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  主页 : ITU-R; : 信息; : [Newsflashes]

13/02/24 - 2024年世界无线电日:拥抱无线电的独特性
13/02/24 SG6 - 2024年世界无线电日:拥抱无线电的独特性
15/08/23 SG6 - Awards to SG 6
15/08/23 SG6 - Awards to SG 6
10/02/22 SG6 - 世界无线电日
10/02/22 SG6 - 世界无线电日
13/02/21 SG6 - ITU News Magazine - World Radio Day 2021
13/02/21 SG6 - ITU News Magazine - World Radio Day 2021
20/11/19 SG6 - ITU marks 70 years of television standards work - World TV Day highlights convergence of new digital technologies in broadcast and Internet services for affordable global footprint
20/11/19 SG6 - ITU marks 70 years of television standards work - World TV Day highlights convergence of new digital technologies in broadcast and Internet services for affordable global footprint
09/08/18 SG6 - 新的国际电联报告阐述先进的沉浸式音像系统规范和未来数字社会标准
09/08/18 SG6 - 新的国际电联报告阐述先进的沉浸式音像系统规范和未来数字社会标准


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最近更新日期 : 2014-08-13