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ITU الاتحاد الدولي للاتصالات
صفحة الاستقبال : قطاع الاتصالات الراديوية : معلومات : [100 Years of ITU Radio Regulations (1906-2006)]  
  قطاع الاتصالات الراديوية (ITU-R)
[100 Years of ITU Radio Regulations (1906-2006)]

طبعة تذكارية بمناسبة مرور 100 عام على لوائح الراديو تضم هذه الطبعة الخاصة من مجلة أنباء الاتحاد مجموعة من مقالات موثوقة تتناول الجوانب التقنية والتنظيمية والدولية للاتصالات الراديوية وتؤكد أهمية الدور الذي أسهمت به العمليات واللوائح التي وضعها الاتحاد في تحفيز سرعة تطور الأنظمة اللاسلكية وانتشارها على نطاق العالم.

مقالة الطليعة

لمحة عامة تستعرض كيف ساعد الاتحاد في بلورة عالم الاتصالات الحديث من خلال موجة من التقدم طوال قرن.

الاتصال - للاتصال بمسؤول الترويج

[In 1906 the first International Radiotelegraph Conference gathered 29 states in Berlin to sign the ´International Radiotelegraph Convention´ establishing the principle of compulsory intercommunication between vessels at sea and the land. The annex to this Convention contained the first regulations governing wireless telegraphy. These regulations, which have since been expanded and revised by numerous radio conferences, are now known as the Radio Regulations .]

الذكرى المئوية للوائح الراديو
[In 2006, ITU membership has good reason to celebrate the centenary of the Radio Regulations. The World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) process has been instrumental in providing for timely and effective international regulatory frameworks for the establishment of advanced new wireless services and applications, while safeguarding the interests and rights of existing radiocommunication users. One hundred years after 1906 we are witnessing innovative technological solutions, using radio transmission, setting the grounds for a wireless world.]

من الإبراق الراديوي إلى العالم اللاسلكي الواسع
[Radio has become pervasive in our lives - from devices and appliances (such as personal mobile phones, radio-controlled watches, radio headsets); home and office networking (such as wireless access to networks, PC radio connection devices, remote control); navigation (radio positioning systems); intelligent transportation systems (toll control, collision avoidance, etc.); broadcasting (radio, TV and data); emergency communications (comprehensive radio disaster warning and relief systems), and object identification (e.g. RFID tags) as well as other more conventional applications. We are now observing the full deployment of cellular systems of the third generation (3G), based on ITU standards know as IMT-2000 and the adoption of steps towards the implementation of digital broadcasting systems within the framework of ITU-based regulations (see Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06)).]

[The next 100 years of itu radio regulations]


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آخر تجديد: 2012-01-24