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The Acacia Initiative is an international program to empower sub-Saharan communities with the ability to apply Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to their own social and economic development. Acacia is building on IDRC's existing and emerging networks, programs, and partnerships, and the web site is hosted by IDRC.
Among the legacies of the 1992 Earth Summit were a renewed commitment to collaborative approaches to development, and an awareness of the potential of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to improve international cooperation. At an international meeting in Bellagio, Italy, (hence the name "Bellanet") multilateral and bilateral donors and foundations recognized that the problem of how to better combine their knowledge and their efforts deserved serious attention, and that it would, not surprisingly, benefit from a collaborative approach. The resulting Bellanet is an international non-profit initiative governed by a steering committee representing donor institutions (CIDA, Danida, Sida, UNDP, IDRC). The initiative is implemented by a Secretariat hosted by the International Development Research Center (IDRC) at its head office in Ottawa, Canada. During the pilot phase (1995-1999) Bellanet focused on exploring applications of ICTs by "collaborative initiatives" that brought Southern partners, civil society, and donors together in new ways. Major accomplishments in Phase I included providing technical and strategic assistance to the African Information Society Initiative and the Association for the Development of Information in Africa, and a prominent role in the Global Knowledge Partnership. In Phase II (2000-2004) Bellanet is working more closely with partners in the South, and has increased efforts in the area of organisational learning as it relates to successful partnership and collaboration for international development. is an international non-profit organization combining ground level information and communication technology (ICT) initiatives with ICT policy to help span the digital divide. Its site contains a wealth of information on the “digital divide” and what is being done (including projects of their own) to eliminate it. In June 2001, published a comprehensive report on the “digital divide”: Spanning the Digital Divide: Understanding and Tackling the Issues.
Centre for Knowledge Societies (CKS)
The Center for Knowledge Societies (CKS), based at Bangalore, South India, was established in March 2000, to bring social and economic analysis, as well as linguistic and cultural insight to bear on the design and deployment of emerging technologies, particularly for rural, non-elite communities and other non -traditional target populations in emerging economies. CKS has joined hands with Mahiti InfoTech Private Ltd. to create, design, maintain and upgrade its ICT4D database, which documents around 120 ICT4D projects in South Asia. This database will be online soon at .
Comunica explores and supports ways that local and independent media in less developed countries are making use of information and communication technologies to strengthen efforts for development and democracy. Within the website exists the draft paper, The Challenges of ICTs and Rural Radio, prepared by Comunica for the Food and Agriculture Organisation's International Farm Radio Workshop/Information and Communication Technologies Serving Rural Radio.
Development Gateway
The Development Gateway helps communities, organizations, and individuals to build partnerships, share ideas, and work together to reduce poverty. It is the world’s most extensive source of project descriptions, funding, and contact details. The Gateway portal is part of the World Bank Group's efforts to harness information and communication technologies (ICT) for development and poverty reduction, and the team has worked with the other initiatives such as the Global Development Network, and the Global Development Learning Network. Today the website is a program of the Development Gateway Foundation, funded mainly by the World Bank and based in Washington D.C., in collaboration with a host of public and private partners.
Development through Dialogue. (D-Groups)
Dgroups is an online home for groups and communities interested in international development. In Dgroups, one can find the online tools and services needed to support the activities of a team, a group, a network, a partnership or a community. Dgroups is also a place to find groups who are interested in the same topics in international development. The people leading Dgroups have formed the Dgroups Partnership. Current partners include Bellanet, ICA, IICD, OneWorld, UNAIDS and DFID. The system is currently hosted by Bellanet on behalf of the partnership.
Digital Divide Network
The Digital Dividend Network is produced and coordinated by the Benton Foundation. The website offers a range of information, tools and resources that help practitioners stay on top of the digital divide developments. It also serves as a forum where practitioners can share their experiences with colleagues around the world. The site looks at causes and effects of the digital divide from four distinct angles: technology access, literacy and learning, content, and economic development.
Digital Earth
Digital Earth incorporates a connected suite of technologies with the vision of enabling a massive, scalable, and open model of the planet where millions of users can interact with vast quantities of geographically referenced (georeferenced) data over the Web. Ditital Earth is a project of SRI International ( called "Stanford Research Institute"before 1977). Its goal is to create an open infrastructure that allows anyone around the globe to publish or to search for data based upon a specific location; something which is not possible on the Web today. As part of this goal, SRI is building several components, one of it is GeoWeb - a completely scalable infrastructure for indexing and searching for all georeferenced data on the Internet using the existing Domain Name System (DNS).
Digital Opportunity Channel
Digital Opportunity Channel is a joint endeavour of OneWorld and the Digital Divide Network. By joining hands, the two organisations seek to bring in a global perspective to the discussion over ICTs and the digital divide. ICTs by themselves cannot be drivers of social transformation; they cannot substitute for good governance, economic reform or social policies. But they can create new employment opportunities, increase efficiency and productivity, and supplement development efforts.
