[ITU] ITU-T list of document series T10-R activity: ITU-T SG 10 doc. type: report From: R001 To: R011 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THESE DOCUMENTS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE TO ITU-T MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T10-R001 Title: Report of the first meeting of the study period, Geneva, 29 April-6 May 1997 Submitter: SG 10 Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T10-R002 Title: Report of the second meeting of the Study Period, Geneva, 24 March-1 April 1998 (Part I : Main report) Submitter: SG 10 Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T10-R003 Title: Report of Study Group 10 meeting (Geneva, 24 March-1 April 1998) (Part II : Draft Recommendations, approved for 'determination'; final approval 1999) Submitter: SG 10 Subject: Q13/10, Q2/10 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T10-R004 Title: Report of the third meeting of the Study Period, Geneva, 4-12 February 1999 (Part I : Main report) Submitter: SG 10 Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T10-R005 Title: Draft Z.100 (11/99) Submitter: Rapporteur Q.6/10 Subject: Q6/10 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T10-R006 Title: Draft Z.105 (11/99) SDL combined with ASN.1 modules Submitter: Rapporteur Subject: Q6/10 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T10-R007 Title: Draft Recommendation Z.107 (11/99) Submitter: Rapporteur Subject: Q6/10 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T10-R008 Title: Draft Recommendation Z.120 (11/99) Submitter: Rapporteur Subject: Q9/10 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T10-R009 Title: Study Group 10 and Joint Rapporteurs' meeting (Henningsvaer, Norway, 9-11 June 1999) : Summary report Submitter: SG 10 Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T10-R010 Title: Report of the third meeting of the Study Period, Geneva, 11-19 November 1999 - PART I - main report Submitter: SG 10 Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ End of list