuta.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisia warned over liberties ahead of UN information summit (Tehran Times)
GENEVA (AFP) - Western countries have called on Tunisia to guarantee freedom of expression and independent media access during the UN World Summit on the Information Society it will host next month.

 Articles: November 2005
Explosives Endspiel (Telepolis)
Bei der Vorbereitungskonferenz zum Weltgipfel der Informationsgesellschaft liegen bei Europäern und Amerikanern die Nerven blank

 Articles: November 2005
Mise en oeuvre du Nepad : les lenteurs du soutien multilatéral déplorées (All Africa)
ABDOU KOGNE SALL (Stagiaire) Le Dr Cheikh Tidiane Gadio a déploré, toujours à la tribune de la 60e Assemblée générale, le déficit de mise en oeuvre du Nouveau partenariat pour le développement de l'Afrique (Nepad).

 Articles: November 2005
Das Internet an der Wurzel gepackt (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
Zwischen Europa und die Vereinigten Staaten ist in der vergangenen Woche ein scharfer Streit über die Kontrolle des Internets ausgebrochen. Europa wendet sich nun offen gegen den amerikanischen Anspruch, die zentrale Entscheidungsgewalt über das weltweite Datennetz zu behalten.

 Articles: November 2005
Rädda Internet från EU och FN! (Newsdesk)
Kontakt: Nina Larsson Förbundssekreterare Tele: 08-410 242 38 Mobil: 0708-54 90 38 E-post: Majed Safaee Förbundsstyrelseledamot Mobil: 0735-03 41 07 Tisdag 4 oktober, 2005 Under förra veckans WSIS möte (World Summit on the Information Society) i Genève la EU-länderna fram ett förslag om det framtida styret av Internet.

 Articles: November 2005
La UE, EE. UU. y Suiza instan a Túnez a garantizar la participación de la sociedad civil en la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información (La Vanguardia)
Ginebra. (EFE).- La Unión Europea (UE), EEUU y Suiza, entre otros países, instaron al Gobierno de Túnez a garantizar la participación de la sociedad civil en la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI), que se celebrará del 16 al 18 de noviembre en el país norteafricano, dijeronfuentes oficiales.

 Articles: November 2005
100-Dollar-Notebook vorgestellt (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
Die Organisation "One Laptop per Child" hat das Design des Notebooks vorgestellt, dessen Produktion unter 100 US-Dollar kosten wird. Die Organisation will einen tragbaren Rechner produzieren, der aufgrund seines niedrigen Preises für Kinder in der Dritten Welt geeignet ist Von Panagiotis Kolokythas Die Organisation war Anfang 2005 von Nicholas Negroponte vom Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Labs gegründet worden und hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, einen günstigen, tragbaren PC zu entwickeln

 Articles: November 2005
100-Dollar-Notebook vorgestellt (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
Die Organisation "One Laptop per Child" hat das Design des Notebooks vorgestellt, dessen Produktion unter 100 US-Dollar kosten wird. Die Organisation will einen tragbaren Rechner produzieren, der aufgrund seines niedrigen Preises für Kinder in der Dritten Welt geeignet ist Von Panagiotis Kolokythas Die Organisation war Anfang 2005 von Nicholas Negroponte vom Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Labs gegründet worden und hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, einen günstigen, tragbaren PC zu entwickeln

 Articles: November 2005
Tech briefs (The Miami Herald)
INTERNET EU SEEKS JOINT RESPONSIBILITY BRUSSELS - The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunis ` summit of solutions' now in sight (Nieuwsbank)
Bron: United Nations (UN) United Nations 03/10/2005 Press Release PI/1678 SAG/399 --- Department of Public Information o News and Media Division o New York TUNIS ` SUMMIT OF SOLUTIONS' NOW IN SIGHT ITU Secretary-General Utsumi Praises Achievements, But Stresses Need for Greater Effort: `We Cannot Fail' (Reissued as received.

 Articles: November 2005
Road to Tunis Paved With Uncertainties (Inter Press Service News Agency)
Gustavo Capdevila Oct 4, GENEVA (IPS) - With just six weeks to go before the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis, a number of key issues remain unresolved, including the highly debated questions of Internet governance and civil society participation.

 Articles: November 2005
U.N. agency says it's ready to govern the Net (ZDNet)
The United Nations' International Telecommunications Union is ready to take over the governance of the Internet from the United States, ITU head Yoshio Utsumi said on Friday.

 Articles: November 2005
U.N. agency says it's ready to govern the Net (CNET
The United Nations' International Telecommunications Union is ready to take over the governance of the Internet from the United States, ITU head Yoshio Utsumi said on Friday.

 Articles: November 2005
U.N. agency says it's ready to govern the Net (CNET
The United Nations' International Telecommunications Union is ready to take over the governance of the Internet from the United States, ITU head Yoshio Utsumi said on Friday.

 Articles: November 2005
Road to Tunis Paved With Questions (Inter Press Service News Agency)
Gustavo Capdevila Oct 4, GENEVA (IPS) - With just six weeks to go before the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis, a number of key issues remain unresolved, including the highly debated questions of Internet governance and civil society participation.

 Articles: November 2005
Communications: Road to Tunis Paved With Questions (All Africa)
Gustavo Capdevila Geneva With just six weeks to go before the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis, a number of key issues remain unresolved, including the highly debated questions of Internet governance and civil society participation.

 Articles: November 2005
Sommet de l'information (LeTemps)
Comment peut-on organiser le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), sommet onusien qui aura lieu au mois de novembre, dans un pays où les défenseurs des droits de l'homme et les personnes qui sont proches du monde de l'information sont les victimes quotidiennes d'intimidations, de harcèlements et de violences? Ainsi en Tunisie plusieurs jeunes, nommés les internautes de Zarzis, ont été arrêtés pour le simple fait de s'être branchés via Internet sur des «sites interdits».

 Articles: November 2005
Internet Governance: Do We Expect Fireworks in Tunis? (All Africa)
Tayo Ajakaye Lagos As US rejects calls to relinquish control of Internet, Tayo Ajakaye gives a peep at what to expect in Tunis next month. Come November this year, the world will gather in Tunis, capital of Tunisia, to deliberate on the future of the Internet.

 Articles: November 2005
Pambazuka news 224: 06 October 2005 (All Africa)
The Authoritative Electronic Weekly Newsletter And Platform For Social Justice In Africa NOTE: To view the links that are referenced below, please copy the url and paste into your browswer.

 Articles: November 2005
La Tunisie inapte à tenir le Sommet des Nations unies sur l'information, dit le TMG (All Africa)
Le Groupe d'observation de la Tunisie organisé par l'IFEX (TMG) a publié un nouveau rapport qui soutient que la Tunisie est inapte à tenir le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), parrainé par l'ONU, qui doit avoir lieu en novembre 2005.

 Articles: November 2005
Pambazuka news 223: 29 September 2005 (All Africa)
Get Pambazuka News Headlines Displayed On Your Site Would you like Pambazuka News headlines to be displayed on your website? RSS (which stands for Really Simple Syndication) is an easy way for you to keep updated automatically on Pambazuka News.

 Articles: November 2005
ICT opportunities must be extended to the disabled says Mlambo-Nqcuka (All Africa)
Edwin Tshivhidzo Kempton Park Deputy President Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka says new technologies have to be extended to all citizens of the country particularly people living with disabilities.

 Articles: November 2005
United States Strives to Maintain Internet Dynamism (USInfo)
Negotiations enter final phase as Information Summit approaches By Charlene Porter Washington File Staff Writer Washington - U.S. officials are engaged in ongoing talks with other governments, private enterprise and nongovernmental organizations working to craft an agreement on the future of Internet governance for presentation at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) to be held in Tunis, Tunisia, November 16-18.

 Articles: November 2005
Breaking America's grip on the net (Guardian_Sport)
After troubled negotiations in Geneva, the US may be forced to relinquish control of the internet to a coalition of governments

 Articles: November 2005
Breaking America's grip on the net (Guardian Media)
After troubled negotiations in Geneva, the US may be forced to relinquish control of the internet to a coalition of governments

 Articles: November 2005
Breaking America's grip on the net (The Hindu)
YOU WOULD expect an announcement that would forever change the face of the Internet to be a grand affair -- a big stage, spotlights, media scrums, and a charismatic frontman working the crowd.

 Articles: November 2005
World's postal workers can help bridge digital divide, says UN agency chief (Un News Center)
With 660,000 post offices and more than 5 million employees worldwide, the postal sector is a partner of choice in helping to reduce the digital divide, the main goal of the upcoming United Nations information society summit, the head of a UN agency that is the world's second-oldest international organization said today.

 Articles: November 2005
Low-key coup ends American control of internet (SMH)
You'd expect an announcement that will change the face of the internet to be a grand affair. But unless you knew where he was sitting, all you got was David Hendon's slightly apprehensive voice through a plastic earpiece.

 Articles: November 2005
House Backs U.S. ICANN Stand (Internet News)
By Roy Mark The U.S. House Commerce Committee backed the White House Thursday and emphatically opposed turning over governance of the Internet to the United Nations (U.

 Articles: November 2005
RSF Concerned About Deteriorating Health of Hamadi Jebali, On Hunger Strike for Three Weeks (All Africa)
Reporters Without Borders voiced concern today about the state of health of imprisoned journalist Hamadi Jebali, who began his second hunger strike this year on 15 September.

 Articles: November 2005
US rejects changes to Internet management (The Standard)
By Standard Reporter The United States has rejected a European Union (EU) proposal on the management of the Internet. The proposal that has been in the pipeline since 2002 seeks to establish a more representative body to manage the Internet.

 Articles: November 2005
'Why African ICT Associations Should Create Synergy' (All Africa)
Frances Ovia Johannesburg Converner of African Federation of ICT industries, Adrian Schofield, has tasked the industry's associations largely represented by business, government, professionals to work together to synergise and identify common interest to create a better market.

 Articles: November 2005
Queen's contraception awareness program among world's top five (Eurek Alert)
UN flags '' Web site that attracts 5,000 hits per day (Kingston, ON) - A popular web site on contraception and sexual health spearheaded by Queen's University researchers is ranked among the world's five top e-health sites in a new United Nations competition.

 Articles: November 2005
Queen's contraception awareness program among world's top five (Medical News Today)
Canada - A popular web site on contraception and sexual health spearheaded by Queen's University researchers is ranked among the world's five top e-health sites in a new United Nations competition.

 Articles: November 2005
Breaking America's grip on the Internet (Taipei Times)
You would expect an announcement that would forever change the face of the Internet to be a grand affair -- a big stage, spotlights, media scrums and a charismatic frontman working the crowd.

 Articles: November 2005
Benita Ferrero-Waldner to visit Tunis (European Commission)
Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, will visit Tunisia on 12 and 13 October to map out the next steps for relations with Tunisia in the light of the European Neighbourhood Policy.

 Articles: November 2005
The Struggle for Real Control Over the Virtual World (Inter Press Service News Agency)
Mario Osava RIO DE JANEIRO, Oct 11 (IPS) - The real world is involved in a battle for control over the virtual world, one of the central issues to be dealt with at the Nov.

 Articles: November 2005
Ntic : un ordinateur portable à 100 dollars (All Africa)
Dieumerci Dieumerci Monga Monduka Kinshasa Le lancement d'un ordinateur à 100 dollars pour les écoles des pays du Sud sera l'un des événements du prochain Sommet mondial de la société de l'information (Smsi) qui se tiendra à Tunis du 16 au 18 novembre 2005.

 Articles: November 2005
WSIS: Road to Tunis paved with questions (One World Civil Society)
GENEVA: With just six weeks to go before the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis, a number of key issues remain unresolved, including the highly debated questions of Internet governance and civil society participation.

 Articles: November 2005
Europe lobbies to wrest Internet control from U.S. (Global Electronics)
The 25-nation European Union (EU) is moving towards a showdown with the U.S. after insisting that control of the Internet be passed from the U.S. to the United Nations, according to reports.

 Articles: November 2005
Les grèves de la faim en Tunisie sont "démagogiques" selon les autorités (Boursorama)
Les autorités tunisiennes ont qualifié mercredi "d'opération démagogique" la grève de la faim entamée mardi par des dirigeants d'associations et de partis d'opposition, qu'ils accusent de diffamer le gouvernement tunisien.

 Articles: November 2005
Telcomms Industry Records Impressive Earnings (All Africa)
Joel Konopo The telecommunications industry continues to grow in leaps and bounds registering an impressive turnover, chief executive officer at Botswana Telecommunications Authority (BTA) has said.

 Articles: November 2005
Sept personnalités en grève de la faim (L'Humanité)
Des figures de la société civile tunisienne ont entamé mardi un jeûne illimité. Elles revendiquent le respect des libertés d'expression et la démocratie.

 Articles: November 2005
US-Präsident greift in Streit um Internet-Kontrolle ein (C't - magazin für computertechnik)
Der Streit um die so genannte Internet Governance, also die Oberaufsicht über die Verwaltung von DNS und IP-Adressen sowie die Strukturen und inhaltlichen Aspekte des Internet, erhält nun auch in den USA die Aufmerksamkeit höchster Regierungskreise.

 Articles: November 2005
ICT Can Contribute to Poverty Eradication (All Africa)
Staff Writer Government should empower the poor by way of giving them access to information, an official at Botswana Telecommunication Authority (BTA) has said.

 Articles: November 2005
Preserving the Web of the free (International Herald Tribune)
NEW HAVEN, Connecticut There is a move afoot at the United Nations and in the European Union to get the United States to give up control of the Internet - a medium that America created and on which it now critically relies.

 Articles: November 2005
España celebra el Día de Internet con más de 400 eventos (La Vanguardia)
La organización de los actos entregará al Gobierno y a la Presidencia del Senado el Acta de Firmas de la Declaración contra la Brecha Digital

 Articles: November 2005
Neuer Vertrag über Registry der .com-Domains (C't - magazin für computertechnik)
Beobachter hatten sich schon gefragt, was VeriSign für das Zurückziehen aller Klagen gegen die Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) und die gütliche Einigung über neue Registry-Services bekommen hat.

 Articles: November 2005
Verisign and Icann settle clash over Web (International Herald Tribune)
PALO ALTO, California Icann, the Internet agency that oversees the assignment of network addresses, has settled a messy dispute with Verisign, a security and services company that controls the .

 Articles: November 2005
EU seguirá controlando Internet (Vanguardia)
Untitled Document Por Agencias SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. OCT. 26, 2005 (EFE).- Mientras en algunos países se celebra este martes el Día de Internet, Estados Unidos cierra filas para defenderse contra los que proponen que el sistema de dominios de la red pase a manos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU).

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisie: les opposants en grève de la faim se disent déterminés (
TUNIS (AP) - Au neuvième jour de leur grève de la faim, huit personnalités de la société civile et de l'opposition tunisiennes réclamant plus de libertés ont affiché mercredi leur détermination à poursuivre leur mouvement lors d'une conférence de presse.

 Articles: November 2005
On the conditions of human rights hunger strikers in Tunisia (Arabic News)
Eight opposition figures who began anindefinite hunger strike on 18 October to demand respect for freedom of expression and association in Tunisia and the release of all prisoners of conscience are still holding their hunger strike.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet Governance Still Burning Issue @ Wsis-05 (All Africa)
Remmy Nweke Lagos FOLLOWING the failure to reach a consensus at the third Preparatory Committee meeting (PrepCom-3) held in Geneva, last month, Internet Governance would still be a burning issue at the second phase of World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), just few weeks away.

 Articles: November 2005
Stockholm Collaborates With WSIS On 'Project in Africa' (All Africa)
Remmy Nweke Lagos SWEDEN-based Stockholm Challenge award for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) on empowerment project is spurring interests as it collaborates with the Executive Secretariat of the World Summit on the Information Society ( WSIS), specifically on Africa.

 Articles: November 2005
'No Nation Succeeds Without Indigenous Software' (All Africa)
Remmy Nweke Lagos Chairman, Trade and Events committee at the Nigeria Computer Society (NCS), Mr. Chris Uwaje, has highlighted the critical nature of software to national prosperity and security, saying, no nation can succeed in the new economic order without indigenous software.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet Governance: Experts Urge Active African Role (All Africa)
Tayo Ajakaye Lagos As the controversy over who controls the Internet deepens as a run off to the Tunis phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), two Nigerian Internet experts have urged active role by Africa nations on issues relating to Internet governance moreso since the Internet holds the key to the future.

 Articles: November 2005
Ein Kampf um die Freiheit des Internet (Frankfurter Rundschau)
Vor einem UN-Gipfel in Tunis eskaliert der Streit ums Internet: Die USA wollen die Kontrolle behalten und wehren sich gegen eine internationale Verwaltung.

 Articles: November 2005
Homegrown online innovations on Road2Tunis (The Daily Star)
IN a three day road show lasting from 23 until 25 October at Bhashani Navo Theatre the World Summit Awards (WSA) Bangladesh showcased home grown e-content projects.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisie: la grève de la faim des opposants est une "mise en scène" selon les autorités (Boursorama)
Les autorités tunisiennes ont qualifié vendredi de "mise en scène" la grève de la faim déclenchée depuis 11 jours par un groupe d'opposants qui réclament plus de libertés.

 Articles: November 2005
Grève de la faim : deux hospitalisations (Nouvel Obs)
Deux des huit personnalité en grève de la faim en Tunisie pour exiger le respect des libertés publiques et des droits de l'homme ont été hospitalisées.

 Articles: November 2005
Opposition Tunisian party deplores Peres's visit (Arabic News)
A Tunisian opposition party denounced the visit expected to be carried out by the Israeli deputy prime minister Shimon Peres to Tunisia to take part within an Israeli delegation for the second world information summit which Tunisia will host on the mid of December.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisia 'Unlikely WSIS Sitting' for Rights Violations: Activists (Turkish Weekly)
UN human rights groups have decried human rights violations and deteriorating situation of freedom of opinion and expression in Tunisia, which hosts a UN summit on the Information Technology and the internet, with rights activists describing the Arab country as "unlikely setting" for the prestigious event.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet governance and development (The Hindu)
Nearly two years after the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) took up the question in Geneva, the international community is yet to arrive at a consensus on creating a framework to manage the Internet.

 Articles: November 2005
Carta a la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información del Seminario "Mujeres Subvirtiendo Órdenes Informativos Excluyentes" (One World Civil Society)
Nosotras participantes en el Seminario "Mujeres Subvirtiendo Órdenes Informativos Excluyentes" reunidas en San José de Costa Rica, entre el 24 y el 28 de septiembre del 2005, suscribimos la Carta a la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información: Carta a la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información Nuestros derechos de humanas son universales, inalienables e irrenunciables.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisi, vertice dei buoni propositi un documento e tante polemiche (Repubblica)
Shirin Ebadi chiede all'Onu un organismo che tuteli i cyberdissidenti Shirin Ebadi durante l'intervento a Tunisi TUNISI -Tra le polemiche contro la repressione della libertà d'espressione in Tunisia si è concluso stasera il vertice mondiale della società dell'informazione organizzato dall'Onu.

 Articles: November 2005
UN vows to promote digital life in poor nations (People's Daily)
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and mainly African and Latin American government leaders began a summit in Tunis to try to make the Internet and modern telecoms "bridges for a better life" in poor countries.

 Articles: November 2005
Koffi Annan : «Nous voulons des mesures concrètes à Tunis» (All Africa / Grahamstown)
Si les présidents Tunisien Ben Ali et suisse Samuel Schmid, le premier comme hôte du sommet et le second comme passeur de témoin après Genève 2003, ont été interrompus pendant leur intervention à la cérémonie d'ouverture du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (Smsi), hier, le secrétaire général des Nations Unies, lui, n'a pas eu à «souffrir» de ces applaudissements.

 Articles: November 2005
African Voices At the ECA Stall (All Africa / Grahamstown)
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has been showcasing recently published works documenting policy developments on information and communication technologies in Africa.

 Articles: November 2005
30 Ugandans to Attend Wsis Summit (All Africa / Grahamstown)
In Kampala, 30 Ugandans among them government officials, business people from the private sector, civil society organisations and the academia will be going to the Tunisian capital for the summit.

 Articles: November 2005
Eassy: Reducing Internet in Africa (All Africa / Grahamstown)
The Eastern Africa Submarine Cable System (EASSy), will reduce the costs of internet connectivity in Africa by over 50 percent once it is completed in 2007.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet Organisations Welcome Internet Governance Forum (All Africa / Grahamstown)
Seven global internet organizations exhibiting their work at the Kram Palexpo Tunis, as part of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) have welcomed the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) proposed at the Summit.

 Articles: November 2005
Swaziland Calls for Inclusion of Disabled in the Information Society (All Africa / Grahamstown)
Swaziland Prime Minister Absalom Themba Dlamini has called for disabled and physically challenged people not to be left out of the information society.

 Articles: November 2005
WSIS By Numbers (All Africa / Grahamstown)
The figure includes delegations attending plenary and parallel events as well as various exhibitors at the ICT 4 all Exhibition.

 Articles: November 2005
$100 computer for children unveiled by UN (Mongabay)
As the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) continued in Tunis last night, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan unveiled a prototype of a cheap and rugged $100 laptop for children, as part of the Summit's goal of giving poor communities access to the benefits of information technologies and networks.

 Articles: November 2005
World Internet summit ends with unanswered question (Kyodo News)
A U.N.-sponsored summit on the global information society ended Friday in the Tunisian capital by putting off an answer to the key question of Internet governance to the next gathering in 2006.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisians end rights hunger strike (Sunday Times)
Eight detained opponents of Tunisia's government have ended a month-long hunger strike over human rights after appeals from people at a United Nations (UN) summit in Tunis where freedom of information is a major issue.

 Articles: November 2005
UPDATE: Few Pledges Of Funding At UN Digital Divide Mtg (Dow Jones Newswires)
A crucial summit on expanding Internet access around the world ended Friday with a firm promise to narrow the digital divide -but little in government funding to make it happen.

 Articles: November 2005
Après-Tunis 2005 : les incertitudes du lendemain (All Africa / Grahamstown)
Venus à Tunis avec la plus forte délégation de chef d'Etats, par rapport aux autres continents, les Africains repartent du Smsi 2005 avec deux acquis jugés essentiels.

 Articles: November 2005
Gouvernance de l'internet : un nouveau départ sur fond de consensus (All Africa / Grahamstown)
Le débat sur la gouvernance de l'Internet est tranché. Au cours d'un point de presse tenu le 16 novembre, premier jour du Smsi, le président et directeur exécutif de l'Icann (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), organisme chargé de la gestion des noms de domaine et des adresses IP (protocole internet), Paul Twomey, déclarait «qu'il n'y avait ni vainqueur ni vaincu» sur le sujet.

 Articles: November 2005
A Tunis, la Suisse a gagné en prestige (swissinfo)
Les opposants tunisiens en grève de la faim depuis octobre ont mis fin à leur mouvement vendredi. (Infosud, Carole Vann) A la clôture du Sommet de l'information, Moritz Leuenberger salue les avancées et tente de calmer la crise ouverte avec le régime tunisien.

 Articles: November 2005
UN summit turns spotlight on web censorship (Abc News online)
A United Nations communications and technology summit has ended with a pledge to expand the availability of the Internet and has turned the spotlight onto a dispute about censorship.

 Articles: November 2005
Le SMSI s'achève sur une modeste avancée (LeTemps)
Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), dont la seconde phase s'est achevée vendredi à Tunis, restera comme la première réunion intergouvernementale à avoir mis en mots cette évidence qu'Internet est désormais une infrastructure cruciale pour le monde entier.

 Articles: November 2005
Private Sector Advances In Public Space (Inter Press Service)
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) concluded Friday night with claims of success by the United Nations, governments and the private sector, but civil society refused to wholeheartedly embrace its outcome.

 Articles: November 2005
Civil Society in Worried Celebration (Inter Press Service)
Despite failing to get its alternative citizens summit off the ground, and in the face of disappointment over some decisions at the World Summit on the Information Society, and repression by the Tunisian government, civil society groups joined officials and businessmen Friday in celebrating the outcome of the meeting.

 Articles: November 2005
Disappointment in Tunisia as host for World information society summit (Arabic News)
Media and freedom of expression groups today, at the conclusion of the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), called for a full investigation by the United Nations into attacks on human rights and freedom of expression that took place in Tunisia on the eve of and during the Summit.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet remains in independent hands (Sydney Morning Herald)
A decision not to transfer control of the internet into the hands of the United Nations (UN) was the right result for Australian business, a not-for-profit organisation which will continue to administer it says.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunis ou la mascarade du «machin» onusien (LeTemps)
Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) qui s'est achevé à Tunis est plus qu'un échec. C'est une bavure diplomatique. Tout ou presque dans le processus sonnait mal et raisonnait faux.

 Articles: November 2005
US fighting to remain master of its domains (The Australian)
WASHINGTON has emerged as the winner in a bitter international struggle for control of the global internet, at least for now. The tense final scenes in the latest round of the two-year web war were played out this week at the World Summit on the Information Society in the Tunisian capital Tunis, a UN talkfest attended by more than 50 heads of government and as many as 15,000 officials.

 Articles: November 2005
La gouvernance de l'Internet ne doit pas rester aux mains des Etats-Unis, selon Shirin Ebadi (Boursorama)
Le prix Nobel de la paix, l'Iranienne Shirin Ebadi, a estimé vendredi à Tunis que la gouvernance de l'Internet ne doit pas rester uniquement aux mains des Etats-Unis.

 Articles: November 2005
UN information summit closes in Tunis (People's Daily)
The second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) ended here on Friday with the adoption of two outcome documents - "Tunis Commitment" and "Tunis Agenda for the Information Society".

 Articles: November 2005
No silicon panacea (Financial Times)
The much-hyped $100 (£58) laptop - designed to be affordable and suitable for developing countries - is an impressive technological feat. With its hand crank for manual charging, durable flash memory and rubber casing, the WiFi laptop is ideally suited to harsh conditions.

 Articles: November 2005
UN information summit wraps up with agreement on Internet governance (People's Daily)
The second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) wrapped up here on Friday with an agreement on Internet governance and vows to benefit all people with information technology.

 Articles: November 2005
SMSI: l'"Engagement de Tunis" prône le respect du savoir, des spécificités culturelles et des droits de l'Homme (
Dans le principal document intitulé "Engagement de Tunis", adopté par le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) qui s'est achevé vendredi soir à Tunis, les délégués des 170 pays participants ont pris sur eux d'oeuvrer résolument en faveur de la société du savoir, du respect des spécificités culturelles et des droits de l'Homme, y compris ceux de l'enfant et de la femme et des personnes vulnérables.

 Articles: November 2005
'Mobile Women' of Mongla bridging digital divide (The Daily Star)
THE remote villages of Mongla are experiencing a mobile phone frenzy. Algae in shrimp farms are disappearing, the pharmacist knows which medication to buy and the Hindu carpenter and his wife can finally talk to somebody about the nasty disease of their guava tree.

 Articles: November 2005
La Cumbre de internet apoya un Fondo de Solidaridad Digital (ABC)
En la última jornada siguió el debate sobre la censura en la red: la premio Nobel de la Paz iraní, Shirin Ebadin, propuso crear un comité auspiciado por la ONU.

 Articles: November 2005
«Wissen nutzen, erzeugen und teilen» (Tagblatt St.Gallen)
Der UNO-Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft ist gestern mit einem Aufruf für eine weltweit gleich starke Nutzung des Internets zu Ende gegangen.

 Articles: November 2005
This is no place to talk about Internet freedom (Khaleej Times)
THIS week, thousands of representatives from government, business and civil society gathered in Tunis to discuss the future of the Internet at the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society.

 Articles: November 2005
This Cranked Up Computer Could Close a Gap (Inter Press Service)
This little green computer runs without electricity or batteries, and it costs 100 dollars. And it could do more than all thhe speeches made at the World Summit on the Information Society to help narrow that 'digital divide'.

 Articles: November 2005
Lack of freedom of speech in Tunisia disappoints US (Khaleej Times)
The United States yesterday said that it was disappointed that the Tunisian government had not been able to demonstrate its commitment to freedom of expression and assembly in Tunisia during a UN summit.

 Articles: November 2005
CDs and comics offer digital aid (BBC News Merseyside)
Jostling on the sidelines of this week's UN net summit in Tunis were dozens of projects that provide people in developing countries with much-needed hardware to get digital.

 Articles: November 2005
Essential test for UN net summit (BBC News Science & Nature Edition)
Building a global information society that is fair, equitable, and accessible to everyone is a daunting challenge that is going to take years to achieve.

 Articles: November 2005
"Digitale Kluft" soll kleiner werden (Bremer Nachrichten)
Der UN-Informationsgipfel in der tunesischen Hauptstadt Tunis ist am Freitag mit dem Aufruf zu Ende gegangen, die Chancen des Internets zu nutzen und die "digitale Kluft" zwischen der reichen und der armen Welt zu überbrücken.

 Articles: November 2005
"Freedom lifeblood of digital revolution" (The Hindu)
The Tunis summit of the Information Society has put the bigger users and developed nations on alert that the Net is not anyone's personal property. WHO OWNS THE NET?

 Articles: November 2005
Internet summit highlights censorship problem (Guardian Blog)
"Swiss President Samuel Schmid has been censored by Tunisian television for harshly criticising states that muzzle civil liberties," reports NZZ Online.

 Articles: November 2005
One Laptop per Child (The Daily Star)
United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan and Massachusetts Institue of Technology (MIT) Media Lab's Professor Nicholas Negroponte (R) unveil the "One Laptop per Child" initiative during a press conference at the World Summit on the Internet Society (WSIS) on November 16 at the Kram Palexo in Tunis.

 Articles: November 2005
Libération : Le SMSI s'achève à Tunis sur un bilan mitigé (Libération)
Le Sommet sur la société de l'information (SMSI), qui s'est achevé à Tunis, a permis de réduire le fossé numérique entre pays riches et pays pauvres, en dépit des réticences des nations développées à contribuer à un fonds de soutien destiné aux Etats africains, ont déclaré les participants.

 Articles: November 2005
Kids'' 100-dollar laptop dreams come true! (IndiaDaily)
The last decade saw Internet defining Marshall McLuhan's concept of ''Global Village'', and the next will see Kofi Annan's dream of ''Cyber Village'' coming true.

 Articles: November 2005
Switzerland gains prestige in Tunis (swissinfo)
The second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society, in which Switzerland has played a central and controversial role, has ended in Tunis.

 Articles: November 2005
Switzerland gains prestige in Tunis (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
The second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society, in which Switzerland has played a central and controversial role, has ended in Tunis. At the closing ceremony on Friday evening, Swiss Communications Minister Moritz Leuenberger thanked the WSIS' hosts and tried to nurse bruised Swiss-Tunisian relations.

 Articles: November 2005
The peaks of an information summit (swissinfo)
After covering Switzerland's involvement at the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis, swissinfo's Thomas Stephens looks back at a memorable week.

 Articles: November 2005
The peaks of an information summit (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
After covering Switzerland's involvement at the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis, swissinfo's Thomas Stephens looks back at a memorable week.

 Articles: November 2005
The great digital divide (The Hindu)
WHEN these words appear I shall just have attended the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis, a serious attempt to grapple with the challenges of our information-technology-driven times -- the digital divide, the governance of the Internet, the hope that the new technologies can drive development.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet still all about U.S. and English (Salt Lake Tribune)
But for how long? Delegates to a summit take steps toward letting an international body have more of a say.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet is a `dangerous ghoul', says Libyan FM (Khaleej Times)
Libyan Foreign Minister Abdul Rahman Shalgam has described the Internet as a "dangerous scientific ghoul", and rejected the on-going monopoly of America over supervising and running the Cyberspace.

 Articles: November 2005
Opponents of Tunisian govt end hunger strike (Khaleej Times)
Eight opponents of Tunisia's government on Friday ended a month-long hunger strike over human rights after appeals from people at a UN summit in Tunis where freedom of information is a major issue.

 Articles: November 2005
Túnez, apenas un día después de la cumbre, vuelve a censurar internet (ABC)
Los usuarios tunecinos de Internet volvieron ayer a toparse con la censura, pocas horas después de que se clausurara la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) en la que, paradójicamente, se pidió que la Red quedara abierta para todos.

 Articles: November 2005
Open media to connect communities (BBC News England)
A US-based project is tapping into the collaborative nature of the web to provide online content that is relevant and valuable to developing nations.

 Articles: November 2005
The stage is set: who will control the Internet?(Tehran Times)
When the United Nations-sponsored World Summit on the Information Society convenes in Tunisia later this month, participants will take up the banner of extending "the benefits of the new telecommunication technologies to all the world's inhabitants.

 Articles: November 2005
UN summit turns spotlight on Web censorship (Sify)
A United Nations communications and technology summit, which ended with a pledge to expand the availability of the Internet, has turned the spotlight onto a dispute about censorship.

 Articles: November 2005
UN summit turns spotlight on Web censorship (Tehran Times)
A United Nations communications and technology summit, which ended with a pledge to expand the availability of the Internet, has turned the spotlight onto a dispute about censorship.

 Articles: November 2005
The world doesn't get it - no one 'owns'the internet (Guardian Observer)
There is something about United Nations summits that makes one lose the will to live. All that fly-blown cant about Declarations of Principles and Plans of Action.

 Articles: November 2005
Summit background (The Times of Malta)
The WSIS is a formal UN Summit at the level of heads of state and government. The EU is represented at the WSIS by the EU Presidency and the European Commission, with Members of the European Parliament included in the EU delegation.

 Articles: November 2005
EU pleads for freedom of speech (The Times of Malta)
The second World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) was held last week in Tunis. It ended on Friday. The summit's main question was how the World Wide Web is run, and how it can best safeguard basic freedoms and drive economic growth around the globe.

 Articles: November 2005
SMSI: appels pressants en faveur de la réduction de la fracture numérique (
Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) s'est ouvert mercredi au Palexpo du Kram (10km de Tunis) par des appels pressants en faveur de la réduction de la fracture numérique entre les pays du Nord et ceux du Sud, l'un des thèmes majeurs à l'ordre du jour, à côté de la gouvernance d'Internet.

 Articles: November 2005
L'ordinateur à 100 dollars fait sensation au SMSI de Tunis (
Attendu avec engouement à la faveur d'une campagne publicitaire, un ordinateur à 100 dollars mis au point par le Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) a fait sensation jeudi à l'exposition ITC4all organisée en marge du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) qui se tient actuellement à Tunis.

 Articles: November 2005
L'ordinateur à 100 dollars fait sensation au SMSI de Tunis (Boursorama)
Attendu avec engouement à la faveur d'une campagne publicitaire, un ordinateur à 100 dollars mis au point par le Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) a fait sensation jeudi à l'exposition ITC4all organisée en marge du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) qui se tient actuellement à Tunis.

 Articles: November 2005
Netz ohne Namen (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
Der internationale Kongress zur Informationsgesellschaft hat eine Chance vertan. Kontakt zur Außenwelt: Das Interview mit Robert Menard wurde per Handy übertragen - er selbst durfte das Flugzeug nicht verlassen.

 Articles: November 2005
Le SMSI prend fin sur une note mitigée (Inter Press Service)
Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) a pris fin vendredi nuit avec des déclarations de succès de la part des Nations Unies, des gouvernements et du secteur privé, mais la société civile a refusé d'adopter sans réserve ses conclusions.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet Boosts Reach of Alternative Radio (Inter Press Service)
While the transnational corporations showed off the latest in information and communication technologies (ICTs) at the world summit that ended Friday in Tunis, reporters from alternative radio stations remained loyal to their old tape recorders and microphones.

 Articles: November 2005
La gestion de l'Internet ne doit pas rester aux mains des USA, selon Ebadi (
TUNIS (AP) - Le prix Nobel de la paix, l'Iranienne Shirin Ebadi, a estimé vendredi que la gouvernance de l'Internet ne doit pas rester uniquement aux mains des Etats-Unis.

 Articles: November 2005
Nokia opens office in Tunisia (Middle East Online)
At Tunis WSIS, Nokia celebrated two billion mobile subscribers, showcased mobile phones, network solutions for bridging digital divide.

 Articles: November 2005
EU takes swipe at U.S. Internet oversight (Reuters - India)
The European Commission on Friday took a swipe at U.S. oversight of the Internet but offered no concrete alternatives, in advance of an international summit on how the Internet should be run.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunesien protestiert formell gegen Äusserung Leuenbergers (swissinfo)
Tunesien protestiert gegen Äusserungen von Bundesrat Moritz Leuenberger zum Weltinformationsgipfel (WSIS) in Tunis. Leuenberger hatte in einem Zeitungsinterview erklärt, am Gipfel müssten die Menschenrechte zur Sprache gebracht werden.

 Articles: November 2005
Negotiators Change Internet Governance Text (The Daily Dispatch)
Negotiators seeking to avert a U.S.-EU showdown at this week's U.N. summit on the information society watered down language on the Internet's governance in talks Tuesday.

