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List of Contributions (1997-2000)
[COM8-1] WTSC-96: Questions entrusted to Study Group 8 (Characteristics of telematic systems) for the period 1997-2000
[COM8-2] Editor for T.palette-colour: Draft Recommendation T.palette-colour and gray-scale image representations using lossless coding scheme for facsimile
[COM8-3] Editor: Draft Recommendation T.36 - procedures for the use of the HKM key management system for secure document facsimile transmission
[COM8-4] Editor: Draft new Recommendation T.37 - procedures for the use of the HFX 40 carrier cipher to provide message confidentiality for secure document facsimile transmission
[COM8-5] Editor: Draft new Recommendation T.38 - procedures for the use of the HFX40-I hashing system to provide message integrity for secure document facsimile transmission
[COM8-6] Editor of Recommendation T.4: Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation T.4 (07/96) - Standardization of group 3 facsimile apparatus for document transmission - Amendment 1
[COM8-7] Editor: Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation T.503 - a document application profile for the interchange of group 4 facsimile documents - Amendment 2
[COM8-8] Editor of Recommendation T.563: Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation T.563 (10/96) - terminal characteristics for group 4 facsimile apparatus - Amendment 1
[COM8-9] Editor: Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation T.30 (1996), procedures for document facsimile transmission in the general switched telephone network - Amendment 1: new annex G and annex I
[COM8-10] Editor: Amendments to draft Annex H to T.30
[COM8-11] Editor: Draft Amendments to the main body of Recommendation T.30 (07/1996)
[COM8-12] Editor T.svf (Herman Silbiger); Co-Editor T.svf (Istvan Sebestyen): revised draft Recommendation T.svf
[COM8-13] Chairman of Working Party T: Report of Question 5/8 (1993-1996) meeting, 17-21 June 1996, Isle of man, England
[COM8-14] Interim Rapporteur: Draft ITU-T Recommendation T.86 - information technology - digital compression and coding of continuous tone still images - registration procedures for JPEG profile, APPn marker, and SPIFF profile ID marker
[COM8-15] France Telecom: First draft of BFT implementor's guide
[COM8-16] Editor: Draft new Recommendation T.39 (T.SVF): application profiles for simultaneous voice and facsimile terminals
[COM8-17] Editor: Draft new Recommendation T.66 ( Facsimile code points for use with Recommendation V.8bis
[COM8-18] Associate Rapporteur: Proposed new Amendment to the T.4 to cover the inclusion of TEP with V.29 modulation
[COM8-19] Editor-Annex X/T.30: Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation T.30 (1996) - procedures for document facsimile transmission in the general switched telephone network - amendment 2: new annex X
[COM8-20] Editor: Amendment to main body of ITU-T Recommendation T.85 for clarification
[COM8-21] Rapporteur: Draft Recommendation T.44, mixed raster content (MRC)
[COM8-22] Rapporteur: Introducing new Annex Y to Recommendation T.30 "procedure for Group 3 document facsimile transmission of mixed raster content (MRC) images"
[COM8-23] Editor of Recommendation T.30: Proposed Amendment to Recommendation T.30 Annex F to include a new figure to show the polling sequence
[COM8-24] Editor of Recommendation T.4: Amendments to main body and Annex E to Recommendation T.4
[COM8-25] Editor of Recommendation T.30: Amendments to main body and Annex E to Recommendation T.30
[COM8-26] Editor of Recommendation T.4: Proposed draft new Annex X to Recommendation T.4
[COM8-27] Editor of Recommendation T.563: Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation T.563 - terminal characteristics for group 4 facsimile apparatus - to introduce SUB/SEP/PWD/PSA/SID/FNV into G4 facsimile
[COM8-28] Editor: Draft technical corrigendum 1 to Recommendation T.411- "Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format: introduction and general principles - technical corrigendum 1"
[COM8-29] Editor: Draft technical corrigenda 1 and 2 to Recommendation T.412 - "Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format: documents structures"
[COM8-30] Editor: Draft technical corrigenda 1 and 2 to Recommendation T.414 - "Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format: document profile"
[COM8-31] Editor: Draft technical corrigenda 1 and 2 to Recommendation T.415 - "Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format - Open Document Interchange Format (ODIF)
[COM8-32] Editor: Draft technical corrigendum 2 to Recommendation T.416 - "Information technology - open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format: character content architectures - technical corrigendum 2"
[COM8-33] Editor: Draft technical corrigendum 2 to Recommendation T.417 - "Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format - raster graphics content architectures - technical corrigendum 2"
[COM8-34] Editor: Draft Recommendation T.XAPI "Homogeneous access mechanism to communication services"
[COM8-35] Editor: Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation T.417
[COM8-36] Rapporteur Q.4/8: Report of the Costa mesa, CA Rapporteurs meeting, 23-27 June 1997
[COM8-37] United States of America: Facsimile over packet networks
[COM8-38] Germany: GSTN access category in DIS/DTC/DCS
[COM8-39] Rapporteur: Q.1/8 Meeting report, Costa Mesa, 23-27 June 1997
[COM8-40] France: Role of the Head of Delegation within a Study Group
[COM8-41] Associate Rapporteur: BFT Implementor's Guide
[COM8-42] Associate Rapporteur : Draft ITU-T Recommendation T.192
[COM8-43] Rapporteur: Report of the Tinton Falls, NJ Q.5/8 Rapporteur's meeting
[COM8-44] Editor: Draft Recommendation T.86: "Information Technology - Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images: Registration of JPEG profiles, spiff profiles, spiff tags, spiff colour spaces, APPn markers, spiff compression types, and ...
