[ITU] ITU-T list of document series T16-R activity: ITU-T SG 16 doc. type: report From: R001 To: R078 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THESE DOCUMENTS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE TO ITU-T MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R001 Title: Report of the Geneva meeting - 17-27 March 1997 - Multimedia services and systems Submitter: SG 16 Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R002 Title: Recommendations submitted to the rules of Resolution 1 (Sect.8) of WTSC-93 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: QALL Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R003 Title: Implementor's guide for Recommendations under the responsability of Study Group 16 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R004 Title: Report of Working Party 1/16 (Low rate systems) - Part I : General Submitter: WP 1/16 Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R005 Title: Part II.A of the report of Working Party 1/16 (Low rate systems) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R006 Title: PART II.B of the report of Working Party 1/16 - Low rate systems Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q18/16, Q9/16 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R007 Title: Report of Working Party 2/16 - Services and high rate systems - PART I - General Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R008 Title: Report of Working Party 2/16 - Services and high rate systems - PART II.A - Draft new and revised Recommendations (T.120-series) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R009 Title: Report of Working Party 2/16 - Services and high rate systems - PART II.A - Darft new and revised Recommendations (T.130-series) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R010 Title: Report of Working party 2/16 - Services andhigh rate systems - PART II.A - Draft new and revised Recommendations (H.220-series) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R011 Title: Report of Working Party 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) - Part II.A: Draft new and revised Recommendations (H.235) Submitter: SG 16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R012 Title: Report of Working Party 2/16 - Services and high rate systems Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R013 Title: Report of Working Party 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) - Part II.A : Draft new and revised Recommendations (H.320-series) Submitter: WP 2/16 Subject: Q1/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R014 Title: Report of Working Party 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) - Part II.A: Draft new and revised Recommendations (H.330-series) Submitter: WP 2/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R015 Title: Report of Working Party 2/16 (Services and High rate systems) - Part II.A: Draft new and revised Recommendations (H.450-series) Submitter: WP 2/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R016 Title: Report of Working Party 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) - Part II.B: Determined draft revised and new Recommendations (T.120 and T.130 series) Submitter: WP 2/16 Subject: Q1/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R017 Title: Report of Working Party 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) - Part II.B: Determined draft revised and new Recommendations (T.170-series : T.170, T.172) Submitter: WP 2/16 Subject: Q1/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R018 Title: Report of Working Party 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) - Part II.B: Determined draft revised and new Recommendations (T.170-series : T.175, T.176) Submitter: WP 2/16 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R019 Title: Report of Working Party 3/16 (Signal processing) - Part I: General Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q15/16, Q19/16, Q20/16, Q21/16, Q22/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R020 Title: Report of Working Party 3/16 - Signal Processing) - PART II.B - Determined draft revised or new Recommendations Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q15/16, Q19/16, Q20/16, Q21/16, Q22/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R021 Title: Report of the joint Working Parties 1 and 2/16 meeting held in Sunriver, Oregon on 12 September 1997 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q14/16, Q16/16, Q17/16, Q18/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R022 Title: Report of the Geneva meeting (26 January - 6 February 1998) Submitter: 16/FB Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R023 Title: Report of Working Party 1/16 (Low rate systems) - Part I : General Submitter: 16/FB Subject: Q10/16, Q18/16, Q23/16, Q4/16, Q5/16, Q6/16, Q7/16, Q8/16, Q9/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R024 Title: Report of Working Party 1/16 (Low rate systems) - Part II B : Determined Recommendation Submitter: 16/FB Subject: Q23/16, Q4/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R025 Title: Report of Working Party 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) - Part I : General Submitter: 16/FB Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R026 Title: Part II.B (Draft revised and new Recommendations) of the report of Working Party 2/16 (Sources and high rate systems) - Geneva meeting, 26 January-6 February, 1998 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R027 