 Articles: November 2005
On eve of UN summit, progress made on global information, tech agreements (Dubai Photo Media)
In his opening remarks to the press on the eve of the Tunis phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), to be held from 16 to 18 November, the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Yoshio Utsumi, announced that by this morning, 23,000 participants had registered with 12,000 arrivals recorded so far.

U.S. to keep control of Internet traffic (Reuters UK)
The United States will keep control of the domain-name system that guides online traffic under an agreement on Wednesday seen as a setback to efforts to internationalise one of the pillars of the Internet.

 Articles: November 2005
Deal reached on managing the Internet (Business Week)
A U.N. technology summit opened Wednesday after an 11th-hour agreement that leaves the United States with ultimate oversight of the main computers that direct the Internet's flow of information, commerce and dissent.

 Articles: November 2005
"Maskerade in Tunis" - Gastgeber wirft Schatten auf UN-Gipfel (Maerkische Allgemeine)
Drinnen im Konferenzzentrum beraten etwa 150 Länder, wie sie das Internet künftig "managen" und bis in die letzte Hütte bringen wollen.

 Articles: November 2005
Laptops für alle Kinder dieser Erde (Die Welt)
Prototyp des Hundred Dollar Laptop (HDL), vorgestellt in Tunis Berlin - UN-Generalsekretär nimmt das Projekt beim Wort: "Das vielleicht Wichtigste ist wahrhaftige Absicht, jedem Kind einen Laptop zu geben", sagt Kofi Annan auf dem Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft bei der Vorstellung

 Articles: November 2005
Spotlight on censorship (Australian IT)
THE UN's World Summit on the Information Society has put the spotlight on the dispute over censorship. "The objective of this summit is to have an equitable information society where everybody can have access to information, can create information," head of the UN's International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Yoshio Utsumi said.

 Articles: November 2005
«Le discours des Tunisiens est bidon» (Le Matin)
Le discours agace et la polémique enfle. L'annonce que se sont offerte samedi dans la presse plusieurs associations tunisiennes de Suisse pour dénoncer le reportage de «Temps présent», critique à l'égard de leur Etat, qui accueillait le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information, ne fait pas bondir que les producteurs de l'émission et les opposants au régime de Ben Ali.

 Articles: November 2005
WSIS Ends On Mixed Note (All Africa / Inter Press Service)
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) concluded Friday night with claims of success by the United Nations, governments and the private sector, but civil society refused to wholeheartedly embrace its outcome.

 Articles: November 2005
Negotiations At Summit Eases Internet Tension (All Africa / The East African Standard)
Negotiators at the just-concluded second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia defused a confrontation between the United States and countries, which accuse the super power of controlling the Internet.

 Articles: November 2005
Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information : clôture des travaux sur une promesse d'aide aux pays pauvres (All Africa / La Tribune)
Le SMSI s'est clos vendredi au terme de trois journées de travaux à Tunis avec une promesse des pays riches d'aider le monde en développement à «monter dans le train» de l'informatique et des télécommunications.

 Articles: November 2005
Activists Give a Crash Course in Overcoming Electronic Hurdles (All Africa / Inter Press Service)
Domestic concerns of political stability, societal values and national security provided the core debate at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) that concluded in Tunis Friday.

 Articles: November 2005
Civil Society Joins in Celebrations, After All (All Africa / Inter Press Service))
Though failing to get its alternative Citizen's Summit off the ground, and being disappointed by certain decisions at the World Summit on the Information Society and at repression by the Tunisian government, civil society groups joined officials and businessmen Friday in celebrating the outcome of the meeting, perhaps the last United Nations Summit for years to come.

 Articles: November 2005
SMSI: appels pressants en faveur de la réduction de la fracture numérique (
Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) s'est ouvert mercredi au Palexpo du Kram (10km de Tunis) par des appels pressants en faveur de la réduction de la fracture numérique entre les pays du Nord et ceux du Sud, l'un des thèmes majeurs à l'ordre du jour, à côté de la gouvernance d'Internet.

 Articles: November 2005
L'ordinateur à 100 dollars fait sensation au SMSI de Tunis (
Attendu avec engouement à la faveur d'une campagne publicitaire, un ordinateur à 100 dollars mis au point par le Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) a fait sensation jeudi à l'exposition ITC4all organisée en marge du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) qui se tient actuellement à Tunis.

 Articles: November 2005
Who Should Control the Internet? Just You and I: Matthew Lynn (Bloomberg)
Last week, government delegates at a summit in Tunisia gathered to ponder Internet regulation. Right now, a lot of people think the Web is controlled by the U.

 Articles: November 2005
¿Quién controla internet? (ABC)
La Cumbre sobre la Sociedad de la Información ha reabierto el debate sobre el gobierno de la red. Estados Unidos llegó a un acuerdo para retener su control sobre el sistema de dominios que gestiona el tráfico por internet, pero existe un límite a este poder que parece absoluto ImprimirVotarEnviar TEXTO: JORGE SÁINZ MADRID.

 Articles: November 2005
Lime-colored $100 laptops to ship early next year (Rutland Herald)
A cheap laptop boasting wireless network access and a hand-crank to provide electricity is expected to start shipping in February or March to help extend technology to school-aged children worldwide.

 Articles: November 2005
Freie Software raus, DRM rein (ORF ON Futurezone)
Die Free Software Foundation Europe bezichtigt die Veranstalter des Wiener Content-Gipfels ICT der nachträglichen Manipulation von Diskussionsergebnissen.

 Articles: November 2005
Hungry for net freedom in Tunisia (BBC News Science & Nature Edition)
Last week's UN-sponsored World Summit on the Information Society put the spotlight on the host country Tunisia.

 Articles: November 2005
Focus on Onconet (The Hindu)
Thiruvananthapuram: The digital revolution has changed the way the world lives. The World Summit on the Information Society, organised by the UN and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), in Tunis recently, was an attempt to bridge the digital divide between nations and to use the new communication technologies for achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

 Articles: November 2005
UN bid to rule the net blocked (Australian IT)
US 1, European Union 0: that's the score card in the battle for control of the internet, the latest and most unusual example of the war between the Anglo-Saxon model and Old-World Europe.

 Articles: November 2005
A Tunis, la Suisse a su tirer son épingle du jeu (swissinfo)
La 2e phase du Sommet mondial de la société de l'information a peu de résultats concrets à présenter, selon les ONG suisses.

 Articles: November 2005
Bilancio contrastante del Vertice di Tunisi (swissinfo)
Per la delegazione svizzera, il bilancio del Vertice mondiale della società dell'informazione è positivo, ma non sensazionale.

 Articles: November 2005
Le SMSI prend fin sur une note mitigée (All Africa / Inter Press Service)
Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) a pris fin vendredi nuit avec des déclarations de succès de la part des Nations Unies, des gouvernements et du secteur privé, mais la société civile a refusé d'adopter sans réserve ses conclusions.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet Boosts Reach of Alternative Radio (All Africa / Inter Press Service)
While the transnational corporations showed off the latest in information and communication technologies (ICTs) at the world summit that ended Friday in Tunis, reporters from alternative radio stations remained loyal to their old tape recorders and microphones.

 Articles: November 2005
Malta calls for safe internet (The Times of Malta)
Malta urged the World Summit on Information Society held last week in Tunisia to push further up in its list of priorities a credible and coordinated effort to make the internet a safe place for children.

 Articles: November 2005
Gaddafi boycotts summit over short speech time! (Khaleej Times)
Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi has boycotted the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS), which concluded here on Friday as a protest against the short period of time given to him to address the summit.

 Articles: November 2005
Des journalistes étrangers se démarquent de la campagne hostile à la Tunisie (Boursorama)
Près de 200 journalistes -européens, américains, asiatiques, africains et arabes- se sont démarqués de la campagne hostile à la Tunisie lancée par "certaines parties étrangères" à l'occasion du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) qui s'est tenu la semaine dernière à Tunis.

 Articles: November 2005
L'Engagement de Tunis (All Africa / La Presse)
L'engagement de Tunis, issu de la seconde phase du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), tenue à Tunis du 16 au 18 novembre 2005, souligne que le Sommet de Tunis constitue une opportunité unique pour renforcer la prise de conscience quant aux avantages qu'offrent les technologies de l'information et de la communication à l'ensemble de l'humanité.

 Articles: November 2005
L'Afrique ne veut pas rater la révolution numérique (All Africa / Le Potentiel)
L'Afrique fonde de grands espoirs sur les nouvelles technologies pour accélérer son développement, comptant sur l'internet et le téléphone portable pour rattraper son retard.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet Costs Set to Go Down (All Africa / The Nation)
The "digital divide" between rich and poor countries could in Kenya, be measured by the amount of time it took for an e-mail to be sent from one neighbour to another - via Europe.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet Governance: U.S., Developing Countries Strike Deal (All Africa / The Herald)
A COMPROMISE agreement on Internet governance has been reached between the United States and developing countries. This development will see United Nations Secretary-General Mr Kofi Annan setting up an Internet Governance Forum, which will look at how other countries can also be involved in the management of the worldwide web.

 Articles: November 2005
The Digital Divide Continues to Hinder Development in Rural Areas (All Africa / Public Agenda)
The rural digital divide is isolating almost one billion of the poorest people who are unable to participate in the global information society, according to FAO, which will be highlighting its activities on enhancing knowledge exchange and access to information in combating hunger and poverty at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS, Phase II) which opened on Wednesday, 16th November.

 Articles: November 2005
Swiss have mixed reactions to info summit (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
Swiss participants at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) say the past week has been positive but not sensational. The creation of an internet governance forum has been largely welcomed, but the dearth of financial pledges has been criticised.

 Articles: November 2005
Regulation: Der Machtkampf ums Web (Die Presse)
Der Streit um die "Internet Governance" bleibt ungelöst. wien. Vor fünfzehn Jahren noch war Internet exotisch, heute würde sein Zusammenbruch die Welt ins Kommunikationschaos stürzen: Rund eine Milliarde Menschen nutzen das Internet inzwischen, man informiert sich, chattet, surft, telefoniert, kauft ein, zahlt, vertreibt sich die Zeit - und hat oft das Gefühl, sich in einem Raum grenzenloser Freiheit zu bewegen.

 Articles: November 2005
Information technology can help us ease poverty (The Standard)
Recently, on these pages the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr Koffi Annan, commented on the just ended World Summit on Information Society in Tunis.

Internet fights off a threatened split (Sydney Morning Herald)
It's business as usual for the internet after a last-minute agreement was reached in the lead-up to the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia last week.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisie: le président Ben Ali veut promouvoir la vie politique dans le pays (Boursorama / AP)
Le président tunisien Zine El Abidine Ben Ali a manifesté lundi sa volonté de promouvoir la vie politique dans le pays en chargeant le président du comité supérieur des droits de l'Homme et des libertés fondamentales, Zakaria Ben Mustapha, d'une mission consistant à "établir des contacts avec les partis politiques et les autres composantes de la société civile qui le désirent pour examiner leurs préoccupations et aspirations".

 Articles: November 2005
U.S. Retains Control of Internet (The Moscow Times)
The United States claimed victory in the contest to control the computers crucial for directing Internet traffic, but the European Union and other nations said the debate was far from over.

Wiring Women Won't Close the Gap (All Africa / Inter Press Service)
"People say, 'what are you talking about: it's just a computer, it's just a telephone -- how can there be gender issues over technology?' There's still no understanding of how things like computers get into institutions and are incorporated into existing male-dominated power structures," says an Indian woman delegate here for a global meeting on making the so-called Information Age benefit all people.

 Articles: November 2005
SMSI : le sommet s'achève sur un bilan bien tiède (Lemonde Informatique)
Le Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'Information s'est conclu le 18 novembre à Tunis. Les enseignements à en tirer sont, d'un côté, le maintien de la main-mise des Américains sur Internet, de l'autre, le peu de volonté des nations riches à réduire la fracture numérique Nord-Sud.

 Articles: November 2005
Mit dem Internet aus der Armut? (Junge Welt)
Auf Informationsgipfel in Tunis treffen konträre Meinungen zum Nutzen moderner Kommunikationsmittel für Entwicklung aufeinander.

 Articles: November 2005
Le lauréat 2005 est argentin (Nouvel Obs)
Le jury du concours international du meilleur blog a récompensé le blog argentin "Mas respecto, que soy tu madre!" pour son originalité. Le français Agoravox récompensé dans la catégorie journalistique.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet summit ends with promises, little funding (CNN)
A crucial summit on expanding Internet access around the world ended Friday with a firm promise to narrow the digital divide -- but little in government funding to make it happen.

 Articles: November 2005
Conference Calls for the Advancement of ICT to Bridge Digital Divide (All Africa / Bua News)
The sixth Conference of Ministers of Information and Communications (COMINAC VI) of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) countries ended on a high note with the adoption of the Kuala Lumpur Declaration that advocates advancements in the Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs).

 Articles: November 2005
Uganda Supports Regional E-Plan (All Africa / New Vision)
Uganda is supporting regional initiatives to rid the country of being e-landlocked, Uganda's permanent representative to the World Trade Organisation, ambassador Kweronda Ruhemba, has said.

 Articles: November 2005
President Obasanjo On Digital Divide (All Africa / The Independent)
President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria has said that it is unacceptable for the developed world that forms only 15% of the world population to have 75% Internet users.

 Articles: November 2005
Valentin Mbougueng, participant : "On a tenté de boycotter Tunis, mais " (All Africa / Le Messager)
Au terme de la seconde phase du Smsi, le journaliste Valentin Mbougueng partage un sentiment de satisfaction et d'indignation.

 Articles: November 2005
Lutte contre le VIH : les TIC mises à contribution (All Africa / Le Pays)
Dans le cadre de l'intégration des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication dans la lutte contre le VIH/Sida, l'Association Appui moral, matériel et intellectuel à l'enfant (AMMIE), membre du réseau AIDSETY-Burkina, a organisé le mercredi 16 novembre 2005, une vidéo-conférence, en direct avec le Sommet mondial de la société de l'information qui se tenait en Tunisie du 16 au 18 novembre 2005.

 Articles: November 2005
Société de l'information : les Etats-Unis dictent leur loi à Tunis (All Africa / Le Messager)
Les Etats-Unis gardent l'Internet, l'Afrique avance sur la solidarité numérique.

Us$100 Laptop Launched At Info Summit (All Africa / New Era)
NAMIBIA has warned against possible adverse environmental consequences amidst the hype following the launch of the "100$ Laptop", an ambitious project hoped to open education communication to children all over the world.

 Articles: November 2005
Balanço dúbio da Cúpula de Túnis (swissinfo)
A segunda fase da Cúpula Mundial da Sociedade da Informação deu poucos resultados concretos, segundo as Ongs suíças.

 Articles: November 2005
Laptops for the masses (The Standard)
The UN's recent World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia discussed, among other things, Internet naming conventions, which sounds like a sure cure for insomnia.

 Articles: November 2005
Romania wins international award at IT summit (Bucharest Daily News)
The winner of the e-Learning section of the World Summit for the Information Society, organized in Tunisia, was Romania, with a multimedia system created by the SIVECO software company.

 Articles: November 2005
Beyond technology; Save the press (International Herald Tribune)
The United Nations and the aid industry have bought into the idea of the Digital Divide and now want to buy millions of basic laptops for children at $100 each.

 Articles: November 2005
Microsoft, die "Vienna Conclusions" und der UN-Weltgipfel (C't - magazin für computertechnik)
Die in Wien für den UN-Weltgipfel der Informationsgesellschaft (World Summit on Information Society, WSIS) erarbeiteten Vienna Conclusions wurden in Tunis in einer inhaltlich veränderten Form präsentiert: Freie Software wurde gestrichen, dafür Digital Rights Management eingefügt.

 Articles: November 2005
« La démocratie est une fleur qu'il faut toujours arroser » (L'Humanité)
A Tunis pour le sommet mondial de la société de l'information, la prix Nobel de la paix est venue soutenir les démocrates qui luttent contre le régime autoritaire de Ben Ali.

L'avocate iranienne a reçu le prix Nobel en 2003 (L'Humanité)
Elle parcourt le monde, en enlevant son voile dès qu'elle sort d'Iran, pour défendre les droits de l'homme.

 Articles: November 2005
Mocking the Knowledge Society (All Africa / The East African)
The second World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) concluded in Tunis last week. Thousands of participants descended on Tunis from around the world - to the confusion of airline and baggage handling companies and the delight of local hotels and restaurants.

 Articles: November 2005
Social Movements Gained Much At WSIS (All Africa / Inter Press Service)
The World Summit on the Information Society was important for social movements to help them develop a better understanding of communication issues and it allowed different groups and different struggles to network.

 Articles: November 2005
Laptops, funds not enough to shrink digital gap (Middle East Times)
From talks about launching the $100 laptop to setting up a technology investment fund, poorer nations made certain that addressing the digital divide between the wealthy and impoverished countries was addressed at the latest United Nations conference on the information society.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet Summit Ends with Delegates Looking to Future (CIO Today)
"History is replete with summits like these at which literally nothing is achieved," said Mukul Krishna, program manager at Frost & Sullivan. "The best you can do is reach a memorandum of understanding on how to proceed.

 Articles: November 2005
Die "Vienna Conclusions" und Microsoft (Der Standard)
WSIS-Dokument erreichte Tunis mit einigen Änderungen - statt "freie Software" nun Digital Rights Management.

 Articles: November 2005
Tecnología: Crean Laptop para los pobres (Vanguardia)
Usted probablemente ya lo sabe, una computadora portátil, con un costo de apenas 100 dólares, fue presentada al mundo, desde Túnez, por el profesor Nicholas Negroponte, del Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts (MIT), quien la definió como "la computadora que todos los niños del mundo deberían tener".

 Articles: November 2005
World Wide Web should be truly global (China Daily)
Economic and social gaps between the world's rich and poor nations are multi-faceted. Last week's World Summit on Information Society highlighted the gap in access to information through computer networks.

 Articles: November 2005
World Wide Web should be truly global (Xinhua News)
Economic and social gaps between the world's rich and poor nations are multi-faceted. Last week's World Summit on Information Society highlighted the gap in access to information through computer networks.

 Articles: November 2005
Twomey, Paul (Trends)
Cela fait près de 15 ans que Paul Twomey s'est connecté pour la première fois à l'Internet depuis son Australie natale. Le Web commençait d'enserrer le monde dans ses tentacules. Aujourd'hui, en tant qu'administrateur chargé de faire tourner les rouages du réseau des réseaux, il se trouve au coeur d'une tempête mondiale à propos de la manière dont celui-ci devrait être géré.

 Articles: November 2005
Merci, M. Schmid! (LeTemps)
Il y a des moments où l'on se sent fier d'appartenir à un pays. Ce sentiment de fierté je l'ai ressenti lors du discours prononcé par M. Samuel Schmid le 16 novembre lors de l'ouverture du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) qui s'est tenu en Tunisie.

 Articles: November 2005
Get set for tomorrow's `Web of things' (The Hindu)
The Tunis summit provided scary and exciting visions of the `next' Internet PERSONAL AREA NETWORK: Red Tacton technology converts the human body into a duplex communication channel, linking the floor sensors to the hand held terminal.

 Articles: November 2005
Weltinformationsgipfel: Die digitale Kluft bleibt (Rheinischer Merkur)
Wer hat die Macht im Internet? Bereits vor dem zweiten Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft, der vom 16. bis 18.November in Tunis stattfand, stand diese Frage im Mittelpunkt der Debatten und verdrängte das eigentliche Thema des Treffens - die Überwindung der digitalen Spaltung der Welt - zusehends aus den Schlagzeilen.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet (La Vanguardia)
Imaginemos por un momento llegar a casa, abrir el grifo y que no haya agua. Dar al interruptor de la lámpara y que no se encienda la luz. Intentar ducharse y que el calentador no funcione por falta de gas.

 Articles: November 2005
La simplicité du président Samuel Schmid au service d'une grande cause à Tunis (LeTemps)
Le président de la Confédération n'a fait qu'un bref déplacement à Tunis la semaine dernière, pour l'ouverture du deuxième volet du

 Articles: November 2005
Power to the people - an old slogan for a new age (The New Zealand Herald)
Who rules the web? Right now, a lot of people think the internet is controlled by the United States. The European Union would like a slice of that action.

 Articles: November 2005
Digitale Solidarität (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
Die armen Länder trennt von den reichen auch eine «digitale Kluft», es mangelt ihnen auch an Rechenleistung, Speicherkapazität, Netzwerkbandbreite, Computerfachwissen.

 Articles: November 2005
Einstieg in den Ausstieg (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
Mehrere Sieger im Streit um die Internetverwaltung Wer regiert eigentlich das Internet? Diese Frage sorgte beim zweiten

 Articles: November 2005
Voice of innovation at net summit (BBC News Dorset)
At the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), international diplomats turned their attention to the most important question yet to face the net: who should control it?

 Articles: November 2005
La gestion de l'Internet ne doit pas rester aux mains des USA, selon Ebadi (
TUNIS (AP) - Le prix Nobel de la paix, l'Iranienne Shirin Ebadi, a estimé vendredi que la gouvernance de l'Internet ne doit pas rester uniquement aux mains des Etats-Unis.

 Articles: November 2005
Crank-powered laptop vs. next-gen Xbox (HamptonRoads)
The season's two hottest tech products come in green. And the similarities stop right ... about ... there. A hand crank-powered $100 laptop for Third World schoolchildren is a silly bright lime, with a yellow crank.

 Articles: November 2005
Mission 2007: every village a knowledge centre (The Hindu)
Convergence and synergy among the numerous on-going as well as emerging programmes is needed to provide knowledge connectivity to every village of India by August 15, 2007.

 Articles: November 2005
The Net challenge (Khaleej Times)
THE United Nations'

 Articles: November 2005
Die Macht im Internet (C't - magazin für computertechnik)
Der Weltgipfel der Informationsgesellschaft, die digitale Kluft und die Kontrolle des Netzes Die Frage nach der Gestaltung der Zukunft der Informationsgesellschaft hat den Vereinten Nationen den größten Gipfel in ihrer Geschichte beschert.

 Articles: November 2005
Who can own cyberspace? (Gulf Daily News)
By Quentin...

 Articles: November 2005
Die Analyse zum Weltinfo-Gipfel (ORF ON Futurezone)
Sonja Bettel hat sich in Tunis unter die mehr als 19.000 Teilnehmer am World Summit gemischt und berichtet über den Fortgang des zähen Ringens um die Zukunft der Informationsgesellschaft.

 Articles: November 2005
Dutch group pushes new domains (Australian IT)
A DUTCH technology company has breathed life into a project to rid the internet of suffixes such as .com. Such a system, which enables countries, individuals and firms to have a web address which consists of a single name, offers flexibility and is language and character independent.

Make .love not .xxx (C't - magazin für computertechnik)
In regelmäßigen Abständen steht jemand auf und verkündet, dass er das Domain Name System neu erfunden habe und daher neue Adressen (etwa unter anbieten könne.

 Articles: November 2005
United By Digital Divide (All Africa)
Remmy Nweke Lagos Indications are rift that African initiative, the Digital Solidarity Fund (DSF) is increasingly gaining global attention, moreso, uniting the Least Developing Countries (LDCs), reports Remmy Nweke.

 Articles: November 2005
Nigerian Youth Wins WSIS Award (All Africa / Daily Champion)
Eighteen years old Nigerian, Samuel Oloyede Odofin, has emerged the second prize winner for the development category of the World Summit Youth Award (WSYA) held as part of the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society WSIS-05 in Tunis.

 Articles: November 2005
Nigeria Gets Internet Exchange (All Africa / Daily Champion)
President Olusegun Obasanjo has directed the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to ensure that the nation gets its own Internet Exchange Point (IXP) as soon as possible.

 Articles: November 2005
Nitda Restrategises It Policy Forimplementation - Olatunji (All Africa / Daily Champion)
Lagos Senior Reporter Remmy Nweke was at the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) which ended in Tunisia last weekend. He spoke to some Nigerian delegates, including General Manager, Omatek Computers Limited, Mr.

 Articles: November 2005
Nokia, Grameen Collaborate for African Villages (All Africa / Daily Champion)
Mobile telecommunication giant, Nokia, and United States-based Grameen Foundation have announced collaboration at the just ended second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS-05) in Tunisia for empowering rural African villages.

 Articles: November 2005
"Weiterentwickelt", nicht manipuliert (ORF ON Futurezone)
Der für die "Wiener Erklärung" zum WSIS-Gipfel Verantwortliche, Peter A. Bruck, weist Vorwürfe der Textmanipulation zurück. update Montag, 28.11.05 Die Nachricht, dass auf Verlangen Microsofts Passagen in den "Vienna Conclusions" zur Vorbereitung des Weltgipfels inhaltlich verändert wurden, zieht weite Kreise im Internet.

 Articles: November 2005
Last frontier of free speech (Al Ahram)
Freedom of expression had a narrow escape at the recently concluded United Nations World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis, 16-18 November. By the end of the meeting, the fundamental right of free communication was temporarily rescued from the grip of governmental regulation.

 Articles: November 2005
Technology summit wraps up in Tunisia (Business Week)
A crucial summit on expanding Internet access around the world ended Friday with a firm promise to narrow the digital divide -- but little in government funding to make it happen.

 Articles: November 2005
Controversy blights UN net summit (BBC News World Edition)
A crucial UN summit on expanding net access around the world has ended in Tunis marred by controversy over censorship and who runs the internet.

 Articles: November 2005
SMSI: les Américains "déçus" par le manque d'engagement du gouvernement tunisien en matière de libertés (Boursorama)
La délégation américaine au Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), qui s'achève vendredi à Tunis, s'est déclarée "déçue" par le manque d'engagement du gouvernement tunisien en matière de libertés.

 Articles: November 2005
Pour une société du savoir équilibrée, solidaire et tolérante (All Africa - La Presse)
Autant nous sommes attachés à la construction d'une société de l'information garantissant à l'individu le droit à l'information et assurant la fluidité de la circulation des données sans obstacles ni entraves, autant nous soulignons l'impératif de définir des normes éthiques universelles.

 Articles: November 2005
Bibliotheca Alexandrina and Development Gateway Launch Arabic Language Portal on Development (All Africa)
Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) and the Development Gateway Foundation today unveiled plans for a new Arabic language web portal on development.

 Articles: November 2005
Digital Divide: UN Summit to Serve the People? (All Africa / Inter Press Service)
Now that the world's powers have agreed to stop squabbling over control of the Internet (for now), will the more than 10,000 people here for this week's United Nations forum focus on creating an information society for all people?

 Articles: November 2005
Governments Sidelined By Civil Society At WSIS? (All Africa / Inter Press Service)
World leaders and high-level government representatives are taking a backseat to business leaders and civil society representatives at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) which will wrap up here Friday.

 Articles: November 2005
El Fondo de Solidaridad Digital centra los debates de la segunda jornada de la Cumbre de Túnez (La Vanguardia)
La Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) centró ayer sus debates en el Fondo de Solidaridad Digital, que permita a los países emergentes acceder a las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación.

 Articles: November 2005
Sun urges IT world to bridge digital divide (IEE)
Sun Microsystems has exhorted technology companies to eliminate what it describes as a ‘growing global digital divide'. It has called for them to do more to introduce opportunities for everyone to connect with - and participate in - the Internet and other global networks.

 Articles: November 2005
Switch on internet power globally (Gulf News)
Technology has the power to be the greatest leveller of them all between developed and emerging economies. The old joke that "no one knows I am a dog on the internet" remains true.

 Articles: November 2005
Education: A Little Could Go a Long Way (All Africa)
Two African leaders launched a public appeal Wednesday for support to a global fund for community-based communication projects. President Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal and President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria launched the appeal for increased funding for the Global Digital Solidarity Fund (GDSF).

Last Chance @ WSIS to Bridge Digital Divide (All Africa)
Opportunity now beckons on Nigeria and Africa, a continent leaving at the outskirt of digital revolution to change it fortunes. This week, digital revolution and divide as well as the place of the so-called third world, which is presently living at the outskirt of the digital equation, will dominate discussion in high circles.

 Articles: November 2005
WSIS calls for ICT-based development (The Daily Star)
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) urged world leaders to put information and communication technologies (ICT) at the heart of their national economic and social development policies.

 Articles: November 2005
Au SMSI à Tunis, la Suisse ose faire des reproches au régime de Ben Ali (LeTemps)
Le conseiller fédéral Moritz Leuenberger et le président tunisien Ben Ali vont-ils se serrer la main, ce soir, lors de la cérémonie de clôture du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI)? Vont-ils seulement échanger un regard?

L'Union européenne est résolue à réduire la fracture numérique (Les Echos)
Les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) peuvent améliorer de façon considérable nos possibilités de réaliser des objectifs de développement socio-économique particuliers.

 Articles: November 2005
China makes great progress in bridging digital divide: ITU official (People's Daily Online)
China has made great progress in bridging digital gap in the past 10 years, an official from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) told reporters on Thursday.

Controversy dogs UN net gathering (BBC News World Edition)
Controversy has continued to dog a UN net summit in Tunisia as a head of a France-based media freedom group was blocked from entering the country.

 Articles: November 2005
Laptop for the poor launched (Taipei Times)
A non-profit organization aiming to boost education levels in poorer countries unveiled the US$100 prototype model for the project.

Russian minister calls for limited Internet regulation. (Itar-Tass News Agency)
Russian Information Technologies Minister Leonid Reiman, who attended the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia, believes Internet should be internationally controlled to avert brainwashing and falsifications, however the regulation should be limited to allow the world web develop.

 Articles: November 2005
"Digital divide" not so easy to close, Kenyans find (Reuters UK)
In Kenya, the "digital divide" between rich and poor countries could be measured not long ago by the amount of time it took for an e-mail to be sent from one neighbour to another -- via Europe.

L'Internet libre et ouvert est le meilleur modèle économique (Les Echos)
Le sommet mondial sur la société de l'information qui se tient en ce moment à Tunis est dominé par la question de savoir « qui contrôle » l'Internet.

 Articles: November 2005
Pocket answer to digital divide (BBC News Dorset)
Much of the debate about the digital divide centres on getting computers into the hands of budding digital citizens in developing countries.

 Articles: November 2005
Free speech debate dominates UN summit (Sunday Times)
A debate about freedom of expression simmered at a United Nations (UN) communications summit as a French campaigner was stopped from attending and China and Senegal defended limits on free speech.

Opening doors into virtual worlds (BBC News Dorset)
Away from the official speeches at the UN World Summit on the Information Society, hundreds of projects tackling the digital divide are on show at a fair called the ICT4All Expo.

 Articles: November 2005
Información (La Vanguardia)
La evolución de la vida y, en especial, de la Humanidad, transcurre en paralelo al desarrollo de la capacidad para captar, procesar y utilizar la información que organiza el comportamiento de los organismos vivos.

Preserving the essence of the net (BBC News Business Edition)
Technology commentator Bill Thompson wonders whether the choice of Tunisia to host the UN net summit was designed to make a wider point.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet summit: great ideas but too little money (Kerela News)
Ten years after the Internet began to change the world, almost one billion people are "online", and the United Nations intends to raise this number to three billion by the year 2015.

Tensions persist between Bern and Tunis (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
Swiss Communications Minister Moritz Leuenberger gives swissinfo his take on the diplomatic crack that threatens to grow between Switzerland and Tunisia.

 Articles: November 2005
Presentan la laptop más barata (El Diario)
Los países en desarrollo podrán cumplir pronto su sueño de tener ordenadores baratos gracias al Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts (MIT), que presentó un portátil con costo de cien dólares durante la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (SMSI) de Túnez.

 Articles: November 2005
L'Homme pris dans la Toile ou l'Internet des objets (La Tribune)
Le Sommet de Tunis sur la Société de l'Information a mis l'accent sur la question de la domination des Etats-Unis dans la "gouvernance" mondiale d'Internet.

UN net summit diary: Day three (BBC News Technology Edition)
Indian journalist Amit Jain is in Tunis for the World Summit on the Information Society and is writing about his experiences for the BBC News website. Based in Singapore, he is a correspondent for The Straits Times.

 Articles: November 2005
Global reach (Guardian)
After sorting out the power divide (in favour of continued US governance of the internet), the UN information summit in Tunis yesterday moved on to a much more important matter - the digital divide.

Revisiting the Digital Divide (PCWorld)
U.N. summit invites collaboration on human issues as well as tech.

 Articles: November 2005
Governing the Internet (The Inquirer)
TEN YEARS of in-fighting over who should run the Internet and this week's World Summit on the Information Society meeting ended with a deal to create the Internet Governance Forum.

 Articles: November 2005
La Cumbre de Túnez concluirá con un llamamiento a la solidaridad digital (La Vanguardia)
La Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) ha concluye hoy con la adopción del 'Compromiso de Túnez', en el que los 170 países participantes se declaran dispuestos a establecer un amplio abanico de solidaridad digital.

 Articles: November 2005
The End User: What laptop per child? (International Herald Tribune)
When I first heard that the $100 laptop would be introduced at the World Summit on the Information Society here this week, I began scheming: I could get one for my 5-year-old, put one in the kitchen and use another for all-around backup purposes.

Weltgipfel der Informationsgesellschaft (ORF ON Futurezone)
Nach dem Kompromiss im Streit mit den USA um die Internet-Verwaltung zeigen sich von Kofi Annan bis zu den Amerikanern alle über den Ausgang des zweiten Welgipfels zufrieden.

 Articles: November 2005
Laptop for Each Nigerian Kid (All Africa)
NIGERIA and five other countries have been named the first beneficiaries of the One-Laptop-One-Child Initiative. Others are Egypt, India, Brazil, China and Thailand.

'Nobody Will Do It for Us'- Civil Society At WSIS (All Africa)
African governments, civil society organisations and the private sector must take the challenge of ensuring access and participation of rural communities in the Information Society, said a representative of Africa Civil Society.

 Articles: November 2005
Kids' Laptop Hits World Spotlight (PCWorld)
MIT developers show U.N. delegates a prototype of its $100 laptop designed to promote tech around globe.

 Articles: November 2005
Debaten cómo expandir el acceso mundial a la internet MATT MOORE Associated Press (The Miami Herald)
Los líderes que asistieron a un encuentro de tecnología patrocinado por las Naciones Unidas se comprometieron a achicar la división digital entre los países del mundo en desarrollo y el industrializado, pero dijeron que será necesario algo más que promesas para expandir las comunicaciones y el acceso a la internet.

 Articles: November 2005
Die digitale Kluft ist vor allem ein politisches Problem (Frankfurter Rundschau)
Dass alle Menschen im Jahr 2015 die gleichen Chancen haben, sich zu informieren, ist zweifelhaft. Zwar dürften die technischen Hürden überwindbar sein.

 Articles: November 2005
Libération : La "fracture numérique" difficile à réduire au Kenya (Libération)
Il y a encore peu de temps, les Kenyans pouvaient mesurer le "fossé numérique" séparant les pays riches des pays pauvres par le temps qu'il fallait à un e-mail envoyé à un voisin pour arriver à destination - via l'Europe.

 Articles: November 2005
"Kreativität und Content Schlüsselfaktoren in der Informationsgesellschaft" (Österreich Journal)
"It's creativity - stupid", so fasste Staatssekretär Franz Morak den Schwerpunkt Österreichs zum Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft zusammen.

Wiring Women Won't Close the Gap (Inter Press Service)
"People say, 'what are you talking about: it's just a computer, it's just a telephone -- how can there be gender issues over technology?' There's still no understanding of how things like computers get into institutions and are incorporated into existing male- dominated power structures," says an Indian woman delegate here for a global meeting on making the so-called Information Age benefit all people.

 Articles: November 2005
Les États-Unis plus que jamais « Net » (L'Humanité)
Au sommet mondial de la société de l'information rien ne change : Washington garde la main sur la toile.

SMSI: des progrès par rapport à Genève malgré des résultats mitigés (
Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), dont la deuxième phase s'est achevée vendredi à Tunis, a été sanctionné par des résultats mitigés, mais aussi des progrès par rapport à la première phase de Genève.

 Articles: November 2005
CMSI termina con compromiso de ayuda y sin acuerdo sobre los fondos (AFP Francais)
La Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) terminó este viernes con el compromiso de acercar los países pobres a la revolución tecnológica, pese a que la promesa de reducir la "brecha digital" logró pocos fondos y reveló diferencias sobre la libertad de expresión.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet Access? What About Just a Telephone? (Inter Press Service)
When Emilio Contrera, a small farmer in Paraguay who is nearly 80 years old, wants to phone his daughter in the capital, he must first overcome a number of hurdles.

Net summit puts focus on censorship (Aljazeera)
A United Nations communications and technology summit, which ended with a pledge to expand the availability of the internet, has turned the spotlight on censorship.

