[ITU] ITU-T list of document series T15-C activity: ITU-T SG 15 doc. type: contribution From: C001 To: C180 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THESE DOCUMENTS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE TO ITU-T MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C001 Title: Question allocated to Study Group 15 - Transport networks systems and equipment Submitter: WTSC-96 Subject: QALL Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C002 Title: Draft new ITU-T Recommendation G.168 (ex G.IEC) Submitter: Rapporteur Subject: Q7/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C003 Title: Text for draft Recommendation G.783 Submitter: Rapporteur Q.17/15 Subject: Q9/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C004 Title: Draft new ITU-T Recommendation G.774.06 : Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) unidirectional performance monitoring for the network element view Submitter: SG 15 Subject: Q14/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C005 Title: Draft new ITU-T Recommendation G.774.08 : Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) management of radio-relay systems network element view Submitter: SG 15 Subject: Q14/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C006 Title: How accurately can one measure a statistical quantity like polarization mode dispersion Submitter: Swiss Telecom PTT Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C007 Title: An alternative method for measuring Mode Field Diameter Submitter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C008 Title: Report of the Q.25/15 Experts meeting, 4-6 November 1996 Submitter: Rapporteur Q.25/15 Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C009 Title: Modification and approval of G.691 Submitter: Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Public Corp. (NTT) Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C010 Title: General purpose data link in G.707 Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q11/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C011 Title: Network need for SDH interfaces below STM-1 Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q11/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C012 Title: Proposal for sub STM-1 interface Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q11/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C013 Title: Distortion Eye Mask Specification Submitter: Northern Telecom Europe Limited Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C014 Title: Proposal on Wait-To-Restore (WTR) signalling in G.841 Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C015 Title: Proposal for future enhancements to G.650: Glass geometry reference test method Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C016 Title: Additional work items on performance parameters for multichannel amplified optical networks Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q16/15, Q20/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C017 Title: Text on option 1 tandem connection monitoring functions for inclusion in the Recommendation G.783 Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C018 Title: Support the inclusion of option 1 tandem connection monitoring functions of Recommendation G.783 as proposed by COM 15-17 (USA) for approval in April 1997 Submitter: AT&T Subject: Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C019 Title: Report of Question 26/15 (previous Study Period) Experts meeting (Kyoto, 7 November 1996) Submitter: Rapporteur Q.26/15 Subject: Q17/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C020 Title: Methodology for unequally spaced channel allocation for G.653 fiber Submitter: Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Public Corp. (NTT) Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C021 Title: Unequally spaced 8-channel allocation for G.653 fiber Submitter: Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Public Corp. (NTT) Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C022 Title: Draft Recommendation G.PONB Submitter: Rapporteur Q.2/15 Subject: Q2/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C023 Title: Subjective tests of speech echo cancellers - Summary of evaluation procedures Submitter: Deutsche Telekom AG Subject: Q7/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C024 Title: Draft Gmcs - Optical interfaces for multichannel systems with optical amplifiers Submitter: Editor Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C025 Title: Structuring the series of equipment recommendations Submitter: Lucent technologies Subject: Q10/15, Q13/15, Q16/15, Q20/15, Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C026 Title: PDH path layer functions (prETS 300 417-5-1) Submitter: Lucent technologies Subject: Q10/15, Q13/15, Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C027 Title: Synchronisation layer functions (prETS 300 417-6-10 Submitter: Lucent technologies Subject: Q10/15, Q13/15, Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C028 Title: OSC frequency specification Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q16/15, Q17/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C029 Title: Draft revised Rec. G.763 - Digital circuit multiplication equipment using ADPCM (Rec. G.726) and digital speech interpolation Submitter: Rapporteur Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C030 Title: Transmission and multiplexing (TM0 - Generic requirements of ATM transport functionality wihin equipment (Draft EN/TM-01016-2-1) Submitter: ASCOM Subject: Q10/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C031 Title: Per channel bit-error-ratio, Q-factor, el. SNR and OSNR relations for single- and multi-channel long-haul systems with optical amplifiers in Draft Recs. G.691, G.692 and G.onp Submitter: ALCATEL Italy Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C032 Title: IncAIS fault cause in TC trail termination sink functions Submitter: Siemens A.G. Subject: Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C033 