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ITU-T Study Group 15 Reports (Study Period 2001-2004)
List of Reports (1997-2000)
[COM15-R1] Report of the first meeting of Study Group 15 - transport networks, systems and equipment
[COM15-R2] Recommendations approved in accordance with the rules of resolution 1 of WTSC-96
[COM15-R3] Report of Study Group 15 - Recommendations to be submitted to the rules of resolution 1 (Section 8) at the next meeting of Study Group 15
[COM15-R4] Report of Working Party 1/15 (Network Access)
[COM15-R5] Report of Working Party 2/15 (Network signal processing) - Part I - General
[COM15-R6] Report of Working Party 3/15 (Multiplexing and switching) - Part I - General and Part II - draft revisions to ITU-T Recommendations
[COM15-R7] Report of Working Party 4/15 (Transmission)
[COM15-R8] Report of the second meeting of Study Group 15 - Transport networks, Systems and equipment (Geneva meeting, 9-20 February 1998)
[COM15-R8C1A1] Addendum and Corrigendum to the Report of the 2nd meeting of SG 15 (Geneva 9-20 Feb. 1998) - Liason response to TSAG on EDH matters; Revised Annex 5 to Report 8 - Determined Recommendations
[COM15-R9] Report of Working Party 1/15, Network access (Geneva meeting, 9-20 February 1998) Part I - General
[COM15-R10] Report of Working Party 1/15: Part II A - Preliminary text of draft Recommendations
[COM15-R11] Compte rendu du groupe de travail 1/15 (Réunion tenue à Genève du 9 au 20 Février 1998) Partie IIB - Projet déterminé de Recommandation G.983 (ex G.PONB)
[COM15-R12] Rapport du Groupe de travail 1/15, accès réseau (Réunion tenue à Genève du 9 au 20 Février 1998) Partie II, Section B2 - Projet de Recommandation G.991.1 (ex.G.HDSL) - Détermination
[COM15-R13] Report of Working Party 2/15, Network signal processing (Geneva meeting, 9-20 February 1998) Part I - General
[COM15-R14] Report of Working Party 2/15, Geneva, 9-20 February 1998: Part IIA - Stable text of draft new/revised ITU-T Recommendations
[COM15-R15] Rapport du Groupe de travail 2/15, Traitement de signaux du réseau (Réunion tenue à Genève du 9 au 20 Février 1998) Partie II A - Appendice et suppléments à soumettre pour décision à la prochaine réunion de la commission d'études 15 Patie II B....
[COM15-R16] Report of Working Party 3/15, Multiplexing and switching Part I section 1 - General, Geneva meeting, 9-20 February 1998
[COM15-R17] Report of Working Party 3/15, Multiplexing and switching (Geneva meeting, 9-20 February 1998) Part I section 2 - Text of draft new and revised Recommendations
[COM15-R18] Report of Working Party 3/15, Multiplexing and switching (Geneva meeting, 9-20 February 1998) Part II A - Draft new and revised Recommendations Part II B - Section 1 - Revised version of Recommendation G.841
[COM15-R19] Rapport du Groupe de Travail 3/15, Multiplexage et commutation (Réunion de Genève, 9 au 20 Février 1998) Partie IIB - Section 2 - Texte destiné à la résolution de révisions de Recommandations
[COM15-R20] Report of the Working Party 4/15 (Transmission) Meeting (Geneva meeting, 9-20 February 1998): Part I - General
[COM15-R21] Report of Working Party 4/15, Transmission (Geneva meeting, 9-20 February 1998) Part II A and Part II B section 1
[COM15-R22] Rapport du Groupe de Travail 4/15, Transmission (Réunion tenue à Genève du 9 au 20 Février 1998) - Partie IIB, section 2 - Adoption de Recommandations nouvelles/révisées
[COM15-R23] Report of the third meeting of Study Group 15 - Transport networks, Systems and Equipment (Geneva meeting, 12-23 October 1998)
[COM15-R24] Report of Working Party 1/15 (Network Access) Part 1 - Section 1- General
[COM15-R25] Report of Working Party 1/15, Network Access (Geneva meeting, 12-23 October 1998) Part I - Section 2 - Access Network Transport (ANT)
[COM15-R26] Report of Working Party 1/15, Network Access (Geneva meeting, 12-23 October 1998) Part II.B - Section 1 - Determined draft new Recommendations
[COM15-R27] Report of Working Party 1/15, Network access (Geneva meeting, 12-23 October 1998) Part II.B - Section 2 - Determined draft new Recommendations
[COM15-R28] Report of WP 2/15, Network Signal Processing, Geneva meeting, 12-23 October 1998 Part I - General
[COM15-R29] Compte rendu du Groupe de travail 2/15 (Traitement de signal dans le réseau)