 Articles: November 2005
Aus dem Netz gefallen (Frankfurter Rundschau)
In Afrika surft nur einer von hundert Menschen - um das zu ändern, bedarf es nicht unbedingt der Entwicklungshilfe.

 Articles: November 2005
‘Patents choke innovation’ (Times of India)
"Are we unwittingly allowing ourselves to be slaves of the information disorder instead of being masters of the information society?’’ This was the conundrum posed by Dayanidhi Maran, Union minister of communications and IT to the UN World Summit on Information Society, which continues into its second day.

Eleventh-hour deal avoids split over Internet control (Times of India)
An 11th-hour deal has avoided a potentially damaging split between the United States and the rest of the world over control of the Internet after diplomats agreed to work towards enhanced international cooperation. Negotiators struck an agreement on key clauses on Internet governance for endorsement during the World Summit on the Internet Society, which began in Tunis on Wednesday.

Femme et technologies de l'information et de la communication (La Presse)
L’association tunisienne «Action Féminine pour le développement durable» a organisé, hier, dans le cadre des événements parallèles au SMSI, une rencontre sur le thème «Femme et technologies de l’information et de la communication».

Fin d'une grève de la faim d'opposants tunisiens (AFP)
Huit opposants tunisiens en grève de la faim ont mis un terme à un mois de grève de la faim, le jour de la clôture du Sommet mondial de la société de l'information (SMSI), vendredi à Tunis en réponse à la demande de l'avocate iranienne Shirin Ebadi, prix Nobel de la Paix 2003,.

Internet summit ends with promises, little funding (
A crucial summit on expanding Internet access around the world ended Friday with a firm promise to narrow the digital divide -- but little in government funding to make it happen. The World Summit on the Information Society originally was conceived to raise consciousness about the divide between the haves and have-nots, and to raise money for projects to link up the global village, particularly Africa and Asia and South America.

INTERNET: le SMSI se conclut sur une promesse d'aide aux pays pauvres (L' Echo)
Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) boucle vendredi trois journées de travaux à Tunis avec une promesse des pays riches d'aider le monde en développement à monter dans le train de l'informatique et des télécommunications. Le SMSI aura accueilli plus de 18.000 participants du monde politique, économique, associatif et des médias, ce qui en fait le plus grand sommet jamais organisé par les Nations unies.

La solidaridad digital se traduce en un fondo y un PC pensado para los pobres (El Mundo)
La Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información, que se celebra en Túnez, centra sus debates en el Fondo de Solidaridad Digital, cuyo fin es permitir a los países emergentes acceder a las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación. Al hilo de esta iniciativa, se ha presentado otra que ha despertado un enorme interés: un ordenador que costará 100 dólares.

Le Cap-Vert veut se mettre à l'heure des NTIC (Jeune Afrique)
La délégation capverdienne au deuxième Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) qui se déroule du 16 au 18 novembre à Tunis, essayera de mobiliser des financements pour deux projets du gouvernement relatifs aux Nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication (NTIC), a appris la PANA à Praia.

Le SMSI promet d'aider les pays pauvres (Nouvel Observateur)
Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information se clôt avec une promesse des pays riches d'aider les pays en voie de développement à un accès plus facile à l'informatique.

Le Sommet de Tunis balise le chemin d’une société du savoir plus juste (La Presse)
La seconde phase du Sommet mondial sur la société de l’information sera clôturée aujourd’hui par la proclamation de la Déclaration de Tunis qui s’annonce, de l’avis de tous, prometteuse d’un avenir meilleur en matière des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (NTIC) pour tous les pays du Globe, plus particulièrement ceux du Sud.

Le Sommet de Tunis balise le chemin d’une société du savoir plus juste (La Presse)
La seconde phase du Sommet mondial sur la société de l’information sera clôturée aujourd’hui par la proclamation de la Déclaration de Tunis qui s’annonce, de l’avis de tous, prometteuse d’un avenir meilleur en matière des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (NTIC) pour tous les pays du Globe, plus particulièrement ceux du Sud.

Les ONG accusent quinze Etats de censurer la liberté d'expression sur Internet (Le Monde)
A l'occasion du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information, à Tunis, la Chine, la Biélorussie et la Tunisie sont dénoncées pour leur répression des internautes.

Machines to overtake humans in Internet use (Gulf Daily News)
Machines will overtake humans to become the biggest users of the Internet in a brave new world of electronic sensors, smart homes, and tags that track users' movements and habits, the UN's telecommunications agency predicted yesterday.

Mugabe attacks US at WSIS opening (Mail & Guardian)
The President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, on Wednesday attacked the United States at the opening of the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis, Tunisia, for monopolising the governance of the internet.

Net governance row dogs WSIS (Times of India)
On the eve of the UN World Summit on Information Society (WSIS), a dispute over the global management and control of the internet threatened to overshadow critical and pressing issues concerning the information society.

Senegal calls for digital funds (BBC News)
Senegalese leader Abdoulaye Wade has called on the richer nations to do more to help developing countries buy technology hardware.

SMSI : un consensus controversé maintient le statu-quo de l'internet (Inter Press Service / All Africa)
Le sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) démarre ce mercredi avec un document de compromis approuvé à l'unanimité après plusieurs mois de négociations infructueuses.

SMSI: les Américains "déçus" par le manque d'engagement du gouvernement tunisien en matière de libertés (Le Matin)
La délégation américaine au Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), qui s'achève vendredi à Tunis, s'est déclarée "déçue" par le manque d'engagement du gouvernement tunisien en matière de libertés.

The World Information Summit calls for lifting the control over the Internet in the developing countries (Asharqalawsat - Arabic)
The World Summit hosted in Tunisia calls for more efforst to bridge the digital divide and lighten up control of the Internet, especially in some developing countries. However, on the margins of the summit, human rights organization published a map showing countries which censor the Internet.

 Articles: November 2005
World splits, US keeps Cyberia (Hindustan Times)
AN EXPECTED fight over the governance of the internet looked to have been averted on Tuesday night as a tentative deal was struck which would allow the US government to retain overall control of the medium for the foreseeable future.

 Articles: November 2005
Annan: Let internet help world's poor (Aljazeera)
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has called for the internet and information technology to be used to help build a better life for people in some of the world's poorest countries.

 Articles: November 2005
L'ordinateur à 100 dollars existe (Le Temps)
Il est tout petit, vert pomme et jaune stabilo, coûte 100 dollars et son prix va encore baisser! Nicholas Negroponte, responsable du Media Lab du MIT, a présenté hier, au Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information, son ordinateur portable à 100 dollars.

Sommet de l'information de Tunis: appel à la solidarité numérique (AFP Francais)
Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), plus grande manifestation jamais organisée par l'Onu, a démarré mercredi à Tunis avec l'ambition de faire jouer la solidarité numérique entre pays riches et pays pauvres.

 Articles: November 2005
Chinese vice-premier meets Annan on digital divide, UN developments (People's Daily Online)
Chinese Vice-Premier Huang Ju met in Tunis Wednesday with United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, pledging China's continued support for the UN developments and more active involvement in easing the growing digital divide between rich countries and the poor.

 Articles: November 2005
Forum to be set up on internet governance (People's Daily Online)
Negotiators agreed to set up a forum to continue discussions on Internet governance, a spokesperson of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which is being held in Tunis from Nov.

 Articles: November 2005
Web must help poor, says UN (The Courier-Mail)
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has called for the internet and information technology to be used to help build a better life for people in some of the world's poorest countries.

 Articles: November 2005
Online science museum honored world award (People's Daily)
An online science museum was honored the United Nations' World Summit Award (WSA) at an ongoing world summit for information society. The virtual Science Museums of China (SMC), a web-based science education project run by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Computer Network Information Center (CNIC), has gained the award in E-science category.

 Articles: November 2005
La lucha por el control de internet (ABC)
LA Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información ha fracasado. Lo demuestra el hecho de que su secretario general anunciara ayer la creación de un Foro Internacional para discutir sobre la Red, sin modificar su estatuto actual.

 Articles: November 2005
$100 laptops unveiled at UN summit (International Herald Tribune)
A U.N. technology summit was focused Thursday on bringing more communications, including Internet access, to developing countries where the cost has been too high and the technology too low-tech.

UN tech summit renews push to close digital divide (Irish Examiner)
A UN technology summit in Tunisia was set to get down to business today as it focused on giving more communications, including internet access, to countries where the cost has been too high and the technology too low-tech.

 Articles: November 2005
UN net summit diary: Day two (BBC News England)
Indian journalist Amit Jain is in Tunis for the World Summit on the Information Society and is writing about his experiences for the BBC News website. Based in Singapore, he is a correspondent for The Straits Times.

 Articles: November 2005
Who's Running the Internet? (PCWorld)
It depends on whom you ask, say delegates to a conference on Net governance.

 Articles: November 2005
Gov't control of Internet fails to gather support at Tunis summit (Kyodo News)
China, Brazil and other countries called for bringing the Internet under domestic government control but failed to gather support at a U.N.-sponsored world summit on the global information society in Tunis on Thursday, summit sources said.

 Articles: November 2005
Battle for future of Internet ends with a stalemate (Taipei Times)
An expected fight over the governance of the Internet looked to have been averted on Tuesday night as a tentative deal was struck which would allow the US government to retain overall control of the medium for the foreseeable future.

 Articles: November 2005
A truly worldwide web (
Everyone in Tunis for the World Summit on the Information Society this week will give lip service to a noble principle: communication and information should be freely available to all.

Tunisia slated over net controls (BBC News England)
Tunisia has again come under fire for its attitude towards media freedom.

 Articles: November 2005
News Analysis: Many claim victory over global Web pact (International Herald Tribune)
In the best diplomatic tradition, virtually all sides in the Internet governance debate are claiming victory after more than 100 nations agreed to leave control of core network resources under the direction of the United States.

 Articles: November 2005
Analysis: Net control debate rumbles on (BBC News England)
Internet professor Michael Geist explains why the arguments over who runs the internet are far from over.

 Articles: November 2005
Libération : Le MIT présente son ordinateur à 100 dollars au SMSI de Tunis (Libération)
Des chercheurs du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ont dévoilé à Tunis un ordinateur portable à 100 dollars qu'ils espèrent mettre entre les mains de millions d'écoliers à travers le monde.

 Articles: November 2005
Maran's offer on multilingual technology (The Hindu)
Communications and Information Technology Minister Dayanidhi Maran has offered the world community Indian technology developed to address multi-language challenges.

 Articles: November 2005
India's IT initiative hailed (The Hindu)
An innovative Indian initiative to harness information technology to empower every village has won wide appreciation for bringing together government, people and corporates in partnership. At the World Summit on the Information Society, which opened here on Wednesday, the International Telecommunication Union, an arm of the United Nations, formally accepted India's ``Mission 2007'' programme as part of its `Connect the World' initiative.

 Articles: November 2005
Samuel Schmid en Guillaume Tell de Tunisie (swissinfo)
Samuel Schmid lors d'une conférence de presse peu après son discours à l'ouverture du SMSI. (swissinfo) Le discours du président de la Confédération et sa censure par la télévision publique tunisienne ont frappé les esprits au pays du président Zine Ben Ali.

 Articles: November 2005
'One Laptop Per Child' Becomes a Closer Reality (All Africa)
"Inspiring in many ways" said Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General, describing the '$100 laptop' which was officially unveiled at a press-conference held during the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Wednesday evening.

 Articles: November 2005
Civil Society Vows to Make Best of Consolation Prize (All Africa)
It was not what they had set out to accomplish, but civil society groups gathered here to discuss Internet governance and development, are vowing to make the best of the deal that was struck.

 Articles: November 2005
$100-laptop created for world's poorest countries (New Scientist)
The robust $100 laptop will come with a 500 megahertz processor and 1gigabyte of memory (Image: Design Consortium) It will be possible to fold the laptops so that they act as simple video players (Image: Design Consortium) A wind-up laptop that will cost $100 to make and be offered to the world's poorest nations has been unveiled at a UN summit.

More Internet, Less Poverty? (Inter Press Service )
Building a bridge across the digital divide might not be the smooth path to poverty reduction that many people believe.

 Articles: November 2005
Le SMSI se penche sur la fracture numérique entre le Nord et le Sud (
Au deuxième jour du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) organisé à Tunis, les débats se sont concentrés jeudi sur l'accès à Internet et aux outils de communications pour les pays en développement.

 Articles: November 2005
UN vows to build digital `bridges for a better life' in poor nations (Khaleej Times)
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and mainly African and Latin American government leaders began a summit here on Wednesday to try to make the Internet and modern telecoms "bridges for a better life" in poor countries.

 Articles: November 2005
Annan calls for digital bridges (Turkish Weekly)
The UN secretary general has called on the world to do more to narrow the technology gap between rich and poor. Opening the World Summit on the Information Society, Kofi Annan said nations had to show the political will to bridge the digital divide.

 Articles: November 2005
$100 hand cranked laptop for poor children unveiled (Gulf News)
Researchers unveiled a $100, hand-cranked laptop computer and said they hoped to give it to millions of schoolchildren around the globe. About the size of a textbook, the lime-green machines can set up their own wireless networks and operate in areas without a reliable electricity supply, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers said at the United Nations technology Summit.

$100 laptops unveiled at UN summit (International Herald Tribune)
A U.N. technology summit was focused Thursday on bringing more communications, including Internet access, to developing countries where the cost has been too high and the technology too low-tech.

¿Cómo se encuentra la "Sociedad Informática"? (Correo del Caroní)
La Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información, organizada por la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) y en la que 160 países debatirán sobre la brecha digital Norte-Sur y el control de Internet que ejerce Estados Unidos, fue inaugurada el miércoles en Túnez por el presidente del país, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

¿Gobiernos desplazados por la sociedad civil? (Inter Press Service))
Representantes de la sociedad civil y líderes empresariales restaron protagonismo a mandatarios y otros altos funcionarios de gobierno en la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) que terminará este viernes en Túnez.

«Vous avez été censuré, Monsieur le président!» (24 heures - AP)
Applaudi à l’ouverture du Sommet de l’info, dans la capitale tunisienne, pour avoir osé critiquer la censure de l’information en Tunisie, le président de la Confédération a été censuré à son tour... par la TV locale! Un député italien a demandé que le discours de Samuel Schmid, héros du jour, soit affiché au Parlement européen.

Abdoulaye Wade regrette d'avoir donné "trop de liberté" à la presse (AFP/Le Monde )
Le président sénégalais Abdoulaye Wade a regretté jeudi à Tunis d'avoir donné "trop de liberté" à la presse de son pays et justifié des sanctions prises le mois dernier à Dakar contre des médias."Je suis allé trop loin dans les libertés et me suis aperçu que certains ne savent pas utiliser la liberté", a déclaré M. Wade lors d'une conférence de presse au Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI).

American - European agreement over Internet control (Albayan - Arabic)
A consent had been struck to progressively adjust Internet governance in order to avoid a conflict between the US, which is refusing to cede any control, and the rest of the world.

De Davos à Tunis, l'ordinateur à 100 dollars fait son chemin (Le Temps)
La présentation d'un prototype de «l'ordinateur à 100 dollars», hier, au Sommet sur la société de l'information, est la dernière étape d'un projet un peu fou qui a pris naissance avec ce constat de Michalis Bletsas: «L'expérience des ordinateurs partagés dans les écoles a déjà été faite. Elle a échoué. Avec ce nouveau projet, le but est que chaque enfant ait un tel ordinateur, il ne s'agit plus d'en fournir quelques-uns à des écoles.»

During WSIS: International organizations insist in convening a parallel summit in Tunisia ( - Arabic)
On the margins of WSIS, which opened yesterday, NGO Human Rights activists convened their meeting in the Tunisian capital Tunis.

FT Briefing: Internet governance (Financial Times)
The debate over internet governance dates back to the very early days of the network. First developed in 1969 by the US military, the internet was designed to withstand attack through its distributed design if part of the network was destroyed, the remainder would continue to function.

Hightech mit Handkurbel (Spiegel Netzwelt)
Wie überbrückt man die "digitale Kluft"? Mit bezahlbarer Hard- und Software, glaubt Media-Lab-Begründer Nicholas Negroponte vom MIT. In Tunis führte er Kofi Annan einen ersten Prototypen vor: giftgrün, WiFi-vernetzt und mit Handkurbel zur Stromerzeugung.

I'd Like to Teach The World to Type (Fortune)
Nick Negroponte wants to give $100 laptops to poor kids around the globe. It's a noble goal, but is it feasible? Want to grab somebody's attention in the tech world? How about mentioning that you got e-mails from Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Michael Dell the night before, all of them weighing in on your current obsession.

Internet governance remains in US hands (Financial Times)
Internet governance will remain predominantly under US control for at least five years, after a vote at a UN conference in Tunisia. The second summit of the UN-endorsed World Summit of the Information Society, which is under way in Tunis, agreed late Tuesday night to a deal that will see the status quo continue largely unchanged.

Internet hegemony and the digital divide (The Economist)
A squabble over who controls the internet had threatened to overshadow the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia. But a “compromise” deal was reached just before the meeting opened, under which America will retain its hegemony for the time being. This leaves delegates free to discuss bridging the digital divide between rich and poor countries.

Le MIT présente son ordinateur à 100 dollars au SMSI de Tunis (Reuters/Le Nouvel Observateur)
Des chercheurs du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ont dévoilé à Tunis un ordinateur portable à 100 dollars qu'ils espèrent mettre entre les mains de millions d'écoliers à travers le monde.

Le prototype d'un ordinateur portable à 100 dollars présenté à Tunis (Le Journal du Net)
Le prototype d'un ordinateur portable, dont le coût ne devra pas dépasser cent dollars, a été présenté pour la première fois mercredi à Tunis au Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI. Appelé "la machine verte" en raison de sa couleur, l'appareil a été présenté à la presse par le directeur du Media Lab du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Nicholas Negroponte.

L'homme bientôt dépassé par l'objet dans l'utilisation de l'internet (
Les objets vont devenir dans les prochaines années les premiers utilisateurs de l'internet devant les humains, dans un "meilleur des mondes" fait de détecteurs électroniques qui suivront, via la toile, les mouvements des choses - et donc de leur propriétaire. Dans un rapport intitulé "L'internet des objets", l'Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT) a présenté jeudi au Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) de Tunis la prochaine révolution technologique.

Machines and objects to overtake humans on the Internet: ITU (Yahoo News - AFP)
Machines will overtake humans to become the biggest users of the Internet in a brave new world of electronic sensors, smart homes, and tags that track users' movements and habits, the UN's telecommunications agency predicted. In a report entitled "Internet of Things", the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) outlined the next stage in the technological revolution where humans, electronic devices, inanimate objects and databases are linked in real time by a radically transformed Internet.

Prototype of people's laptop unveiled (AFP - Sydney Morning Herald)
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and a leading US IT expert Nicholas Negroponte have unveiled the bright green and yellow working prototype of a $US100 ($A137) laptop aimed at millions of schoolchildren in poor countries.

Sakhr founder receives the World Summit Award (Asharq alawsat - Arabic)
Yesterday, in El Kram Palace Expo, the World Summit Award organization organised a ceremony handing out awards for this year's award winners.

Shirin Abadi calls on Tunisians hunger strikers to stop (Middle East Online - Arabic)
The Iranian lawyer Shirin Abadi, who received the Peace Nobel Prize, visited the Tunisian personalities that are on hunger strike since 18.October in an attempt to convince them to end their fast.

Shirin Ebadi propose un comité international contre la censure (Nouvel Observateur)
Le prix Nobel de la Paix déclare qu'il n'est pas "possible de croire en des valeurs universelles et de maintenir une partie du monde dans la misère de l'information". Le prix Nobel de la Paix Shirin Ebadi, représentante de la société civile au Sommet mondial de la société de l'information (SMSI), a dénoncé mercredi 16 novembre à Tunis la censure sur internet et la répression des cyberdissidents dans plusieurs pays. "

Sommet de Tunis : Moritz Leuenberger enfonce le clou (ATS/L' Express)
Le conseiller fédéral Moritz Leuenberger a enfoncé le clou à Tunis, après l'intervention du président de la Confédération à l'ouverture du sommet sur la société de l'information (SMSI). Il a réaffirmé l'importance de la liberté de l'information.

The opening of the 2nd phase of the WSIS in Tunis ( - Arabic)
President Ben Ali declared today the opening of the WSIS 2nd phase, which is meant to reduce the digital divide between poor and rich countries.

Túnez: acuerdan que EU mantenga control de internet (El Universal - Mexico)
La Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI), que arrancó ayer en la capital de Túnez, acordó que el sistema responsable de asignar nombres de ámbitos y sufijos en internet como ".com" y ".org" siga bajo la supervisión de Estados Unidos.

UN debut for $100 laptop for poor (BBC News)
A prototype of a cheap and robust laptop for pupils has been welcomed as an "expression of global solidarity" by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. The green machine was showcased for the first time by MIT's Nicholas Negroponte at the UN net summit in Tunis.

UN predicts 'internet of things' (BBC News)
Changes brought about by the internet will be dwarfed by those prompted by the networking of everyday objects, says a report by a UN body. The study looks at how the use of electronic tags and sensors could create an "internet of things".

UN-Weltgipfel: Negroponte präsentiert erstes 100-Dollar-Notebook (Leipziger Volkszeitung)
Das erste Notebook für 100 Dollar soll ab kommendem Jahr den Graben bei der Verbreitung von Computern zwischen der Dritten Welt und den führenden Industrienationen schließen helfen. Nicolas Negroponte, Gründer und Chef des renommierten Media Lab an der US-Eliteuniversität MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), hat den ersten Prototyp am Mittwoch in Tunis auf dem zweiten Weltgipfels der UN zur Informationsgesellschaft vorgestellt.

Urgencias de la Cumbre sobre Sociedad de la Información (Prensa Latina)
Un sentido de urgencia y determinación, que prevalezca sobre el pesimismo y la desconfianza, anima hoy los debates del segundo día de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la información (CMSI).

WSIS: US keeps Internet governance and Annan calls for cost reduction ( - Arabic)
European and American delegates said that the US will keep control of the Domain Name System under the framework of an agreement adopted during WSIS.

 Articles: November 2005
Clima teso al vertice di Tunisi (swissinfo)
Il vertice Onu si tiene in un angolo di terra tagliato fuori dal resto della Tunisia (Keystone) In concomitanza con l'apertura del vertice Onu sulla società dell'informazione, il regime del presidente Ben Ali continua a limitare la libertà d'espressione.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisia chided over Web censorship (International Herald Tribune)
The hundreds of Tunisian flags waving across the capital city are like so many miniature red carpets unfurled in welcome for the 10,000 or so people, including scores of heads of state, who have come here to talk about the Internet this week.

UN net summit diary: Day one (BBC News Business Edition)
Indian journalist Amit Jain is in Tunis for the World Summit on the Information Society and is writing about his experiences for the BBC News website. Based in Singapore, he is a correspondent for The Straits Times.

 Articles: November 2005
World summit on info society kicks off in Tunis (Xinhua News)
A UN-sponsored World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) aimed at bridging the digital divide between rich and poor nations kicked off here on Wednesday.

 Articles: November 2005
Analysis: More talk on net's future (BBC News Business Edition)
After two years of sometimes acrimonious global debate, representatives from more than 100 nations finally came to an agreement on the future of internet governance late on Tuesday night in Tunis.

UN vows to build digital 'bridges for a better life' in poor nations (Lycos News - UK)
The Secretary General of the United Nations Kofi Annan gives a speech during the inaugural session of the World Summit on the Internet Society (WSIS) at the Kram Palexo in Tunis.

 Articles: November 2005
UN Summit to Serve the People? (Inter Press Service)
Now that the world's powers have agreed to stop squabbling over control of the Internet (for now), will the more than 10,000 people here for this week's United Nations forum focus on creating an information society for all people? That is the goal of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), part two of which is taking place in the capital of this North African nation until Friday.

 Articles: November 2005
Kompromiss im Streit über Internet-Herrschaft (Tages Anzeiger)
Bewacht: Das Tagungszentrum ausserhalb von Tunis. Mit einer Teileinigung über die Kontrolle der Internet-Namen hat der Uno-Gipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft in Tunesien begonnen.

 Articles: November 2005
Un premier compromis sur la gestion d'internet (Nouvel Observateur)
170 pays réunis au Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information vont débattre jusqu'à vendredi de la réduction de la fracture numérique Nord-Sud et du contrôle de l'internet. Les négociateurs sont parvenus mardi soir à un accord prévoyant la création d'un forum international chargé de la gouvernance de la toile.

 Articles: November 2005
Information Highway Blocked by Rural Poverty, Underdevelopment (Inter Press Service)
The proliferation of cybercafés in Bolivia's largest cities, offering Internet access at relatively modest rates, contrasts sharply with the slow advance of this technology in rural areas, which depends on sporadic initiatives headed up by the private sector or civil society.

 Articles: November 2005
Annan: Internet-Verwaltung durch US-Stiftung sinnvoll (Die Welt)
Der UN-Generalsekretär fordert auf dem IT-Weltgipfel in Tunis aber Verhandlungen über eine neue Internet-Regierung. Die Uno hält Annan für ungeeignet als Dachorganisation. Im Streit zwischen der USA-Regierung und anderen Staaten um die Kontrolle des Internets hat UN-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan weitere Verhandlungen gefordert.

Row over American control of the net avoided (Gulf News)
A potentially damaging rift over American control of the Internet was averted hours before a key summit aimed at helping poor countries embrace the net began.

 Articles: November 2005
Estados Unidos logra mantener el control de Internet (La Vanguardia)
La cumbre de Túnez se abre con el compromiso de crear un foro internacional para discutir las cuestiones sobre la Red sin modificar su estatuto actual, en manos de EE.UU.

 Articles: November 2005
US to keep control of Internet traffic system (ABC News)
The United States will keep control of the domain-name system that guides online traffic under an agreement on Wednesday seen as a setback to efforts to internationalize one of the pillars of the Internet.

 Articles: November 2005
USA bleiben Wächter über das Internet (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
Uno-Weltinformationsgipfel in Tunis Wer in Zukunft das Internet regiert, ist das zentrale Thema am zweiten Uno-Weltgipfel über die Informationsgesellschaft, der heute in Tunis begonnen hat.

 Articles: November 2005
Global Internet meeting to endorse U.S. governance of Internet (Kyodo News)
A draft communique for a U.N.-sponsored meeting on the information society indicates participants in the conference would leave the United States to continue its governance of the Internet for the immediate future, conference sources said Wednesday.

Tunis talks find internet compromise (Times Online)
The United States looks set to continue managing the system for assigning internet addresses after an eleventh-hour deal averted a potential split between America and the rest of the world over the future governance of the web.

 Articles: November 2005
Agreement allows U.S. to control Web names (International Herald Tribune)
Representatives from the United States and from nations that had sought to break up U.S. control over the Internet have agreed to leave the supervision of domain names and other technical resources unchanged, taking instead an evolutionary approach to Internet management.

 Articles: November 2005
16. November 2005, 12.05 Uhr (Bote)
Scharfe Töne von Bundespräsident Schmid am Weltinformationsgipfel. Am Weltinformationsgipfel in Tunis hat der Schweizer Bundespräsident Samuel Schmid auf die Bedeutung des freien Zugangs zur Informationsgesellschaft hingewiesen.

WSIS: Das Recht zu kommunizieren statt des Rechts zu regieren (C't - magazin für computertechnik)
Das alte Prinzip der nationalen Souveränität funktioniert nicht im Internet, meinte der Generalsekretär der International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Yoshio Utsumi.

 Articles: November 2005
Libération : Washington garde le contrôle sur la gestion de l'internet (Libération)
Les Etats-Unis vont garder le contrôle de la gestion des noms de domaine internet via l'ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), aux termes d'un accord conclu mercredi à Tunis lors du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI).

Tunesien: Wer regiert im Netz? (Radio Vatikan)
In Tunis hat heute der Weltgipfel über die Informationsgesellschaft begonnen. Dabei soll über die Kontrolle des Internet beraten werden. Der Vatikan hat zu den Gesprächen eine Delegation unter Führung von US-Erzbischof John Foley geschickt, der den Päpstlichen Medienrat leitet.

 Articles: November 2005
Annan calls for digital bridges (BBC News World Edition)
The UN secretary general has called on the world to do more to narrow the technology gap between rich and poor.

España ocupa el puesto 29 en el ránking mundial de inclusión digital (La Vanguardia)
España ocupa el puesto número veintinueve en el ránking mundial de inclusión digital, un concepto que engloba diversos factores como las tasa de penetración de la telefonía fija y móvil, el número de usuarios de Internet, o el grado de desarrollo de la banda ancha.

 Articles: November 2005
Deal reached on managing Internet (
A summit focusing on narrowing the digital divide between rich and poor residents and countries opened Wednesday with an agreement of sorts on who will maintain ultimate oversight of the Internet and the flow of information, commerce and dissent.

 Articles: November 2005
Swiss president censored by Tunisia (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
Swiss President Samuel Schmid has been censored by Tunisian television for harshly criticising states that muzzle civil liberties. Schmid's comments at the opening of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis drew lengthy applause from delegates who were his only audience.

 Articles: November 2005
Die 100-Dollar-Idee (Berliner Kurier)
Thomas H. Wendel BERLIN. Im Jahr 1994 war es, da traf der Computerwissenschaftler Nicholas Negroponte die Spitzen-Manager der Musikfirma Polygram. Negroponte warnte damals die Plattenbosse: Das Internet werde ihnen das CD-Geschäft kaputt machen.

Digital revolution 'must benefit poor' (The Australian)
AN 11th-hour deal has avoided a potentially damaging split between the United States and the rest of the world over control of the internet after diplomats agreed to work towards enhanced international cooperation.

US retains control of internet - for now (Financial Times)
The US will keep control of the global internet for the foreseeable future, under a hard-fought international deal reached only hours before Wednesday's formal opening in Tunis of the World Summit on the Information Society.

 Articles: November 2005
Annan fordert Internet-Zugang für alle (
TUNIS - UNO-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan hat zum Auftakt des Weltinformationsgipfels (WSIS) in Tunis die Staatengemeinschaft aufgerufen, allen Menschen Zugang zum Internet zu ermöglichen.

 Articles: November 2005
"Wichtige Anstöße, aber keine Lösungen" (
Die USA gegen den Rest der Welt in Sachen Internet-Verwaltung: Fast könnte man meinen, dies sei das einzige Thema des Weltinformationsgipfels. Nein, sagt Olga Drossou von der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. Im Interview mit erklärt sie, warum der Mammut-Gipfel trotzdem wichtig ist und was versäumt wurde.

«Renoncer à se rendre à Tunis: une mauvaise réponse à la question des droits de l'homme» (Le Temps)
Avant de partir pour Tunis, Moritz Leuenberger explicite pour «Le Temps» la position suisse. Pour le conseiller fédéral en charge de la communication, toutes les questions doivent êtres mises sur la table. Y compris celles qui fâchent.

Acuerdo de 'Compromiso' en la cumbre de Túnez - Estados Unidos retiene el control sobre el sistema de dominios en Internet (EFE - El Mundo)
La Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) se ha abierto con un compromiso entre los Estados Unidos y el resto de los países participantes sobre el gobierno de Internet, que trata de evitar una ruptura que parecía programada. Yosho Utsumi, secretario general de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT), ha anunciado la creación de un foro internacional (html o PDF) para discutir sobre la Red, sin modificar por el momento su estatuto actual.

Annan cree que la brecha digital tiene su raíz en la falta de libertades (EFE - El Mundo)
El secretario general de Naciones Unidas, Kofi Annan, afirmó en Túnez que la sociedad de la información no puede concebirse sin las libertades. En el acto inaugural de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI), ante los 17.000 participantes en la reunión, que se considera la de mayor asistencia de los organizados por la ONU, Annan se lamentó de que las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación sigan siendo inaccesibles para millones de personas.

Be wary of Internet 'governance' (USA today)
In the North African capital city of Tunis, a world summit will convene today to discuss, and perhaps shape, the future of the Internet. Since the Internet has grown fabulously without much shaping in the past, you have every reason to worry about this meeting, formally titled the World Summit on the Information Society.

Estados Unidos mantendrá el control de los dominios de internet (La Razon)
La Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) se abrió ayer con un compromiso entre los Estados Unidos y el resto de los países participantes sobre el gobierno de Internet, evitando así una ruptura que parecía programada.

Internet: EE.UU. sigue al mando (BBC)
En la guerra por el control de internet, Estados Unidos ganó la batalla...por ahora. Los delegados acordaron que ICANN, con sede en California, seguirá al mando. Tras una sesión maratónica horas antes de la cumbre mundial sobre internet, que comenzó este miércoles en Túnez, delegados de más de 170 países acordaron que no se introduzcan cambios en el gobierno de la red.

La Tunisie accueille le SMSI sous un visage autoritaire (Le Temps)
Obnibulée par la sécurité, elle tient en otage le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information. Et commet une erreur.

Le contrôle de l'Internet au menu du SMSI (Libération)
Les pays participants espèrent voir la fin de l'hégémonie américaine sur le Web. La réunion de Genève s'était conclue sans qu'aucune réponse concrète ne soit apportée aux deux enjeux phares du SMSI : l'élargissement de la gouvernance de l'Internet, toujours aux mains des seuls Américains, et les engagements des pays riches pour combler la fracture numérique.

L'Onu demande à Tunis de respecter la liberté d'expression à la veille du SMSI (Tageblatt)
Les Nations unies ont demandé mardi à la Tunisie de respecter la liberté d'expression, après des incidents concernant des journalistes étrangers et des militants associatifs à Tunis à la veille de l'ouverture du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI).

SMSI: appels pressants en faveur de la réduction de la fracture numérique et des libertés (Nouvel Observateur)
Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) s'est ouvert mercredi au Palexpo du Kram (10km de Tunis) par des appels pressants en faveur de la réduction de la fracture numérique entre les pays du Nord et ceux du Sud, l'un des thèmes majeurs à l'ordre du jour, à côté de la gouvernance d'Internet.

The Arab World is fleeing the marginalization of the telecommunication revolution (Al Jazirah - Arabic).
The last decade witnessed a constant flux of changes that invaded all traditional borders - geographical and cultural.

The second phase of the WSIS in Tunisia (Elakhbar - Arabic)
A foreign company is establishing a third sector center in Egypt. President Ben Ali, Kofi Annan, UN Secreatary General and Yoshio Utsumi, Secreatary General of the International Telecommunication Union are inaugurating the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society.

The UN calls on Tunisia to investigate in the mistreatment of journalists ( - Arabic)
A day before the opening ceremony of WSIS, the UN said the Tunisian investigation on the mistreatment of a French journalist to become an example and a sign from the Tunisian authorities to the world.

Washington wants to keep its role as Internet police during WSIS ( - Arabic)
Today is the opening ceremony of WSIS in Tunis. The summit is meant to find a way to get rid of the digital divide between rich and poor countries and to discuss Internet governance.

Yoshio UTSUMI : Un engagement à édifier la société de l’information (La Presse)
La révolution numérique des Technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) a bouleversé notre manière de fonctionner et d’interagir, et continuera de jouer un rôle important en façonnant l’avenir de la planète.

 Articles: November 2005
Machtkampf ums Internet (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
Eigentlich gilt das Datennetz als demokratisch und unkontrollierbar. Das stimmt so nicht. Am Schalthebel der Macht sitzen die USA. Von Patrick Illinger Im Prinzip hat das Internet keinen Chef.

 Articles: November 2005
Negropontes 100-Dollar-Laptop (Der Standard)
Laptops für die Armen - Tech-Guru und UN-Generalsekretär wollen Vision realisieren Will bald einen Laptop für die Armen, wenn auch nicht die Ärmsten haben: Tech-Guru Nicholas Negroponte.

 Articles: November 2005
Kampf um die Kontrolle des Internets (Frankfurter Rundschau)
Der Wunsch war rein und löblich: 2001 beschloss die UN die Einberufung einer Gipfelkonferenz, auf der sich die Staaten verpflichten sollten, alle Menschen am Nutzen der weltweiten Verbreitung von Informationen zu beteiligen und den "digitalen Graben" zwischen der nördlichen und der südlichen Erdhälfte zuzuschütten.

W.W.W. gleich U.S.A.? (Frankfurter Rundschau)
EU-Kommission kritisiert US-Dominanz bei Internet-Aufsicht / Annäherung beim Weltinformationsgipfel in Tunis unwahrscheinlich Hamburg (ap). Vor dem Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft in Tunis hat die EU-Kommission die Dominanz der USA bei der Internet-Aufsicht kritisiert.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet ou l'exigence de la liberté (LeTemps)
Est-il raisonnable de laisser aux seuls Etats-Unis le pouvoir de réguler Internet? Cette question sera l'un des sujets majeurs qui seront abordés à Tunis, lors du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI).

