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ITU الاتحاد الدولي للاتصالات
صفحة الاستقبال : قطاع الاتصالات الراديوية : معلومات : [Newsflashes]  
  قطاع الاتصالات الراديوية (ITU-R)

30/03/06 - Publication of the results regarding the second synthesis of the draft Plan
16/03/06 - Update version of the software for the validation of the administrative declarations...
08/03/06 - Stable version of the planning software for testing purposes...
08/03/06 - Software for the validation of administrative declarations...
08/03/06 - Re-publication of the draft Plan results (first synthesis)
16/02/06 - Publication of the results regarding the draft Plan
25/01/06 - Updates regarding the input data for the draft Plan
20/01/06 - Publication of the input data for the draft plan
19/01/06 - New version of display software available...
02/11/05 - Submission of administrative declarations for the draft plan
28/10/05 - New software for data capture available
27/10/05 - Preliminary publication of input digital broadcasting requirements
27/10/05 - New software for requirement processing available
18/08/05 - New software for data capture available
08/08/05 - Updated formats for the electronic notification of digital broadcasting requirements...
08/08/05 - Report of the first meeting of the Intersessional Planning Group (IPG)
08/08/05 - Invitation to the second regional information meeting related to the RRC06 for African countries
02/08/05 - New version of display software available...
29/07/05 - Submission of digital broadcasting requirements to be used for the production of the draft Plan
15/07/05 - Publication of the results of the first planning exercise...
01/06/05 - Publication of the input data for the first planning exercise
20/05/05 - Invitations for the RRC-06 dispatched...
20/05/05 - Administrative declarations...
20/05/05 - Audio webcast of the IPG meeting (July 2005)...
11/05/05 - Data query software...
22/03/05 - Update of data capture software...
22/03/05 - Data correction software...
22/03/05 - Data validation software...
25/02/05 - Data correction software...
25/02/05 - Data validation software...
16/02/05 - Data correction software...
16/02/05 - Data validation software...
11/02/05 - Data correction software...
11/02/05 - Data validation software...
11/02/05 - Update of data capture software...
07/02/05 - First meeting of the Intersessional Planning Group (IPG), Geneva, 4-8 July 2005
26/01/05 - Data correction software...
26/01/05 - Data validation software...
11/01/05 - Update of data capture software...
17/12/04 - Establishment of the reference situation concerning the BS for the first planning exercise
10/12/04 - Submission of digital broadcasting requirements to be used for the first planning exercise
15/11/04 - Actions towards the establishment of the reference situation regarding other primary services...
08/11/04 - Update of data capture software...
03/11/04 - Data correction software...
03/11/04 - Data validation software...
03/11/04 - Post-conference activities resulting from the RRC-04: Implementation of Res. GT-PLEN/3...
08/10/04 - List of assignments of other primary services associated with CR/216...
08/10/04 - List of assignments of other primary services associated with CR/220...
04/10/04 - Second consultation on the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06)....
04/10/04 - Second consultation on the RRC to review the GE89 Agreement
04/10/04 - Second Consultation - RRC to review the ST61 Agreement
30/09/04 - Update of data capture software...
18/09/04 - Actions towards the establishment of the list of existing and planned assignments of primary ...
12/09/04 - Data capture software
08/09/04 - Update of data capture software...
03/09/04 - Update of data capture software...
30/08/04 - First meeting of the Working Party of the Regulatory/Procedural Group (RPG) in preparation...
25/08/04 - Actions towards the establishment of the reference situation concerning the broadcasting service
10/08/04 - Implementation of the decisions of the RRC-04: arrangements for intersessional activities
02/08/04 - Biennial Seminar of the Radiocommunication Bureau (Geneva, 15 - 19 November 2004)
30/07/04 - Studies to be undertaken by the Radiocommunication Study Groups
26/07/04 - Actions towards the establishment of the list of existing and planned assignments of primary ...
21/07/04 - First meeting of the Working Party of the RPG
09/07/04 - Activities of the Intersessional Planning Group (IPG)
09/07/04 - Formats for electronic notification
09/07/04 - ITU/EBU Workshop on Digital Broadcasting for the CEE and Baltic States
09/07/04 - Study of regulatory/procedural issues
28/06/04 - CA/137 Studies requested by the RRC-04


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آخر تجديد: 2014-08-13