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Workshop on challenges, perspectives and standardization issues in E-Government (Geneva, 5-6 June 2003)

[E-GOV-Program] Programme
[E-GOV-CVS] CVs of speakers
[E-GOV-DOC-001] Gilles Ronchi, KPMG, Zürich: Outline - E-Tax for multinational companies
[E-GOV-DOC-002] Aljosa Pasic, SchlumbergerSema: The MIA Initiative: Interoperability among Administrations
[E-GOV-DOC-003] Alexander Ntoko, ITU-D: Developing countries e-government issues
[E-GOV-DOC-004] Richard Hill, ITU-T: Using the Swiss Confederation's Web site - A concrete example
[E-GOV-DOC-005] Douglas W. Jones, University of Iowa: E-voting: Are our defenses adequate to defend citizen rights?
[E-GOV-DOC-006] Reiner Denner & Gilles Ronchi, KPMG: E-taxation: Opportunities for multinational enterprises - Status and issues
[E-GOV-DOC-007] John Borras, Office of the UK e-envoy: E-government chanllenges and perspectives in the UK experience
[E-GOV-DOC-008] Jean-Marc Cambien, PriceWaterhouseCoopers Tax Consultants: Simplification Study for the EU Commission
[E-GOV-DOC-009] David Petraitis, ITU Consultant: The standardizations challenge of e-government - beyond data...what?
[E-GOV-DOC-010] Michel Chevallier, Secrétaire adjoint, Chancellerie d’Etat de Genève: Internet voting: Status, perspectives and issues
[E-GOV-DOC-011] Charles Stanley-Smith, Office of the Information Society for the Irish Prime Minister: Challenges of e-government at the local level - The Irish experience
[E-GOV-DOC-012] Houlin Zhao, Director of TSB: Opening Speech to the Workshop on E-Government
[E-GOV-DOC-013] Felipe Grillet, EMEA Practice Manager, Government, Healthcare and Education, HP: Vendor Panel
[E-GOV-DOC-014] John Borras, OASIS: Recent Technical Developments, XML and related technologies
[E-GOV-DOC-015] Conclusions of the Workshop

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