 Articles: November 2005
SMSI: un sommet sous haute surveillance (
"Don't worry" (n'ayez crainte): telle est la réplique lancée par le président du comité d'organisation du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (COSMSI), Habib Ammar, à un haut fonctionnaire onusien qui l'interpellait sur la situation en Tunisie au lendemain des attentats terroristes d'Al-Qaïda à Amman, et sur les préparatifs engagés par les autorités tunisiennes en vue du sommet qui s'ouvre mercredi.

 Articles: November 2005
US 'determined' to control net (Sydney Morning Herald)
A tense dispute over US control of the internet in the run-up to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) could eventually lead to the break-up of the global network, officials warned Monday.

 Articles: November 2005
Gegen die digitale Spaltung (Tagesspiegel)
Der Weltinformationsgipfel will die Dritte Welt ins Internet bringen Von Kurt Sagatz Seit Wochen tobt nun schon der Streit zwischen den USA auf der einen Seite und den Vereinten Nationen, der Europäischen Union und Staaten wie China und Iran auf der anderen um die Vorherrschaft im Internet.

 Articles: November 2005
La société de l'information, une chance pour les pays émergents (Les Echos)
La seconde phase du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) s'ouvre demain en Tunisie.

 Articles: November 2005
Focus on Internet flexibility (The Telegraph India)
India will support flexibility and transparency in Internet governance at the second phase of the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) scheduled to start on Wednesday at Tunis, Tunisia.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet ist das neue Schlachtfeld im Kampf gegen "US-Hegemonie" (Der Standard)
"Weltgipfel der Informationsgesellschaft": Wie können weniger entwickelte Länder vom Internet profitieren? Links Weltgipfel der Informations- gesellschaft Icann Zwar soll sich der "Weltgipfel der Informationsgesellschaft" in Tunis auch so wichtigen Fragen widmen, wie weniger entwickelte Länder vom Internet profitieren können.

 Articles: November 2005
Bracing Up for Information Society (All Africa)
Brenda Yufeh United Nations press club in Yaounde recently organised a meeting to share ideas on the on-coming World Summit on Information Society. Ahead of the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS), to be held from 16-18 November in Tunis, the United Nations Information Centre in Yaounde last Thursday, November 10, organised a UN press Club "rencontre" during which participants share information on WSIS.

 Articles: November 2005
Internet 'could break up' (News24)
Related Articles Internet showdown looming Internet 'holds the future' Web's best moments revealed Microsoft tackles web services Tunis - A tense dispute over United States control of the internet in the run-up to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) could eventually lead to the break-up of the global network and hamper seamless browsing, officials warned on Monday.

 Articles: November 2005
Verhärtete Fronten im ICANN-Disput (ORF ON Futurezone)
Die USA wollen ihre Kontrolle über die ICANN nicht abgeben und fordern die Europäische Union zur Kompromissbereitschaft auf. Dienstag, 15.11.05 In einem Brief forderten US-Außenministerin Condoleezza Rice und US-Handelsminister Carlos Gutierrez die derzeitige britische EU-Ratspräsidentschaft auf, ihren Vorschlag zu einer alternativen Internet-Verwaltung zurückzuziehen, berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur AFP.

 Articles: November 2005
Govts head for showdown over control of Internet (Khaleej Times)
The World Summit on the Information Society starting yesterday is heading for a showdown over governance of the Internet, amid attempts to shift the balance of power away from the United States.

 Articles: November 2005
El proyecto de portátiles a 100 dólares para el Tercer Mundo recala en la ONU (La Vanguardia)
Kofi Annan se reunirá con Nicholas Negroponte, impulsor del plan, durante la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información

Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft in Tunis (Wiener Zeitung)
Unter dem Patronat von UN-General-sekretär Kofi Annan wurde der zweite Teil des Weltgipfels zur Informationsgesellschaft (WSIS) von der Internationalen Telekom-Union (ITU) vorbereitet.

 Articles: November 2005
L'internet menacé d'éclatement faute d'accord à Tunis (Boursorama)
Le différend entre les Etats-Unis et le reste du monde à propos du contrôle de l'internet risque de provoquer une déchirure de la toile, qui perdrait son caractère universel pour devenir un assemblage de réseaux continentaux, redoutaient mardi des experts au Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI).

 Articles: November 2005
Fight over future of Internet focuses on Tunis negotiations (Taipei Times)
The World Summit on the Information Society starting tomorrow is heading for a showdown over governance of the Internet, amid attempts to shift the balance of power away from the US.

 Articles: November 2005
Two-part info summit faces united opposition (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
Tunisia is getting ready to host the second part of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The first part took place in Switzerland in 2003.

 Articles: November 2005
UN summit to debate internet control (Aljazeera)
The United States is heading for a showdown with much of the rest of the world over control of the internet, but few expect a consensus to emerge from a UN summit in Tunisia this week.

 Articles: November 2005
Annan betont gegenüber Tunesien Presse- und Meinungsfreiheit (Der Standard)
Vor Beginn des Weltinformationsgipfels hat UN-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan gegenüber dem Gastgeberland Tunesien die Bedeutung der Presse- und Meinungsfreiheit herausgestellt. Annan habe am Montag bei einem Gespräch mit dem tunesischen Präsidenten Zine El Abidine Ben Ali dargelegt, welchen Wert er diesen Rechten und dem freien Zugang zu Informationen beimesse, sagte eine UN-Sprecherin am Dienstag in Genf.

Bataille autour du contrôle de l'Internet (Le Figaro)
LES ÉTATS-UNIS sont-ils sur le point de perdre le contrôle de l'Internet ? A la veille du sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) de Tunis, organisé par l'ONU, le débat ressurgit une fois encore.

Contrôle d'Internet: la planète se déchire (Le Temps)
La seconde phase du Sommet sur la société de l'information, après Genève, s'ouvre demain à Tunis. Au centre des débats: le lien étroit entre les Etats-Unis et l'organisme de gestion d'Internet. En cas d'échec des négociations, le Net pourrait aller vers un éclatement en plusieurs réseaux.

Edification de la société du savoir (La Presse)
L’adhésion aux TIC, un point cardinal de l’approche tunisienne. Mise en place d’une infrastructure moderne de communication, rapprochement des outils de la société de l’information et diffusion à grande échelle de la culture numérique

Govern 'Net globally (USA today)
The Internet is a worldwide resource, and governance needs to be international. Today, the United States oversees the Internet because of historic reasons. Internet governance is one of the key issues to be discussed at the U.N. World Summit on the Information Society, which starts Wednesday in Tunisia, and debate will be contentious.

Les Etats-Unis déterminés à conserver la clé de l'internet (Tageblatt)
Les Etats-Unis restaient déterminés lundi à empêcher une internationalisation du contrôle de l'internet, dont ils détiennent actuellement la clé, compliquant la recherche d'un compromis à Tunis où s'ouvre mercredi le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI).

Qui doit contrôler internet ? (LCI)
Depuis 1998, l'internet est contrôlé par un organisme américain, l'Icann. Certains, en particulier les Européens, aimeraient que cette fonction soit jouée par un organisme international. Ce débat sera au coeur du prochain Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information, qui s'ouvre mercredi à Tunis.

The $100 Laptop Moves Closer to Reality (Wall Street Journal online)
A novel plan to develop a $100 laptop computer for distribution to millions of schoolchildren in developing countries has caught the interest of governments and the attention of computer-industry heavyweights. First announced in January by Nicholas Negroponte, the founding chairman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab, the initiative appears to be gaining steam.

The political significance of the World Summit on the Information Society (Assabah - Arabic)
Tunisia is hosting for the first time a World Summit. Its objective is ”a common information society with the human being as its objective and development as its way, a society in which each person can create information and knowledge, have access to it, use it and share it. The major goal is to make it possible for every person and all societies and peoples to improve their sustainable economy and improve their lives”.

U.N. control of Internet? An idea for the 'delete' file (USA today)
Jon Postel, a Californian with pony tail and flowing beard, was once called the closest thing the Internet has had to a god. Indeed. From the late 1960s, when the Internet began to evolve from webs of military computers, until his death in 1998, Postel guided the technical body that laid structures and assigned names allowing computers to communicate.

Verhärtete Fronten im ICANN-Disput (ORF futurezone)
Die USA wollen ihre Kontrolle über die Internet-Verwaltung ICANN nicht abgeben und fordern die EU zur Kompromissbereitschaft auf. In einem Brief forderten US-Außenministerin Condoleezza Rice und US-Handelsminister Carlos Gutierrez die derzeitige britische EU-Ratspräsidentschaft auf, ihren Vorschlag zu einer alternativen Internet-Verwaltung zurückzuziehen, berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur AFP.

War over internet control to dominate web summit (New Scientist)
A United Nations summit will open in Tunisia on Wednesday with the aim of improving access to technology in poor countries. But the run-up to the World Summit for the Information Society has been dominated by a battle over control of the internet, which has pitted the US against most of the 170 other nations involved, including European Union countries.

What about the participation of the Civil Society and the Private Sector? (Assabah - Arabic)
The closing of the WSIS PrepCom will take place today in El Kram Palexpo with the participation of hundreds of representatives of the civil society. The private sector and governments. Yesterday, European and international delegations came to El Kram Palexpo. Lots of languages were used in the plenary and the working groups.

World vs. U.S. for Web Control (CIO)
Debate during a United Nations conference this month will highlight a growing rift between the United States and the rest of the world over Internet governance that could result in changes to how the World Wide Web can be used.

 Articles: November 2005
Before the Summit of Solutions (All Africa)
Remmy Nweke Germany Efforts at making the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS-05), also otherwise tagged the 'summit of solutions' may have proved successful, reports REMMY NWEKE from Germany.

 Articles: November 2005
Swiss want WSIS success pushed in Tunis (swissinfo)
Marc Furrer, president of the Federal Communications Commission and head of the Swiss WSIS delegation (Keystone) One of Switzerland's leading figures at the World Summit on the Information Society, Marc Furrer, tells swissinfo about his expectations for the next meeting.

 Articles: November 2005
Die Macht über den Mausklick (Tagesspiegel)
Um die Kontrolle des Internets tobt Streit, schlichten soll ihn nun ein UN-Gipfel Von Kurt Sagatz Wer regiert das Internet? Ist das globale Informationsmedium nicht so organisiert, dass es sich quasi ohne menschliches Zutun selbst verwaltet? Angeblich soll es ja sogar nach einer Atombomben-Explosion noch funktionieren.

 Articles: November 2005
SMSI: plaidoyer en faveur des droits des enfants (
A trois jours de l'ouverture du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) à Tunis, plusieurs personnalités ont plaidé dimanche pour une contribution des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication à la protection et au renforcement des droits des enfants dans le monde.

Talks on net control resume (SMH)
About 170 countries have kicked off a final round of negotiations on the controversial issue of control of the internet and the core technical infrastructure that allows it to operate seamlessly worldwide.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisia under fire over UN summit (BBC News World Edition)
This week, the North African nation of Tunisia hosts a UN summit on the internet. One big item on the agenda will be how to ensure freedom of expression online. But Tunisia's own record of censorship has led some critics to question its suitability to host such an event.

Wem gehört das Wissen der Welt? (Tagblatt St.Gallen)
Wer kontrolliert das Internet? Wer hat Zugang zum Cyberspace? Wer bestimmt die Regeln? Solch brisante Fragen stehen beim UNO-Weltgipfel über die Informationsgesellschaft zur Debatte, der vom 16.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisia launches tight security measures ahead of info summit (Itar-Tass News Agency)
Tunisian authorities have launched tight security measures ahead of the World Summit on the Information Society /WSIS/, which will be held in the "Le Kram" exhibition hall in the outskirts of the Tunisian capital on November 16-18.

 Articles: November 2005
Le contrôle d'Internet, pomme de discorde du Sommet de l'information (La Libre)
Faute d'accord à Tunis, certains pays ou régions du monde pourraient être tentés de créer leur propre réseau concurrent.

 Articles: November 2005
The Internet: a case of `founders keepers? (The Hindu)
The second World Summit on the Information Society that opens in Tunis on November 16 will see a renewed effort by developing nations, with U.N. backing, to transfer `control' of the Internet from the U.

 Articles: November 2005
The US role in running the net (BBC News Technology Edition)
Professor Derrick Cogburn of Syracuse University explains why the US has to accept change in how the internet is run.

U.N. to hold Internet administration meeting in Tunisia this week (Kyodo News)
Cabinet ministers and delegates from U.N. member states will gather in Tunis on Wednesday for a three-day meeting to discuss how the global Internet system should be administered.

 Articles: November 2005
Wie die USA die Weltherrschaft im Web verteidigen (Spiegel)
Von der Öffentlichkeit weithin unbemerkt eskaliert der Kampf um die Kontrolle des nur vermeintlich anarchischen Internet. Die Fronten sind eindeutig: die USA gegen den Rest der Welt.

 Articles: November 2005
Keine Lösung im Streit über Internet-Kontrolle in Sicht (Reuters Deutschland)
Kurz vor Beginn einer UN-Konferenz zur Informationsgesellschaft ist keine Lösung in dem seit Jahren schwelenden Konflikt über die Kontrolle des Internets in Sicht.

La société de l'information - le meilleur ou le pire (Inter Press Service)
Les 80 pour cent de l'humanité sont privés d'information, donc coupés du monde. Cette fracture est dangereuse pour la cohésion planétaire.

 Articles: November 2005
Net control key issue at summit (CNN International)
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The United States is headed for a showdown with much of the rest of the world over control of the Internet but few expect a consensus to emerge from a U.N. summit in Tunisia this week.

 Articles: November 2005
African-Led Fund Aimed at Digital Divide (ABC News)
African-Led Tech Fund Underscores Future and Challenges of Extending Internet Access.

 Articles: November 2005
Control the Internet? A Futile Pursuit, Some Say (NYT)
Working with Pentagon funds in the 1960's and 1970's, a small group of designers created a pioneering research network called the Arpanet and a software framework that could let an unlimited number of computers exchange data. Their creation, which came to be known as the Internet, was decentralized in nature, with its maintenance and administration left mostly to academia and the private sector in the United States. Government intervention was limited.

EE. UU. se enfrenta al mundo por el control de Internet (El Norte de Castilla)
La Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI), que se celebrará del 16 al 18 de noviembre en Túnez, estará dominada por la polémica sobre el control de internet ejercido por Estados Unidos y las amenazas de algunos países de crear un organismo propio de gestión del sistema. A la conferencia asistirán el secretario general de la ONU, Kofi Annan, jefes de Estado y más de 11.000 participantes.

El control de Internet, en disputa (El Universal / Mexico)
El control de internet, un elemento clave de la economía mundial y, a la vez, una poderosa herramienta de comunicación global, será el tema dominante de la segunda fase de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI o WSIS, por sus siglas en inglés), que inicia el 16 de noviembre en Túnez.

Le sommet mondial sur la société de l'information à Tunis passe à côté des vrais enjeux. Tant de cerveaux disponibles (Libération)
L' enjeu de la «société de l'information» est le développement de ce que l'Unesco avait appelé «les sociétés de savoir». L'avenir du capitalisme, c'est-à-dire de la planète, est suspendu à une augmentation de l'intelligence et de la connaissance. Même si la propriété industrielle peut conduire à en limiter la circulation, le savoir est essentiellement ce qui est partagé et partageable par tous.

No resolution on Net control seen at tech summit (Reuters)
The United States is headed for a showdown with much of the rest of the world over control of the Internet but few expect a consensus to emerge from a U.N. summit in Tunisia this week.

Paris demande que "toute la lumière" soit faite sur l'agression d'un journaliste de "Libération" en Tunisie (AP / Nouvel Obervateur)
La France a demandé dimanche aux autorités tunisiennes de "faire toute la lumière sur l'agression dont Christophe Boltanski, journaliste à "Libération", a été la victime dans la soirée de vendredi dernier" à Tunis, selon un communiqué du ministère des Affaires étrangères.

Pas d'accord en vue sur le contrôle de l'internet au SMSI (Reuters - Les actualités en français / Libération )
Les Etats-Unis se dirigent vers une confrontation avec la majeure partie du reste du monde sur la question du contrôle de l'internet et un consensus semble peu probable au sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) qui s'ouvre mercredi à Tunis.

The newspaper gives you a look inside the halls of WSIS (Assabah - Arabic)
The public can have access to El Kram Palexpo on November the 19th. Tomorrow starts the WSIS in which participate more than 11.000 people from all over the world. This is how Elkram Palexpo is prepared to host the most important international event in Tunisia. The Tunisian authority has been preparing El Kram Palexpo during the previous months.

Tug of war over Net takes center stage (International Herald Tribune)
When Libya lost the use of its Internet domain ".ly" for five days last year, it needed help from a California agency that reports to the U.S. Commerce Department. Anyone looking to do business with an .ly Web site or e-mail an .ly address was likely met with a "file not found" or "no such person" message. For anyone on the Internet, Libya was just not there.

Tunisia is taking tough safety measures before the summit ( - Arabic)
Tunisia is taking preventive safety measures and renforced the state of alert before the beginning of the summit, which will be held next Wednesday in Tunisia.

UN has no desire to take over Internet (Bangkok Post)
The main object of the World Summit on the Information Society next month in Tunis is to ensure poor countries get the economic and social development benefits of new communication technologies. But as the meeting draws nearer there is a growing chorus of misinformation about it.

UN summit to focus on Internet governance (Xinhua)
The upcoming World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in the Tunisian capital this week will deliberate on major issues like who should govern the Internet. The Nov 16-18 UN-sponsored WSIS in Tunis will be attended by over 11,000 participants, including heads of state and government, business leaders and technology experts.

US firm on net, says France (Australian IT)
THE US will not heed requests by the European Union and other countries to accept a multinational approach to running the internet, a French government official said. An international summit next week on how the internet should be run was likely to end in stalemate, he said. A UN report has put forward the multinational approach to running the internet, which serves a billion users worldwide, saying this would be more democratic and transparent, a view the 25 nations of the EU share.

Washington aimerait échapper au débat sur l'ICANN au SMSI (Reuters)
Washington doit s'attendre à une confrontation avec de nombreux pays quant à son influence sur internet et sur l'organe chargé de sa gouvernance, l'ICANN, lors du sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), qui s'ouvre mercredi en Tunisie.

Washington endeavors during Tunis summit to keep Internet governance ( - Arabic )
In a hopeless atmosphere to find a solution, the US is about to close the issue of Internet governance between it and the other countries during the 2nd phase of the WSIS in Tunis which starts the next Wednesday.

World wants more say in control of World Wide Web (USA today)
The Bush administration and the U.S. tech industry are teaming to take on the rest of the world in a fight about who controls the technical underpinnings of the Internet. Right now, a U.S.-based group does. But countries from Chile to China think they should have more say.

 Articles: November 2005
"Internet-Regierung" auf dem Prüfstand (ORF ON Futurezone)
Wenn vom 16. bis 18. November in Tunis der zweite Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft tagt, geht es vor allem um die Rolle der USA bei der Kontrolle der "Internet-Regierung" ICANN.

 Articles: November 2005
Coming from Kuwait, Kofi Annan is visiting Tunisia to attend WSIS ( Alarab Online - Arabic)
A spokeswoman of the United Nations declared that UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan left Kuwait on Sunday after talks with Kuwaiti officials about Iraqi and Syrian cases.

¿De quién es Internet? (El Tiempo / Terra)
Bien puede el 2006 ser el año de la guerra por Internet. La red de redes, creación de punta del capitalismo, es, paradójicamente, su antítesis, pues no es propiedad privada de nadie. Pero su administración es ya objeto de un enconado debate mundial.

Discutirán reducción de la brecha digital (EFE / La Prensa)
La comunidad internacional vuelve a reunirse en la Cumbre de la Sociedad de la Información con el ambicioso deseo de llenar el vacío de la fractura digital entre países ricos y pobres y lograr un acuerdo sobre un nuevo modelo de gobierno de internet.

Expectación en Túnez ante Cumbre Mundial (Prensa Latina)
Las delegaciones oficiales ultiman hoy aquí sus posiciones de cara a las reuniones preparatorias de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI), a inaugurarse el miércoles próximo.

Information summit looks at control of the Internet (Taipeh Times)
On the global Internet these days, the US is less trusted and more alone. The worldwide network was born on US shores, but that matters little to the growing number of nations now demanding shared control. An escalating feud over Internet governance is threatening to transform a UN summit in Tunisia next week into an acrimonious showdown between the US and challengers including the EU.

Internet Governance threatens the relationship between the US, the EU and China (Asharqalawsat - Arabic)
Experts believe that the issues concerning the Internet will soon become part of the forces that shape international relations.

La cumbre de Internet (El Pais)
La diplomacia trabaja frenéticamente para llegar con acuerdos pactados a la segunda Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información, que la ONU convoca en Túnez esta próxima semana.

La Tunisie, un pays bien connecté (AFP / Yahoo News)
La Tunisie, qui accueille du 16 au 18 novembre le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), est l'un des pays arabes et africains les mieux connecté à l'internet, depuis 1991.

Low international representation in the WSIS and Tunisia refusing to allow a counter summit (Daralhayat - Arabic)
The list of heads of states, who accepted the invitation to the WSIS summit, is marked by mass absence to the EU heads of states and of the G8. This was considered as a reflection of the political tensions between Tunisia and both the US and the EU caused by the debate on Human Rights.

Other nations want control of Internet (Wisconsin State Journal)
On the global Internet these days, the United States is less trusted and more alone. The worldwide network was born on U.S. shores, but that matters little to the growing number of nations now demanding shared control.

Poor country IT fund battles for support at summit (AFP / News Inq7)
An innovative fund that poor countries have endorsed to help them harness the IT revolution is urging more wealthy public and corporate donors to join the venture at an international summit in Tunisia this week. Organizers of the three month-old Digital Solidarity Fund, which has attracted a lukewarm reaction from rich governments, said they would present their first full project at the World Summit for the Information Society in Tunis on Wednesday.

Tunisia prepares to host the WSIS summit under high level security (Al Jazirah Newspaper - Arabic)
The Tunisian minister of foreign affairs said to Al Jazirah: the summit is eager to build a new information society to reduce the digital divide. Tunisia is preparing to host the WSIS summit, which is going to take place from the 16th to the 18th of November, to discuss issues like the information technologies, the Internet governance and enhance human solidarity.

Vicecanciller asistirá a Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información (Diario Co Latino)
El Viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Eduardo Cálix, viajará el lunes en representación de El Salvador, a la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información a realizarse en Túnez, del 16 al 18 de noviembre de 2005.

WSIS - Conference about the various aspects of the Information Society (Essahafa - Arabic)
Tunisia is witnessing preparations to host the World Summit on the Information Society, which will be convened from 16. to 18.November, in El Kram Palexpo. A cultural related Tunisian institution hosted a conference in which it defined the objectives of this summit together with the civil society and different associations.

 Articles: November 2005
EU-Kommissarin kritisiert US-Dominanz bei Internet-Aufsicht (Der Standard)
Europäer fordern vor dem Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft neues Kooperationsmodell Links Icann Viviane Reding Vor dem Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft in Tunis hat die zuständige EU-Kommissarin Viviane Reding die Dominanz der USA bei der Internet-Aufsicht kritisiert.

The week on the web (Times Online)
Censorwhip is at the heart of debate on internet control AMERICA and Europe are expected to disagree in a debate over the ownership and control of the internet at the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia next week.

 Articles: November 2005
Wem gehört das Internet? (Spiegel)
Von der Öffentlichkeit weithin unbemerkt eskaliert der Kampf um die Kontrolle des nur vermeintlich anarchischen Internet. Viele Länder drängen -mit welchen Motiven auch immer- vehement auf eine Internationalisierung der Internet-Aufsicht.

 Articles: November 2005
EU takes swipe at U.S. Internet oversight (Reuters UK)
The European Commission on Friday took a swipe at U.S. oversight of the Internet but offered no concrete alternatives, in advance of an international summit on how the Internet should be run.

 Articles: November 2005
Kampf um Kontrolle des Web (Wiener Zeitung)
Wer soll die Verwaltung des Internets übernehmen? Ob es am zweiten UN-Weltgipfel der Informationsgesellschaft (WSIS) zu einer Lösung dieser Streitfrage kommt, wird bereits im Vorfeld bezweifelt.

 Articles: November 2005
La UE aspira a acordar en Túnez un modelo de gestión de la Red que rompa con la supremacía de EE.UU. (La Vanguardia)
Desde este domingo se mantendrán reuniones preparatorias de la Cumbre de la Sociedad de la Información, que se celebrará la próxima semana

 Articles: November 2005
The sideshow is what to watch (Inter Press Service)
"The main objective of the World Summit on the Information Society is to ensure that poor countries get the full benefits that new information and communication technologies can bring to economic and social development.

 Articles: November 2005
U.S. Fights to Remain the Ultimate Webmaster (Inter Press Service)
International efforts to break down the digital barriers facing the world's poor will backfire if governments fail to work out their differences on the issue of internet governance, diplomatic observers here say.

 Articles: November 2005
Last-minute negotiations aim to save summit (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
Unresolved squabbling at the final preparatory meeting in Geneva before the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) has forced two sets of extra talks.

 Articles: November 2005
Focus on funding development of ICT infrastucture at WSIS (The Daily Star)
SPEAKERS at a press conference on Wednesday urged the Bangladesh delegation to the upcoming World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) to take strong stance for narrowing the gap of information technology between the developed and least developed countries.

Les autorités tunisiennes nient avoir interdit à Robert Ménard l'accès au SMSI (AP / Boursorama)
Les autorités tunisiennes ont réfuté vendredi les allégations de Reporters sans frontières (RSF) selon lesquelles elles auraient interdit à son secrétaire général, Robert Ménard, l'accès au Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) qui doit avoir lieu du 16 au 18 novembre à Tunis.

 Articles: November 2005
PluggedIn: Showdown looms over U.S. Internet control (Reuters UK)
The United States is headed for a showdown with much of the rest of the world over control of the Internet. Countries like China, Brazil and Iran don't like the fact that the world's only superpower oversees the system that guides traffic across the global computer network, and have pushed for an international body to take over that role.

 Articles: November 2005
Caribeños defienden tecnologías de información para todos (Prensa Latina)
La Comunidad del Caribe (CARICOM) adelantó hoy que defenderá en la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información, a efectuarse en Túnez del 16 al 18 próximos, el uso justo y transparente de las tecnologías para todos.

Cuba exige manejo global de internet y cesar señales de EU (AP / Diario La Estrella)
Cuba presentará ante un foro de Naciones Unidas sobre informatización su demanda de que internet sea gobernada por un organismo internacional y exigirá a Estados Unidos el cese de las transmisiones invasivas de radio y televisión hacia la isla.

Cuba: Computadoras e Internet sí, pero no en casa (Inter Press Service)
Cuba mantiene una política informática que da prioridad al empleo social de las tecnologías de la información y las telecomunicaciones, pero excluye el acceso privado a herramientas como Internet. "A medida que nuestras posibilidades sean mayores, se irán abriendo nuevos espacios", aseguró este viernes a IPS el ministro cubano de Informática y Comunicaciones, Ignacio González Planas, durante un foro en Internet organizado por la cancillería.

Cumbre digital en Bilbao - Las ciudades más pobres anteponen la mejora del nivel de vida a Internet (EFE / El Mundo)
Alcaldes de ciudades ubicadas en países en vías de desarrollo antepusieron en Bilbao la mejora de las condiciones de vida a la posibilidad de extender el acceso a Internet entre la población de sus ciudades

La Cumbre de Bilbao traslada a la de Túnez 10 compromisos contra la brecha digital (El Mundo)
La Cumbre celebrada en Bilbao contra la Brecha Digital concluyó con la aprobación de una declaración que establece 10 compromisos de las autoridades locales y regionales de los 98 países de los cinco continentes que han participado en ella.

Sommet de l’info : les Tunisiens attendent plus la pluie que le SMSI (InfoSud)
Tunis met la dernière main aux préparatifs d’un événement prestigieux pour le régime... mais qui ne change guère le régime de liberté surveillée pour les citoyens. Pour les Tunisiens, gouverner c’est... pleuvoir. Car malgré l’apport du tourisme, le pays dépourvu de pétrole dépend surtout de son agriculture.

 Articles: November 2005
Domäne Internet (TAZ)
Zwei Jahre nach dem ersten "Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft" in Genf, treffen sich auf Ersuchen der UN und unter der Ägide der Internationalen Telekommunikationsunion (ITU) die Teilnehmer dieses Jahr vom 16.

 Articles: November 2005
Well managed risks produce huge payoffs in e-development projects (Pak Tribune)
The World Bank has urged countries to learn from past lessons while implementing effective projects and said that payoffs of successful e-development projects are huge and can produce dramatic returns across a range of sectors in countries poor and rich alike if the risks involved are managed properly.

 Articles: November 2005
Das Ende von Icann als "Netzverwaltung"? (Spiegel)
Etwas vereinfacht lautet die Gleichung zur Beschreibung der Internet-Verwaltung momentan wie folgt: "Netzverwaltung = Icann". Doch das könnte sich ändern. SPIEGEL ONLINE liegen Informationen vor, wonach die USA wichtige Verwaltungsfunktionen in Zukunft auf dem Wege einer öffentlichen Ausschreibung vergeben wollen.

 Articles: November 2005
'Information Society Must Block Paedophiles' (Inter Press Service)
A major U.N. conference that aims to bridge the gap in information technology between the world's affluent and poorest societies is in danger of inadvertently catering to the needs and fantasies of the world's paedophiles.

 Articles: November 2005
Alcatel and Maplecroft partner to launch a global map of digital inclusion (Noticias)
On the occasion of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis (16-18 November 2005), Alcatel , a worldwide leader in telecommunication solutions and Maplecroft, a consultant company specialized in corporate responsibility, launch a global map about access to information and communication technologies (ICT).

UN fights US over internet's future (The New Zealand Herald)
They are five letters you have probably never heard of: ICANN, acronym for the hitherto obscure Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a public-private, non-profit organisation based in the pleasant Los Angeles suburb of Marina del Rey, and operating under the very loose supervision of the United States Department of Commerce.

 Articles: November 2005
UN slates online costs for poor (BBC News Merseyside)
The cost of fast net access and linking up to the net's global infrastructure hits poorer nations much harder than developed countries, says a UN body.

 Articles: November 2005
US against multinational role in Internet -France (Reuters UK)
The United States will not heed requests by the European Union and other countries to accept a multinational approach to running the Internet, a French government official said on Thursday.

 Articles: November 2005
Tunisie: grève des enseignants pour protester contre la venue d'une délégation israélienne au SMSI (AP / Boursorama)
Les enseignants tunisiens du primaire et du secondaire ont déclenché jeudi une grève en signe de protestation contre la venue d'une délégation israélienne pour assister au Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), prévu à Tunis du 16 au 18 novembre, a-t-on appris de source syndicale.

 Articles: November 2005
Weltgipfel zur Internet-Regulierung (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
Kritik an der Vormachtstellung der USA Nächste Woche findet in Tunis die zweite Phase des World Summit on the Information Society statt. Internet Governance heisst das zentrale Diskussionsthema.

 Articles: November 2005
World to America: The Internet is everybody's, so why not share control (Detroit News Online)
On the global Internet these days, the United States is less trusted and more alone.

 Articles: November 2005
Doolittle to the rescue on U.S. governance of the Internet (The Sacramento Bee)
Rep. John Doolittle, R-Roseville, heads for Tunisia next week where he will be the Congress' chosen warrior to fight international efforts to move governance of the World Wide Web from the United States to the United Nations.What? The United Nations controlling the free and open Internet, and American-bred marvel?

Internet Governance Squabble Expected To Hijack U.N. Meeting (Optimize Magazine)
The escalating scrap over control of the Internet that has pitted the U.S. government against the rest of the world is expected to take over the agenda at the World Summit on the Information Society, a United Nations meeting scheduled for November. The original objective for the UN summit, set for Nov. 16-18 in Tunis, Tunisia, included a discussion of bringing the Internet to developing countries.

Net power struggle nears climax (BBC News)
The US has got an image problem when it comes to the internet. US administration coming under worldwide pressure over the net It is seen as arrogant and determined to remain the sheriff of the world wide web, regardless of whatever the rest of the world may think.

The cheapest laptop in the world is going to be presented in Tunisia (Kuwait News Agency)
The Organizing Committee of the World Summit on the Information Society declared that a laptop worth less then 100 USD will be presented during the Summit, which is going to take place in Tunis from the 16th to the 18th of this month and organized by the UN

 Articles: November 2005
Límites de una Cumbre en dos tiempos (Swissinfo)
¿Un mundo numérico? Después de Ginebra, en 2003, corresponde a Túnez acoger la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información. Una etapa que cristaliza las oposiciones al régimen tunecino.

 Articles: November 2005
Mantener en Túnez los avances de Ginebra (Swissinfo)
La gobernanza de Internet será uno de los temas más difíciles de resolver, según Marc Furrer. (Keystone) Como país sede de la primera fase de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) en el 2003, Suiza confía en que los progresos alcanzados en Ginebra se confirmen en Túnez.

 Articles: November 2005
En Túnez se juega el porvenir de la CMSI (Swissinfo)
Kurdos de Irak nevegan en Internet en Arbil, 370 km al norte de Bagdad. (Keystone) Después de Ginebra, en 2003, la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) prosigue en Túnez desde el 16 hasta el 18 de noviembre.

 Articles: November 2005
El abismo digital es un asunto de fondo (Swissinfo)
El celular a fuerza de músculos (Keystone) Permitir a los excluídos integrarse en el planeta globalizado. Ese es el objetivo para la 2a fase de la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información, en Túnez.

 Articles: November 2005
Negociaciones de última hora para salvar la CMSI (Swissinfo)
El gobierno de Internet, ¿la única cuestión verdadera? Disputas no resueltas al final del encuentro preparatorio en Ginebra de la conferencia mundial de la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) obligaron a realizar otras dos reuniones.

 Articles: November 2005
Canadian e-projects create cyberbuzz from here to Tunisia (
Canadian multimedia professionals are on top of the world after capturing four awards at the 2005 World Summit Awards in Tunis, Tunisia.

 Articles: November 2005
La ONU implica a las autoridades locales en la lucha por el acceso universal a Internet (El Correo Español)
Dos mil mandatarios regionales de todo el mundo buscan desde hoy en Bilbao reducir la 'brecha digital' Defienden el Fondo de Solidaridad Digital como arma contra la pobreza

Le pays hôte du prochain Smsi : La Tunisie parmi les mieux connectés d’Afrique (Wal Fadjri)
Pays hôte du prochain Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (Smsi), la Tunisie qui compte plus de 900 000 utilisateurs de l'Internet, est dans le peloton de tête des pays africains et arabes les mieux connectés, a confié à l'APS une source diplomatique.

The US wants to keep the Internet governance (Asharaq Alawsat - Arabic)
The second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society will be convened in Tunisia from the 16th to the 18th of the current month. More than 50 heads of states and a large number of official delegations are expected to take part in this huge international event. During the second phase, the participants will decide who is more qualified for the Internet governance.

 Articles: November 2005
Battle for the web (Belfast Telegraph)
Who do you think is in charge of the internet? America, of course. But now the UN wants to muscle in.

 Articles: November 2005
Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information à Tunis (Le Temps)
Moritz Leuenberger affirme qu'il faut aller dans les pays ne repectant pas les droits de l'homme pour en débattre. Il est donc utile, selon lui, que le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (smsi) se déroule dans un pays comme la Tunisie.

 Articles: November 2005
Shalom to attend Tunisia meeting (Gulf News)
Agencies Occupied Jerusalem: Israel's foreign minister will attend a summit in Tunisia next week in another sign of improving ties between the Jewish state and the Arab world, the foreign ministry said yesterday.

 Articles: November 2005
Die Vereinten Nationen wollen das Internet nicht kontrollieren (Frankfurter Rundschau)
Mit einem Weltgipfeltreffen in der kommenden Woche soll die globale Verbreitung des Internets gesichert werden. Es geht nicht um eine "Übernahme" durch die UN, sagt Generalsekretär Annan.

 Articles: November 2005
Journalists Fear a "Looming Storm" (Inter Press Service)
Caribbean journalists say they will closely monitor the position of the region's governments at the upcoming World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), scheduled to begin in Tunisia on Nov.

 Articles: November 2005
Foreign governments are limiting internet access to their citizens. What are we to do? (The Crimson)
We’re halfway through first semester and I think it’s reasonably safe to say that the vast majority of Harvard undergraduates haven’t noticed a somewhat subtle change in their ability to access the Internet that was put in place before the school year began: just about every computer on the wireless and residential networks on campus is now behind a firewall.

Miles de entidades locales y regionales, contra la brecha digital en Bilbao (El Mundo)
Representantes de unas 2.000 entidades locales y regionales de los cinco continentes participarán en Bilbao entre el miércoles y el viernes en la II Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información, que pretende reducir la pobreza en el planeta y avanzar contra la brecha digital entre los países ricos y pobres.

