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 Documents : Geneva Phase: PrepCom-3 : Background and orientation papers, non-papers
 Documents are published in the submitted language(s).
 Title   Available languages and formats 
Corrigendum to the Non-Paper of the facilitation team on the Declaration of Principles - 5 December 2003
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Corrigendum to the Non-Paper of the facilitation team on the Plan of Action - 5 December 2003
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [russian] [spanish]
Cover Letter for the Non-Paper on the Declaration of Principles from the President of WSIS PrepCom - 5 November 2003
MS Word Document [english] [french]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french]
Cover Letter for the Non-Papers on the Declaration of Principles and the Plan of Action from Mr. Marc Furrer, Secretary of State (Switzerland) - 1 December 2003
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Non-Paper of the facilitation team on the Declaration of Principles - 1 December 2003
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Non-Paper of the facilitation team on the Plan of Action - 1 December 2003
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Non-Paper on the Declaration of Principles from the President of WSIS PrepCom - 5 November 2003
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]



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