Title: Implementor's Guide for Study Group 16 Recommendations Submitter: 16/FB Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R028 Title: Report of Working Party 3/16 (Signal Processing) - Part I : General Submitter: 16/FB Subject: Q15/16, Q19/16, Q20/16, Q21/16, Q22/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R029 Title: Part II.B of the report of Working Party 3/16 (Signal processign) - Determined Recommendations Submitter: 16/FB Subject: Q19/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R030 Title: Part II.B of the report of Working Party 3/16 (Signal processing) - implementor's guide for Annex B/G.729 and Table G.723.1 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q19/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R031 Title: Report of the Geneva meeting (14-25 September 1998) Submitter: 16/FB Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R032 Title: Report of Working Party 1/16 (Low rate systems) - PART I - General Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q10/16, Q18/16, Q23/16, Q4/16, Q5/16, Q6/16, Q7/16, Q8/16, Q9/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R033 Title: PART II.B of the report of WP 1/16 - Low rate systems - Geneva meeting, 14-25 September 1998 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q10/16, Q18/16, Q23/16, Q4/16, Q5/16, Q6/16, Q7/16, Q8/16, Q9/16 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R034 Title: Report of Working Party 1/16 - Low rate systems - Determined Recommendation V.91 (ex. V.adm) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q23/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R035 Title: Implementor's guide for Recommendations of Study Group 16 - Geneva meeting, 14-25 September 1998 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q2/16, Q23/16, Q3/16, Q4/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R036 Title: Report of Working Party 2/6 - Services and high rate systems - PART I - General - Geneva meeting 14-25 September 1998 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R037 Title: Report of WP 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) -PART II.A.1 - Recommendations for determination - Draft revisions and amendments - Geneva meeting, 14-25 September 1998 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R038 Title: Report of WP 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) - PART II.A.2 - Recommendations for determination - New annexes to H-series of Recommendations) - Geneva meeting, 14-25 September 1998 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R039 Title: Report of WP 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) - PART II.A.3 - Recommendations for determination - Draft new Recommendations of the H.450-series - Geneva meeting, 14-15 September 1998 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R040 Title: Report of WP 2/16 -(Services and high rate systems) - PART II.A.4 - Recommendations for detemrination of the H.200 and H.300-series Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R041 Title: Report of the Working Party 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) - Part II.B : Determined Recommendations Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R042 Title: Report of Working Party 3/16 (Signal processing) - PART I - General - Geneva meeting, 14-25 September 1998 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q15/16, Q19/16, Q20/16, Q21/16, Q22/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R043 Title: Report of Working Party 3/16 (Signal processing) - PART II.A - Determined Recommendations - Geneva meeting, 14-25 September 1998 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q15/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R044 Title: Report of Working Party 3/16 (Signal processing) - PART II.B - Determined Recommendations - Geneva meeting, 14-25 September 1998 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q19/16 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R045 Title: Report of the Santiago meeting 17-28 May 1999 - Multimedia services and systems Submitter: SG 16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R046 Title: PART I of the report of Working Party 1/16 (Low rate systems) - Santiago meeting, 17-28 May 1999 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q10/16, Q23/16, Q4/16, Q5/16, Q6/16, Q7/16, Q8/16, Q9/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R047 Title: Part II.A of the report of WP 1/16 (Low rate systems) - (Santiago meeting, 17-28 May 1999) Submitter: 16/FB Subject: Q10/16, Q23/16, Q4/16, Q5/16, Q6/16, Q7/16, Q8/16, Q9/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R048 Title: Part II.B of the report of WP 1/16 (Low rate systems) Submitter: 16/FB Subject: Q10/16, Q23/16, Q4/16, Q5/16, Q6/16, Q7/16, Q8/16, Q9/16 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R049 Title: Implementor's guides of Recommendations of WP 1/16 (Low rate systems) Submitter: 16/FB Subject: Q4/16, Q9/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R050 Title: PART II of the report of Working Party 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) - Santiago meeting, 17-28 May 1999 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R051 Title: PART II.A of the report of WP 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) - Santiago meeting, 17-28 May 1999 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R052 Title: Part II.A.2 of the report