Seven Questions: Battling for Control of the Internet (Foreign Policy)
Should the United Nations control the Internet? That’s the subject of a heated debate slated to take place at the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis later this month. The European Union is pressing for a U.N. role in governing the Internet, which is currently in the hands of a U.S. nonprofit. Lawrence Lessig breaks down the debate and offers his views.

Société de l'information : fractures et facture du numérique (All Africa / Le Quotidien Mutations)
Après Genève 2003, voici Tunis 2005. Gouvernements, organisations internationales, société civile et entreprises du monde entier ont rendez-vous dans la capitale tunisienne, du 16 au 18 novembre prochain, à l'occasion de la deuxième phase du Sommet mondial pour la société de l'information (Smsi). C'est la suite logique du processus enclenché, il y a deux ans à Genève, en Suisse.

U.S. dominance of World Wide Web could spur backlash at U.N. summit (San Fransisco Chronicle)
When hundreds of millions of people around the globe log on to the Internet every day to shop, chat, check on their investments or sports scores or research their homework, the last thing they think of is the dull but vital inner workings of the Web. But control of those innards -- like domain names such as .com, the numeric addresses that most users never see and maintenance of files that correctly route Internet traffic -- is at the heart of a simmering international dispute.

 Articles: November 2005
Annan rebuffs Iran over Israel remark (Reuters / Tiscali News)
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has cancelled his forthcoming trip to Tehran after the Iranian president's call to "wipe Israel off the map," the United Nations said on Friday.

 Articles: November 2005
EU optimistic over wider governance of Internet (Reuters / Sydney Morning Herald))
The European Commission hopes a meeting next week will come up with an agreement to allow governments more direct influence over the domain name system that guides traffic around the Internet. A U.N. report has put forward a more multi-national approach to running the Internet which serves a billion users worldwide, saying this would be more democratic and transparent, a view the 25-nation European Union shares.

No designs on internet (Gulf News)
The main objective of the World Summit on the Information Society to be held this month in Tunisia is to ensure that poor countries get the full benefits that new information and communication technologies including the internet can bring to economic and social development. But as the meeting draws nearer, there is a growing chorus of misinformation about it.

 Articles: November 2005
«Je comprends le souci des grévistes de la faim en Tunisie» (Le Matin)
Au nom du Conseil fédéral, Moritz Leuenberger annonce qu'il ne mettra pas ses critiques dans sa poche contre le régime du président Ben Ali, à l'occasion du prochain Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) de Tunis

Ein ungleicher Kampf (Die Zeit)
Markus Beckedahl sitzt in seinem Berliner Büro, zündet sich eine Zigarette an. In wenigen Tagen wird er als Teil der deutschen Delegation zum UN-Weltgipfel der Informationsgesellschaft nach Tunesien reisen. Als zivilgesellschaftlicher Vertreter will er dort für freie Meinungsäußerung und freien Zugang zum Netz eintreten.

Gouvernance de l'Internet : quelle autorité, quelle politique et quel mécanisme ? (All / La Tribune)
Si une partie de l'humanité est entrée de plain-pied dans une logique «virtuelle» et immatérielle à la faveur de l'avènement de la société de l'information, en revanche, l'autre partie sombre dans des problèmes existentiels et de survie. Et on s'interroge si concrètement les technologies de l'information et la communication sont en mesure de réduire les fractures sociales, économiques, culturelles, éducatives et de liberté.

Qu'est-ce que le SMSI ? (Jeune Afrique)
Le Sommet mondial pour la société de l'information (SMSI) se place dans la lignée des conférences extraordinaires de l'Assemblée générale de l'Organisation des nations unies (ONU) conçues pour débattre de thèmes cruciaux pour la communauté internationale. Les précédents sommets ont notamment porté sur l'alimentation, le racisme, le financement du développement, le développement durable.

Tunisia to host world summit on information society (The Jakarta Post)
Tunisia -- a small Northern African country -- will host the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) from Nov. 16 to Nov. 18, which endeavors to bridge the "digital divide" and consolidate the information society through public-private partnerships. The Embassy of Tunisia in Jakarta said in a statement that the summit, whose process was launched in Geneva in December 2003 under the auspices of the UN, would be a boon for Tunisia.

 Articles: November 2005
"Monroe" im Cyberspace (Die Zeit)
Im Wüstensand nahe des heutigen Tunis rang die Römische Republik in drei blutigen Kriegen einst den Rivalen Karthago nieder. Nach der vollkommenen Zerstörung der Stadt 146 vor Christus konnte Rom seine Herrschaft über den ganzen Mittelmeerraum ausdehnen. Der Weg zum Imperium war frei.

Commonwealth small states agree on ICT strategies (The Sunday Times / The Times of Malta)
The report on the progress made in the ICT sector within Commonwealth countries and the strategies it proposes to spur the potential of ICTs in the states' social and economic development should be supported by all Commonwealth parliaments and governments. This was agreed during the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association workshop for small countries on Networking for Development, held in Malta last week.

Freedom of the press? Or to make lots of cash? (Taipeh Times)
As a result of its reporting of the Kaohsiung MRT corruption scandal, what started out as a simple issue of TVBS stock ownership has now developed into a question of freedom of the press. Even US officials have expressed hope that Taiwan will continue to protect the freedom of the press. But is freedom of the press really under attack?

Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information à Tunis (L'impartial / La Liberte)
Moritz Leuenberger affirme qu'il faut aller dans les pays ne repectant pas les droits de l'homme pour en débattre. Il est donc utile, selon lui, que le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (smsi) se déroule dans un pays comme la Tunisie.

 Articles: November 2005
Grow As Much As You Know (Inter Press Service)
The rise of knowledge societies brings new opportunities for developing countries, says a report released Thursday by Unesco, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. The report 'Towards Knowledge Societies' analyses the increasingly important role knowledge plays in economic growth, and says knowledge can serve as a new springboard for development.

The great domain game (Financial Review)
As historic documents go, the statement issued by the US Department of Commerce on June 30 was low key even by American standards of informality. No flowery language, no fountain-penned signatures, no Great Seal of the United States - only 331 words on a single page.

The Untapped Potential of E-Governance (All Africa / The Times of Zambia)
If you ask any civil servant in Zambia about the mode of conducting business, chances are that the answer will be apt and to the point - electronic medium. Long gone are the days when everything had to be filed in larger than life paper folders because today, almost all the information is stored on the computers, at least in most Government offices.

 Articles: November 2005
Countries Criticise Internet Control (All Africa / The East African)
WHILE UGANDAN intelligence agencies continue the search for the author of an online hate message about President Yoweri Museveni, a "419 mail" is was recently circulating on the net. It is purportedly from a former Ugandan Permanent Secretary who has a $15.5 million loot he wants to sneak out of the country.

El Senado aprueba una moción para impulsar la creación de un 'gobierno global de Internet' (La Vanguardia)
El Pleno del Senado aprobó ayer unanimidad una moción del grupo socialista por la que insta al Ejecutivo a impulsar la creación de un 'gobierno de Internet' que elabore normas para regular su funcionamiento global en todos los países.

L'Unesco présente un rapport mondial sur les "sociétés du savoir" (Le
L' Unesco a présenté jeudi à Paris son premier rapport mondial prônant le développement de "sociétés du savoir", qui, au-delà de la "société d'information", intègrent "les "dimensions sociales, éthiques et politiques plus larges".En présentant ce rapport intitulé "Vers les sociétés du savoir" à la veille du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information de l'ONU qui se tiendra à Tunis du 16 au 18 novembre, le directeur général de l'Unesco Koïchiro Matsuura a souligné que "le savoir, contrairement à l'information ne peut être considéré comme une simple marchandise".

No Turning Back on Civil Society Participation (Inter Press Service)
The most important advance made by the World Summit on the Information Society is having conceived a model of Internet governance in which governments, civil society and the private sector all participate on an equal footing, according to Uruguayan expert Raúl Echeberría.

Regierungen dürfen Internet nicht steuern (Deutsche Welle)
Die digitale Spaltung überwinden, sollte das Hauptziel des Weltinformationsgipfels in Tunis sein. Stattdessen wird es vor allem um die Macht im Netz gehen, sagt Informationswissenschaftler Rainer Kuhlen im Interview.

Un ordinateur portable à 100 dollars : Du matériel pas cher pour les écoliers des pays défavorisés (Le
Le lancement d'un ordinateur peu cher pour les écoles des pays du Sud sera l'un des événements du prochain Sommet mondial de la société de l'information (SMSI) qui se tiendra à Tunis du 16 au 18 novembre prochain. La Thaïlande, la Chine, l'Egypte, le Brésil et l'Afrique du Sud seront les premiers pays à bénéficier de cette opération lancée par le Media-Lab du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

 Articles: November 2005
World leaders gather in Tunis for World Summit on Information Society (The Vanguard)
The Tunis phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), taking place from 16 to 18 November, will bring together political, business and civil society leaders to take action to bridge the “digital divide”, consolidate the information society through public-private partnerships and draft a statement of political intent taking all stakeholders’ interests into account.

INTERNET - Un domaine réservé de l'Amérique (Courrier international)
En dépit de l'insistance des Nations unies et de l'Union européenne, les autorités américaines refusent obstinément de partager le contrôle du réseau. Pour les journaux américains, seuls les Etats-Unis doivent conserver ce pouvoir, en tant qu'inventeurs d'Internet et garants de la liberté.

Omnia: EU no cede la red, varios países quieren una Internet más universal (Vanguardia)
La batalla por el control del sistema de “dominios” en la Internet promete ser dura cuando se abra en Túnez, el próximo 16 de noviembre, la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI). Por lo menos esa es la impresión que prima entre los que tienen la responsabilidad de preparar la reunión, a la que está previsto que asista medio centenar de jefes de Estado, tal y como ocurrió en la primera fase de la cumbre, celebrada en Ginebra a finales de 2003.

 Articles: November 2005
The Case for E-Government ( / The Nation)
Imagine calling the Ministry of Health at any time for health care advice, or just being able to notify the Government of details such as change of address simply and electronically in one transaction. You could apply for, or renew your travel Visa on-line, vote on-line, or just carry a smart card to replace the archaic ID, PIN and birth certificates.

Un Suisse d'Amnesty International raconte l'active répression (IPS)
Avant la deuxième phase du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), en novembre à Tunis, le pouvoir tunisien déploie un impressionnant arsenal pour étouffer les militants des droits humains, les journalistes et les magistrats. Récemment, les congrès de la Ligue tunisienne des droits de l'homme (LTDH) et du Syndicat des journalistes tunisiens (SJT) ont été annulés, puis les locaux de l'Association des magistrats tunisiens (AMT) ont été bouclés par la police.

 Articles: October 2005
Who Will Control the Internet? (Foreign Affairs)
Foreign governments want control of the Internet transferred from an American NGO to an international institution. Washington has responded with a Monroe Doctrine for our times, setting the stage for further controversy.

Grève de la faim : deux hospitalisations (Nouvel Observateur)
Deux des huit personnalité en grève de la faim en Tunisie pour exiger le respect des libertés publiques et des droits de l'homme ont été hospitalisées. Des médecins qui surveillent l'état de santé de huit personnalités en grève de la faim pour protester contre le gouvernement tunisien, ont annoncé lundi 31 octobre que deux de ces opposants politiques ont été admis à l'hôpital dimanche soir 30 octobre.

Tunisie: la grève de la faim des opposants est une "mise en scène" selon les autorités (Boursorama)
Les autorités tunisiennes ont qualifié vendredi de "mise en scène" la grève de la faim déclenchée depuis 11 jours par un groupe d'opposants qui réclament plus de libertés. Les huit grévistes, pour la plupart des dirigeants d'associations et de partis d'opposition non reconnus, à l'exception du chef du Parti démocratique progressiste (PDP/légal), Ahmed Néib Chebbi, ont motivé leur action par "la dégradation intolérable" de la situation politique en Tunis.

Disputa sobre Internet (El Pais)
La Unesco ha convocado el mes próximo en Túnez a todos los Gobiernos para dar una solución a la brecha digital y pactar políticas que favorezcan la implantación de las nuevas tecnologías en zonas cuya miseria las perpetúa dramáticamente en la falta de horizontes. Es la segunda cita de una cumbre cuya primera convocatoria fue en Ginebra en 2003.

EE UU avisa de que no cederá el control técnico de Internet (El Pais)
El congreso estadounidense ha enviado un mensaje claro al resto de Gobiernos: no abandonará el control y tutela del llamado "gobierno" de Internet. Ante la cercanía de la segunda fase de la cumbre de la Unesco sobre la sociedad digital, convocada para noviembre en Túnez, se ha agudizado una vieja disputa sobre el ICANN, la única agencia que tiene autoridad ejecutiva sobre un aspecto técnico clave de Internet, la regulación del sistema de direcciones.

«La banda ancha de Internet llegará a ser gratuita» (El Correo)
La carrera de Axel Leblois ha estado íntimamente ligada a las nuevas tecnologías desde sus comienzos. Presidente de Executrain, Bull HN Information Systems y ComputeWorld Communications, entre muchas otras, Leblois abandonó las altas esferas de los negocios para luchar por un ideal, el de liberar Internet de sus ataduras de cable y llevarlo allí donde su ausencia supone una traba para el desarrollo social y económico.

Annan afirma que la ONU no pretende ejercer el papel de policía y 'dueño' de Internet (El Mundo / EFE)
En plena 'batalla' por el control de Internet entre los partidarios de que EEUU siga manteniendo un papel clave y los partidarios de formar una amplia coalición, el secretario general de la ONU, Kofi Annan, ha rechazado la idea de que las Naciones Unidas quieran "adueñarse" de Internet. Una declaración significativa de cara a la próxima Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información.

 Articles: October 2005
Internet Governance: Experts Urge Active African Role (All
As the controversy over who controls the Internet deepens as a run off to the Tunis phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), two Nigerian Internet experts have urged active role by Africa nations on issues relating to Internet governance moreso since the Internet holds the key to the future. One of them also canvassed a Nigerian national position on the issue to be known to all.

Internet Governance Still Burning Issue @ Wsis-05 (
FOLLOWING the failure to reach a consensus at the third Preparatory Committee meeting (PrepCom-3) held in Geneva, last month, Internet Governance would still be a burning issue at the second phase of World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), just few weeks away. The second phase is scheduled to hold in northern African country of Tunisia, between November 16 and 18 at the Kram PalExpo, Tunis.

Stockholm Collaborates With WSIS On 'Project in Africa' (All / Daily Champion )
SWEDEN-based Stockholm Challenge award for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) on empowerment project is spurring interests as it collaborates with the Executive Secretariat of the World Summit on the Information Society ( WSIS), specifically on Africa. Disclosing this to Champion Infotel, the Project Manager at Stockholm Challenge, Ulla Skiden, said the partnership gave birth to WSIS Challenge Award.

UN-Internetgipfel im Zensurland Tunesien (ORF)
Der Weltinformationsgipfel zum freien Austausch von Meinungen findet in Tunesien statt, wo Websites blockiert und Online-Oppositionelle verurteilt werden.

Don't politicise the internet (PC Advisor)
By design, the internet is a highly decentralised global network of networks, bound together by simple protocols, ultimately controlled by no one. This has been an important factor in s remarkable growth and adaptability. Yet developments in the next few weeks could upend this arrangement.

On the conditions of human rights hunger strikers in Tunisia (Arab News)
Eight opposition figures who began anindefinite hunger strike on 18 October to demand respect for freedom of expression and association in Tunisia and the release of all prisoners of conscience are still holding their hunger strike. The hunger strikers include Lotfi Hajji, the head of the Tunisian Journalists Union (SJT).

Hunger strike to improve human rights in Tunisia (Arab News)
The open hunger strike which started by 8 persons representing the political class and civil society in Tunisia entered its fourth day demanding improvement of human rights conditions. The observers of the strike were visited by two delegations from the American and British embassies and a delegation representing the European commission, whose chairman expressed understanding for the demands set by the observers of the strike.

El grupo socialista en el Senado quiere la 'Alianza de Civilizaciones' en Internet (El Mundo)
La 'pelea' por el control de Internet no ha hecho más que empezar. Con la vista puesta en la próxima Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información que se celebrará en Túnez, el grupo socialista en el Senado pedirá al Gobierno que impulse en los foros internacionales un gobierno de Internet vinculado a la ONU u otro sistema internacional.

«L'Internet doit rester fiable» (La Libération)
Seuls contre tous. A moins de trois semaines du sommet de Tunis sur la société de l'information (SMSI), les Etats-Unis s'opposent toujours à la grande majorité des autres pays qui souhaitent une réforme du contrôle de l'Internet (Libération du 15-16 octobre). Comme l'a rappelé George W. Bush lors d'une rencontre avec le président de la Commission européenne, José Manuel Barroso, pas question de rendre les clés du réseau des réseaux.

Internet flourishes without government (Rocky Mountains News)
The Internet was devised by U.S. military researchers in the 1960s, and under U.S. auspices it has flourished. Now that it is running so well, other nations think that what the Internet needs is more supervision by other governments, preferably through the United Nations. The effort at imposing international control on the Internet is being led by a handful of nations, including China, Iran and Cuba, which should tell you something.

 Articles: October 2005
Argentina comprará un millón de notebooks de u$s100 (Rosaria Net)
El ministro de Educación Daniel Filmus anunció ayer que la Argentina adquirirá un millón de computadoras portátiles a 100 dólares cada una para un millón de alumnos de "lugares necesitados del país", en el marco de un proyecto del director del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachussetts (MIT) Nicholas Negroponte.

Internet governance and Governance (The Hindu)
Nearly two years after the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) took up the question in Geneva, the international community is yet to arrive at a consensus on creating a framework to manage the Internet. All countries today recognise the fundamental and growing role of the Internet as a facilitator of governance, commerce, and communication. Many nations want a multilateral model of management for the Internet and also see a role for themselves in it.

Heiße Wochen vor UN-Gipfel in Tunis: Ben Ali zieht Daumenschrauben an (Glaube Aktuell)
Passend wie selten sei der Bock zum Gärtner gemacht worden, bemängeln Menschenrechtler. Ausgerechnet in Tunesien richten die Vereinten Nationen im November den Weltinformationsgipfel (WSIS) aus, der den freien Austausch von Meinung und Information vor allem auch im Internet fördern soll.

Controla EU Internet (EFE / El Diario / La Vanguardia))
Mientras en algunos países se celebra este martes el Día de Internet, Estados Unidos cierra filas para defenderse contra los que proponen que el sistema de dominios de la red pase a manos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU). La discusión sobre el control del sistema de dominios de internet era hasta hace poco algo más o menos oscuro que en las últimas semanas ha ocupado más espacio y apoyos en la vida política de EU.

Tunisie: les opposants en grève de la faim se disent déterminés (National Post / AP)
Au neuvième jour de leur grève de la faim, huit personnalités de la société civile et de l'opposition tunisiennes réclamant plus de libertés ont affiché mercredi leur détermination à poursuivre leur mouvement lors d'une conférence de presse.

Der Kampf um die Billig-PCs (ORF)
Die Chiphersteller AMD und Intel verlagern ihren Kampf um Marktanteile zunehmend in Entwicklungsländer. In Indien, wo erst 1,5 Prozent der Bevölkerung einen PC besitzen, bieten beide Unternehmen demnächst Billigrechner für unter 200 Euro an.

Informationsgipfel im Land der Zensur und Schikane (Mitteldeutsche Zeitung)
Passend wie selten sei der Bock zum Gärtner gemacht worden, bemängeln Menschenrechtler. Ausgerechnet in Tunesien richten die Vereinten Nationen im November den Weltinformationsgipfel (WSIS) aus, der den freien Austausch von Meinung und Information vor allem auch im Internet fördern soll.

 Articles: October 2005
Countries challenge US control of Internet (China Daily / Wall Street Journal)
A growing number of countries, including China, Brazil, India and Cuba -- as well as the European Union -- are questioning U.S. control over the Internet. The Internet is managed by a nonprofit private organization called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or Icann, set up by the U.S. Department of Commerce in 1998 and based in Marina del Rey, Calif.

Verisign and Icann settle clash over Web (International Herald Tribune)
Icann, the Internet agency that oversees the assignment of network addresses, has settled a messy dispute with Verisign, a security and services company that controls the .com and .net network domains.

Welcome to (ISP)
A generator rumbles behind the two-roomed building, which looks like one of the maize mills that dot Kenya's rural landscape. But, you're not likely to find a harvest of any sort in here -- rather, food for thought. This is an internet café in a sleepy, rural part of Emuhaya constituency, about 500 kilometres from the capital, Nairobi. Information and technology experts estimate that only two percent of Kenyans with access to the internet live in rural areas.

GBDE Calls On Leaders To Prepare For New Phase In Internet (Malaysian International News Agency)
GBDe Overall Chair and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of MDC, Datuk Dr Mohamed Arif Nun said the current debate on Internet Governance at a global level through the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) also pointed the need for a new and constructive approach to cross-border e-commerce issues.

Estados Unidos cierra filas para mantener el control de los dominios de la Red (El Mundo)
Mientras en algunos países se celebra el Día de Internet, Estados Unidos cierra filas para defenderse contra los que proponen que el sistema de dominios de la Red pase a estar en manos de la ONU. La discusión sobre el control del sistema de dominios de Internet está ocupando cada vez más espacio en la vida política de EEUU.

Cannon entreats Rice to reject U.N.'s plan for control of Internet (Deseret Morning News)
Using words like "rampant corruption" and "fecklessness," Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Utah, is pleading with Secretary of State Condolezza Rice to publicly reject a final report by a U.N. working group that recommends turning over regulation of the Internet to the United Nations. "The report demonstrates beyond contradiction that the working group and the United Nations itself is dangerously disconnected from reality," Cannon wrote.

Schweiz nimmt an UN-Weltgipfel über Informationsgesellschaft teil (AP)
Die Schweiz nimmt am UN-Weltgipfel über die Informationsgesellschaft (WSIS) vom 16. bis 18. November in Tunis teil. Bundespräsident Samuel Schmid leitet die Schweizer Delegation, wie der Bundesrat am Mittwoch beschloss.

Dhaka declaration adopted: Knowledge-based IT society urged (The New Nation)
The three-day international workshop on "Building an Information Society: Road2Tunis" ended yesterday with a commitment to build a multi-stakeholder, people-centric, inclusive and development-oriented knowledge based Information Society in the world at large.

Ben Ali critique le "manque de patriotisme" de certains opposants (Le Monde)
Le président Zine El Abidine Ben Ali a accusé samedi certains opposants de "manquer de patriotisme" en manifestant leur hostilité à la veille du Sommet mondial de la société de l'information (SMSI), et promis de faire "appliquer la loi".

 Articles: October 2005
ICT Can Contribute to Poverty Eradication (All
Government should empower the poor by way of giving them access to information, an official at Botswana Telecommunication Authority (BTA) has said. Information and communication technology can help in the fight against poverty, BTA senior manager - department of broadcasting regulation - Oshinka Tsiang told participants at a three-day World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) consultative workshop on Tuesday.

New 'I-Witness' Website Boosts Journalists' Ability to Report On the Information Society (All
Journalists looking for free, up-to-date resources, news and debate on the information society can get all this and more on a new Panos London website, i-Witness The i-Witness website is being launched ahead of the final stage of the World Summit on the Information Society (Tunisia, 16-18 November 2005), and aims to help journalists worldwide get to grips with many controversial but often under-reported information society topics - from bridging the digital divide to controlling the internet.

Plea to extend internet facilities (The New Nation)
Foreign experts at a session titled 'Internet Governance and Telecom Regulation' urged the government, civil society and the business community to work together to provide Internet facilities to every person of the country. ICT can play a significant role in achieving the UN-set Millennium Development Goals. The proper growth of Internet also ensures good governance, they said.

'Use ICT as a tool to establish good governance’ (The Daily Star)
Speakers at an international workshop yesterday called for the use of information and communication technology (ICT) as a tool to strengthen democracy, establish good governance and ensure accountability of the government. The dramatic advancement of ICT has transformed the world into a 'global village' and no country can survive keeping itself distanced from this modern trend, they said at the workshop titled 'Building an information society: Road 2 Tunis'.

Preserving the Web of the free (International Herals Tribune)
There is a move afoot at the United Nations and in the European Union to get the United States to give up control of the Internet - a medium that America created and on which it now critically relies.

Barcelona será la sede de la coordinadora europea de la Internet Society (La Vanguardia)
Barcelona será la sede de la coordinadora europea de la Internet Society, que tiene que ser un interlocutor clave en temas de Internet entre la sociedad civil y la Unión Europea y participará en consorcios europeos responsables de la gestión del dominio '.eu'.

EEUU trata de mantener control de la internet (El Nuevo Herald)
Mientras en algunos países se celebra este martes el Día de Internet, Estados Unidos cierra filas para defenderse contra los que proponen que el sistema de dominios de la red pase a estar en manos de la ONU. Tanto el gobernante Partido Republicano, con el presidente George W. Bush a la cabeza, como el opositor Partido Demócrata parecen dispuestos a llegar hasta donde haga falta con tal de que no les quiten lo que consideran que es suyo.

USA wollen Kontrolle (Heidenheimer Zeitung) U
Die USA wollen die Kontrolle über das Internet nicht abgeben und sind auch nicht bereit, diese einem UN-Gremium zu übertragen, wie US-Botschafter David Gross sagte. In Kreisen der Uno wird der Ruf nach einem Kompromiss aber immer lauter, weil mehr und mehr Länder der Ansicht sind, dass die Kontrolle des Internets nicht Sache eines einzelnen Staates sein sollte.

 Articles: October 2005
Use the information summit to pressure the Tunisian authorities (Daily Star/Libanon)
The choice of Tunisia to host the November 16-18 second World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) has provoked much controversy. The idea behind the summit is to bridge the gap between rich and poor countries in a field that has proven to be one of the focal points of present and future progress. Tunisia, however, excels neither in informatics and related fields nor in allowing freedom of expression and respecting the rights of civil society.

Tunisie: le président Ben Ali s'en prend aux opposants en grève de la faim (National Post - AP)
Le président tunisien Zine El Abidine Ben Ali s'en est pris samedi aux opposants actuellement en grève de la faim, les accusant de "tenter de porter préjudice (à la Tunisie) et à son image dans le monde", au moment où Tunis s'apprête à accueillir la deuxième phase du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI).

Web of the Free (New York Times)
THERE is a move afoot at the United Nations and in the European Union to get the United States to give up control of the Internet - a medium that America created and on which it now critically relies. Disingenuously calling for a "model of cooperation" in Internet governance in advance of the World Summit on the Information Society to be held in Tunisia in November, the European commissioner for information society and media is opening the door to Internet regulation while saying that "we have no intention to regulate the Internet."

More lawmakers back U.S. control of Internet (Reuters)
Three lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives called on Friday for the Internet's core infrastructure to remain under U.S. control, echoing similar language introduced in the Senate earlier this week. The resolution, introduced by two Republicans and one Democrat, aims to line up Congress firmly behind the Bush administration as it heads for a showdown with much of the rest of the world over control of the global computer network.

Un ordinateur portable à 84 euros (Expresso - Courrier international)
Nicholas Negroponte, fondateur du célèbre Media Lab au Massachusetts Institute of Technology et de la revue en ligne Wired, ange gardien de quarante start-up américaines, visitait il y a quelques années les régions reculées du Cambodge. Impressionné par le manque de moyens des enfants, il eut un rêve : les amener à Internet et à l’informatique à travers un ordinateur portable bon marché, coûtant moins de 100 dollars (un peu moins de 84 euros).

 Articles: October 2005
Lawmakers urge U.S. to keep control of Web (CNN)
U.S. lawmakers are urging the Bush administration to resist a push from other countries to shift control of the Internet to the United Nations, arguing that such a move would stifle innovation and free expression.

Telcomms Industry Records Impressive Earnings (All
The telecommunications industry continues to grow in leaps and bounds registering an impressive turnover, chief executive officer at Botswana Telecommunications Authority (BTA) has said. "It is heartening to know that we have moved significantly since the past two years.

Nominet votes for Argentinian solution to net ownership (The Register)
In an historically unusual decision, the company running all .uk internet domains, Nominet, has voted for an Argentinian solution to the current crisis over internet ownership. In an official statement, Nominet's legal and policy director Emily Taylor said the company preferred Argentina's proposal over the other seven on the table - including one by the EU and put forward by the UK government.

I2IT to help connect Africa with wireless internet (Pune newsline)
Next year, when the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) carries out a landmark project to connect interior Africa with a lightning fast wireless internet connection, a team from the city-based International Institute of Information Technology (I2IT) will be in the centre of action.

Qui va réguler le Net ? (Décisions Micro & Réseaux)
Jusqu'à présent, tout allait bien. L'Icann, un organisme dépendant du ministère du Commerce américain (DoC), gérait les serveurs DNS racines d'Internet, et l'Union européenne n'y trouvait rien à redire, contrairement à la Chine et au Brésil.

Workshop slams US Internet stranglehold (Mmegi Busines News)
Botswana is likely to be among the ‘rest of the world team’ in the unfolding battle for control of the Internet. The battle is bound to continue in Tunisia during the second phase of the ‘World Summit on the Information Society’ (WSIS) plan of action next month.

 Articles: October 2005
UK registry warns on political web dogma (Times online)
Nominet, the British internet registry that controls "" web addresses, has warned the internet could be threatened by potentially oppressive legislation if countries continue to pursue narrow political agendas in the debate over how it is run. The warning comes ahead of a key international conference in Tunisia next month, where countries will discuss the future "ownership" of the web.

Sun Spins Off Education Project as a Nonprofit (
Back in June, at Sun Microsystems Inc.'s JavaOne conference, Sun CEO Scott McNealy spent the better half of his keynote address talking about Sun's foray into solving the problems of educators everywhere—by taking the open-source paradigm into the world of teaching materials. "Instead of 'No Child Left Behind,'" said McNealy, "we [want] 'No Child Held Back.'"

Washington lawmakers demand Internet status quo (Computerworld)
Lawmakers in Washington are speaking out against efforts by several countries participating in United Nations-sponsored talks to force the U.S. to relinquish control over key Internet functions. The most recent critic is Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.). Earlier this week, Coleman submitted a resolution aimed at protecting control of the Internet, in particular the domain name and addressing system, from being transferred to the UN.

The mother of all battles (Irish Independent)
The internet is now part of the furniture of daily lives but the rest of the world wonders why it should remain under the oversight of the tight-fisted US. A new war front is about to open...

Des opposants tunisiens en grève de la faim (Le Figaro)
Sept personnalités de l'opposition et de la société civile ont entamé mardi une grève de la faim pour réclamer plus de libertés en Tunisie. Les grévistes font état d'«une dégradation intolérable» de l'état des libertés et accusent le pouvoir d'ignorer «les aspirations de secteurs entiers de la société». Ce mouvement débute à l'approche de l'ouverture, le 16 novembre, du Sommet mondial de la société de l'information (SMSI) qui doit réunir à Tunis plusieurs dizaines de chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement.

Der Kampf um die Internet-Kontrolle (
Natürlich wurde das System in den USA entwickelt, gebaut und wird nach wie vor von dort überwacht , wenn auch einige der Server in der Welt verteilt sind. Offensichtlich gefällt es aber immer weniger Staaten, das sie davon abhängig sind - und fordern deshalb Mitbestimmung ein. Das sieht die Bush-Regierung ganz anders und ließ verkünden: "Die Root-Server gehören uns! Und wir behalten sie auch!".

UK resists radical net overhaul (BBC News)
The firm that runs the .uk net domain name, Nominet, says there should be no radical change to the way that the internet is managed globally. Nominet said it would prefer a system which did not over-regulate the net. The issue of who controls the backbone of the net, such as domains and traffic routing, will be debated at a United Nations summit in Tunisia next month.

Int'l workshop on Info Society begins Oct 23 (Daily Star)
A three-day international workshop on Building an Information Society will begin in the capital on October 23 to prepare Dhaka Declaration ahead of the World Summit on Information Society in Tunis in November. Ministry of Science and Information Communication Technology and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have jointly organised the workshop at Bhashani Novo Theatre in which some 22 experts from 18 countries are expected to join, according to a press orientation arranged by the UNDP at its office yesterday.

Les grèves de la faim en Tunisie sont "démagogiques" selon les autorités (Boursorama)
Les autorités tunisiennes ont qualifié mercredi "d'opération démagogique" la grève de la faim entamée mardi par des dirigeants d'associations et de partis d'opposition, qu'ils accusent de diffamer le gouvernement tunisien.

 Articles: October 2005
Grève de la faim des élites pour la liberté (Nouvel Observateur)
Sept personnalités de l'opposition et de la société civile ont entamé mardi 18 octobre une grève de la faim "illimitée" en Tunisie. Elles réclament d'avantage de libertés endans leur pays. "En cessant de nous nourrir, nous voulons dire aux Tunisiens et au monde entier que nous vivons dans un pays sans libertés et sans respect pour les droits de l'Homme les plus élémentaires", a déclaré Néjib Chebbi, chef du Parti démocratique progressiste (PDP, légal).

Tunisie: des figures politiques entament une grève de la faim illimitée (Canadian Press)
Sept figures de la société civile et de la scène politique tunisiennes ont annoncé mardi, lors d'une conférence de presse, avoir entamé le même jour une grève de la faim illimitée "pour exprimer leur refus de l'arbitraire et exiger le respect des droits politiques et humains du peuple tunisien".

Senator Norm Coleman today introduced a Sense of the Senate Resolution to protect the U.S.’s historic role in overseeing the operations of the Internet from an effort to transfer control over the unprecedented communications and informational medium to the U.N. A final report issued by the United Nations’ Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) this past July recommended that the U.N. assume global governance of the Internet.

House backs Bush on Internet stance (CNET
Members of the U.S. House of Representatives said this week that the United States should resist international pressure to give up authority over key Internet functions amid a mounting feud over the issue. In a letter to Commerce and State Department officials, the lawmakers said the Bush administration should retain strong oversight over the Internet domain name system, specifically the root servers that guide traffic to huge databases containing addresses for all the top-level domains, such as .com, .edu, and the country code domains like .uk and .jp.

 Articles: October 2005
Un expert de l'ONU invite Tunis à libérer les détenus (La Liberté)
Le rapporteur de l'ONU sur la liberté d'expression Ambeyi Ligabo a invité la Tunisie à relâcher les personnes emprisonnées pour avoir exercé leur liberté d'expression. Il rappelle que le SMSI prévu en novembre doit assurer un meilleur accès à Internet.

Keep the Net in U.S. hands (Ottawa Citizen)
Europe has sided with despots and dictators in international meetings over control of the Internet. Canada, which has thus far stayed above the fray in order to try to broker a deal, must not make the same mistake. Canada has thus far played its traditional role as honest broker at meetings of the World Summit on the Information Society, a body sponsored by the United Nations.

Tunisia: On Eve of Information Summit, UN Rights Expert Calls for Prisoner Release (All
Citing reported violations of freedom of opinion and expression in Tunisia as the North African country prepares to host the World Summit on the Information Society next month, a United Nations human rights expert has called on the Government to release unconditionally all press- and opinion-related prisoners

Computers Alone Can't Bridge Digital Gap (IPS)
"With these three computers and Internet access, it's as if we could reach up and touch the sky," exclaimed Analía Bonesso, the principal and teacher of all eight grades in a rural primary school in Argentina with no telephone, no radio, and only 14 students. Tomás Espora primary school is in Campo Durango in the province of Santa Fe, some 400 km northwest of Buenos Aires.

El instituto de la paz defiende la sociedad de la información (La Voz de Galicia)
El Instituto Galego de Estudos de Seguranza Internacional e da Paz (Igesip), que tiene su sede en la localidad rianxeira, suscribió hace unos días la declaración de principios para construir la sociedad de la información que fuera aprobada en Ginebra por 175 países miembros de la nión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones, organismo vinculado a la Organización de Naciones Unidas.

LA ICANN EN EL PUNTO DE MIRA: 'Peleas' por el control de la Red (El Mundo)
Siguen las posturas enfrentadas sobre la cuestión de quién debe tener el control de Internet, y mientras EEUU lucha por mantener el papel clave que ha ido desempeñando hasta ahora, otros países piden más control y participación en el gobierno de la Red. Todo, cuando queda cerca de un mes para la celebración en Túnez de la segunda parte de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información, en donde se abordará este espinoso tema.

SMSI — Le Président Ben Ali préside un Conseil ministériel (La Presse)
Un Conseil ministériel, réuni hier matin, sous la présidence du Président Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, a poursuivi l’examen des préparatifs engagés en prévision de la réunion du Sommet mondial sur la société de l’information (SMSI) qui se tiendra à Tunis en novembre prochain.