Title: New non-intrusive monitoring function for equipped and supervisory unequipped VCs Submitter: Siemens A.G. Subject: Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C034 Title: Improved wavelength allocation of optical user and optical supervisory channels in WDM systems for Rec. G.692 and for new draft Recs. G.ONS and B.ONP Submitter: ALCATEL SEL AG Subject: Q11/15, Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C035 Title: Improvement of parameter definitions for revision of Rec. G.671 (ex G.POC) Submitter: ALCATEL SEL AG Subject: Q17/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C036 Title: Draft E of G.983 (ex G.PONB) as a result of the interim meeting in August 1997 and minor editorial changes Submitter: Rapporteur Q.2/15 Subject: Q2/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C037 Title: Novel OTDR methods for photonic networks Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15, Q20/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C038 Title: Hybrid fibre radio system for access networks Submitter: Alcatel Sel AG Subject: Q2/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C039 Title: Proposal to the measure time interval of G.16 KDCME Submitter: Brazil (Federative Republic of) Subject: Q6/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C040 Title: Proposed enhancements to G.780 Submitter: Brazil (Federative Republic of) Subject: Q11/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C041 Title: Proposed enhancements to G.783 Submitter: Brazil (Federative Republic of) Subject: Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C042 Title: Proposal to initiate studies to include a 200 km/55 dB attenuation range for draft Recommendation G.691 and G.692 Submitter: Brazil (Federative Republic of) Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C043 Title: Timing issues related to echo cancellation in ATM networks Submitter: BT Subject: Q8/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C044 Title: Characteristics of opticaly amplified optical fibre submarine cable systems Submitter: France Telecom Subject: Q18/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C045 Title: Report of the Q.17/15 Experts meeting - Toronto, 13 September 1997 Submitter: Rapporteur Q.17/15 Subject: Q17/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C046 Title: Revised draft Recommendations G.661 and G.662 Submitter: Editor Subject: Q17/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C047 Title: Editorial modification of the operating wavelength range definition in G.691 - PART (A) Submitter: NTT Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C048 Title: Proposal of operating wavelength range and power level for G.691 - PART (B) systems on G.653 fibres Submitter: NTT Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C048C01 Title: Proposal of operating wavelength range and power level for G.691 - PART (B) systems on G.653 fibres (Corrigendum) Submitter: NTT Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C049 Title: All optical add-drop multiplexer OADM sub-system specifications for multichannel systems Submitter: France Telecom Subject: Q17/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C050 Title: Answers to questions living list on the optical networking Submitter: France Telecom Subject: Q20/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C051 Title: Response to distortion eye mask specification for draft Recommendation G.691 Submitter: Lucent Technologies Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C052 Title: Nonlinear coefficent measurement results for non-zero dispersion shifted fibres (NZFs, G.655) and dispersion shifted fibres (DSFs, G.653) by using self-phase modulation (SPM) method Submitter: KDD Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15, Q17/15, Q18/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C053 Title: Measurement results of effective area (Aeff) and MFD and their correction factor for non-zero dispersion shifted fibres (NZFs, G.655) and dispersion shifted fibres (DSFs, G.653) by using variables aperture technique Submitter: KDD Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15, Q17/15, Q18/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C054 Title: Operating wavelenght consideration in the new/revised Recommendations for optical networking Submitter: NTT Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15, Q17/15, Q20/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C055 Title: An alternative method for measuring mode field diameter Submitter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C056 Title: G.692 application codes for sixteen-channel WDM systems Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C057 Title: Revised Recommendation G.704 - Draft Submitter: Editor Subject: Q11/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C058 Title: Question 20/15 guiding principles Submitter: Rapporteur Q.20/15 Subject: Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15, Q16/15, Q17/15, Q20/15, Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C059 Title: Editorial changes to be incorporated into draft G.692 (Former G.MCS) - Optical interfaces for multichannel systems with optical amplifiers Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C060 Title: The replacement of RMS jitter production specifications in G.958 with peak to peak values Submitter: Lucent technologies - Netherlands Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C061 Title: The mapping of HDLC framed payloads into SDH virtual containers Submitter: Lucent technologies - Netherlands Subject: Q11/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C062 Title: Unofficial text for draft Recommendation G.841 Submitter: Rapporteur Q9/15 Subject: Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C063 Title: Main differences between optical fibre amplifiers (OFAs) and semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) to be inserted in an appendix to Recommendation G.661 Submitter: Italy Subject: Q17/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C064 Title: PMD parameters for STM-64 systems indicated in section 6.3 of G.650, G.652, G.653, G.654 and G.655 optical fiber recommendations Submitter: Italy Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C065 Title: G.692 Recommendation - Part A, L and V application codes Submitter: Italy Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C066 Title: G.692 Recommendation - Part B, X and W application codes Submitter: Italy Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C067 Title: Reference test method for PMD Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C068 Title: Characteristics of the merging in ATM Submitter: France Telecom Subject: Q10/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C069 Title: Proposal for path forward on G.ONP Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C070 Title: Proposed generic reference point definitions for optical network elements Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C071 Title: H4 byte implementation Submitter: NEC, FUJITSU, HITACHI, OKI Electric Ind. Subject: Q11/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C072 Title: G.168 level measurement inaccuracies Submitter: Tellabs Oy Subject: Q7/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C073 Title: Method for measuring longitudinal material dispersion distribution Submitter: NTT Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C074 Title: Modified clauses for G.OASS draft Submitter: NTT, DD Subject: Q18/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C075 Title: Proposal for definition of the mode field centre and glass geometry test method Submitter: NTT, CLPAJ Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C076 Title: Draft new Recommendation G.776.1 - Managed objects for signal processing network elements Submitter: Rapporteur Subject: Q5/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C077 Title: Recommendation G.774 - Defect reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C078 Title: Recommendation G.774 Corrigendum - Defect reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C079 Title: Recommendation G.774-1 - Defect reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C080 Title: Recommendation G.774-2 - Defect reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C081 Title: Recommendation G.772-2 Corrigendum - Defect reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C082 Title: Recommendation G.774-3 - Defect reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C083 Title: Recommendation G.774-3 Corrigendum - Defect reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C084 Title: Recommendation G.774-4 - Defect reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C085 Title: Recommendation G.774-4 Corrigendum - Defect reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C086 Title: Recommendation G.774-5 - Defect reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C087 Title: Recommendation G.774-5 Corrigendum - Defect reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C088 Title: Draft Recommendation G.774-6 - Defect reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C089 Title: Draft Recommendation G.774-7 - Defect reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C090 Title: Draft Recommendation G.774-8 - Defect reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C091 Title: Draft Recommendation G.774-9 - Defect Reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C092 Title: Draft Recommendation G.774-10 - Defect reports Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C093 Title: Proposed Recommendation G.774/Cor.1 Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C094 Title: Proposed Recommendation G.774-01/Cor.1 Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C095 Title: Proposed Recommendation G.774-02/Cor.1 Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C096 Title: Proposed Recommendation G.774-03/Cor.1 Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C097 Title: Proposed Recommendation G.774-04/Cor.1 Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C098 Title: Proposed Recommendation G.774-05/Cor.1 Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C099 Title: Text of revised Recommendation G.841 Submitter: Rapporteur (S.J. Trowbridge) Subject: Q9/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C100 Title: VC12 path signal labels Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q10/5, Q11/5 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C101 Title: Proposal for additional V5 signal label (SL) codes Submitter: GPT Limited Subject: Q11/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C102 Title: Proposal for definition of the mode field centre and glass geometry test method Submitter: NTT and CLPAJ Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C103 Title: Effect of temperature on loss characteristics of G.653 fibre cables Submitter: NTT Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C104 Title: Modified draft text of a method for measuring chromatic dispersion uniformity based on the backscattering technique Submitter: NTT Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C105 Title: Measurement accuracy of chromatic dispersion by using bidirectional OTDR technique Submitter: NTT Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C106 Title: Questionnaire on cable ships and submersible equipment Submitter: NTT Subject: Q18/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C107 Title: Proposed revisions to Recommendation G.957 Submitter: Rapporteur Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C108 Title: Draft revised text for Q.16/15 Submitter: Rapporteur Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C109 Title: Proposed new Recommendation on ONT/NT management and control interface for G.983 ATM-PON Submitter: Rapporteur Subject: Q2/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C110 Title: Editorial changes to draft Recommendation G.983 for decision in October 1998 Submitter: Rapporteur Subject: Q2/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C111 Title: A consolidated reference test method for PMD Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C112 Title: Proposed revisions in glass geometry test methods Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C113 Title: PMD: statitical specification in IEC SC86A & SC86C Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C114 Title: Fiber applications in long-haul multichannel line systems Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C115 Title: Need for standardizased near-term optical layer protection switching mechanism Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q20/15, Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C116 Title: Near-term recommendation for broadband networek interlayer escalation strategy Submitter: BELLCORE Subject: Q19/13, Q6/13, Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C117 Title: Editorial amendments to revised draft Recommendation G.661 Submitter: Editor Subject: Q17/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C118 Title: Editorial amendments to revised draft Recommendation G.662 Submitter: Editor Subject: Q17/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C119 Title: Draft revused work plan for Q.17/15 Submitter: Rapporteur (H. Okamura) Subject: Q17/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C120 Title: Editorial corrections to Recommendation G.691 Submitter: Editor Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C121 Title: Signal quality monitoring in optical networks Submitter: Ericsson Subject: Q16/15, Q20/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C122 Title: Naming for the optical transport network recommendations Submitter: Siemens A.G. Subject: Q20/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C123 Title: Editorial amendments to draft revised Recommendation G.991.1 Submitter: France Telecom Subject: Q4/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C124 Title: Editotial amendments to draft revised Recommendation G.775 Submitter: France Telecom Subject: Q11/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C125 Title: Considerations on L-1.1 wavelength range in G.957 Submitter: Lucent (NL) Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C126 Title: Terms of reference for optical networking recommendations Submitter: Lucent (NL) Subject: Q16/15, Q20/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C127 Title: Status of work on G.saf Submitter: Editor Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C128 Title: Proposed update to draft Recommendation G.774-10 - Synchronous digital hierachy (SDH) management of the multiplex section (MS) share protection ring (SPR) for the network element view Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q14/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C129 Title: Draft new Recommendation G.781 - Synchronization layer function for approval under Resolution 1 Submitter: Editor Subject: Q9/5 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C130 Title: Proposed changes to draft Recommendation G.663 Submitter: Tele Danmark A/S Subject: Q17/15, Q20/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C131 Title: Draft new Recommendation G.992.1 - Asymmetrical digital subscriber line (ADSL) tranceiver - For approval Submitter: Editor Subject: Q4/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C132 Title: Draft new Rec. G.995.1 - Overview of digital subscriber line (DSL) Recommendations - For approval Submitter: Editor Subject: Q4/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C133 Title: Draft new Rec. G.996.1 - Test procedures for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers - For approval Submitter: Editor Subject: Q4/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C134 Title: Draft new Recommendation G.994.1 - Handshake procedures for digital subscriber line (SDL) transceivers - For approval Submitter: Editor Subject: Q4/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C135 Title: Draft new Recommendation G.997.1 - Physical layer - Management for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers - For approval Submitter: Editor Subject: Q4/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C136 Title: Draft new Recommendation G.992.2 - Splitterless asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) transceivers - For approval Submitter: Editor Subject: Q4/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C137 Title: Draft new Recommendation V.300 - A 128 (144) Kbit/s data circuit-terminating equipment standardized for use on digital point-to-point leased circuits - For approval Submitter: Editor Subject: Q3/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C138 Title: Draft new Rec. G.691 - Optical interfaces for single channel SDH systems with optical amplifiers and STM-64 systems - for approval Submitter: Editor Subject: Q16/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C139 Title: Draft revised Recommendation G.957 - Optical interfaces for equipments and systems relating to the synchronous digital hierarchy - For approval Submitter: Rapporteur Subject: Q16/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C140 Title: Proposal for the frequency allocation of IRDI in the draft Recommendation G.959.1 Submitter: Fujitsu, Nec, Oki, Hitachi Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C141 Title: Proposal of 16 fixed frequencies/wavelengths in a 16-channel VDM system of the metropolitan network for Table 6-1/G.959.1 Submitter: Alcatel Stuttgart Subject: Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C142 Title: The use and limitations of OTDR remote fiber test systems (RFTS) and WDM systems operating in the L-Band region Submitter: Italy Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C143 Title: Double counting of extrema in the sop method of PMD measurement Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C144 Title: Test method for nonlinear coefficient (n2/Aeff) of single mode optical fibres: self-phase modulation measurement technique