[COM15-R30] Report of Working Party 3/15, Multiplexing and switching (Geneva meeting, 12-23 October 1998) Part I - General
[COM15-R31] Report of Working Party 3/15, Multiplexing and switching (Geneva meeting 12-23 October 1998) Part II.A - Draft new and revised Recommendations
[COM15-R32] Report of Working Party 3/15, Multiplexing and switching (Geneva meeting, 12-23 October 1998) Part II.B - Section 1 - Determined draft new Recommendation G.781
[COM15-R33] Rapport du Groupe de travail 3/15, Multiplexage et commutation (Réunion de Genève, 13-23 Octobre 1998) Partie II.B - Section 2 - Projets de Recommandations nouvelles/révisées soumis pour approbation a la prochaine réunion de la Commission d'études
[COM15-R34] Implementor's guide synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) G.774 series of Recommendations
[COM15-R35] Report of Working Party 4/15 - Transmission (Geneva meeting, 12-23 October 1998) - Part I - General
[COM15-R36] Report of Working Party 4/15, Transmission (Geneva meeting, 12-23 October 1998) Part IIA - Draft new and revised Recommendations
[COM15-R37] Rapport du Groupe de travail 4/15, Transmission (Réunion de Genève, 12-23 Octobre 1998) Partie II.B - Projets de Recommandations considérés commenouveaux ou révisés
[COM15-R38] Report of the Fourth Meeting of Study Group 15 - Transport Networks, Systems and Equipment (Geneva, 21 June - 2 July 1999)
[COM15-R39] Implementor's Guide for Recommendation G.763
[COM15-R40] Implementor's Guide for Recommendation G.767
[COM15-R41] Implementor's Guide for Recommendation G.776.1
[COM15-R42] Report of Working Party 1/15, Network Access (Geneva, Meeting, 21 June - 2 July 1999) Part I Section 1 - General
[COM15-R43] Report of Working Party 1/15, Network Access (Geneva, Meeting, 21 June - 2 July 1999) Part I Section 2 - ANT - Access Network Transport
[COM15-R44] Rapport du Groupe de travail 1/15, accès au réseau (Rúnion de Genève, 21 Juin - 2 Juillet 1999) Partie IIB - Projet de nouvelle Recommandation G.983.2 soumis à la procédure de détermination
[COM15-R45] Report of Working Party 2/15, Network Signal Processing (Geneva Meeting, 21 June - 2 July 1999) Part I Section 1 - General
[COM15-R46] Report of Working Party 2/15, Network Signal Processing (Geneva meeting, 21 June - 2 July 1999) Part II A - Draft new Recommendations G.768, G.TIGIN, I.733
[COM15-R47] Rapport du Groupe de travail 2/15, Traitement de signaux du réseau (réunion tenue à Genève du 21 Juin au 2 Juillet 1999) Partie II B section - Adoption de la version définitive de la Recommandation G.776.3
[COM15-R48] Report of Working Party 2/15, Network Signal Processing (Geneva meeting, 21 June - 2 July 1999) Part II B Section 2 - Draft determined Recommendation G.168
[COM15-R49] Report of Working Party 3/15, Multiplexing and Switching (Geneva Meeting, 21 June - 2 July 1999) Part I - General
[COM15-R50] Report of Working Party 3/15, Multiplexing and Switching (Geneva Meeting, 21 June - 2 July 1999) Part II A - Draft new and revised Recommendations G.707, G.783, G.798, G.geq
[COM15-R51] Report of Working Party 4/15, Transmission (Geneva meeting, 21 June - 2 July 1999) Part I - General
[COM15-R52] Report of Working Party 4/15, Transmission (Geneva meeting, 21 June - 2 July 1999) Part II A - Draft new and revised Recommendations G.671, G.691, G.871
[COM15-R53] Rapport du Groupe de travail 4/15, Transmission (réunion tenue à Genève du 21 Juin au 2 Juillet 1999) Partie IIB - Projets de Recommandations G.663, G.971, G.977 ayant fait l'objet d'une détermination
[COM15-R54] Report of the fifth meeting of Study Group 15 Transport Networks, Systems and Equipment (Geneva, 3-14 April 2000) General
[COM15-R55] Report of the fifth meeting of Study Group 15 - Transport networks, systems and equipment (Geneva, 3 - 14 April 2000), Implementor's Guide for Recommendation Q.551
[COM15-R56] Report of the fifth meeting of Study Group 15 - Transport networks, systems and equipment (Geneva, 3 - 14 April 2000), Implementor's Guide for Recommendation Q.552
[COM15-R57] Report of the fifth meeting of Study Group 15 - Transport networks, systems and equipment (Geneva, 3 - 14 April 2000), Implementor's Guide for Recommendation Q.553
