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  Домашний : МСЭ-R : Information : Часто задаваемые вопросы
Сектор радиосвязи (МСЭ-R)  
Часто задаваемые вопросы


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N001 [Why should the frequency assignments be notified to the ITU?]
N002 [What is the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR)? ]
N003 [When is there no need to notify?]
N004 [Which assignments are to be notified?]
[Any frequency assignment has to be notified to BR if:
  • its use is likely to cause harmful interference;
  • it will be used for international communications;
  • its use is governed by a plan;
  • its use is subject to a coordination procedure (Article 9);
  • there is a desire to secure international recognition of its use.
If an assignment is not consistent with the Table of Frequency Allocations or other provisions of the Regulations, an administration may also request that it should be included in the Master Register solely for information purposes. When an administration considers that the above conditions are met, it submits appropriate notice forms indicating the relevant characteristics of the frequency assignment, as specified in Appendix 4 of the Radio Regulations. When an assignment is no longer used, its cancellation is also to be notified.]
N005 [In what units are frequencies to be notified?]
N006 [Which frequency assignments have to be notified individually?]
N007 [When should notification of frequency assignments be submitted to the Bureau?]
N008 [Is the recording in the Master Register a straightforward action?]
N009 [What else should the Administration do once the frequency is recorded?]
N010 [I want to notify an assignment to a VHF FM sound broadcasting station. Which notice should I use?]
N011 [I want to notify an assignment to a television station. Which notice should I use?]
N012 [When should notice TB1 be used?]
N013 [When should notice TB2 be used?]
N014 [When should notice TB3 be used?]
N015 [When should notice TB4 be used? ]
N016 [When should notice TB5 be used?]
N017 [I have to authorize the installation of a new FM sound broadcasting or television station in an unplanned band. What should I do?]
N018 [I want to notify an assignment to a fixed station. Which notice form should I use?]
N019 [I want to notify an assignment to a base station. Which notice form should I use?]
N020 [ I want to notify an assignment to a mobile station. Which notice form should I use?]
N021 [I want to notify an assignment to a typical station. Which notice form should I use?]
N022 [When should a station be notified as a typical station?]
N023 [I have to authorize the installation of a new FM sound broadcasting or television station in a planned band. What should I do?]

Если вы не нашли ответ на ваш вопрос, направьте его в Бюро радиосвязи по следующему адресу: brmail@itu.int


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Обновлено : 2010-08-23