Electronic Development and Envronment Information System (ELDIS)
The Electronic Development and Environment Information System (ELDIS) is a gateway to Information Sources on Development and the Environment. ELDIS offers an easy route to the latest information on development and environmental issues and is available free via the Internet. ELDIS also provides an ever increasing number of descriptions and links to a variety of information sources, including WWW and gopher sites, databases, library catalogues, bibliographies, and email discussion lists, research project information, map and newspaper collections. ELDIS is financed by Danida and Sida and hosted by IDS, Sussex.
Environment and ICT Working Group,
The Environment and ICT Working Group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, works on the impacts of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on the environment. The Group also serves as the Environment Caucus set up under the Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG) following PrepCom 1 of WSIS.
Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI)
GeSI is an initiative of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) service providers and suppliers, with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme and International Telecommunication Union
Global Islands Network (GIN)
The Global Islands Network is a non-profit organisation established in June 2002 to conduct and promote culturally appropriate, ecologically sound, economically sustainable and socially equitable development on islands worldwide
Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP)
The GKP is a "network of networks" with a diverse membership base comprising public, private and not-for profit organizations from both developed and developing countries. The Partnership was born as a result of the 1997 Global Knowledge Conference in Canada, hosted by the World Bank and the Government of Canada. At present there are 93 members. GKP has a vision of a world of equal opportunities where all people are able to have access to and use knowledge and information to improve their lives. GKP aims to promote broad access to – and effective use of – knowledge and information as tools of equitable sustainable development and share information, experiences and resources to realize the potential of information and communication technologies to improve lives, reduce poverty and empower people.
Greenstone is a suite of software for building and distributing digital library collections. It provides a new way of organizing information and publishing it on the Internet or on CD-ROM. Greenstone is produced by the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato, and developed and distributed in cooperation with UNESCO and the Human Info NGO. It is open-source software, issued under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
Harvard Information Infrastructure Project (HIIP)
The HIIP has provided a neutral, interdisciplinary forum for addressing a wide range of emerging policy issues relating to information infrastructure, its development, use, and growth. The HIIP convened experts from government, industry, and academia and drawed on the perspectives and insights of policy-makers, managers, economists, lawyers, political scientists, and technologists in pursuit of its mission to advance the understanding of emerging issues in information infrastructure policy. Research areas included electronic commerce, the Internet and governance, economic and policy issues to ensure widespread availability of advanced communications access technologies in traditional high-cost areas, information policy in the Asia-Pacific region, and information policy and the information society. Even if the project was closed down recently, the information on the website is still very interesting.
iConnect is a jumping off point for information on the application of knowledge and ICT's in sustainable development. Developed in association with the 'building digital opportunities' programme funded by DFID and DGIS (Netherlands), it draws content from its partners, iConnect links resources and expertise and encourages collaboration. Most of the content and indeed the knowledge and expertise needed to make sense of ICTs is not physically on this site. But it can easily be found through the linked efforts of the partners.
Institute of Development Studies (IDS)
The Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, is a leading center for research and teaching on international development.
International Council for Science (ICSU)
Founded in 1931, ICSU, the International Council for Science, is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to strengthen international science for the benefit of society. Its membership includes 101 national science bodies and 27 international science unions. In partnership with its specialized Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) and the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP), ICSU is working to highlight the importance of science in the developing information society.
International Development Research Center (IDRC)
The International Development Research Center is a public corporation created by the Canadian government to help communities in the developing world find solutions to social, economic, and environmental problems through research. IDRC hosts Bellanet.
International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD)
The Hague-based International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD) helps countries to realize locally-owned sustainable development by harnessing the potential of ICT. Its strategy is three-fold: to hold round tables processes in which local stakeholder identify and formulate ICT-supported policies and projects; to sponsor capacity-building activities; and to foster information-sharing with and among its network of local partners.
International Organisation for Knowledge Economy and Enterprise Development (IKED)
IKED is a think-tank and policy forum devoted to international policy discussions, analysis and co-operation focusing on the issues of the emerging knowledge-based economy.IKED combines integrity and competence with close co-operation and intensive networking vis-à-vis its partners. The organisation offers a unique forum and platform for exchange of experience and policy dialogue, as well as for the launching of concrete projects. IKED addresses issues confronting advanced countries as well as emerging economies.
International Research Foundation for Development (IRFD)
International Research Foundation for Development, as a transnational policy research and advocacy organization, focuses on critical issues and considerations in the context of information technological revolution, global transformation, and marginalization. Inter and intra regional disparities will be examined in terms of information infrastructure and dissemination, knowledge generation and management. IRFD is strengthening its global network for collaborative research and actions for a sustainable information society for the 21st century. Please visit for details:l
The KnowNet Initiative web site has an extensive and useful list of links to other ICT and knowledge management web sites.