[COM15-R58] Report of the fifth meeting of Study Group 15 - Transport networks, systems and equipment (Geneva, 3 - 14 April 2000), Implementor's Guide for Recommendation G.712
[COM15-R59] Report of the fifth meeting of Study Group 15 - Transport networks, systems and equipment (Geneva, 3 - 14 April 2000), Implementor's Guide for Recommendation G.763
[COM15-R60] Report of Working Party 1/15, Network Access (Geneva, meeting 3 - 14 April 2000) Part I.1 General
[COM15-R61] Report of Working Party 1/15, Network Access (Geneva meeting, 3-14 April 2000) Part I.2 - Access network transport standardization and work plan
[COM15-R62] Report of Working Party 1/15, Network Access (Geneva meeting, 3-14 April 2000) Part II.B.1 - Draft determined new Recommendation G.991.2
[COM15-R63] Rapport du Groupe de travail 1/15, accès réseau (Réunion tenue à Genève du 3 au 14 Avril 2000) Partie II.B.2 - Projet déterminé de nouvelle Annexe H à la Recommandation G.992.1
[COM15-R64] Report of Working Party 1/15, Network Access (Geneva meeting, 3-14 April 2000) Part II.B.3 - Draft determined revised Recommendations G.994.1 and G.995.1
[COM15-R65] Report of Working Party 1/15, Network Access (Geneva meeting, 3-14 April 2000) Part II.B.4 - Draft determined new/revised Recommendations G.996.1 and G.989.1
[COM15-R66] Report of Working Party 2/15, Network Signal Processing (Geneva, meeting, 3 - 14 April 2000) Part I - General
[COM15-R67] Report of Working Party 2/15, Network Signal Processing (Geneva, meeting, 3 - 14 April 2000) Part II. A - Draft new Recommendations I.733, G.768 and G.799.1/Y.1411
[COM15-R68] Report of Working Party 3/15, Multiplexing and Switching (Geneva, meeting , 3 - 14 April 2000) Part I - General
[COM15-R69] Report of Working Party 3/15, Multiplexing and Switching (Geneva, meeting, 3 - 14 April 2000) Part II.A - Table 7-4 of Recommendation G.841
[COM15-R70] Compte rendu du Groupe d'études 3/15, Multiplexage et Commutation (Réunion tenue à Genève du 3 au 14 Avril 2000) Partie II.B.1 - Projet déterminé de nouvelle Recommandaiton G.705
[COM15-R71] Rapport du Groupe de Travail 3/15, Multiplexage et Comutation (Réunion tenue a Genève du 3 au 14 Avril 2000) Partie II.B.5 - Projet déterminé de Recommandation révisée G.707/Y.1322
[COM15-R72] Report of Working Party 3/15, Multiplexing and Switching (Geneva meeting, 3-14 April 2000) Part II.B.3 - Draft determined new/revised Recommendations G.709 and G.774
[COM15-R73] Report of Working Party 3/15, Multiplexing and Switching (Geneva meeting, 3-14 April 2000) Part II.B.4 - Draft determined revised Recommendations G.774.1, G.774.2, G.774.3 and G.774.4
[COM15-R74] Report of Working Party 3/15, Multiplexing and Switching (Geneva meeting, 3-14 April 2000) Part II.B.5 - Draft determined new/revised Recommendations G.774.5, G.774.6, G.774.7, G.774.8, G.774.9 and G.774.10
[COM15-R75] Rapport du Groupe de travail 3/15, Multiplexage et commutation (Réunion tenue à Genève du 3 au 4 avril 2000) - Partie II.B.6 - Projet déterminé de Recommandation révisée G.783
[COM15-R76] Rapport du Groupe de travail 3/15, Multiplexage et commutation (Réunion à Genève, 3 - 14 avril 2000) Partie II.B.7 - Projet déterminé de Recommandations nouvelle/révisée G.860, I.731 et I.732
[COM15-R77] Compte rendu du Groupe de travail 3/15, Multiplexage at commutation (Réunion tenue à Genève du 3 au 14 avril 2000) Partie II.B.8 - Projet determiné de nouvelle Annexe D à la Recommendation I.732
[COM15-R78] Report of Working Party 4/15, Transmission (Geneva meeting, 3 - 14 April 2000) Part I - General
[COM15-R79] Report of Working Party 4/15, Transmission (Geneva meeting, 3 - 14 April 2000) Part II.A - Draft scope new Recommendation G.DSN
[COM15-R80] Rapport du Groupe de Travail 4/15, Transmission (Réunion de Genève, 3-14 avril 2000) Partie II.B.1 - Projet déterminé de Recommandations révisées G.650, G.652, G.653, G.654, G.655
[COM15-R81] Report of Working Party 4/15, Transmission (Geneva meeting, 3-14 April 2000) Part II.B.2 - Draft determined new/revised Recommendations G.671 and G.959.1
[COM15-R82] Rapport du Groupe de travail 4/15, Transmission (Réunion tenue à Genève du 3 au 14 avril 2000) Partie II.B.3 - Projet déterminé de Recommandations nouvelles/révisées G.691, G.871/Y.1301, G.972, G.975, G.976

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