United Nations  International Telecommunication Union  





 Documents by Theme and Thematic Links

 go Access (general)

 go Access (for disabled people)

 go Access (software)

 go Civil Society

 go Community ICT

 go Culture

 go Development

 go Digital Divide

 go Digital Preservation

 go E-commerce

 go E-government

 go Education and literacy

 go Environment

 go French documents and links

 go Gender

 go Healthcare


 go Human Rights

 go Humanitarian aid and disaster relief

 go ICT-Policy and Internet Governance

 go ICTs for MDGs (internationally-agreed   development goals of the Millenium Declaration)

 go ICTs for Peace

 go Knowledge societies

 go Media

 go Participation, e-democracy

 go Rights, law, ethics

 go Science

 go Security

 go Spanish documents and links

 go Special focus: Africa

 go Success stories, case studies, experiments

 go Transparency

 go Youth




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