Submitter: KDD Subject: Q15/15, Q18/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C145 Title: Test method for effective area (Aeff) of single mode optical fibres Submitter: KDD Subject: Q15/15, Q18/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C146 Title: Measurement methods of echo-paths and their characteristics in North America networks Submitter: Nortel (Canada) Subject: Q7/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C147 Title: Use of the CLNP QpS parameter to trigger AITS/UITS selection Submitter: Lucent Technologies, Nederland Subject: Q13/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C148 Title: Proposed deletion of Annex B and Annex C G.784 Submitter: Lucent Technologies, Nederland Subject: Q13/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C149 Title: Test method for measuring chromatic dispersion uniformity based on backscattering technique Submitter: NTT Japan Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C150 Title: PMD and related reference frame definitions Submitter: France Telecom Subject: Q17/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C151 Title: Proposal of definition of optical transport network Submitter: CSELT Subject: Q20/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C152 Title: Proposed revisions of Recommendations G.652 and G.655 Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C153 Title: Measurement method for PMD distribution in optical fibre length using polarization OTDR-technique Submitter: Russian Federation Subject: Q15/15, Q18/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C154 Title: Correction factor of effective area (Aeff) and MFD for G.653 and G.655 fibres Submitter: KDD Subject: Q15/15, Q18/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C155 Title: Revisions proposed for Recommendation G.671 - Version 3.1 Submitter: Editor Subject: Q17/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C156 Title: System related optical fibre parameters of G.652, G.653, G.654 and G.655 fibres Submitter: KDD Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15, Q17/15, Q18/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C157 Title: Test methods for polarisation mode dispersion (PMD) Submitter: KDD Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15, Q17/15, Q18/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C158 Title: ITU-T polarisation mode dispersion (PMD) round robin measurement results Submitter: Y. Namihira, KDD Subject: Q15/15, Q18/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C159 Title: Proposal for a questionnaire on L-Band correspondence group study items Submitter: Y. Namihira, KDD Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15, Q17/15, Q18/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C160 Title: Nonlinear coefficient (n2/Aeff) and nonlinear retractive index n2 for G.653 and G.655 fibres Submitter: KDD Subject: Q15/15, Q18/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C161 Title: Proposal for a new fiber type, optimized for long distance and high bit rate applications Submitter: Alcatel (France) Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C162 Title: Draft revised Recommendation G.168 - Digital network echo cancellers Submitter: Editor Subject: Q7/15 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C163 Title: Proposal for further study on APON standards (G.983.1/G.983.2) Submitter: ALCATEL (Belgique) Subject: Q2/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C164 Title: Editorial comments on ITU-T G.983.2 Submitter: ALCATEL (Belgique) Subject: Q2/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C165 Title: Editorial comments on ITU-T G.712 and Q.55x Submitter: LM Ericsson Subject: Q11/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C166 Title: Proposals for extending LOVC signal label codes Submitter: Marconi (UK) Subject: Q11/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C167 Title: VC-n Xv [n = 11, 12, 2] Virtual concatenation proposed text for G.707 Submitter: Nortel (UK) Subject: Q11/15, Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C168 Title: Information on the progress of updating fibre specifications in IEC SC86A/WG1 Submitter: Plasma (Pays-Bas) Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C169 Title: STM-256 framing and scrambling Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q11/15, Q16/15, Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C170 Title: Revision of Recommendation G.975 forward error correction for submarine systems Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q18/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C171 Title: Proposed revisions of Recommendations G.652 and G.655 Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C172 Title: Proposal of a revised draft Recommendation G.653 Submitter: NTT and CLPAJ (Japan) Subject: Q15/15, Q16/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C173 Title: Inclusion of in-band FEC in Recommendation G.707 Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q11/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C174 Title: Inclusion of STM-256 specifications in Recommendations G.707, G.783 and G.691 Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q11/15, Q16/15, Q9/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C175 Title: Rationale for the extended band fibre proposed in Table 3 of Recommendation G.652 Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C176 Title: Draft CW test method for fibre nonlinear coefficient Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C177 Title: Consolidated reference test method for PMD Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q15/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C178 Title: Path signal label values for data over SONET/SDH Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q11/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T15-C179 Title: Draft revised Recommendation G.707 Submitter: Editor Subject: Q11/15 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ End of list