[COM8-45] Editor: Draft Amendment 3 to ITU-T Recommendation T.90: "Cause value for a G4 fax fallback"
[COM8-46] Rapporteur: Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation T.24
[COM8-47] Editor: Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation T.434: Extension of BFT format
[COM8-48] Rapporteur Q.4/8 (Herman R.Silbiger): Draft new Recommendation F.185 (F.Ifax): "Internet facsimile: Guidelines for the support of the communication of facsimile documents"
[COM8-49] Rapporteur Q.4/8 (Herman R.Silbiger): Draft new Recommendation T.37 (T.Ifax1):"Procedures for the transfer of facsimile data via store and forward on the Internet"
[COM8-50] Rapporteur Q.4/8 (Herman R.Silbiger): Draft new Recommendation T.38 (T.Ifax2):"Procedures for real time group 3 facsimile communication between terminals using IP networks"
[COM8-51] Rapporteur: Revised version of T.180
[COM8-52] Editor: Draft new Recommendation T.87:"Information technology - Lossless and near-lossless compression of continuous-tone still images - baseline"
[COM8-53] Editor: Draft Amendment 3 to Recommendation T.30
[COM8-54] Rapporteur: Report of the Tinton Falls, NJ Q.4/8 Rapporteur's meeting
[COM8-55] Italy: Test campaign on G3 facsimile communication over mobile network
[COM8-56] United States of America: Proposed draft Recommendation T.PrivateUse
[COM8-57] United States of America: Revised draft Annex X to T.30 - Extended negotiations
[COM8-58] The Internet society: RFC 2301 - File format for Internet fax
[COM8-59] The Internet society : RFC 2302 - TAG Image File Format (TIFF) - Image/TIFF mime sub-type registration
[COM8-60] The Internet society: RFC 2303 - Minimal PSTN Address format in Internet mail
[COM8-61] The Internet society: RFC 2304 - Minimal fax address format in Internet mail
[COM8-62] The Internet society: RFC 2305 - A simple mode of facsimile using Internet mail
[COM8-63] The Internet society: Changes to produce RFC 2305 - A simple mode of facsimile using Internet mail
[COM8-64] The Internet society: RFC 2306 - TAG Image File Format (TIFF) - F profile for facsilmile
[COM8-65] The Internet society: Internet draft for an extended mode of internet fax
[COM8-66] The Internet society: RFC 2298 - An extensible message format for message disposition notifications
[COM8-67] The Internet society: RFC 1891 - SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications
[COM8-68] The Internet Society: RFC 1894 - An Extensible Message Format for Delivery Status Notifications
[COM8-69] United States of America: Proposed amendments to T.37 for full mode
[COM8-70] United States of America: Draft amendment to Recommendation T.38 to support the use of V.34 modulation
[COM8-71] United States of America: Reduced V.21 preamble
[COM8-72] Editor: Amendment 1 to ITU-T Recommendation T.37 for full mode
[COM8-73] Editor: Revised Annex B of Recommendation T.38
[COM8-74] Editor, Recommendation T.66: Revision of Recommendation T.66 to support V.8 codes assigned to Study Group 8
[COM8-75] Editor: Draft Amendment 3 to Recommendation T.4
[COM8-76] Editor: Draft Amendment 4 to Recommendation T.30
[COM8-77] Editor: Proposed Amendment1 to Recommendation T.36
[COM8-78] Editor-T.434: Draft Amendment 2 to T.434
[COM8-79] Editor: Amendment 3 to ITU-T Recommendation T.563 introducing higher resolutions of 600 DPI and 1200 DPI
[COM8-80] Editor: Amendment 4 to ITU-T Recommendation T.503 introducing higher resolutions of 600 DPI and 1200 DPI
[COM8-81] Editor - Annex X, T.30: Amendment 4 to T.30, Draft Annex X - Extended negotiations