La Tunisie à pied d'oeuvre pour accueillir le Smsi (Tunisia online)
La préparation matérielle et logistique de la seconde phase du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (Smsi) que la Tunisie abritera, du 16 au 18 novembre 2005, avance à un rythme soutenu, a affirmé, vendredi,au palais des expositions du Kram (Palexpo), M. Habib Ammar,président du Comité permanent chargé de la préparation matérielle et organisationnelle de la seconde phase du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (Comsi).

 Articles: October 2005
Tentatives de coup d'Etat sur le Net (La Libération)
A l'approche du sommet sur la société de l'information, la mainmise des Etats-Unis sur le réseau mondial est de plus en plus contestée. Ce devait être la zone coquine du Web. Un «quartier rouge» regroupant les sites pornos derrière un nom de domaine .xxx, comme il existe des .com (pour les sites commerciaux) ou des .fr (pour les sites français).

Lawrence Lessig: The "Dinosaurs" Are Taking Over (Businessweek)
If the media giants have their way, the Net freedom fighter says, content will be rigidly controlled and innovation stifled. Who should control the Internet? If Stanford University law professor Lawrence Lessig is right, the Internet will soon belong to Hollywood studios, record labels, and cable operators -- corporate giants that he says are trying to cordon off chunks of the once-open data network.

UNO-Experte fordert Tunesien zu Freilassungen von Gefangenen auf (SFDRS, Tagesanzeiger)
Der UNO-Berichterstatter über die Meinungsfreiheit, Ambeyi Ligabo, hat die tunesische Regierung aufgfordert, politische Gefangene freizulassen. Die Regierung solle ausserdem Massnahmen zur Förderung eines tatsächlichen Pluralismus ergreifen. Mit Blick auf den Weltinformationsgipfel (WSIS) vom 16. bis 18. November in Tunis solle die Regierung die Ausübung des Rechts auf Meinungsfreiheit zulassen, forderte der UNO-Experte in Genf.

REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE: Global clash on Internet governance (The Nation/Bangkok)
In dealing with the world’s only superpower, do not get mad or even think of getting even. Just wait it out and hope your arguments win. That’s exactly what the EU is doing now, along with much of the rest of the world, in regard to the controversial issue of Internet governance. The EU was succinct in saying that no single country should have final authority over the Internet, which is considered now to be a global resource.

America is bent on keeping control of internet rules (The Times)
WHO should control the internet? That will be the big question at a UN conference on the information society in Tunisia next month — except for the American delegation, for whom the question is officially a non-starter.

The Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Ambeyi Ligabo, issued the following statement today: The final phase of the World Summit on the Information Society, to be held in Tunis from 16 to 18 November 2005, will be marked by a crucial effort to ensure a better future to less developed societies through the exploitation of Internet resources.

Gouvernance (La Libération)
Emblème d'une ère mondialisée et décentralisée de la communication permanente et instantanée de chacun avec tous, l'Internet peut-il être gouverné d'un centre unique, les Etats-Unis ? La réponse a priori semble être non. Il y a certes des raisons historiques qui expliquent que la gestion des «noms de domaine», le cadastre du cyberespace, soit aux mains d'une fondation californienne, l'Icann, placée sous contrôle de Washington.

Icann, le guide des arcanes du Web (La Libération)
Des machines et des aiguilleurs : c'est tout ce dont Internet a besoin pour fonctionner. Pour schématiser, le Net est géré au niveau mondial par des serveurs (en fait des ordinateurs) et un certain nombre d'organismes qui assurent leur fonctionnement. Ce dispositif technique s'appuie sur treize «serveurs de routage» : dix aux Etats-Unis, deux en Europe et un au Japon.

Mauvais point pour le .eu (La Libération)
'Europe donne des leçons de bonne gouvernance du Net aux Américains, mais elle se montre incapable de le gérer dans sa propre zone d'influence. C'est en tout cas l'avis de certains observateurs, qui moquent les Vingt-Cinq pour leur lenteur à mettre en place un nom de domaine .eu pour les sites européens. L'Icann n'y est pour rien. Dès que la Commission lui en a fait la demande, l'Icann lui a attribué un nom de domaine.

«Les Américains sur la défensive» (La Libération)
Pour Viviane Reding, commissaire européenne chargée de la société de l'information et des médias, la gestion d'Internet ne doit plus être un monopole américain. Est-il normal que les Américains contrôlent l'Internet ? Aujourd'hui, le fonctionnement technique de la Toile, assuré par la société américaine Icann, est satisfaisant.

A savoir (La Libération)
Internet est intégralement géré par 13 serveurs. Les Etats Unis en possèdent dix: quatre en Californie, six aux alentours de Washington. L'Europe en a deux: à Stockholm et Londres. Le treizième se trouve à Tokyo.

 Articles: October 2005
Analysis: Internet Governance Debate Not Black & White (
Paul Mockapetris, who invented the internet’s domain name system, was asked a few years ago what else he wished he could have invented. He answered: “A directory system for the internet that wouldn't be controlled by the politicians, lawyers and bureaucrats.” Tough luck, Paul.

Fairness Required in Internet Governance, By Linkserve Boss (All
As the controversy over the different positions held by two erstwhile, the US and the EU on the administration of the Internet continues, the CEO of the Linkserve, Mr. Chima Onyekwere has said net should be administered fairly. Responding to THISDAY's questions on the issue, Onyekwere who founded the Nigeria's pioneer Internet Service Provider, Linkserve, said the controversy surrounding the governance of the Internet has been a long-standing one, and it does not appear a if there is any immediate solution to resolving the problem.

 Articles: October 2005
Case against Tunisian human rights League adjourned (Angola Press)
A court in Tunis Saturday adjourned to 26 November the case against the leadership of Tunisia`s Human Rights League, LTDH, brought by a splinter group. Judicial sources said the adjournment was at the instance of the defence counsel. The court has already ordered the suspension of the League`s national congress planned for 9-11 September.

EU says internet could fall apart (The Guardian)
A battle has erupted over who governs the internet, with America demanding to maintain a key role in the network it helped create and other countries demanding more control.The European commission is warning that if a deal cannot be reached at a meeting in Tunisia next month the internet will split apart.

Net power struggle nears climax (BBC News)
The US has got an image problem when it comes to the internet. It is seen as arrogant and determined to remain the sheriff of the world wide web, regardless of whatever the rest of the world may think. It has even lost the support of the European Union. It stands alone as the divisive battle over who runs the internet heads for a showdown at a key UN summit in Tunisia next month.

Who's proposing what (The Guardian)
The United Nations has warned that America cannot continue its closed administration of the internet - but all sides are putting forward different solutions. Argentina's proposal calls for an "evolutionary process" with governments, industry and civil society participating in the debate in "a co-ordinated and balanced manner"…

Time to change control (The Guardian)
Who should run the internet? Until recently it was an academic question. After all, the United States - thanks to public money and (later on) private entrepreneurialism - had been the midwife of the net in the 1960s and had assumed de facto maternal control. But this divine right is now being challenged. Last week the EU proposed new global institutions, possibly under UN control, to replace existing organisations such as Icann which controls the issuing of domain names such as ".com" and the "root servers" critical for the working of the net's infrastructure.

Ntic : un ordinateur portable à 100 dollars (All
Le lancement d'un ordinateur à 100 dollars pour les écoles des pays du Sud sera l'un des événements du prochain Sommet mondial de la société de l'information (Smsi) qui se tiendra à Tunis du 16 au 18 novembre 2005. La Thaïlande, la Chine, l'Egypte, le Brésil et l'Afrique du Sud seront les premiers pays à bénéficier de cette opération lancée par le Media-Lab du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Mit).

U.S. May Face World at Internet Governance Summit (Washington Post)
Next month, world diplomats will travel to Tunisia to tackle a topic so dense that it normally clears a room in seconds: how the Internet is governed....

The Struggle for Real Control Over the Virtual World (IPS)
The real world is involved in a battle for control over the virtual world, one of the central issues to be dealt with at the Nov. 16-18 World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in the Tunisian capital. Against the wishes of almost all other governments, Washington wants to maintain the current system of domain names administered by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a private sector, non-profit body that is linked to the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Keep the Internet free (International Herald Tribune)
Beyond the headlines, a critically important battle for control of the Internet is being played out. On the one side is the United States, which wants to retain supervision of the Internet and has managed to get the reluctant support of most of the global Internet community, which sees America as the least bad of the possible ultimate guardians of the system

RSF Concerned About Deteriorating Health of Hamadi Jebali, On Hunger Strike for Three Weeks (All
Reporters Without Borders voiced concern today about the state of health of imprisoned journalist Hamadi Jebali, who began his second hunger strike this year on 15 September. His wife, Wahida Jebali, has not been allowed to see him for the past two weeks. He has been in prison since 1991. "Hamadi Jebali's strength is weakened a little bit more by each hunger strike," the press freedom organisation said. "We call on the prison authorities to let Wahida Jebali visit her husband so that she can verify his state of health."

House Backs U.S. ICANN Stand (
The U.S. House Commerce Committee backed the White House Thursday and emphatically opposed turning over governance of the Internet to the United Nations (U.N.). In a letter to administration officials, Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.), chairman of the House Commerce Committee, and ranking member John Dingel1 (D-Mich.) wrote that the "United States should maintain its historic role in authorizing changes or modifications to the authoritative root zone file."

Internet Governance: Do We Expect Fireworks in Tunis? (All
Come November this year, the world will gather in Tunis, capital of Tunisia, to deliberate on the future of the Internet. The World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) is scheduled to hold there from November 16 to 18. Before now, the biggest optimism of many developing countries to which African nations belong was that there would at least be some cosmetic changes that would guarantee them a say in the way the Internet is run. They did not expect the radical boost they got last week.

Rally For Less U.S.-Centric Internet Gains Momentum (
While U.S. dominance of the Internet is clear, and the use of English prevails in cyberspace, there is increasing pressure from both industrialized and developing nations alike to break up at least some of the world's sole superpower's hold over the World Wide Web. The question remains, however, whether U.S. predominance can indeed be scaled back in a systematic way or whether indeed U.S. agencies and corporations will be willing and able to cooperate with a global consensus, if there is indeed one.

U.N. agency says it's ready to govern the Net (Reuters)
The United Nations' International Telecommunications Union is ready to take over the governance of the Internet from the United States, ITU head Yoshio Utsumi said on Friday. The United States has clashed with the European Union and much of the rest of the world over the future of the Internet. It currently manages the global information system through a partnership with California-based Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, better known as ICANN.

La UE, EE. UU. y Suiza instan a Túnez a garantizar la participación de la sociedad civil en la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información (La Vanguardia)
Al término de la última ronda preparatoria de la CMSI, que tuvo lugar en Ginebra, esos países emitieron una declaración en la que expresan su inquietud por la posibilidad de que se impongan restricciones a la participación de las organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) en ese evento.

100-Dollar-Notebook vorgestellt (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
Die Organisation "One Laptop per Child" hat das Design des Notebooks vorgestellt, dessen Produktion unter 100 US-Dollar kosten wird. Die Organisation will einen tragbaren Rechner produzieren, der aufgrund seines niedrigen Preises für Kinder in der Dritten Welt geeignet ist.

Tunisia will not normalise ties with Israel - PM (Gulf News)
Tunisian Prime Minister Mohammad Ghannouchi said Tunisia would not establish diplomatic ties with Israel to reward it for its pullout from the Gaza Strip. In an interview with Gulf News, Ghannouchi, who is heading a 14-member business delegation on his visit to the UAE, said Tunisia would stick to the Arab Peace Plan adopted by the Beirut Summit in March 2002.

US grip on the Internet challenged (Asia Times Online)
A high-stakes battle is raging over who should control the Internet, the world's most powerful communication tool that has arguably become an important vehicle of globalization. Not the Americans, is the message from the rest of the world. Last week, high-level talks in Geneva failed to resolve the dispute as the European Union broke ranks with the US government and joined Brazil, China and Iran in demanding an end to America's supervision of the Internet.

EU Wants Shared Control of Internet (Washington Post)
The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the......

Gulliver's travails (The Economist)
The battle to control the internet: Since the internet was created in the 1960s as a military-research project, America has co-ordinated the underlying infrastructure. But other countries are increasingly concerned that a single nation enjoys such power, and want to place the internet in the hands of an inter-governmental organisation—something America says might hobble the network.

Cheap tricks (The Economist)
A $100 laptop for the poor could affect the computer industry: The idea is as audacious as it altruistic: provide a personal laptop computer to every schoolchild—particularly in the poorest parts of the world. The first step to making that happen is whittling the price down to $100. And that is the goal of a group of American techno-gurus led by Nicholas Negroponte, the founder of the fabled MIT Media Lab.

America rules OK (The Economist)
Plans for global management of the internet are a threat to its future: WHY should America control the internet? A growing number of governments are asking this apparently reasonable question. At a diplomatic meeting last week in Geneva, the European Union unexpectedly dropped its support for the current arrangement, and sided with America's critics (see article). America could now find itself isolated as negotiations over future regulation of the internet continue.

Keep the United Nations Away From the Internet (The New York Sun)
In Geneva last week, delegates at a U.N. conference recommended that an intergovernmental body should oversee the Internet. At last, according to the European press, pressure from the United Nations and others would result in the American government's loss of control over the Internet. The only problem is that our government does not actually control the Internet. Still, the United Nations may attempt to seize control of it - the world body's motivation is empire-building.

One Laptop Per Child (The Independent)
The laptop will be tough and foldable in different ways, with a hand crank for when there is no power supply. Professor Negroponte came up with the idea for a cheap computer for all after visiting a Cambodian village. His non-profit One Laptop Per Child group plans to have up to 15 million machines in production within a year. A prototype of the machine should be ready in November at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunisia.

 Articles: October 2005
Road to Tunis Paved With Questions (IPS)
With just six weeks to go before the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis, a number of key issues remain unresolved, including the highly debated questions of Internet governance and civil society participation. The future of the Internet will now supposedly be decided at a meeting to be held in the Tunisian capital immediately prior to the Summit itself, which is taking place Nov. 16-18.

Trouble Ahead (The New York Sun)
The savants at Turtle Bay believe the United Nations operates with such admirable efficiency and absence of corruption that the international confabulation should take over control of the Internet. The global body's effort to commandeer the Internet is likely to progress at a November meeting in Tunis, the next gathering of the World Summit on the Information Society.

Tunis brands critical press group report as biased (Reuters)
Tunisia, which hosts a world information summit in November, on Wednesday described as biased and inaccurate a report that accused it of restricting the press and harassing journalists. Responding to the report by the Tunisian Monitoring Group, which brings together 14 media non-governmental organisations (NGOs), the government said Tunisia had a "free and pluralistic" press and that there was no media censorship. "We reject the allegations made by the ... monitoring group as biased and inaccurate," it said in a statement issued in Geneva.

The world loves America but resists its power (Daily Star Lebanon)
I think I understand the subtleties, complexities and opportunities of our world just a little bit better this week, having participated here in Geneva in an international preparatory meeting for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), to be held in Tunis in November, while speaking with a range of European colleagues and also reading two important articles in Foreign Affairs magazine related to the United States' posture in the world.

Press group wants pressure on Tunis ahead of summit (Reuters)
The international community must demand that Tunisia respect press freedom and stop harassing journalists, lawyers and dissidents in the run up to a world information summit there, a monitoring group said on Monday. In a report ahead of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in November, the group said the situation had deteriorated over the past few months, with the government seemingly bent on stifling dissent.

Effect of WSIS On Nigeria (All
Second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) comes up in 54 days away in Tunis. Remmy Nweke reports that the processes have been a stimulae to development in the Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) in the country. Two years ago when the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS-03) came to a close in Geneva, Switzerland, little did any one give Africa let alone Nigeria a chance to record much development in the use of ICT that impacted so much on the people before the second phase.

Shalom to attend the WSIS meeting in Tunisia this November (KUNA)
Israeli Prime Minister Silvan Shalom on Monday said he will head a large delegation to Tunisia where he will attend the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) scheduled for mid-November. Shalom told reporters following separate meetings with Tunisian and Jordanian Foreign Ministers "I think we are making good progress in our relations with the Arab and Muslim countries. This is the best time for all of those countries to take a move to a better understanding with Israel."

Switzerland hosts Info Summit preparations (NZZ online)
PrepCom-3, the third and final preparatory meeting for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in November, got underway in Geneva on Monday. The 11-day gathering is open to government and United Nations representatives, non-governmental organisations and the private sector. The second phase of the WSIS, the UN-sponsored conference on information and communication, will take place in the Tunisian capital of Tunis from November 16-18.

Sommet de l'information (Le Temps)
Comment peut-on organiser le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), sommet onusien qui aura lieu au mois de novembre, dans un pays où les défenseurs des droits de l'homme et les personnes qui sont proches du monde de l'information sont les victimes quotidiennes d'intimidations, de harcèlements et de violences? Ainsi en Tunisie plusieurs jeunes, nommés les internautes de Zarzis, ont été arrêtés pour le simple fait de s'être branchés via Internet sur des «sites interdits».

Bottom-of-the Pyramid Markets - the Sub-USD100 Laptop And the Search for the Holy Grail (All
The idea is a simple one. Lower the price of a device and you will get more people to buy. Bottom-of-the-pyramid markets - those in the lowest global income band (below USD1500 a year) - provide a tantalising market opportunity. Wharton Business School academic C K Prahalad has argued this case in his book the Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid. This week saw the launch of MIT's Nicholas Negroponte's USD100 laptop which makes ambitious claims to becoming more "an education project" for school children than a cheap laptop for the masses.

Breaking America's grip on the net (The Guardian, Taipei Times, The Hindu)
After troubled negotiations in Geneva, the US may be forced to relinquish control of the internet to a coalition of governments. You would expect an announcement that would forever change the face of the internet to be a grand affair - a big stage, spotlights, media scrums and a charismatic frontman working the crowd. But unless you knew where he was sitting, all you got was David Hendon's slightly apprehensive voice through a beige plastic earbox. The words were calm, measured and unexciting, but their implications will be felt for generations to come.

Nächste Runde im Streit über Netzkontrolle (ORF online)
Die Diskussion über die Verwaltung des Internets erhitzt schon im Vorfeld des 2. Weltgipfels zur Informationsgesellschaft die Gemüter. Während die EU nach einer Ablöse der US-dominierten ICANN verlangt, lehnen diese eine Aufgabe ihrer Aufsichtsrolle weiter ab. Schon seit Jahren gibt es heftige Diskussionen darüber, wer die Netz-Polizei, welche für die Namensraumverwaltung und das Traffic-Routing im weltweiten Netz zuständig ist, stellen sollte.

Internet Governance Meeting Appears Deadlocked (Computerwire)
International governments are struggling to reach an agreement on whether to create a new body to govern the internet, as a UN meeting in Geneva draws to a close today. Support for the US’s continued unilateral oversight of internet resource management, which the country’s competitors continue to be angry about, appears to be eroding, with European Union support evaporating earlier this week.

Tunisia will not normalise ties with Israel - PM (GulfNews)
Dubai: Tunisian Prime Minister Mohammad Ghannouchi said Tunisia would not establish diplomatic ties with Israel to reward it for its pullout from the Gaza Strip. In an interview with Gulf News, Ghannouchi, who is heading a 14-member business delegation on his visit to the UAE, said Tunisia would stick to the Arab Peace Plan adopted by the Beirut Summit in March 2002.

U.S. insists on keeping control of Web (USA Today)
A senior U.S. official rejected calls on Thursday for a U.N. body to take over control of the main computers that direct traffic on the Internet, reiterating U.S. intentions to keep its historical role as the medium's principal overseer. "We will not agree to the U.N. taking over the management of the Internet," said Ambassador David Gross, the U.S. coordinator for international communications and information policy at the State Department. "Some countries want that. We think that's unacceptable."

Sub-$100 laptop design unveiled (BBC)
Nicholas Negroponte, chairman and founder of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Labs, has been outlining designs for a sub-$100 PC. The laptop will be tough and foldable in different ways, with a hand crank for when there is no power supply. Professor Negroponte came up with the idea for a cheap computer for all after visiting a Cambodian village. His non-profit One Laptop Per Child group plans to have up to 15 million machines in production within a year.

U.N. Defends Having Tech Summit in Tunisia (ABC News/AP)
Facing heated protest, the United Nations on Wednesday defended Tunisia's hosting of a U.N. summit about Internet access in the developing world, even though the north African nation has been repeatedly accused of rights abuses that include blocking Web sites it dislikes. Earlier this week, a coalition of human rights groups known as the Tunisia Monitoring Group issued a report that declared Tunisia unfit to hold the World Summit on the Information Society, set for November, because of reports that the government has stepped up attacks on the press and civil society.

World Wide (Web) Takeover (CBS News)
"In my opinion, freedom of speech seems to be a politically sensitive issue. A lot of policy matters are behind it." So observed Houlin Zhao, the man who wants to control the greatest forum for free expression in history. Zhao, a director of the U.N.'s International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and a former senior Chinese-government official, is a leader in the United Nations's effort to supplant the United States government in the supervision of the Internet.

Intérêt présidentiel soutenu au développement (All
M. Abdallah Kallel, membre du Bureau politique du Rassemblement Constitutionnel Démocratique (RCD) et président de la Chambre des Conseillers, a présidé, hier au Kef, la cérémonie d'installation du nouveau secrétaire général du Comité de coordination du RCD.

UN telecommunications agency says technology must be equitably shared (DubaiPhotoMedia)
World leaders must pay more attention to the role that information and communication technologies (ICTs) can play in addressing many of the challenges of the 21st century and in achieving the Millennium Development Goals, the head of the United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU) says.

Masood wants use of Internet to end poverty (Pak Tribune)
ISLAMABAD: A Preparatory Committee is meeting shortly to finalise documents for the World Summit on Information Society Tunis in mid November 2005. Ambassador Masood Khan, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative, told that he assumed his responsibilities as Chairman of the Committee on Internet Governance on September 19. He called for an equitable and judicious use of Internet resources to pull the world out of massive poverty and deprivation.

 Articles: October 2005
Das Internet an der Wurzel gepackt (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
Zwischen Europa und die Vereinigten Staaten ist in der vergangenen Woche ein scharfer Streit über die Kontrolle des Internets ausgebrochen. Europa wendet sich nun offen gegen den amerikanischen Anspruch, die zentrale Entscheidungsgewalt über das weltweite Datennetz zu behalten. Im Laufe von Verhandlungen in Genf schlug die Delegation des derzeitigen EU-Ratspräsidenten Großbritannien vor, die Kontrolle einem internationalen Gremium zu übertragen, an dem die Regierungen mitwirken.

Give up Web domination, US told (Middle East Times)
The United States was isolated on September 30 as it sought to defend its monopoly over regulation of the Internet against the European Union and other countries that are demanding a share of the action, officials said. "On the issue of Internet governance, very big differences of opinion exist," the head of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) said following a preparatory meeting for the second stage of the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunisia. "The United States insist that the present status quo should be maintained. Other countries share the view that it should be evolving."

 Articles: October 2005
EU wants international control of Internet (China Daily / AP)
The European Union insisted Friday the job of Internet traffic cop must be shared by governments and the private sector, AP reported. The U.S. wants to remain the Internet's ultimate authority, rejecting calls in a United Nations meeting in Geneva for a U.N. body to take over. EU spokesman Martin Selmayr rejected American claims the EU had changed direction.

Pre-summit talks fall on deaf ears (NZZ online)
The final preparatory meeting for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis, has drawn to an unresolved close in the Swiss city of Geneva. The so-called PrepCom3 was marked by accusations of press censorship in Tunisia and United States refusals to loosen its grip on managing the internet. However, delegates on Friday agreed to meet again three days before the summit on November 16-18.

U.S. insists on controlling Web ( / AP)
The United States refuses to relinquish its role as the Internet's principal traffic policeman, rejecting calls in a United Nations meeting for a U.N. body to take over, a top U.S. official said. But while the United States stuck to its position, other negotiators said there was a growing sense that a compromise had to be reached and that no single country ought to be the ultimate authority over such a vital part of the global economy. "We will not agree to the U.N. taking over the management of the Internet," said Ambassador David Gross, the U.S. coordinator for international communications and information policy at the State Department.

NGOs sound alarm over information summit (NZZ online)
Preparatory talks in Geneva ahead of November's World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) have ended amid controversy, NGOs tell swissinfo. Wolf Ludwig, a spokesman for Swiss non-governmental organisations, says participants from civil society have been sidelined, and are considering a boycott of the UN-sponsored event, which is to take place in Tunisia.

US rejects changes to net control (BBC News)
The US has rejected calls by European Union (EU) officials to give control of the net over to a more representative United Nations (UN) body. Wrangling over who should essentially be the net police, managing domain names and net traffic routing fairly, has been going on for some time. The matter is supposed to be discussed at November's World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia. But at a pre-Summit meeting this week, the US said it would resist the plans.

US warned to "democratise" net (Australian IT)
THE United States was isolated as it sought to defend its monopoly over regulation of the internet against the European Union and other countries that are demanding a share of the action, officials said. "On the issue of internet governance, very big differences of opinion exist," the head of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) said following a preparatory meeting for the second stage of the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunisia. "The United States insist that the present status quo should be maintained. Other countries share the view that it should be evolving."

Touche pas à mon Internet ! (ITRManager)
Lors de la réunion préparatoire au Somment Mondial sur la Société de l’Information (SMSI) qui se tiendra en novembre prochain, lLa Commission Européenne et les représentants des autres pays ont fait part de leur souhait de faire évoluer la gourvernance de l’Internet, de mettre un terme aux prérogatives de l’ICANN et de placer Internet sous un contrôle plus international. Cette demande a reçu une fin de non recevoir par les Etats-Unis qui souhaitent maintenir les choses en l’état et garder un contrôle exclusif.

Kenya Enrols in Fund to Boost Use of Computers (All
Kenya has joined a global financing initiative aimed at promoting access to information and communications technologies (ICTs). The Global Digital Solidarity Fund (DSF) is aimed at bridging the digital divide between industrialised and developing nations. The fund is meant to boost knowledge dissemination and sharing of experiences in the developing world. It was started on March 14, 2005, by African Heads of State under the chairmanship of Nigerian President Olesegun Obasanjo, who is also the chairman of the African Union (AU).

Tunisia told to guarantee freedom of expression (Khaleej Times Online)
Western countries have called on Tunisia to guarantee freedom of expression and independent media access during the UN World Summit on the Information Society it will host next month, it emerged here yesterday.“We expect Tunisia, as host of this UN summit, to demonstrate that it strongly upholds and promotes these rights,” read a declaration moved by Canada and backed by the European Union, the United States and a dozen other countries at a preparatory meeting on Friday night.

 Articles: December 2003
Annan: Media Freedoms Must Be Reaffirmed (Miami Herald)
"GENEVA - Respect for media freedoms must accompany efforts to expand the Internet, even though the press will be continue to be regulated in some nations, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan told worldwide broadcasters. "But when they go further, down the slope toward censorship and harassment, all of us - and potentially our rights - are imperiled," Annan said Tuesday at the opening session of the U.N.-sponsored World Electronic Media Forum."

IT gap looms over U.N. summit (CNN)
"GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) -- A group of developing nations wants to put control of the Internet into the hands of the United Nations, an issue that likely will overshadow a summit on information technology. Key decisions on Internet issues, such as domain names and addresses, now reside in a private agency spun off from the U.S. government -- and the United States wants to keep it that way. But if countries do not believe their concerns are adequately heard by the Internet's key decision-makers, a U.N. official warned on Tuesday, they may create conflicting national policies and even set up their own networks within their borders. "

Summit agrees that Web must grow - but who should pull the strings? (The Star)
"Geneva - A summit of world leaders focusing on expanding the Internet must reaffirm media freedoms and the right of ordinary people to stay informed. So says UN secretary-general Kofi Annan. It is one thing for governments to establish regulations governing the media, Annan said yesterday in remarks prepared for delivery at a parallel conference of broadcasters from around the world. "But when they go further, down the slope towards censorship and harassment, all of us - and potentially our rights - are imperiled," Annan told participants at the opening session of the World Electronic Media Forum."

Geneva summit aims to bridge 'digital divide' (Fiancial Times)
"With almost all the political hurdles swept aside in negotiations last weekend, the huge World Summit on the Information Society that opens in Geneva today will be clearly focused on its initial objective - boosting the use of information and communication technologies in the developing world. Governments from more than 170 countries are expected to endorse a declaration of principles and a plan of action for increasing ICT use and access. Only the issue of special finance to help poorer nations meet these goals remains unresolved ahead of the three-day United Nations summit. In addition, countries will reaffirm the principles of freedom of expression, media independence and pluralism, which China and some other members had sought to weaken. "

World Broadcasters present Annan with declaration pledging spread of information (UN News)
"The world's leading radio and television broadcasters today conveyed to United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan their commitment to such fundamental values as freedom of expression, access to information, media pluralism and cultural diversity. The Broadcasters' Declaration by the World Broadcasting Unions (WBU), a coordinating body for regional broadcasting associations, was presented to the Secretary-General on the opening day of the World Electronic Media Forum (WEMF) in Geneva. "

Race against clock ahead of digital divide summit (The Daily Star)
"Talks paving the way for a groundbreaking global summit on bridging the digital divide have made progress but an accord on the financing of measures to reduce the gap between rich and poor remains elusive, a negotiator said here. The 169 countries taking part in the World Summit on the Information Society, opening here today, still disagree on a plan of action to be adopted by delegates, Marc Furrer, head of the Swiss Federal Office of Communication said. "The minimal consensus is that we have to see solidarity, (but) what we don't agree on is whether we should create a special fund or not," he told reporters"

Media Freedom in WSIS Proclamations (All Africa)
"Following intense lobbying by media and civil society groups, the declaration to be presented to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) has included more progressive clauses on freedom of expression and the role of the media in the information society. Media and human rights organisations had threatened to boycott the official declaration if it did not include their proposals to give media the freedom to play an active role in society without fear of harassment by governments."

Nokia Chairman and CEO Jorma Ollila: Communications Technologies Are a Catalyst for Economic and Social Development (Business Wire)
"Jorma Ollila, Chairman and CEO of Nokia, highlighted the need for shared commitment and actions to bring about universal access - the ability of all people to connect to people, information and services - to communications technologies. He made these remarks in a welcoming speech for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva, Switzerland. The WSIS is hosted under the auspices of the United Nations and convened to develop ways to address the information revolution. "

Cash compromise for UN summit (BBC News)
"Developing nations keen to use technology to bridge the digital divide are going to have to find the cash to pay for the hardware and software themselves. Negotiators at the UN summit on the digital divide have failed to agree to create a special fund that can be used to bankroll technology-related projects. Instead a compromise has been reached that will see African states pool resources but European, Japanese and Canadian governments have only agreed to study the idea. The compromised was hammered out during the final day of negotiations taking place before the UN summit officially starts on 10 December. "

Annan calls on broadcasters to help create ‘open, inclusive’ information society (Herald Tribune)
"United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan today called on global broadcasters to help in the effort to create an open and inclusive information society in which knowledge empowers all people, and serves the cause of improving the human condition. In remarks to the opening of the World Electronic Media Forum (WEMF) in Geneva, the Secretary-General noted the "power and paradox" facing the producers and consumers of electronic media in the information age. "

Sadc condemn 'rigid' Commonwealth (New Zimbabwe)
"SADC condemn rigid Commonwealth SOUTHERN African countries today condemned Zimbabwe's suspension from the Commonwealth, blaming it on the "dismissive, intolerant and rigid attitude" of some member countries. "The present situation in Zimbabwe calls for engagement by the Commonwealth and not isolation and further punishment," said a statement by those members of the 14-nation Southern African Development Community (SADC) which are also members of the Commonwealth. "

File sharing in West Africa (
"In West Africa, they call it Cooperative Networking. Here, we call it p2p - peer-to-peer - file sharing. And it's working to help people in West Africa, as people attending the World Summit on the Information Society, due to open in Geneva tomorrow, will learn. Conference attendees will find out how staff and pupils in Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Benin, Burkina-Faso and Niger, and to a lesser degree in Togo, Guinea and Mauritania, are using the Net as what amounts to a digital campus where resources are shared online. "

Delegates make important progress in preparation for information society summit (Cordis News)
"In the run up to the World Summit on the Information Society, which begins in Geneva on 10 December, negotiators from 192 countries have resolved most of their disagreements over draft documents to be presented to Heads of State and Government at the event. Following eleventh hour discussions, sticking points such as references to human rights, media freedom, intellectual property rights and Internet governance have been overcome."

World Summit to set out a strategic vision for a global information society (Europe News)
"The United Nations World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) will take place in Geneva from the 10th to the 12th December 2003. This is the single most important political event dedicated to the Information Society since the European Commission coined the phrase in the mid-Nineties. Heads of State and Government and senior ministers from around the world should agree a Declaration of Principles governing the global information society and a Plan of Action to guide countries in making it a reality. "

Matsepe-Casaburri off to World Summit (IT Web)
"Communications minister Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri left for Geneva this weekend to attend the World Summit on the Information Society's (WSIS) extraordinary session, which will seek ways of bridging the digital divide. According to a Government Communications and Information Services announcement, the three-day summit is due to start on Wednesday and the minister will address an all-general debate on Thursday. The WSIS is a forum of all stakeholders in telecommunications, broadcasting, multimedia and information and communications technology (ICT), to develop a better understanding of the impact of the convergence of such technologies on the international community."

FRACTURE NUMERIQUE : Premier sommet sur la sociétéde l'Information à Genève (Nouvel Observateur)
"Le premier Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information qui vise à combler le fossé entre riches et pauvres dans l'accès aux outils de communication comme l'Internet s'ouvre ce mercredi à Genève. Exclue, l'association Reporters sans frontières diffusera une radio pirate. "

N'oublions pas l'Afrique (Le Figaro)
"A l'heure où s'ouvre à Genève le sommet mondial sur la société de l'information, il me paraît utile de préciser ce que recouvre ce terme et de replacer l'Afrique au coeur du débat. Sous la pression des technologies nouvelles, le monde a évolué en quelques décennies vers une société globale de l'information et de la communication, en laissant toutefois les pays les plus pauvres à l'écart de cette évolution."

A Genève, l'ONU tente d'équilibrer la "société de l'information (CRI Online)
"Plus de 16 000 représentants de gouvernement devaient se réunir, du 10 au 12 décembre, pour lancer un ambitieux programme visant à combler le fossé qui sépare le nord et le sud en matière d'accès au savoir. Le président sénégalais propose de créer un Fonds mondial de solidarité numérique. Genève de notre correspondante Plus de 16 000 délégués représentant des gouvernements, la société civile et le secteur privé se réunissent du 10 au 12 décembre, à Genève, après plus de deux ans et demi de négociations, pour le Sommet mondial de la société de l'information (SMSI). "

Les Etats-Unis en tête dans l'utilisation de technologies de l'information (CRI Online)
"Les Etats-Unis sont les plus grands utilisateurs de technologies de l'information; l'Afrique du Sud, premier pays du continent, se classe à la 37ème place et la Chine à la 51ème place, indique un rapport rendu public mardi par le Forum économique mondial à la veille du sommet mondial sur la société de l'information. Selon le rapport, le fossé numérique se réduit entre le Nord et le Sud. Un certain nombre de pays en voie de développement, en Asie et en Amérique latine, rattrapent en effet leur retard sur les pays industrialisés. "

Comment le Sénégal a préparé la première phase (Le Soleil)
"La préparation du Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l’Information (SMSI) de Genève et Tunis est un processus qui a débuté depuis l’année 2000, avec une série de rencontres auxquelles le Sénégal était généralement bien représenté et lors desquelles il a influencé de manière significative les conclusions. Aujourd’hui, le travail de préparation du Sénégal est dirigé par M. Mamadou Diop Decroix, ministre de l’Information et de la Coopération africaine dans les NTIC. Il est appuyé par une équipe composée de membres de la Présidence, de la Primature, du ministère des Affaires étrangères, de représentants du Sénégal dans les organisations internationales du secteur des NTIC, du secteur privé et de la Société civile. Plusieurs activités ont été menées dans le cadre de la préparation du Sénégal, depuis le lancement de l’initiative du sommet. En voici les plus marquantes. "

Les États-Unis affirment leur position dominante en Afrique (Investigateur)
"La délégation des États-Unis au Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information compte souligner, lors de cette réunion, qu'un secteur privé dynamique et l'État de droit sont les fondements essentiels du développement des technologies de l'information et de la communication. Ainsi les États-Unis continuent leur offensive sans précédent en Afrique. En se plaçant dans le secteur de l’information et donc du commerce en ligne, les États-Unis prennent une longueur d’avance sur les challengers russes, chinois et bien entendu français."

Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information: lancement à 14h00 (La Liberte)
"GENÈVE - Dix mille délégués, 169 pays, 65 chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement, 500 spécialistes et une organisation de 15 millions de frs.: Genève est prête pour le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information. Pascal Couchepin et Kofi Annan l'ouvriront à 14h00. L'objectif de ce sommet est de réduire la fracture numérique entre le Nord et le Sud. Le conseiller fédéral Moritz Leuenberger dirigera la délégation suisse, assisté par sa collègue Micheline Calmy-Rey. Une centaine d'événements parallèles sont organisés en marge du sommet officiel, comme le Forum mondial des médias électroniques et la conférence sur le rôle de la science dans la société de l'information avec 500 spécialistes réunis au CERN débutée lundi."

Les Etats-Unis en tête dans l'utilisation de technologies de l'information (Xinhuanet)
"Les Etats-Unis sont les plus grands utilisateurs de technologies de l'information; l'Afrique du Sud, premier pays du continent, se classe à la 37ème place et la Chine à la 51ème place, indique un rapport rendu public mardi par le Forum économique mondial à la veille du sommet mondial sur la société de l'information. Selon le rapport, le fossé numérique se réduit entre le Nord et le Sud. Un certain nombre de pays en voie de développement, en Asie et en Amérique latine, rattrapent en effet leur retard sur les pays industrialisés. "

Fonds de solidarité: le Nord serait le 1er à en profiter, selon Wade (Actu Live)
"Les pays du Nord ont intérêt à contribuer à l'accès des pays du Sud à l'internet et la téléphonie, qui à terme représenteront un "marché immense", estime le président sénégalais Abdoulaye Wade, à l'origine de l'idée d'un Fonds de solidarité numérique international. "Si les pays du Nord avaient mieux compris la notion de Fonds de solidarité numérique, ils en seraient les premiers défenseurs car si nous obtenons des ressources financières, c'est à eux que nous achèterons les équipements", déclare M. Wade au quotidien La Tribune de Genève, à la veille de l'ouverture du premier sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) sur les bords du Léman."

Financer des projets, c'est bien. Financer les bons projets, c'est mieux (Le Temps)
"Questions à Walter Fust, patron de la Direction suisse du développement et de la coopération. Dès 9 heures ce matin, les délégations gouvernementales du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) se retrouvent pour une ultime réunion. Elles doivent essayer de trouver un accord sur la création - ou non - d'un fonds de solidarité numérique. Emmenés par le Sénégal, les pays en développement insistent pour que ce fonds soit créé dès le Sommet de Genève. Plusieurs pays industrialisés, dont les Etats-Unis, y sont hostiles. Directeur de la DDC et maître d'÷uvre de la plate-forme ICT4D (technologies de l'information et de la communication en faveur du développement) qui se tient en parallèle au SMSI, Walter Fust doute de l'utilité actuelle d'un tel fonds. Le Temps: Faut-il créer ce fonds de solidarité numérique? "

La brecha digital y el control de la Red serán los ejes de la Cumbre Mundial en Ginebra (Europa Press)
"Arranca en Ginebra la primera reunión de la ONU centrada en Internet, con la presencia de medio centenar de mandatarios mundiales MADRID.- La primera Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información, impulsada por Naciones Unidas, arranca el miércoles en Ginebra con el propósito fundamental de conseguir limar en los próximos años la denominada 'brecha digital', tras haberse solucionado en los últimos días algunos de los temas más espinosos de la agenda de trabajo. Así, hasta el viernes cerca de medio centenar de jefes de Estado y de Gobierno, además de múltiples altos cargos de casi doscientos países, participarán en la primera fase de esta cumbre, que tendrá continuación en noviembre de 2005 en Túnez."

Las negociaciones previas despejan el camino de la cumbre de Internet (IDG World)
"La Información (WSIS), que comienza el miércoles en la ciudad suiza. En la reunión alcanzaron un acuerdo en dos proyectos de texto, una declaración de principios y un plan de acción, que serán presentados a los delegados de los gobiernos para su aprobación. En un intento de difundir una de las cuestiones más importantes, los negociadores acordaron pedir a las Naciones Unidas (ONU) el establecimiento de un comité para investigar la gerencia de Internet antes de 2005, cuando está previsto celebrarse una segunda cumbre en Túnez, según un portavoz de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT), la agencia de la ONU que está organizando el acontecimiento."

Uno de los inventores de Internet afirma que la Red es útil, pero no 100% segura (El Mundo)
"GINEBRA.- Internet es útil, pero no del todo segura porque con independencia del 'software' de cifrado que se utilice nadie podrá garantizar al 100% la protección de la vida privada o los derechos de autor, según el físico Robert Cailliau, considerado como uno de los padres de la Red. La Red nació hace 14 años en Ginebra para responder a las necesidades del Centro Europeo de Investigación Nuclear (CERN), fruto de la inventiva del británico Tim Berners-Lee y Robert Cailliau. Ambos pensaron que podría ser un instrumento útil para que los científicos de todo el planeta compartiesen el resultado de sus investigaciones, conectándose a la red. "

U.N. Meeting Debates Software for Poor Nations (NY Times, International Herald Tribune)
"GENEVA, Dec. 10 -Whether governments should support open-source software like Linux over commercial software like Microsoft's Windows was debated on Wednesday at a United Nations conference on closing the so-called digital divide between rich and poor countries. Samuel Guimarães, executive secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, told government representatives at the opening sessions of the meeting that open-source, or free-to-share, software was crucial for the developing world because it would permit poorer countries to develop their own technology instead of having to import it. "

 Articles: December 2003
China to speed up IT developent (People Daily)
"China pledged to spare no efforts to work together with other nations to accelerate the progress of the development of an information society. That message was delivered in Geneva on December 10 at the first plenary meeting of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Organized by the United Nations (UN), the three-day conference aims to bring poorer nations into the so-called information age and drive up their economic development by boosting access to technology such as mobile phones and the Internet. "

CMSI: El abismo entre Norte y Sur vuelve a la mesa (Mujeres Hoy)
"(Swissinfo, Ginebra, Suiza) La Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) aspira a colocar las primeras piedras de una sociedad más equitativa. Sin embargo, hace 10 años que Naciones Unidas organiza encuentros destinados a la supuesta reducción de las disparidades entre ricos y pobres; y según las evidencias, no hay grandes resultados. Con el derrumbe del bloque comunista a finales de los años 80, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) creyó que su hora había llegado finalmente. El fin de la confrontación ideológica Este-Oeste permitía creer en un posible consenso planetario basado en la economía de mercado y en la democracia. "

Exhorta Kofi Annan a terminar con el abismo digital (Cadena Habana)
"Ricardo Alarcón, Presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular (Parlamento), intervendrá este jueves ante la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información, que se efectúa en la ciudad suiza de Ginebra. El Presidente del Parlamento cubano es el Jefe de la delegación de la Isla a este encuentro, que reúne a representantes de 170 países, incluido unos 50 Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno, y donde también participan más de 10 mil representantes de organismos internacionales, organizaciones no gubernamentales y sectores empresariales. "

Fractura digital: un enfoque solidario (Indymedia)
"Hasta el momento no existe acuerdo entre el norte y el sur para crear un fondo de solidaridad digital que permita disminuir la brecha digital que existe entre los países ricos y pobres. De acuerdo a los trascendidos de las negociaciones preliminares a la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI) que tendrá lugar en Ginebra a partir del 10 diciembre próximo, la creación de un Fondo de Solidaridad Digital, es uno de los puntos de las negociaciones que tiene fuertes resistencias. La política de acción y el financiamiento para superar la brecha en el acceso a las tecnologías de la información y comunicación entre los países pobres y ricos, es uno de los debates que está teniendo lugar en Ginebra a pocos días del comienzo de la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI). "

Ghana Calls for Collective Subscription to Digital Fund (All Africa)
"Ghanaian President John A. Kufuor has called on all nations to subscribe collectively to the Digital Solidarity Fund (DSF). The DSF, proposed to finance Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Africa, was put on ice after government, industry and civil society leaders participating in the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) process failed to reach a consensus. "

Global network to link marginalized people (Hindustan Times)
"A vast network that collects, shares and spreads information among marginalized people - which can even be life-saving - was launched in Geneva on Wednesday at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Called the Open Knowledge Network (OKN), it seeks to use flexible technical solutions to break down barriers of communication among marginalized communities. Welcoming the initiative, Satyan Mishra, the CEO of, an Indian digital information organization, remarks, "If groups working to spread information come together, they can emerge as a real force." "If we can coordinate these efforts, communities will benefit," he adds."

ICT society to bridge digital divide between rich, poor (The Daily Star)
"Khaleda tells World Summit Award Prime Minister Khaleda Zia was given a high-profile as she graced the occasion of honouring the best multi-media realisations and e-content products at the World Summit Award at Palexpo on Wednesday night. Khaleda Zia was selected for her special emphasis and contribution to the development of ICT in Bangladesh by the organisers of the ongoing World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) to honour the winners at the World Summit Award. This official event of the first-ever World Summit on the Information Society was the first contest in the history of mankind within the information society on a global scale. Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister hoped that the establishment of a knowledge-based ICT society in Bangladesh and employing the newest forms of technology would bridge the fast- growing digital divide between the rich and poorer countries. "

India develops revolutionary teaching software (
"New Delhi, Dec 11 (UNI) Mr F C Kohli, one of the doyens of the Indian I.T industry, has developed revolutionary methods for making people literate through the ''total immersion'' techniques. Instead of teaching a person to read by first getting him to learn an alphabet, the method exposes him to the word as a whole, Minister for Communication, Information Technology and Disinvestment Arun Shourie said at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)in Geneva today."

Internet Summit Looks at Medical Roles (The Herald Tribune)
"Delegates to a U.N. summit this week argued that spreading information technology more equitably can hasten cures for such developing world ills as poverty, AIDS, poor education and high child mortality."

La ICANN anuncia que abrirá oficinas regionales y será multilingüe (El Mundo)
"El presidente de la Corporación de Internet para la Asignación de Nombres y Números de dominio en Internet (ICANN) encargada de la atribución de nombre de dominio en Internet, Paul Twomey, anunció la intención de abrir oficinas regionales y de convertirse en una organismo multilingüe. En su intervención en la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información, Twomey afirmó que ese organismo de carácter privado con sede en California (EEUU), "abrirá en los próximos seis meses oficinas en todas la regiones del mundo". Asimismo, indicó que sus servicios que actualmente se ofrecen en inglés se ampliarán a otras lenguas para atender a las demandas de un público más amplio. "

La société de l'information, un concept encore difficile à saisir (Courrier International)
"La Société de l'information, qui a eu droit à son premier Sommet mondial pendant trois jours à Genève, laisse dans le doute certains délégués qui ne sont pas sûrs d'avoir très bien saisi le concept, variable d'un continent à l'autre. "

Le président Touré au Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information: plaidoyer pour la "solidarité numérique" (
"La fracture sépare gravement le Nord et le Sud mais divise aussi à l'intérieur de nos propres États Le message est simple : les belles paroles ne suffisent pas. Il faut du concret. Au premier jour du premier Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information, le pays hôte, la Suisse s'est engagée à verser 4 millions de francs suisses (2,1 milliards de Fcfa)"

Les Etats-Unis prêts à renforcer leurs programmes d'assistance au développement des technologies de l'information (Xinhuanet)
"Les Etats-Unis s'apprêtent à développer leurs programmes d'assistance dans le domaine des technologies de l'information en faveur des pays pauvres, a annoncé jeudi à Genève John Marburger, conseiller du président américain pour la science et la technologie. "

L'info à la peine au Sommet (Le Courrier)
"Conférence géante comme l'ONU aime à les organiser, le premier volet du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), qui siège actuellement à Genève, a réservé des surprises à ceux qui croyaient y trouver un modèle de communication et de dialogue. Un observateur de longue date de la Genève internationale n'a pas mâché ses mots: «Il est rare qu'un gouvernement dépense autant d'argent pour faire venir autant de monde pour parler de si peu», a-t-il commenté, en allusion au parrainage de la conférence par la Suisse et au peu de résultats escomptés par bien des participants. "

L'OMS lance un programme d'éducation à la santé par internet (Le Figaro)
"L'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a lancé jeudi un programme d'éducation à la santé par internet dans le monde, l'Académie de la santé, en partenariat avec l'entreprise informatique américaine Cisco. Sur l'année universitaire 2003-2004, une quarantaine d'écoles en Jordanie et en Egypte servent de projets pilotes à ce programme qui vise à rendre accessible le savoir médical nécessaire à la prévention et à la guérison de certaines maladies."

Looking for ripples in the pond (BBC News)
"When my daughter was about five she used to love parties, and would ask me constantly if we could invite some of her friends over for a small celebration: some cake, some crisps and a selection of party games. I occasionally gave in, because it was easier to host a party than to put up with her constant requests - she was very persistent, and was capable of putting a lot of energy into her campaign to persuade me. "

Los derechos humanos deben de ser la base de la Sociedad de la Información (El Mundo)
"La Unión Europea se declaró satisfecha con los resultados de la Cumbre de la Sociedad de la Información, que se celebra en Ginebra, porque el documento final basa su construcción de esa sociedad en el respeto de los derechos humanos. "Es un importante logro político", dijo en nombre de la presidencia europea el ministro italiano para la Innovación y las Tecnologías, Lucio Stanca, en alusión a las dificultades para que países como China aceptaran las referencias en el texto a la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y al derecho a la libertad de opinión y expresión. "

Notre mémoire est en danger (Swiss Info)
"Parmi les principaux défis de la société de l’information figure la sauvegarde de l’immense patrimoine digital qu’elle génère. La rapidité des changements technologiques et la masse de données produites chaque jour rend la tâche de plus en plus difficile. Décembre 2003. Chaque jour, des informations, des données, des chiffres traversent la planète. A chaque seconde, des millions de mots et d’images tournent autour de la Terre. Ce flux ne s’arrête jamais. Même la nuit."

Régulation de l’internet: aucune avancée à attendre du côté du Sommet de Genève (ZD Net)
"Camouflet pour le président de l’Icann: il n’a pas été autorisé à assister aux réunions préliminaires du Sommet mondial sur la société de l’information. Mais l’essentiel est sauvé, le régulateur des noms de domaine restera en place au moins jusqu’en 2005. Paul Towney, le président de l’Icann (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), n’en est toujours pas revenu. Il a été expulsé d’une réunion de préparation du Sommet mondial sur la société de l’information (SMSI), au cours de laquelle les diplomates des Nations unies ont discuté de l’avenir du régulateur en chef du système des noms de domaine (DNS). "

The UN information summit (Hi Pakistan)
"The UN information summit is alerting world leaders to the importance of the Internet and other forms of technology as a powerful economic tool and not just an area for IT experts, participants said on Thursday. "

UN push for tech development 'risky' (ABC News)
"The United Nations' push to transform the developing world into tech-ready nations could partly backfire, according to delegates at an IT summit aimed at bridging the "digital divide". The overwhelming consensus at the UN-sponsored World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) summit this week is that bringing the Internet and telecoms innovations to the world's poor is a noble cause that needs embracing now."

Wording on software and IPR reflects tough battle (IDG)
"The reality of the World Summit on the Information Society here in Geneva is not just about bringing computers and Internet access to the poor. It's also about making money from selling hardware, software and services. That partly explains the long and often heated debate over two particularly thorny issues: open software and intellectual property rights, or IPR. Opinions vary on why agreeing over the two issues was so difficult. It depends, arguably, on what side of the fence you're on -- whether you believe software and other forms of content should be accessible to virtually everyone on the planet regardless of income or only to those able to pay for it. "

WSIS: EU approves of Net summit direction (IDG)
"Don't mess with a running system. This isn't advice from a computer expert but a message delivered Thursday by a high-ranking European Union (EU) official at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) here in Geneva. "The Internet has been a wonderful story," said European Commission technology commissioner Erkki Liikanen at a news conference. "It is very important that we guarantee stability."

Young Minds, Big Ideas (All Africa)
"You can't miss their stand at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). It's alive with bright colours, photographs and even cartoons. And in the traditions of high schools everywhere, you can leave your mark in the form of an "I was here" card on their wall. It's also possibly the only stand in the Summit with bright orange stools for visitors to sit on. But don't be fooled. While the WSIS Youth Caucus may seem happy-go-lucky, their message for the delegates thrashing out a world plan for communication technology is serious. And their developmental track record is proof of their commitment. "

 Articles: December 2003
Africa urges more computer funds (BBC News)
"Several African heads of state are in Switzerland to attend the world's first information summit. The leaders of Mali, Mozambique and Senegal are expected to call on richer nations to provide funds to give people access to private computers. But the African leaders' demands have already been thwarted. On Tuesday, governments failed to agree on a special fund to help bridge the digital divide between rich and poor nations ahead of the summit. "

African academics connect up online (
"Students and teachers at a French-speaking digital campus in the Senegalese capital Dakar follow courses on-line, download text books which would cost too much to buy and enjoy access to a wealth of internet data. Their experience will be important input at the World Summit on the Information Society, which opened in Geneva on Wednesday with the aim of reducing the digital gap between rich and poor. Abdou Faye, a master's student of human resources in Dakar, says the digital campus facilities here give local students access to books they would otherwise never be able to afford. "Some works cost 65 000 CFA francs (€100/$120). I couldn't buy them," he said. "

Annan pide a la comunidad internacional poner las TIC al servicio de la democracia (Noticias Pyme)
"El secretario general de Naciones Unidas, Kofi Annan, pidió ayer miércoles a la comunidad internacional que ponga las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) al servicio de la democracia, en su discurso de inauguración de la primera Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI), que reúne en Ginebra hasta mañana viernes a dirigentes de 175 países. "Desde el comercio a la telemedicina, de la educación a la protección ambiental, tenemos en nuestras manos, en nuestros escritorios y en el cielo sobre nosotros la posibilidad de mejorar el nivel de vida de millones y millones de personas", señaló Annan. "Pero una Sociedad de la Información abierta y global que beneficie a todo el mundo no surgirá sin continuos compromisos e inversiones", añadió. "

CHICAGO SCHOOL Seventies Chic (
"Foreign policy wonks have spent the last three years fretting about the Bush administration's unilateralist tendencies and agonizing over the growing tensions between the United States and Europe. But another cleavage is worming its way into the forefront of world politics: the divide between large developed economies--such as the United States, the European Union, and Japan--and the large developing countries--such as Brazil, India, and China. "

Cinco preguntas sobre la Cumbre de la Sociedad de Información (Granma Cuba)
"Qué es la Sociedad de Información? Esta pregunta no tiene una respuesta difícil si nos basamos en lo que vemos todos los días prácticamente en cualquier esfera de la vida. No es concebible ninguna actividad sin la información, por cualquiera de las vías por las que ella transcurre. Con la información nos topamos cuando encendemos la televisión, cuando manejamos una computadora, cuando leemos un periódico, cuando hurgamos en libros o manuales los textos que nos hacen falta para una cosa u otra, e incluso cuando transmitimos verbalmente a otra persona datos, recados e incluso órdenes. "

Comienza segunda jornada de Cumbre Mundial sobre Información (Prensa Latina)
"Ginebra, 11 dic (PL) Líderes de unos 175 países continúan hoy aquí sus debates dentro de la primera Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI), que se propuso como meta reducir hasta el 2015 la profunda brecha tecnológica entre las naciones ricas y pobres. Auspiciada por Naciones Unidas y una de sus agencias especializadas, la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT), la conferencia ginebrina, primera además que organiza Suiza como país, entra en su penúltima jornada, tras una maratónica apertura la víspera, con la intervención de unos 55 oradores."

France calls for UN net contro (Australian IT)
"FRENCH Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin has called for "international rules" overseen by the United Nations to govern the internet. "The information society offers new opportunities, but like all new technological revolutions it also brings uncertainty," Mr Raffarin told the UN-sponsored World Summit on the Information Society, the world's first such meeting. "It calls on us to establish international rules, which citizens can rely on," he said. "For France, the UN is the major source of international rights, which must ensure peace and development. That also concerns the information society." According to Mr Raffarin, these international rules must cover technical questions - such as the attribution of web addresses and management of domain names - as well as the protection of intellectual property. This would guarantee "network security" and "deal with content while respecting freedom (of expression)." The United States and other countries argue that governance of the internet should be left in private hands, namely the California-based internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). "

Genève: Pascal Couchepin a ouvert le sommet de l'information (Swiss Info)
"GENÈVE - A Genève, Pascal Couchepin et le secrétaire général de l'ONU Kofi Annan ont ouvert le Sommet de l'information (SMSI). Ils ont appelé les gouvernements à se mobiliser pour réduire la fracture numérique. Plus de 4500 délégués de 174 Etats, 5000 membres de 663 ONG, 630 représentants de 111 entreprises privées et les envoyés de 72 organisations internationales assistent au sommet, dans une halle de Palexpo, en présence d'un millier de journalistes, soit plus de 13 000 délégués au total. "

IDRC seeks to bring Internet home to mother tongues (IT Business)
"Canada's International Development Research Centre is leading a project to help Asian countries publish and use content on the Internet in their native languages. The government has earmarked $1 million for the initiative, called the Pan Asia Networking Local Language Project. The IDRC, its partner the National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences in Pakistan, and participants from six other countries met in Geneva Wednesday to announce its creation at the World Summit on the Information Society. "It's no secret that a lot of the language and content that's on the Internet is in English. Even a number of government Web sites that are being established in the countries we're working in -- in South Asia and South East Asia -- are in the English language," said Nancy Smyth, senior program specialist at the IDRC."

Interviene Alarcón este jueves (Cuba Web)
"La Habana.- Ricardo Alarcón, Presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular(Parlamento), intervendrá este jueves ante la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información, que se efectúa en la ciudad suiza de Ginebra. "

Israël tend la main aux Palestiniens (Noubvel Observateur)
"Le ministre israélien des Affaires étrangères Sylvan Shalom a tendu mercredi la main aux Palestiniens, annonçant une aide dans le domaine économique et laissant entendre qu'Israël est prêt à une rencontre à brève échéance entre le Premier ministre Ariel Sharon et son homologue palestinien Ahmed Qoreï. Sylvan Shalom a indiqué que le président égyptien Hosni Moubarak, qu'il venait de rencontrer à Genève pendant plus d'une heure, s'était "en personne engagé à aider les deux parties (Israël et les Palestiniens) à reprendre la négociation"."

Kofi Annan llama a cerrar varias brechas digitales entre países ricos y pobres (El Mundo)
"GINEBRA.- El secretario general de la ONU, Kofi Annan, señaló que existen varias brechas digitales al inaugurar en Ginebra la Cumbre de la la Sociedad de la Información, que se ha fijado como objetivo cerrar el foso creciente en el acceso a las tecnologías de la información entre países ricos y en desarrollo. La reunión, a la que asisten varios jefes de Estado, sobre todo africanos y en la que brillan por su ausencia los occidentales, que han delegado en sus ministros, adoptará una declaración y un plan de acción para conectar aldeas, escuelas, universidades, hospitales, centros científicos y culturales y administraciones a las nuevas tecnologías de aquí al año 2015. "

Le Premier ministre conduit la France au Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (
"Le sommet mondial de la société de l'information, organisé sous le haut patronage des Nations Unies, est la première rencontre internationale permettant de réunir les représentants des Etats, le secteur privé et la société civile, afin d'envisager l'avenir du réseau internet. Il sera particulièrement consacré aux moyens de réduire la fracture numérique Nord-Sud."

Linux Professional Institute Showcases Open Source Translation System (TMC Net)
"The Linux Professional Institute (LPI), the premier not-for-profit, professional certification program for the Linux community worldwide, has announced a new Open Source translation system at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Named, t7e, the project is the result of the work commissioned by LPI to facilitate the multilingual operation of LPI’s Web site. It allows the same site to be maintained in a large number of languages, alerting translators to changes in the original site and ensuring material in all languages is accurate and current."

L'ONU lance un programme pour promouvoir l'éducation via le net (Swiss Info)
"L'ONU va lancer un programme pour promouvoir l'éducation via l'internet dans les pays en développement. L'initiative a été lancée en marge du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information, à Genève. Les premières écoles internet seront lancées en 2004. Cette nouvelle structure «travaillera en partenariat avec les autorités locales, les entreprises du secteur privé et les organisations de la société civile», a indiqué le groupe de travail des Nations unies pour les technologies de l'information et de la communication (GeSCI). Le nouveau programme de l'ONU permettra de rassembler différentes programmes d'éducation par internet existants pour leur conférer un «impact mondial». Les premières écoles internet du GeSCI seront lancées en 2004 en Inde, en Bolivie, au Ghana et en Namibie, où des projets locaux «sont déjà en place», a précisé le GeSCI. "

President Ben Ali Addresses Geneva Summit, Invites All Parties to WSIS in Tunis 2005 (All Africa)
"Speaking Wednesday in Geneva at the opening session of the First Phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali invited all parties including governments, international and regional organizations, members of civil society and the private sector, to participate in the second phase of the summit scheduled in Tunis Summit, November 16-18, 2005. The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) which opened today in Geneva is structured in two phases. The first phase is hosted by the Swiss Federation, from 10 to 12 December 2003. The second phase will be hosted by the Republic of Tunisia in November 2005."

Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali and Iranian President Syed Mohammad Khatemi discussed bilateral relations (Hi Pakistan)
"GENEVA: Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali and Iranian President Syed Mohammad Khatemi discussed bilateral relations and regional situation in a meeting on the sidelines of World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), a press report said on Thursday. Both the leaders met at Palexpo Center where the first phase of first ever Information Society Summit is taking place which is arranged jointly by United Nations and International Telecommunication Union. In one-on-one meeting the Prime Minister and the Iranian President discussed in detail the situation in the region and particularly the situation in Afghanistan."

SA joins lobby to transfer control of the internet to the UN (Burs Report)
"Geneva - Worried about US domination, a group of developing nations, including South Africa, wants to put control of the internet in the hands of the UN. The issue is likely to overshadow a summit on information technology that opened yesterday in Geneva, where the World Wide Web was invented 13 years ago. Key decisions on internet issues, such as domain names and addresses, now reside in a private agency spun off from the US government - and the US wants to keep it that way."

Summit leaders put spotlight on human rights (Neue Zuericher Zeitung)
"The World Summit on the Information Society got underway in Geneva on Wednesday, with calls for improved universal access to the emerging information society. Global leaders were also warned of the need to ensure respect for human rights and freedom of expression and opinion. More than 50 heads of state or government and around 13,000 representatives of civil society, international organisations and the private sector are attending the three-day event. Swiss President Pascal Couchepin officially opened the summit at a ceremony involving thousands of delegates on Wednesday."

Summit to Search Ways to Narrow “Digital Divide” (Deutsche Welle)
"World leaders are in Geneva for the World Summit on the Information Society, aimed to bridge the “digital divide” between rich and poor. But forging common ground in the face of sundry interests will prove difficult. 60 heads of state, officials from 175 countries and another 10,000 representatives from civil society, media, business and technology gathered in Geneva on Wednesday for a three-day World Summit on the Information Society organized under a U.N. banner. The aim is to discuss ways to bring poorer nations into the information age and speed up their economic development by improving access to mobile phone technology and the Internet. Speaking on the eve of the summit, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Anan said the goal of the summit could be summed up in one word: "connections." Annan added that the role of the delegates was to help connect people to technology and to each other. "

Telecom industry on the comeback (China Daily)
"The global telecom industry has entered a recovery phase after years of dismal performance, more than 30 chief technical officers (CTOs) said at a conference on Tuesday. CTOs from big companies such as Alcatel,China Mobile, China Unicom, Ericsson, IBM and Nokia, among others, are taking part in the World Summit on the Information Society, which kicked off yesterday in Geneva. "We have growing confidence that the telecom industry is emerging from a tough period," said Zhao Houlin, director of the International Telecom Union's Telecommunication Standardization Bureau. Experts believe that this new period is being driven by the market pull for services that comes from a real convergence of information, computing and telecom technologies. "

Telecoms Regulators Call for Competitive Markets (All Africa)
"World telecommunications regulators have cited competition as being a key driver in promoting universal access to ICT services - a key issue in the World Summit on Information Society now underway in Geneva. Speaking on the eve of the WSIS, they called upon countries to open their information and communications technology (ICT) sectors to greater competition. They further identified the kinds of regulations and practices needed to promote universal access to ICT services. The regulators from more than 80 countries met in Geneva during the past two days to participate in the fourth annual Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR) hosted by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)."

Tim Berners Lee: 'La ICANN no debería estar controlada sólo por Estados Unidos' (El Mundo)
"El creador del sistema de intercambio de información World Wide Web (www), Tim Berners Lee, que participa en la inauguración de la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información, dijo que el registro de nombres de dominio en Internet no debería depender únicamente de Estados Unidos."

Un sommet de l’information verrouillé (L' Hebdo)
"Une bataille planétaire s’est jouée en amont du Sommet mondial sur la société de l’information (SMSI). Une bataille entre titans (Etats-Unis, Europe, Chine, Inde, Russie), loin des feux des médias, découragés parfois par la complexité de l’enjeu. Au final, le sommet échoue sur une déclaration en eau de boudin et des silences assourdissants sur le rôle des médias, la liberté d’expression, la régulation d’internet ou encore la propriété intellectuelle. Mais ces atolls de réflexion correspondent sur le fond avec un thème majeur dont il ne fut pas question non plus à Genève: la sécurité."

UN Takeover of Internet? (International Herald Tribune)
"What role should government and intra-governmental agencies play in the international development of the Internet? Some 5,000 representatives from more than 60 nations began asking that question along with key others at the United Nations' first World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), meeting in Geneva Wednesday. Jennifer L. Schenker, of the International Herald Tribune, reports on the proposal that the Internet be moved from private-sector based control by groups such as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to the United Nations. The proposal comes in response to a feeling within the international community that their voices are not being heard in regard to how the Internet is run."

United Nations WSIS: Share ICT with impoverished economies says ITU (Publicity Technology)
"ITU Secretary-General and Secretary-General of the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society Yoshio Utsumi appealed to world leaders to share the bounty of powerful information and communication technologies (ICT) with the most impoverished economies, and to shape their use for a better world, at the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society yesterday."

World Summit on the Information Society begins in Geneva | Coke to enter the e-music business (Electric News)
"At the three-day World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva, an event organised by the United Nations, the globe's political and ICT leaders have discussed the so-called "digital divide" between the world's rich and poor. One focus of the conference is to find ways to boost Internet and mobile phone penetration in developing nations. "Where most global conferences focus on global threats, this one will consider how best to use a new global asset," UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said at the opening ceremony. Though officials from 175 countries are in attendance, only a handful of the 60 heads of state or government attending come from Europe or North America, a point that critics have made in the run up to the event. "

 Articles: November 2003
Plan for UN to manage internet 'will be shelved’ (Financial Times, November 9, 2003)
"An attempt by developing countries to put management of the internet under United Nations auspices is likely to be shelved at next month's world information summit in Geneva - but the issue is now firmly on the international agenda, summit sources say."

U.N. Internet summit faces divisions (Herald Tribune, November 9, 2003)
"UNITED NATIONS -- Who controls the Internet and how richer nations should subsidize its growth in poorer countries are central issues dividing planners a month ahead of the first U.N. summit on information technology."

NGOs call upon Indian govt to bridge digital, knowledge divides (Digital Opportunity, November 7, 2003)
"BANGLAORE: Communities should be allowed to communicate and share information in their own way and in their own space to allow equitable and sustainable development, a number of civil society organisations said here this week. They questioned the Karnataka state government’s rationale in holding technology meets such as and the Indian government’s decision to send delegations to the World Summit for the Information Society (WSIS) without community participation."

Parliament calls for gender equality in the information society (Cordis News, November 7, 2003)
"The European Parliament has, by an overwhelming majority, adopted a report on women in the information society which calls on the Commission and Member States to devise policies to ensure gender equality in the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector. "

BIG BLOGGER (Benton Organisation, November 6, 2003)
"Through the British Council's "Big Blogger" initiative, British, African and Middle Eastern journalists will join forces to report from the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva this December. The news site,, will provide instant news and commentary from the three-day event. The team of eight journalists includes representatives from the news media in Qatar, Tunisia, Egypt, Nigeria and the UK."

Next month’s UN World Summit on the Information Society will take a big-picture look at the use of technology (CNN, November 5, 2003)
"The man who calls himself the United Nations' "wedding planner" is no lightweight. I met Monday with Nitin Desai, whose latest project is the World Summit on the Information Society, which takes place in Geneva December 10-12 and will be the first time the UN has attempted a big-picture look at the global importance of information technology. Desai is Kofi Annan's special advisor for the Summit. He previously spearheaded the massive gathering on development in Johannesburg last year, and the Indian diplomat has been involved in planning many other world events over the years. "

Troops for the Summit (Swiss Politics, November 5, 2003)
"A maximum 2,000 Swiss troops will be deployed to help ensure security at next month's World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva. The defence ministry said the soldiers would assist police forces to carry out surveillance and transport operations."

Liikanen calls for better EU-Latin American understanding on information society (Cordis News, November 4, 2003)
"EU Commissioner for Enterprise and the Information Society, Erkki Liikanen, has called for an intensified EU-Latin American dialogue to overcome differences on key issues due to be discussed at the forthcoming UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)."

Le 1er sommet mondial sur la société de l'information en décembre à Genève (Radio Chine International, November 9, 2003)
"Le premier sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) se tiendra du 10 au 12 décembre prochain à Genève en Suisse sous les auspices de l'Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT). Selon un communiqué de presse rendu public récemment par l'UIT, plus de 50 chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement sont attendus au sommet, qui examinera une série de sujets tels que les problèmes de la sécurité et du pollupostage dans les politiques relatives au cyberespace, le développement des infrastructures, le financement de l'accès universel, l'utilisation des services et applications TIC pour parvenir aux objectifs de développement définis dans la déclaration du Millénaire. "

Le tourisme genevois marque le pas en 2003 (Bluewin, November 9, 2003)
"Genève (ats) Le tourisme genevois a légèrement marqué le pas en 2003. Sur l'ensemble de l'année, Genève Tourisme s'attend à un recul des nuitées de l'ordre de 3 % par rapport à 2002. Mais 2004 s'annonce sous de bons auspices grâce à la tenue de nombreux congrès. "

Conférence de presse du Comité de suivi du forum de société de l'information: Pour informer sur la participation active du Bénin au sommet de Genève (Le Matinal, November 9, 2003)
"Le comité de suivi du forum national sur l'avènement de la société de l'information au Bénin a présenté les résultats issus des travaux du forum organisé les 21 au 22 août 2003. C'est à la faveur d'une conférence de presse qui a eu lieu dans les locaux du ministère chargé de la communication et des Ntic, le mercredi 10 septembre 2003. L'un des objectifs est, selon le président du comité de suivi M. Comlan H. Hountondji, de promouvoir la participation du Bénin au sommet mondial sur la société de l'information à Genève."

La Tunisie de bons horizons (Tunis Hebdo, November 4, 2003)
"Dans le cadre du congrès international de l’organisation mondiale des adresses Internet et des IP (internet protocole), Internet corporation for assigned names and Numbers (Icann) qui s’est tenue à Tunis du 27 au 31 octobre 2003, Mm. Paul Tworney et Vint Cerf respectivement, président et président du conseil de l’Icann, ont fait des déclarations fort significatives sur l’expérience de l’Icann et les thèmes du congrès. C’est un congrès qui s’est tenu en prélude du sommet mondial sur la société de l’information dont la deuxième phase se déroulera à Tunis en 2005. "

Sommet mondial à Genève: 2000 soldats engagés pour la sécurité (La Liberte, November 4, 2003)
"BERNE - Quelque 2000 militaires assureront la sécurité lors du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information à Genève. Le Conseil fédéral a décidé cet engagement qui durera au maximum du 7 au 17 décembre. L'armée appuyera également les travaux de préparation."

Exigen jovenes oportunidades (Mural, November 8, 2003)
"Mexico - Antes se consideraba a un joven como símbolo ligado a la revolución, a una época de cambio porque su imagen contenía prestigio y esperanza, ahora, como ellos admiten, se les ve como un futuro desempleado. "Lo que más nos inquieta es el desempleo porque las oportunidades son escasas, y más aún con las nuevas condiciones de mercado, donde debes ser técnico calificado que sepa computación e inglés, y si no tienes estas cualidades no consigues empleo, aunque tengas una licenciatura."

La Primera Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información se celebrará en Ginebra (Cibernauta, November 6, 2003)
La Cumbre se dividirá en dos reuniones, la primera del 10 al 12 de diciembre en Ginebra y la segunda en noviembre de 2005 en Túnez Según informaron el embajador suizo en la ONU, Daniel Stauffacher, y el asesor especial del secretario general de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Cumbre, Nitin Desai, a la cita asistirán al menos 55 jefes de Estado y de Gobierno. "

Concurso de Video para jóvenes auspiciado por la ONU (Neike, November 6, 2003)
"Federación Mundial de las Asociaciones de la ONU organiza concurso de videos sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo de ese organismo. Fuente: NEIKE. La Federación Mundial de las Asociaciones de la ONU (WFUNA) y la Conferencia de las ONGs en estado consultivo con las Naciones Unidas (CONGO) convocan a un concurso de videos para jóvenes de 15 a 35 años, de todo el mundo, sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo de ese organismo internacional para el Milenio. Los competidores deberán enviar sus trabajos hasta el 26 de noviembre."