Mandate the Future (MtF)
Mandate the Future (MtF) is Worldview's first online venture. The Sri-Lanka based project is designed to harness the power of Internet and the digital medium to the advantage of youth across the globe. MtF is a forum created and driven by youth. It gives them an opportunity to voice their views and concerns on global issues. The project seeks to involve youth in the policy making process and be in-charge of their future.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
The National Science Foundation, on its Science, Resources and Statiscits Division database, has Computerized bibliographic search algorithms and consultations with research experts were used to identify over 4,000 data sets, research papers and books, and Web sites that provide insights about the social and economic implications of information, communications, and computational technologies (IT). Citations to these works have been sorted into a series of searchable listings called Road Maps and are available online for public use and comment. Included are the implications of IT for the home, education, community, government, science, employment and work, commerce (including electronic commerce), productivity, institutional structure, globalization, and selected policy issues. About one third of the citations in the Road Maps have abstracts. A subset of the citations in the Home Road Map has been specially annotated. Note: This pilot project consists of citations (including URLs for Web items). It does not contain the data or research works cited. The Roadmap webpage can be found here
Netaid is an independent non-profit organization, connecting individuals and groups - from corporations to non-profit - to mobilize people around the world against extreme poverty. NetAid partners are leaders in their field, united in their commitment to human development through collaboration, transparent and effective practices and concrete outcomes. Founding partners are the UNDP and CISCO Systems. The partnership extends today to several dozen private and public/international organizations. NetAid is sponsored among others by AOL Time Warner and Yahoo!
One World
OneWorld is a network of over 700 organizations working for social justice, sustainable development and human rights. OneWorld International Foundation was inaugurated in December 1999 and is the home of the International Board of Trustees, the governing body of the OneWorld Network. There are currently 10 network’s centers around the world. OneWorld US is located at the Benton Foundation in Washington D.C.. Their OneWorld site is a leading portal on global justice and a gateway to over 700 NGOs worldwide.
ONGs de Centro América
Portal de la información y el análisis para el desarrollo de Centro América
Open Knowledge Network (OKN)
OKN is an initiative of the DOTForce: the Digital Opportunity Task Force set up by the G8 Heads of State to make a decisive contribution to bridging the digital divide. OKN has since been adopted by the UN ICT Task Force.The OKN consortium is made up of:, IICD, IDRC, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Accenture and the Berkman Center of Harvard Law School, and is supported by the governments of Canada and the UK (DfID)
Pan Asia Net Working (PAN)
Pan Asia Networking is a program initiative of IDRC of Canada which helps researchers and communities in the developing world find solutions to their social, economic and environmental problems. Some 300 Asia Pacific institutions contribute e-content to the PAN website.
Panos is an international non-profit institute working with partners worldwide to stimulate informed public and policy debate and build media capacities on developing country issues.
Regional Initiative on ICT and the Environment, promoting e-Sustainability in Asia-Pacific (ICTEAP)
The objectives of ICTEAP are a) to promote South–South cooperation in the region through dissemination of experiences, best practices, approaches, and technologies, b) to promote environmental rights and justice in the region through public access of environmental information and development of information systems and applications based on ICT, c) tTo promote ICT-based applications for natural resources management as well as environmental management and initiation of pilot activities in the region and d) to enhance regional cooperation and networking on ICT and environment including the sustainable consumption building of public–private partnerships. ICTEAP is an initiative of UNEP and intends to highlight complimentary regional perspectives and priorities. I will be tailored to address practical realities of ICT-applications as enabling mechanisms for improved environmental sustainability, particularly in developing countries
TakingITGlobal (TIG)
TakingITGlobal (TIG) is an international organization, led by youth, empowered by technology. TIG brings together over 18,000 young people in more than 220 countries within international networks to collaborate on concrete projects addressing global problems and creating positive change. More than just a knowledge hub, TIG enables young people to have their voice heard, to take action within their community, to express themselves, and to connect with organizations, events and scholarships.
Towards A South Asian Knowledge Network (TASKNET) is one of a series of conferences supported by the Global Knowledge Partnership. The TASKNET November 1999 Conference focused on how South Asia can turn the information revolution into a force for economic development, social cohesion and poverty alleviation in the developing countries of the region The tasknet public and private partners are major players in the ICT-revolution in India.
The Digital Opportunity Channel
The DOC is a joint initiative of and Digital Divide Network
The Stockholm Challenge Award
The Stockholm Challenge Award 2003-2004 is now open. For the 6th time, the City of Stockholm welcomes IT projects from all over the world using information technology for the benefit of people, society and the environment to show their best use of IT. The online entry form is open for submission until November 1, 2003.



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