[COM8-82] Q/5 Rapporteur: Meeting Report for Question 5/8 Rapporteurs Group
[COM8-83] Rapporteur: Draft new Amendment 1 to Recommendation T.84 ISO/IEC 10918-3/PDAM 1: "Information technology - Digital compression and coding of continuous-tones still images: Extensions" (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 N 926)
[COM8-84] Q/5 Rapporteur: Draft ITU-T Recommendation T.44 "Mixed raster content (MRC)"
[COM8-85] Editor: Proposed revision of Rec. T.35 and associated changes to Rec. T.30
[COM8-86] The Internet Society: RFC 1869 -SMTP Service extensions
[COM8-87] The Internet Society: RFC 2506 - Media feature tag registration procedure
[COM8-88] The Internet Society: RFC 2533 - A syntax for describing media feature sets
[COM8-89] The Internet Society: RFC 2534 - Media features for display, print and fax
[COM8-90] The Internet Society: RFC 2542 - Terminology and goals for internet fax
[COM8-91] Editors of T.503 and T.563: Editorial Correction to D196 - Introducing higher resolution of colour/grey-scale G4 facsimile
[COM8-92] Editor of Recommendation T.24 Amendment 1: Final text of ITU-T Recommendation T.24 Amendment No.1
[COM8-93] Rapporteur for Question 4/8: Final text of Recommendation T.35 Incorporating Amendment 1
[COM8-94] United States of America: US Position on T.30 Annex K
[COM8-95] United States of America: V.34 Half-Duplex V.8 ANSAM Phase reversal requirement and T.30
[COM8-96] Rapporteur Q.5/8: Draft new Recommendation T.88 (JBIG2 ISO/IEC 144492) for resolution 1 decision
[COM8-97] Editor of T.503 and T.563: Editorial correction to D.196 introducing higher resolution of colour/grey-scale G4 facsimile
[COM8-98] Editor of T.503: Amendment 5 to T.503 Introducing higher resolution of colour/grey-scale G4 facsimile
[COM8-99] Rapporteur Q.5/8: Proposed revisions to draft Annex B to Recommendation T.44 "MRC Mode 4 - Shared resources and colour tags"
[COM8-100] U.S.A.: Revisions to ITU-T Recommendation T.30 concerning K Factor parameters
[COM8-101] U.S.A.: Revisions to ITU-T Recommendation T.4 concerning K Factor parameters and References
[COM8-102] Rapporteur Q.5/8: Draft new Recommendation T.45 (T.race) "Run-length Colour Encoding"
[COM8-103] Rapporteur Q.5/8: Draft Annex B to Recommendation T.44 "MRC Mode 4 - Shared resources and coulour TAGS"
[COM8-104] Rapporteur Q.5/8: Amendment 1 to ITU-T Rec. T.43 Accommodating new and future resolutions
[COM8-105] Editor for Rec. T.4: Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation T.4 (1999)
[COM8-106] Editor: Determined text for Amendment 1 to Recommendation T.30 Annex L (1999)
[COM8-106 add.1] Editorial for Rec. T.30: Total draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation T.30
[COM8-107] Editor: Draft new Recommendation T.privateuse
[COM8-108] Raporteur Q.5/8: Draft new Recommendation T.89 "Application profiles for Recommendation T.88"
[COM8-109] Rapporteur, Q.4/8: Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation T.38: New Annexes D and E
[COM8-110] Rapporteur for Q.3/8: Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation T.417
[COM8-111] Proposal for Objection to T. PrivateUse
[COM8-112] Proposal of new DIS bit for flow control capability
[COM8-113] Editor: Memory levels for draft Recommendation T.89 "Application profiles for Recommendation T.88"
[COM8-114] Study Group 8: Draft Amendment 3 to ITU-T Recommendation T.38
[COM8-115] Study Group 8: Draft new ITU-T Recommendation T.89
[COM8-116] Study Group 8: Draft new ITU-T Recommendation T.800
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