Auspicia ONU Cumbre sobre Sociedad de la Información (Prensa Latina)
"Washington, 4 nov (PL) Identificación de necesidades y búsqueda de soluciones para acceder a la más alta tecnología en pos del crecimiento económico y social, será el objetivo central de la próxima Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información. Auspiciada por la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU), la reunión se celebrará en dos partes, la primera, prevista para los días 10,11 y 12 de diciembre en Ginebra, Suiza, y la segunda, entre el 16 y el 18 de noviembre del 2005 en Túnez."

Cumbre Mundial de Información busca reducir ‘brecha digital’ (La Opinion, November 5, 2003)
"NACIONES UNIDAS (EFE).-- El gobierno suizo espera que entre 5,000 y 6,000 personas asistan a la primera Cumbre Mundial sobre la sociedad de la Información convocada por la ONU en busca de reducir "la brecha digital" entre países pobres y ricos. Según informaron hoy el embajador suizo en la ONU, Daniel Stauffacher, y el asesor especial del secretario general de Naciones Unidas para la Cumbre, Nitin Desai, a la cita asistirán al menos 55 jefes de Estado y de Gobierno."

 Articles: October 2003
World internet: A fight over regulation (The Economist, October 31, 2003)
"A regime change may topple ICANN, the controversial internet regulator. When Augustine arrived in Carthage, the saint found a seething, bubbling cauldron of wickedness. A similar fate has befallen the controversial internet address regulator, ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), which hosted its trimestrial public board meeting this week in the Tunisian city. Five years after it was founded as a quasi-private body with the backing of many governments, ICANN now faces its most severe test."

Why the internet must regulate itself (Financial Times, October 31, 2003)
"Imagine that every time you accidentally dialled a non-working phone number, you were bombarded with a telemarketing jingle. That is what unexpectedly began happening on the internet a few weeks ago with mistyped web addresses. But the rogue manoeuvre - by a company entrusted by the net's regulatory body to operate its addressing system - was more than an annoyance. It disrupted the stability of the internet and, in so doing, brought into sharp focus a gathering dispute between governments and the private sector over who enforces rules on the net."

"ICT for Development Platform" heading for success (Oneworld UK, October 27, 2003)
"The "ICT for Development Platform" is heading for a major success. Two hundred organisations and businesses from 80 countries have already announced their intention to participate in the largest summit event at the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva. Covering an area of 16,000m2, the Platform, which runs from December 9 to 13, will show how information and communication technologies – from simple transistor radios to high-tech computer systems – can be used innovatively to reduce poverty and promote development. The Platform, which is open to the public, consists of an exhibition and a conference. It is jointly organised by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, SDC, and the Global Knowledge Partnership, GKP."

Africa Takes On the Digital Divide (all, October 23, 2003)
"Across Africa, new information technologies are rapidly changing the lives of a small but growing number of people. In rural Togo a farmer gets real-time information on market prices in the capital, Lomé, through a cellular phone. In Accra, Ghana, entrepreneurs who in the past were not able to get a dial tone on their land-line telephones can now connect immediately using Internet telephony, technology that allows phone calls to be made through the Internet. And in Niger, the Bankilare Community Information Centre downloads audio programmes from the African Learning Channel and rebroadcasts them on local radio."

WSIS: Unions Want Employment Issues on Agenda (IPS News, October 21, 2003)
"Global unions are concerned that organisers of the World Summit on the Information Society due to open in Geneva December have ignored key employment issues. The draft declaration and action plan have failed so far to acknowledge the role the Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector plays as employer, says the Swiss-based Union Network International (UNI)."

Can Open Source Truly Save The World? (Linux World, October 21, 2003)
"Evan Leibovitch, President of the Linux Professional Institute (LPI), is concerned with the direction the, UN hosted, World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) has taken. Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), was to play a major role in WSIS's plans for closing information gaps in the digital divides that are growing as the information society continues to expand."

A chance to expand the information society The 'cyber summit' (International Herald Tribune, October 18, 2003)
"Once again, a United Nations conference has aroused concerns about press freedom. This time it's the first World Summit on the Information Society, or WSIS, which will be held in Geneva later this year. Many media watchers fear that some countries will use the cyber summit, as it has been dubbed, to place restrictions on the Internet and other information technologies. Others fear a resurrection of the ideologically charged debates of the 1970's and 1980's on a new world information order."

Youth to Celebrate 'Best Practice ICT Projects' @ Wsis (all, October 10, 2003)
"AN International non-governmental organisation (NGO), Youth Creating Digital Opportunities Coalition (YCDO) in conjunction with the Youth Caucus of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) is organizing a WSIS Youth Awards Programme to celebrate and reward best-practice youth ICT projects. This is coming in the wake of the Nigerian Youth Coalition on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), planned kick-off of its nationwide consultation process in preparation for WSIS."

Open source ardour cools at WSIS (Computerworld, October 9, 2003)
"A push at a series of international "information society" conferences to adopt open source software as an aspect of electronic “common land” has assumed a lower profile with the apparent entry of lobbying from proprietary business interests."

Radios and computers enlisted to reduce poverty (Neue Zuericher Zeitung, October 9, 2003)
"What do a radio station in Sri Lanka, a hospital in Mali and an email centre in Samoa have in common?They are all using information and communication technologies (ICTs) to help improve lives. Dozens of similar projects will be on display in December in Geneva at an exhibition to coincide with the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)."

WSIS PREPCOM 3: THE CRIS VERDICT (Digital Opportunity, October 7, 2003)
"Paragraph 4 of the Draft Declaration reads: Communication is a fundamental social process, a basic human need and the foundation of all social organisation. It is central to the information society. Sean O’Siochru, spokesperson for the CRIS campaign says: We welcome the progress that has been made but call on all governments to ensure that communication as a central and crucial human activity remains in the final Declaration that will be presented at the Summit in December 2003."

WSIS lays targets for December meeting (Infoworld, October 1, 2003)
"Delegates laying the groundwork for December's World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) agreed on a variety of goals this week, but more talks are in store before the summit, an International Telecommunication Union (ITU) spokesman said Friday."

Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'Information : Genève abritera la première phase du sommet (all, October 31, 2003)
"La première phase du Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'Information (SMSI) aura lieu à Genève du 10 au 12 décembre 2003. Ce sommet offrira à tous les principaux décideurs, une occasion exceptionnelle d'élaborer une optique et une interprétation commune de la société de l'information et de traiter l'ensemble des questions qui se posent dans ce domaine. Il s'agira donc d'élaborer une déclaration d'intention affirmant clairement une volonté politique et un plan d'action concret afin de donner forme à la future société de l'information et de faciliter l'accès de tous les pays, qui en ont besoin, aux technologies de l'information, de la transmission des connaissances et des communications aux fins du développement."

Réduire la fracture numérique (La Nation, October 30, 2003)
"Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (Smsi) sera une fois de plus l'occasion de souligner la mise à l'écart des pays du Sud dans l'accès aux Nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication. Afin de régler concrètement le problème, la " famille des volontaires " organise, depuis le 23 octobre dernier, un symposium où se réunissent acteurs privés et volontaires. Au programme, la préparation de Genève."

Des sommets sous haute sécurité (, October 28, 2003)
"Sécurité oblige, la Confédération apportera son soutien aux autorités grisonnes pour le Forum économique mondial de Davos et au canton de Genève pour le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information."

Le Conseil fédéral débloque 4 millions pour la sécurité du SMSI (Tribune de Geneve, October 29, 2003)
"Le Conseil fédéral libère quatre millions de francs afin d'assurer la sécurité du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information à Genève. Le gouvernement invite par ailleurs les autres cantons à mettre à disposition leurs effectifs policiers. Le Conseil fédéral a répondu favorablement à la demande du Conseil d'Etat genevois."

BAKOM: La Suisse coordonne plus de 100 événements dans le cadre du SMSI (News Actuell, October 14, 2003)
"Plus de 100 événements seront proposés dans le cadre du Sommet mondial sur la société de l’information, qui se tiendra du 10 au 12 décembre 2003 à Genève. En coordonnant et en organisant des "events" dans le cadre du sommet, la Suisse souhaite créer des occasions de rencontre qui puissent enrichir les débats politiques, faciliter l’échange d’expériences et favoriser l’élaboration de nouveaux projets dans le cadre de la société de l’information."

Sociedad de la Información: Agendas encontradas (Movimientos, October 28, 2003)
"Las tensiones presentes en las relaciones Norte-Sur, y la pugna sobre el papel del mercado, han traspasado a un nuevo escenario: el proceso preparatorio de la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI)."

Los riesgos de la Sociedad de la Información (El Semanal Digital, October 9, 2003)
"En República Dominicana, en Punta Cana, se ha celebrado un encuentro sobre la Sociedad de la Información. Sobre este asunto Alejandro Miró Quesada C., director de El Comercio ha hecho una amplia reflexión que por su interés reproducimos para nuestros lectores."

La promoción de la 'e-democracia' (El País, October 9, 2003)
"Viene de la página anterior a la cabeza, ¿qué esperas?". Pues no sé qué espero, pero tengo la sensación de que me estafan y de que alguien se queda con mi dinero sin prestarme a cambio los servicios que tanto me prometen en sus anuncios de la tele.-Estrella Ruiz. Madrid. Naciones Unidas está debatiendo ahora sobre la manera de promocionar las nuevas tecnologías en todo el mundo en la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (WSIS)."

 Articles: September 2003
WSIS lays targets for December meeting (IDG News, 29 September, 2003)
"Delegates laying the groundwork for December's World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) agreed on a variety of goals this week, but more talks are in store before the summit, an International Telecommunication Union (ITU) spokesman said Friday. "

New book from communications activists highlights priorities for world summit on the information society (Digital Opportunity, 29 September, 2003)
"There is little doubt that access to information and communications technologies (ICTs) is expanding, yet this process excludes the majority of people in developing countries. Many who do have access are unable to use it freely to promote their social, economic and political interests. When people gain access to these technologies, it is mostly as consumers, rather than owners or creators. The growing concentration of ownership and control of ICT can limit its remarkable potential for social empowerment."

iEARN Sierra Leone, TakingITGlobal organise WSIS awareness activities (Digital Opportunity, 29 September, 2003)
"There is a common perception about ICT, and people tend to view it as great technologies for improving 'access to information.' The young people of Sierra Leone have emphasized this importance over the past week, noting other important aspects of using ICT towards facilitating the poor and the marginalized to communicate, and to solving specific problems posed by health, unemployment, education etc."

Dhaka to join IT Summit in Geneva (, 27 September, 2003)
"A global IT summit under the auspices of the United Nations will begin in Geneva on December 10. Dubbed as ‘The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS),’ the three-day gathering would be attended by representatives from 130 countries including 50 heads of state."

Crossed wires likely at 1st information summit in Geneva (, September 27, 2003)
"Agence France-Presse, GENEVA -- The first-ever global summit on the information society scheduled to be held here in December looks set to be a stormy affair as members admitted Friday many differences existed over bridging the digital gap between rich and poor."

Preparations for UN-backed information summit make progress on final goals (UN News Service, September 26, 2003)
"Delegates preparing for a United Nations-backed conference on information technology later this year have agreed on a set of concrete targets to help bridge the digital divide between developed and developing countries. "

Country Wants Global Telecom Gap Narrowed (all, September 24, 2003)
"TANZANIA has recommended a number of amendments to the draft declaration and plan of action that is one of the strategies for raising the global level of the use of information and communications technology. The recommendations are set to narrow the wide difference in the level of the use and development of information and communication technologies among countries - and within countries."

UN : WSIS Prepcom 3: The Need for Political Will, and to Build Consensus Amongst All Stakeholders (, September 22, 2003)
"1,500 delegates, 12 days and two unresolved documents: delegates from many countries all over the world attended the opening session of the Third Meeting of the Preparatory Committee (Prepcom-3) to crystallise a common vision for the World Summit on the Information Society. Hosted by Switzerland at the Geneva International Center for Conferences (GICC), the third meeting is the last of the Preparatory Committee before the first stage of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) that will be held in Geneva on 10-12 December 2003. The first and second meetings of the Prepcom were held in Geneva in July 2002 and February 2003."

Call for greater commitment to pluralist media environment (The Daily Star, September 20, 2003)
"Over 50 community media groups and other civil society organisations have called for greater commitment to a diverse and pluralist media environment based on respect for the provisions of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. "

"Marco Cappato, radical MEP (Italy, Lista Bonino), reporteur for the ITRE Committee of the European Parliament, tabled a Proposal for Resolution on the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Such document, that will be discussed in the next weeks by the PE, urges the European Union to assume an active role during the negotiations of the WSIS aiming at insert in the definitive version of the WSIS documents an explicit and clear reference to the right of freedom of opinion and expression, right of access to information and the right of communication and also to the promotion of rules and policies for free competition on the market to the promotion of rules and political for the free competition of the market."

Meeting examines how to regulate internet (The Herald Tribune, September 19, 2003)
"International negotiations have begun on how and whether to manage the Internet, along with associated problems such as junk e-mail and pornography. Organizers said a two-week meeting which runs to the end of September aims to narrow differences among countries ahead of the World Summit on the Information Society in mid-December."

Teachers from Switzerland, Tanzania, Uganda launch World Summit (, September 17, 2003)
"The World Summit Event for Schools (WSES) is a three-month event organised by European Schoolnet and the United Nations Cyberschoolbus. It offers online activities about the impact of information and communication technologies on human rights. Teachers and pupils from all over the world are invited to participate! "

ITU chief calls for commitment to the success of WSIS summit (PAC News, September 16, 2003)
"The Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Yoshio Utsumi says the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva in December can be considered successful if it can achieve three main things. Speaking during the opening of the third meeting of the Preparatory Committee in Geneva today, Mr Utsumi says the three things include raising awareness among political leaders at the highest level of the implications of the information society, getting political leaders firm commitment to tackle the injustice of the digital divide and gaining political commitment to develop new legal and policy frameworks appropriate to cyberspace. "

Who will control the Internet? (, September 16, 2003)
"A fight over the role of governments in managing the Internet is brewing as policymakers prepare for a U.N.-backed summit on the network's future, said an official at the body governing Internet domain names."

Press freedom under threat, says media body (, September 16, 2003)
"Freedom of expression is under increasing threat because of anti-terrorism measures in some countries, an international body representing newspaper owners and journalists said today."

Swiss demand clear goals for Information Summit Neue (Zuericher Zeitung, September 15, 2003)
"Switzerland wants countries to agree to clear objectives ahead of the United Nations’ World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) due to be held in Geneva in December."

Information technology must be used to improve life in poor countries - Annan (UN News, September 12, 2003)
" Information technology should be used to improve the quality of life in developing countries, thus helping to achieve the ambitious goals set by the United Nations Millennium Summit of 2000, Secretary-General Kofi Annan said today."

Highway Africa Information Summit Upbeat About Future (all, September 11, 2003)
"Africa's information technology promoters from private industry, the media and academia are finding evidence that the continent is overcoming price and infrastructure problems to exploit the Internet as a tool for poverty alleviation, democratisation and development."

Liikanen backs alternatives to PCs as key to digital inclusion (Cordis News, September 3, 2003)
"EU Commissioner for Enterprise and the Information Society Erkki Liikanen has claimed that the key to digital inclusion is the promotion of platforms such as digital TV and mobile phones as alternatives and complements to personal computers (PCs). "

Préparatifs du Sommet mondial de l'information : favoriser le succès des deux phases pour un partenariat efficient (all, September 30, 2003)
"M. Montasser Ouaïli, secrétaire d'Etat auprès du ministre des Technologies de la communication et du Transport, chargé de l'Informatique et de l'Internet, a conduit la délégation tunisienne aux travaux de la troisième session préparatoire du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (Smsi) qui s'est tenue à Genève du 22 au 26 septembre 2003."

La Suisse veut du concret (Swissinfo, September 30, 2003)
"Moritz Leuenberger souhaite que le sommet mondial de l’ONU sur la société de l'information (SMSI) débouche sur des propositions concrètes. Le ministre suisse de la Communication estime qu’il faut fixer des objectifs précis, avec un calendrier clairement établi."

Interdite de Sommet de l’information, l’ONG dénonce une dérive de l’ONU (Tribune de Geneve, September 25, 2003)
"Reporters sans frontières (RSF), une ONG active pour la défense de la liberté des journalistes, ne sera pas autorisée à participer au Sommet sur la société de l’information (SMSI), qui se tiendra à Genève en décembre prochain. C’est la conséquence d’un événement survenu ce printemps lors de la Comission des droits de l’homme. Au Club suisse de la presse, RSF s’est insurgée contre cette sanction et a accusé l’ONU de se rendre, ainsi, complice des pays les plus répressifs."

Les scientifiques tiendront «leur» Sommet de l’information (Tribune de Geneve, September 24, 2003)
"Que serait la société de l’information sans la science? Peut-être le web n’aurait-il pas encore été inventé? C’est justement à l’initiative de son père, le CERN, que se tiendra, les 8 et 9 décembre prochains, la conférence sur le Rôle de la science dans la société de l’information (RSSI). En marge du Sommet mondial sur la société de l’information (SMSI), scientifiques, responsables politiques et décideurs se réuniront pour étudier comment la science a jeté les bases de la société de l’information d’aujourd’hui et le rôle qu’elle doit continuer d’y jouer. Le RSSI, organisé conjointement avec le Conseil international pour la science, l’Académie des sciences du tiers monde et l’Unesco, réunira quelque quatre cents participants au siège du CERN, à Meyrin."

Création d'une alliance mondiale de réseaux d'établissements scolaires (Le Matin, September 19, 2003)
"Des enseignants et des étudiants d'une quarantaine de pays se retrouveront à Genève du 10 au 12 décembre 2003, à l'occasion du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI), pour tenter de tirer parti des possibilités qu'offrent les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) en matière d'éducation."

La société de l'information, un défi, une opportunité (all, September 16, 2003)
"La Tunisie, forte des progrès accomplis dans le domaine des technologies de la communication, a été choisie pour abriter la 2ème phase du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) prévu, du 16 au 18 novembre 2005, à Tunis. Cette phase interviendra après celle qui se tiendra à Genève (Suisse) en décembre 2003, sous l'égide des Nations Unies."

PrepCom-3 : Un avant-goût du Sommet Mondial pour la Société de l'Information (Neteconomie, September 16, 2003)
"Le comité préparatoire du Sommet Mondial pour la Société de l'Information organise à Genève, jusqu'au 26 septembre 2003, sa dernière réunion pré-SMSI. Cette rencontre "PrepCom-3" doit permettre au comité de faire l'examen d'une "déclaration de principes" avant le prochain Sommet Mondial pour la Société de l'Information (SMSI ou WSIS – World Summit on the Information Society) en Suisse."

Sommet de l'information: Leuenberger veut des solutions concrètes (, September 15, 2003)
"GENÈVE - Moritz Leuenberger souhaite que le sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) propose des solutions concrètes. Le conseiller fédéral veut "des objectifs précis, avec un calendrier clairement établi." Il reconnaît que l'exercice sera difficile."

Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information: Réunion à Tunis du bureau de Bamako (all, September 10, 2003)
"Le bureau de Bamako, structure africaine chargée de la préparation du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information, vient de tenir une réunion à Tunis. Crée en mai 2002 dans la capitale du Mali par la conférence régionale africaine pour la préparation du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information, ce bureau se compose de onze membres représentant les gouvernements, le secteur privé et la société civile."

Le Chef de l'Etat s'intéresse aux préparatifs du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information , Tunisie 2005 (all, September 9, 2003)
"Le Président Zine El Abidine Ben Ali a reçu, M. Habib Ammar, président du Comité d'organisation du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information "Tunisie 2005". En réaffirmation de l'importance de ce sommet placé sous l'égide de l'Organisation des Nations Unies, le Président de la République s'est intéressé au programme d'action du comité et aux préparatifs préliminaires qu'il a entrepris aux niveaux de la préparation matérielle et des contacts avec les parties concernées. Il a recommandé de veiller à ce que soient prises toutes les dispositions à même de garantir les meilleures conditions pour la tenue, en Tunisie, de ce Sommet mondial, en coordination et en collaboration avec l'ensemble des organismes intervenants."

 Articles: August 2003
ICT to reduce poverty (The Daily Star, August 20, 2003)
"...The group is working on Bangladesh's position paper and plan of action ahead of World Summit of Information Society of United Nations to be held next December in Genava."

BANGLADESHI PM TO ATTEND SUMMIT (Digital Network, August 19, 2003)
"...The chairman of Bangladesh's telecom regulatory agency has announced that Prime Minister Khaleda Zia will lead the national delegation attending WSIS in Geneva."

UNITeS, UN VOLUNTEERS LAUNCH WSIS WEBSITE (Digital Divide Network, August 18, 2003)
"...UN Volunteers and the United Nations Information Technology Service (UNITeS) have launched a website dedicated to the role of these volunteer organizations in the upcoming World Summit on the Information Society."

Gov’ts must commit to freedom of Internet news (Malaysiakini, August 12, 2003)
"...The World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) evolved from a planned technical gathering of the International Telecommunications Union to a full-blown United Nations summit because of the shift from an industrial world to an information-based global society."

Khaleda to attend WSIS in Geneva (The Daily Star, August 12, 2003)
"...Prime Minister Khaleda Zia will attend the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) scheduled to be held in Geneva in December. "

Sponsorship wanter for World Summit on Information Society (ITWeb, August 11, 2003)
"...As a young person (25yrs) who is already in the IT field I felt the need to partake in World Summit on the Information Society to equip my self with the necessary information/advances in ICT and also come back to plough back to the South African community."

Swiss aim to bridge digital and poverty divide (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, August 8, 2003)
"...Organisers of the World Summit on the Information Society say the meeting’s key aim will be to bridge the digital divide between rich and poor countries."

Switzerland sees technology as key to democracy (Swissinfo, August 8, 2003)
"...Leuenberger called on Europe to play an active role in this process and on the World Summit on the Information Society, which is due to take place in Geneva later this year, to seek a solution to the problem."

Remote and rural Solomons joining the web and surfing the 'Net. (Travel Channel, August 3, 2003)
"...The project is so at odds with the image of a failing Solomons that the United Nations Development Project is to highlight it at the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva in December."

Hamed Bakayoko (ministre des NTIC) : "La Côte d'Ivoire retrouve sa place de carrefour des échanges" (, August 21, 2003)
"...En décembre 2003 par exemple, se tient la première phase du sommet mondial à Genève (Suisse) et la seconde phase en 2005 à Tunis (Tunisie)."

Genève ne connaîtra pas les ténèbres (Tribune de Genéve, August 21, 2003)
"...Le projet de tirer la prise durant le Sommet de l’information a été jugé irréalisable par les SIG."

Le sommet mondial de l'information décolle (Swissinfo, August 15, 2003)
"...Longtemps ignoré, le sommet de la société de l’information suscite enfin l’intérêt des Etats, du secteur privé et de la société civile."

La Commission européenne expose ses objectifs pour le sommet mondial des Nations Unies sur la société de l'information (eLuxembourg, August 8, 2003)
"...La Commission européenne a adopté une communication relative au prochain sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (SMSI) qui expose les principaux objectifs de l'UE pour cette manifestation."

Les grandes échéances à venir (Realites Online, August 8, 2003)
"...Les préparatifs vont bon train pour le Sommet mondial sur la Société de l’Information qui doit réunir plusieurs chefs d’Etat du 10 au 12 décembre 2003 à Genève et du 16 au 18 novembre 2005 à Tunis."

Conférence périodique des chefs des missions diplomatiques et consulaires (, August 5, 2003)
"...Le ministre des Affaires étrangères a rappelé que la Tunisie s'apprête à accueillir le sommet 5+5 et le sommet mondial sur la société de l'information, ainsi que la session ordinaire du sommet arabe dont elle assurera la présidence."

Ouverture de la 15ème conférence périodique des chefs des missions diplomatiques et consulaires tunisiennes à l'étranger (Tunisia Online, August 5, 2003)
"...Le ministre des Affaires étrangères a rappelé que la Tunisie s'apprête à accueillir le sommet 5+5 et le sommet mondial sur la société de l'information, ainsi que la session ordinaire du sommet arabe dont elle assurera la présidence."

La société civile aura sa place au Sommet de l’info (Swissinfo, August 8, 2003)
"...Avec l’ONU comme parrain et l’UIT, l’Union internationale des télécommunications, comme guide principal, Genève en 2003 puis Tunis deux ans plus tard accueilleront un Sommet mondial sur la société de l’information."

Journée de la femme africaine 2003 : combat pour une place dans la société de l'information (, August 1, 2003)
"...Hier jeudi 31 juillet, à l'occasion de la Journée panafricaine des femmes, l'agence universitaire de la francophonie accueillait une conférence sur le thème : " Femmes sénégalaises dans la société de l'information : enjeux et perspectives ". La question mérite, en effet , d'être posée dans l'optique du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (Smsi), qui se tiendra à Genève, en décembre prochain."

 Articles: July 2003
UN forum to examine media's role in Internet age (IRNA, July 30, 2003)

"...The 'World Electronic Media Forum' is a special event organized by the UN Department of Public Information (DPI) along with the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and Switzerland in conjunction with the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which will run from December 10 to 12."

World Summit draft promotes access for all, (IT WEB, July 28, 2003)

"...The WSIS will be held in two phases. The first will take place in Geneva from 10 to 12 December this year, and the second in Tunis from 16 to 18 November 2005."

Blair told to redress digital divide (Macworld , July 23, 2003)
" ...The divide is endemic on a global scale. In Geneva last week the World Summit on the Information Society met to decide what principles and action should be adopted to close the gap."

IFJ, NGOs Accuse Govts of Excluding Civil Society From WSIS Debates (, July 23, 2003)
"...Civil society representatives have accused government delegates to the second preparatory conference (Prepcom2) of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) which took place in Geneva, Switzerland, from February 17 to 28 of excluding public voices from the debates."

Nitin Desai to assist Kofi Annan for Info summit (Express India , July 22, 2003)
"...Eminent economist and United Nations Under Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs Nitin Desai has been appointed as Secretary General Kofi Annan's Special Adviser for the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS)."

Cuban Jamming Demands A Firm Response (The Heritage Foundation, July 22, 2003)
"... Cuba has drafted proposals for a United Nations summit on information technology promoting the legalization of jamming and state control of the media."

AIBD GENERAL CONFERENCE IN DELHI FROM MONDAY (Press Information Bureau, July 21, 2003)
"...It was intended to be a preparatory meet for World Summit of Information Society (WSIS). The Ministerial Conference was well attended and India was represented by Minister of Information & Broadcasting, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad."

Annan calls for plan to bridge digital divide (, July 21, 2003)
"...Referring to the forthcoming World Summit on the Information Society, to be held in Geneva during December, Annan said such a meet would offer a unique opportunity to shape the future of a truly global, inclusive and human development-oriented information society."

Wireless broadband to help cover gap in rural France (, July 17, 2003)
"...At a preliminary meeting in Paris this week of the World Summit on the Information Society, representatives from government, public and private sector groups are meeting to hash out objectives for the emerging digital world."

Role of science in building the information society must be clearly acknowledged, claims ICSU (Cordis News, July 17, 2003)
"...The international council for science (ICSU) has launched an 'agenda for action' on 'science in the information society' and has called on governments to endorse it at the world summit on the information society in Geneva in December."

IT Specialists Prepare for World Forum (, July 17, 2003)
"...STAKEHOLDERS in the Information and Communications Technology (ICTs), rose from a one-day preparatory committee (PrepCom) forum in Lagos championed by the National Information Development Agency (NITDA) to fine-tune, core-concerns on the forthcoming World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)."

Avert Global Censorship (The Miami Herald, July 17, 2003)
"...Unfortunately, the globally renowned censors already are wielding their influence to ensure government control of Internet usage and radio and TV transmissions. That's apparent in the drafts of a ''Declaration of Principles'' being developed for a U.N.-sponsored World Summit on the Information Society to be held in Geneva in December."

SPAM: European Commission goes on the offensive (The Malta Business Weekly, July 17, 2003)
"...The EU has also asked that the issue of international co-operation in the fight against spam be included in the Action Plan to be agreed at the forthcoming World Summit on The Information Society to be held in Geneva on 10-12 December this year, in order to draw top political attention to the question and to foster synergies between the various initiatives."

Commission outlines actions to combat spam (Cordis News, July 16, 2003)
"...The Commission has also proposed the inclusion of the spam issue in the information society action plan, to be agreed at the forthcoming world summit on the information society in December."

Fourth special session of SAARC Standing Committee held in Nepal (Dailynews, July 16, 2003)
"...The Committee also welcomed the offers by Bangladesh and India to host meetings (9-10 August 2003 in Dhaka and 10-12 November 2003 in Delhi) to formulate a SAARC common position on issues before the Fifth WTO Ministerial Conference and the World Summit on the Information Society."

"...From 15 to 18 July 2003, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, governments, non-governmental organisations, and private sector groups will meet in the framework of the UN World Summit on Information Society (WSIS)."

But How Do We Start Working At National Level? (Association for Progressive Communication , July 15, 2003)
"...In December this year, the world’s governments will come together in the first ever United Nations conference dedicated to information and communications technologies – the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)."

World Summit bodies debate open document formats (Linux World, July 15, 2003)
"...Open systems software could become a key topic at December's World Summit on the Information Society. Many governments are inclining towards open source platforms like Linux, and the question of longevity of records has also arisen."

ICSU launches an agenda for action 'Science in the Information Society' (Eureka Alert!, July 10, 2003)
"...International Council for Science launches an Agenda for Action 'Science in the Information Society' - and invites governments to endorse it during the World Summit on the Information Society (Geneva, December 2003)."

Switzerland sees technology as key to democracy (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, July 9, 2003)
"...Leuenberger called on Europe to play an active role in this process and on the World Summit on the Information Society, which is due to take place in Geneva later this year, to seek a solution to the problem."

News And Media Law Leaders Endorse Principles for Internet Press Freedom International Freedom of Expression Exchange Clearing House (Toronto) (, July 7, 2003)
"...The forthcoming World Summit on the Information Society provides both opportunities to broaden the reach of freedom of expression as well as dangers from those who would narrow it -- unthinkingly or deliberately."

Information technology will be taken to the grassroots - Minister (Daily News, July 2, 2003)
"...The Mass Communication Ministry together with the World View International Foundation yesterday conducted a one day workshop at the Jayewardene Cultural Centre, Colombo for journalists on the first "World Summit on Information Society (WSIS)" to be held in Geneva from December 10 to 12."

La DiGITIP consulte le privé à propos du Sommet sur la société de l'information (, July 23, 2003)
"...Ce Sommet international (SMSI ou WSIS – World Summit on the Information Society), soutenu par l'Organisation des Nations Unies, se déroulera en deux phases : du 10 au 12 décembre 2003 en Suisse, à Genève, et du 16 au 18 novembre 2005 dans la capitale tunisienne."

 Articles: July 2003
The business vision of what WSIS should do and can achieve
For business, the WSIS is an opportunity to raise awareness of information and communications technologies (ICT) as a tool for economic and social growth.

ITU / BDT inputs to the Youth agenda for the WSIS
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) considers Youth as a vital partner and a critical resource to ensure the future of the telecommunication industry.

Special Council Panel on "The Information Society from a Gender Perspective"
A special panel during Council was organized by the ITU Group on Gender Issues.

 Articles: April 2003
The second meeting of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom-2) for the World Summit on the Information Society, Geneva, 17 - 28 February
PrepCom-2 attracted 1586 participants of which 918 were from member states, 398 from civil society and non-governmental organizations, 60 from the business sector and 25 from the United Nations and specialized agencies.

Establishment of a Civil Society Bureau: A historic event!
The establishment of the Civil Society Bureau of the WSIS is a decisive turning point in the history of the United Nations and of international negotiations.

Meeting of content professionals in Lugano: An Alarming Observation
Scientists, journalists, teachers, librarians and archivists in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean made an alarming observation at a meeting held from 14 to 16 March in Lugano, in the Italian-speaking canton of Tessin

The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women urges inclusion of a gender dimension in the World Summit on the Information Society
The Commission on the Status of Women held its annual meeting 3-14 march 2003. For the first time ICTs and Gender was put on the Agenda.

 Articles: February 2003
WSIS Asia-Pacific Regional Conference. Tokyo (Japan), 13-15 January 2003
At the meeting, representatives of Governments, International Organizations, Private Sector Entities and NGOs discussed a number of issues related to the Information Society and debated over the content of the final output of the meeting, a document called the Tokyo Declaration

Pacific joins WSIS
The Pacific islands were well represented at the WSIS Asia-Pacific Regional Conference in Tokyo, and NGOs, private sector and governments worked together on significant documents with good results.

Latin America and Caribbean Regional Conference for WSIS, Bávaro (Dominican Republic), 29-31 January 2003
Some 500 participants representing governments, civil society, the private sector and international organizations from more than 40 countries assembled for the Latin America and Caribbean Regional Conference of the WSIS.

The coordination work of the Brazilian Chamber of Electronic Commerce for the WSIS
Subsequent to the Bavaro Conference, will continue to work in harmony with the Brazilian public sector and with the various representatives from the international private sector in order to prepare the first phase of the WSIS to be held in Geneva in December of this year.

ITU - BDT Helps Develop the Human Capital for the Information Society
The ITU - BDT supports a capacity building programme, which assists developing countries to strengthen their human, institutional and organizational capacity through human resource management and development, which are essential ingredients in the Information Society

Western Asia Preparatory Conference for WSIS in Beirut
The Western Asia Preparatory Conference for the WSIS was held, as scheduled, in Beirut, Lebanon, from 4 to 6 February 2003.

The OpenWSIS Initiative : Convening the Convenors for the success of the WSIS Process
To facilitate the involvement of and interaction between all stakeholders during the whole process, a "coalition of the willing" has emerged under the name of OpenWSIS Initiative.

 Articles: December 2002
Pan-European Ministerial Conference, Bucharest, 7-9 November 2002
A prelude to the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva in 2003 and in Tunis in 2005

Youth - Our share in the WSIS - The Youth Caucus at the Pan European Ministerial Conference in Bucharest
Pan European Ministerial Conference in Bucharest was inspired by the visions of young fellow delegates from all across Europe, the United States and Canada

ITU Plenipotentiary Conference addresses WSIS Issues
ITU approved two documents concerning WSIS during its Plenipotentiary Conference in Marrakech this fall

Group of 77 High-level Conference on Science and Technology in Dubai, 27 to 30 October 2002
The first ever South-South High-level Conference on Science and Technology of the Group of 77 took place in Dubai from 27 to 30 October 2002

Digital Divide and Gender Equality
Gender equality should particularly be in the agenda of all mainstreamed activities that would bridge the gap of the digital divide

International Forum: Latin American and the Caribbean in the Information Society
Meeting in Rio de Janeiro Charts Course for Regional Cooperation in ICTs for Latin America and the Caribbean and develops LAC position for upcoming WSIS Prepcom

The Information Society at the Service of Development
a background paper of Ms Samira Chaker, Master of Economic Affairs, Executive Secretariat of WSIS

International Summit "Electronic World"
"National Strategies of Information Society Development. Experience, problems and outlook", Moscow, 22 October 2002

 Articles: October 2002
Message of Mr Adama Samassekou, President WSIS PrepCom

Note of appreciation from the Executive-Director, Mr. Pierre Gagné
PrepCom-1 was a significant milestone in the preparation of the Summit. Now we have to concentrate on content discussion and prepare a draft outline of a shared vision on the information society

Participation and accreditation of NGOs, civil society and the private sector for PrepComs
Summary of Official PrepCom-1 Document WSIS/PC-1/DOC/9

Content and themes of WSIS
Summary of Official PrepCom-1 Documents WSIS/PC-1/DOC/4 and WSIS/PC-1/DOC/10

Business summary by ICC
The Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors (CCBI), chaired by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) actively mobilized the business input at the first meeting of the WSIS PrepCom-1

The Pan European Regional WSIS Conference, November 7-9, 2002, Bucharest, Romania
This Pan-European Regional Ministerial Conference will bring together governmental representatives (from various fields of activity encompassing the communications and IT as well as education, health and foreign affairs), as well as members of the civil society and the private sector

The Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) and the WSIS
The GKP with its world-wide network of partners is an excellent platform for the discussion of all topics related to ICT for development

Information cultures and information interests: European Perspectives on the Information Society
Report on UNESCO's Regional Pre-Conference for the WSIS, Mainz 27-29 June 2002

WMO ICT success story: Digitizing weather services for local contexts

 Articles: April 2002
WSIS Newsletter N° 2

 Articles: March 2002
WSIS Newsletter N° 2



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