of Working Party 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) - (Santiago meeting, 17-28 February 1999) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R053 Title: Part II.A.3 of the report of Working Party 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) - (Santiago meeting, 17-18 May 1999) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R054 Title: Part II.B (Implementor's guide) of the report of Working Party 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R055 Title: Part I (General) of the report of Working Party 3/16 (Signal processing) - (Santiago meeting, 17-28 May 1999) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q15/16, Q19/16, Q20/16, Q21/16, Q22/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R056 Title: Part II.A (Determined Recommendations) of the report of Working Party 3/16 (Signal processing) - (Santiago meeting, 17-28 May 1999) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q15/16, Q19/16, Q20/16, Q21/16, Q22/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R057 Title: Part II.B (Implementor's guide) of the report of Working Party 3/16 (Signal processing) - (Santiago meeting, 17-28 May 1999) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q15/16, Q19/16, Q20/16, Q21/16, Q22/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R058 Title: Report of the Geneva meeting - 30 September 1999 - PART I - Multimedia services and systems Submitter: SG 16 Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R059 Title: PART II.B - (Determined texts) of the report of the Geneva meeting, 30 September 1999 - Multimedia services and systems Submitter: SG 16 Subject: QALL Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R060 Title: PART II.B.2 Corrigendum to existing Recommendations of the Report of the Geneva meeting - 30 September 1999 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: QALL Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R061 Title: Report of the Geneva meeting 7-18 February 2000 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R062 Title: Draft new ITU-T Recommendation H.248 Submitter: 16/FB Subject: Q14/16 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R063 Title: Implementor's guide for ITU-T Recommendations - Geneva meeting, 7-18 February 2000 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R064 Title: PART I - General of the report of Working party 1/16 - Low rate systems - Geneva meeting, 7-18 February 2000 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q10/16, Q23/16, Q4/16, Q5/16, Q6/16, Q7/16, Q8/16, Q9/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R065 Title: PART II.A.1 - Determination of Recommendations of the report of Working Party 1/16 - Low rate systems - Geneva meeting, 7-18 February 2000 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q9/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R066 Title: PART I - General of the Report of Working Party 2/16 - Services and high rate sysems - Geneva meeting, 7-18 February 2000 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R067 Title: PART II.A.1 - Determined Recommendations of the F-series of the report of Working Party 2/16 - Services and high rate systems - Geneva meeting, 7-8 February 2000 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R068 Title: PART II.A.2 - Determined Recommendations of the H.200-series of the report of Working Party 2/16 - Services and high rate systems - Geneva meeting, 7-18 February 2000 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R069 Title: PART II.A.3 - Determined Recommendations of the H.300-series of the report of Working Party 2/16 - Services and high rate systems - Geneva meeting, 7-18 February 2000 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R070 Title: PART II.A.4 - Determined Recommendations of the H.400-series of the report of Working Party 2/16 - Services and high rate systems Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q2/16, Q3/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R071 Title: PART I - General of the report of Working Party 3/16 - Signal processing - Geneva meeting, 7-18 February 2000 Submitter: sg 16 Subject: Q14/16, Q19/16, Q20/16, Q21/16, Q22/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R072 Title: PART II.A - Determined Recommendations of the Report of Working Party 3/16 - Signal processing - Geneva meeting, 7-18 February 2000 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q15/16, Q19/16, Q20/16, Q21/16, Q22/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R073 Title: PART II.B - Corrigendum to G.733 of the report of Working Party 3/6 - Signal processing - Geneva meeting, 7-8 February 2000 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q15/16, Q19/16, Q20/16, Q21/16, Q22/16 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R074 Title: Report of the Geneva meeting (15 June 2000) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R075 Title: a venir Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R076 Title: Part II.B.1 - Draft revised ITU-T Recommendations (determined text) of the Report of the Edinburgh meeting (30 June 2000) Submitter: WP 1/16 Subject: Q10/16, Q23/16, Q4/16 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R077 Title: Part II.B.2 - Draft new ITU-T Recommendations (determined) of the report of the Edinburgh meeting (30 June 2000) Submitter: WP 1/16 Subject: Q10/16, Q23/16, Q4/16 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ End of list